The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Personal Motivation 01 30 2025

 How many people were personally motivated to become highly successful in life because either their father or mother was a miserable alcoholic?

I think there might be a correlation there.

But also on the low end side too!  How many people could never become anything meaningful in life because their father or mother was a miserable alcoholic?

Which side of that scale is more in terms of people on it?

Which side of that scale is more in terms of the money of each side on it?

If you walked through a foreign land which side would you fear; more?

© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy

OOh ooh.  And if they don't have a valid father or mother to project when successful what role model are they projecting themselves to be once successful?

Is it one of honestly them?  Or is it a composite of conflicting beliefs.  A personal resolve that is held together like a pile of straw sticks?

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