The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, August 12, 2022

The Victims of Racism 08 12 2022

 You can tell who the victims of racism in a country are by which races are declining in population?

How else would you think about it and define it if not like that?

A race is declining in population because it is a victim of racism.

And it might even be occurring because of actions from those who are believed to be members of their own race.

How long before they want to throw the concept out because this is the true meaning of it?

And believe that race needs to be a lot more narrowly defined than it is.  For example by country of origin?  Why?  Because we know that people from certain countries have different diets that they do better with.  Which means that is genetics.  Which means it is a defined race?

A race can therefore be defined by the genetics of a group of people from a certain country?

So let's say that your Celtic whites put their foot down and took on the Roman Empire who believed in crucifixion?  The Celtics would be a race.  Why?  Because it has to do with an agreed belief system within that race and genetic consistency of the race or group of people.

Paragraph "F"    Now how do you factor in the dumbing down of America into all of this?  Do the dumb of a race, are they really part of that race?  One could say that they are indeed genetically different from the mean of the race.

So then one is tempted to ask how someone who is tormented by voices fits into their own race?  I would say that in contrast to those who in the last paragraph can be genetically defined as being lesser than the race; the ones tormented represent the pinnacle of that race.

I will also assert that the issue is not solved unless it is thought of along these lines and meanings.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

And who does a billionaire consider to be a member of their own race?  A billionaire considers other billionaires to be a member of their own race or ruling class, fortunate ones, special group, whatever.  To them they are up and above their own real race?  Because they don't give back to their own race, they give back to other billionaires instead, it can be said that they are not really loyal to their own race and hence were never really a member of it to start with in the first place.  More or less a member of "F" race.

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