The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Reason that Trump won't admit that he lost the 2020 Election 10 13 2024

The reason that Trump won't admit that he lost the 2020 election is because him using that lie for four years to obstruct United States Government processes might be considered Treason?

And if we got the right hard a$$ as President him and anyone legally deemed co-conspirators might be rightfully prosecuted, convicted and gone (to jail?)?

I would love to see that hard a$$ come along and make it so.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

In Trumps World 10 13 2024

 "In Trump's world the town floozy gets to rank peoples intelligence."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

About Food Stamps 10 13 2024

 So I read this (New Resistance) post, do they call these mems?

"If you can afford, beer, drugs, cigarettes, manicures, and tattoos, you don't need food stamps or welfare."

And the people who produce and sell beer, drugs and cigarettes will never need food stamps.  So should we be advocating that everyone should sell, beer, drugs and cigarettes because then no one would ever need food stamps or welfare again?

So what is it getting at?  Where is the conscience?  Is the lack of conscience in the profiteer or the addict?

The original post implies the lack of conscience is in the user addict, I would argue the opposite of that is true.

And ask yourself this then.  What creates all the problems in our nation if not "the lack of conscience?"

The "lack of conscience" creates the problems.  LOC for short?  Pronounced el-owe-see.

So look at the logic conclusion here, "If everyone had no conscience then no one would need food stamps."  The devil hates the truth and the devil hates this writing!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps. And when I go in a store that doesn't sell these things I have a greater sense of respect for it.

But I do cook with alcohol.  I bought a Liter bottle of Burbon yesterday for $9 and it will probably last me the rest of my life.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Humor is the Phrase 10 12 2024

 "Shut your kid up now."

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

What book am I reading now? 10 12 2024

 It looks like not too many people have read this book even though it was published in 20218.


By Omarosa Manigault Newman

ISBN 978-1-9821-0970-7

~334 pages

Arm Sales to Foreign Countries 10 12 2024

Arm Sales To Foreign Countries

If the United States Constitution states we are not to have an Army in times of peace I believe what would fall under the responsibility of that law is that we are not to sell artillery, tanks, planes etc to foreign countries.

And think about it, if you and I, proud American Citizens can have no more than a firearm why should be be selling tanks, missile, planes to foreign countries?

Perhaps we should be selling no more to foreign countries than whatever our Constitution. The Second Amendment “interprets” us as individuals to have? All the while we are reducing the meaning of that, you know at the same time we should not be selling greater than that to foreign countries. And in the spirit of the Constitution what we sell to the people of one country the people of another country ought to be able to have too.

And look at who we are selling those tanks, planes, missiles and bombs, I mean literally V2 rockets, Governments that amount to the ideology of one individual! So we are really selling all that, greater than what is interpreted to be a firearm, to foreign individuals. A dictator or fascist leader is an individual. No matter what that for gov has painted itself to be.

Those who want to ban the assault rifle in the United States should first seek to ban greater than that sales of military equipment to foreign countries. If we can't have it why should they.

And here is a concept you don't want to understand. Any country that is not up to the level of our Constitution can not be deemed a friend or ally. I know you hate that. Just like the devil hates the truth.


On nation in particular, it looks like the leader of that nation is bombing people in foreign countries.  Reducing their living conditions to rubble.  And then labeling them subhuman or not peaceful people and using that as a genocide justification.  Again creating bad living conditions and then labeling a person?  You likely don't know who they are and how they do that wherever they go?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Since I am on the topic of violence. I will touch on frustration and violence. Those who are frustrated in life because they can't learn what the rest of us can turning violent?

I think that it should be illegal to sell or give alcohol to someone who is mentally retarded. I mean a felony!

It took a lot of money and time to give that person a semblance of an education. Why allow them to use a recreational drug that will detract from their “education.” An “education” our property taxes paid for?

Alcohol numbs the inhibition and also causes a spike in testosterone. Why would you want to numb the inhibition of someone who is a lot off in the first place? Why would you want someone like that to have a spike in the male aggression hormone testosterone?

It only incites violence. By someone who is never going to find peace in this life. Oh you better believe I am asserting that is true! You better believe it!

What book am I reading now?

Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday Night Song Lyrics Humor 10 11 2024

 "He looks a little bigger than the rest of his class."

"Showing everybody pictures of his mother's ___."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy