The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Fun with Words 10 02 2024

 An abnormal gate, or gate disorder means you are not getting through the gate.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, October 4, 2024

Nationalization of all rental properties 10 04 2024

 Whereby the money is pooled and profits returned to the renters.


1. Properties are not maintained.

2. High rents create economic inequality.  And cause personal debt. Usury!!  Isn't that forbidden by our Constitution?

3. Bad people are being enriched from them and being politically influential, and that needs to stop.

4. Top much construction is going on, terrible for the environment. Too many vacant floors on office buildings.  Amounts to a facade.

5.  Rental properties are terrible places to live IMHO.  Like a tree full of monkeys.

6.  In areas of crammed rental properties the parking on the street is tight and break-ins?

7. I bet that you could find a link to pood academic performance and living in rental properties if you honestly looked hard enough.  Oh boy, I just flushed out a concept, " honest research" versus "contrived research.".  Had to know them to understand.

And instead of military service, we could create a maintenance corps?  Good God can you hear that low life, with a temporary testosterone boost from beer, having a conniption fit?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Expelled 10 04 2024

 It has a really interesting construct to it.

As if, your name will not be spelled around here any more!

When it comes time to take attendance, your name will not be spelled on the list to check off because it is ex- spelled or not spelled anymore?

Where was your name is now crossed out with an X!

As if there is nothing unique about you that you deserve a proper name!

As if you do not even have the credibility as a human being to be given a name!  Just put an X where it was and get it out of here!  Neither I nor any of the students want to think of that person anymore, there name is X spelled around here!

How does that person spell their own name?  They couldn't even learn how to do that!  All they could muster after 7 years of school is an X where their name is required to be written by them.

As in, "What is that persons name?"

"All they have for the spelling of their name is an X???"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Political Humor 10 04 2024

 "What are the odds that a child who gets expelled and then (later in life) becomes President; is going to get impeached?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Popcorn for the Baseball Game 10 02 2024

With all those pop fly's those pitches we are hitting are coming in high?

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Philosophy 10 02 2024

 "The belief that you are something better than you are; in the hopes that you will be."

And I am not talking about how you see yourself in the world, but rather how you see other people.  But it also would seem to apply to yourself. 

So perhaps it should have been phrased this way, "The belief that someone else is better than they are; in the hopes that they will eventually be?" 

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Odd Humor or Song Lyric? 10 02 2024

 "The egg is cracked; but not peeled."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Television Humor 10 02 2024

"Why wasn't that woman on her talk show again today?"

"She was at the tattoo parlor again."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I didn't know that these existed. Never used one. 10 01 2024

 washer and dryer in one machine - Search (

Thomas Murphy

I Really Like This Stuff 10 01 2024

 Just discovered it for the first time in my life.  Roast Beef in a can!

I had to have tried it b4 but remember it being awful.  This stuff is good!  Appeals to the meat eater in me.  Appeals to the idea of making a quick meal.

Gee, I'm already to marry the cat lady?

It's not pet food.  Bought it at a discount hardware store.

If we are in for hard times I am ready for hard times if they still make and sell it during hard times.

And compare what I got here to those children's cereals you as an adult eat for breakfast.  How childish of you.  You shameful one.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Philosophy 10 01 2024

 "Someone that speaks in untruths thinks in assumptions."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor Is The Phrase 10 01 2024

 Humor is the phrase:

"Honeymoon Bonbon"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

What is wrong with Christianity? 01 01 2024

 Right off the bat Jesus Christ has you sold on the idea of a Kingdom as a form of Government.

And granted he states that his Kingdom is not of this earth.

But, it is still a Kingdom, right?  Could he have used other terms to describe it?  My meritocracy is not of this earth?

Greece did have a meritocracy so that term would have been around?

So what is wrong with the idea of a Kingdom, in any sense of the word?  It is subjective.  It is controlled by the will of one person.  It is passed down in the family bloodline.  And in that family bloodline you might have mean freaks?

So the point stay's.  Right off the bat Jesus sold you on the idea of a Kingdom.

As if when you die your good soul has no place anywhere, unless it is judged by a King/God?


Off topic, if queens rule from time to time in a Kingdom are not they really Queendomes? So that God King that rules you in the afterlife could really be a Queen?

Off topic.  So if you looked at the history of a country and found out that queens ruled that Kingdom more than Kings then it really wasn't a Kingdom it was a Queendom.

Off topic.  I do think Kamala has a better head on her shoulders that Donald Trump.  Page 94 of a new book tells how he walked around with a baseball and threw it at his brothers and sisters as hard as he could.  How he was mean to his mother.

How he was indeed, in no uncertain language, expelled from grade school.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy