The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Commonly Used Recipe Ingredients 08 14 2022

 And so, for example, I went to have some corn chips and salsa just now.  Looked all over the fridge for the last jar that I bought.  Noticed I had a tomato on the counter while doing so.  

Found the jar of salsa and then said to myself,  "None of them are any good!"

So what if there was a website that listed the commonly used ingredients not in salsa but in all recipes?

It could list them in this fashion

Commonly used ingredients:

Less commonly used ingredients:

But for example with regard to salsa something more plain might be nice.

But what if you could just glance at a list like that to suit your own taste when making something rather than have to take some of the taste guessing out of it?

And I likely make things with ingredients neither commonly or less commonly added.

But it would be a great starting point to have a website like that.

It would be great for barbecue sauce to.  Like, none of those are any good!

And I scraped some white specks of the top of the inside of this jar before I put in my bowl with chips.

But what am I just realizing now?  The whole thing is fermented and tastes like beer ferment.  And there is no mistake about it because there is no beer in my fridge, I don't buy it.

So with salsa you have:

Small chunks of tomato

Some small chunks of onion

Some small chunks of green pepper.

Some spices, likely cayenne, 

Some sugar of some type in there.

Is there a wheat flour type thickener that has been clarified?

Some salt.

Some black pepper or black pepper extract I believe I taste.

Is that parsley or chive flake?

What is in there.

Actually, the fermentation makes it taste better than it was originally.

You know, on second thought I am tossing this in the garbage.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

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