The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Airport Name Change

Perhaps if the name of the airport wasn't changed to be referred to as Reagan International Airport from Washington International Airport we wouldn't have had that incident.

See, I'm starting to think like Trump.


But you would think that the military would have the highest protocol so that would have never happened.

And I do start to wonder with all of our technology being used to help fight Russia if our enemies haven't figured out how to jam flight control electronics?  

Per our Constitution we are not to have an army in times of peace.  But it is like we have been spending all taxpayer money done the end of WW2 in preparation for WW3?

And what do people learn in the service?  They learn 1 skill very well?  Perhaps in the hopes that if they leave the service that ability to learn the one skill will umbrella down so they will be gainfully employed employed somewhere earning a living wage?

And alcohol has been legal since the start of WW2.  Sure you can try and purge the military of drugs and alcohol but the problem is you will never get the bad wiring out of that brain.

What am I getting at?  A mentally defective person can learn one skill but only how to do it one way.  And if you attempt to modernize they fail with frustration based mental anguish.

Idk, I could sit and poke this stuff out with one finger from current stream of thought all day.  

What was the cause of that flight crash.  Do I really need the official answer?  As if we don't know where screwups come from?

© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy

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