The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, April 24, 2021

A Master of men versus a master of business 04 24 2021 Draft Article

 A Master of men versus a master of business 04 24 2021  Draft Article

Some people believe that being successful in business is being a master of men?

Or better yet how much United States capital has been squandered because the prevailing viewpoint of management is that in order to be successful in business really means being a master of men?

There is only so much they can eke out of men?  The ideas and skills they never possessed but should have in order to be in the high paying jobs...that ends up sinking business after business?

Being a master of men so that men are motivated to improve your business for you?  When in reality you are a genetically defective person?

Those who truly had the ideas should have risen to the top in a free democracy but that didn't happen.  

Draft article.....

I mean you could create a master of men out of the lowliest genetic freak that there is.  And tell me how, once greatly empowered, that 'person' isn't going to have general animosity towards the normal human race?  It is part of the thinking of being a "master of men" isn't it!  It is like algebra.

Does he really love his wife or does he like queerly being a master of men all day?  Is the reason he really likes to spend so much time at work it because to him it is like spending time as a queer master of men?  If you asked an alcohol poisoned spine like that to do a work requiring the use of their hands and body could they even do that?  A right of passage to manhood is missing?  Or better yet, what does it mean when someone because so successful that they no longer possess the skills that could be considered a right of passage to manhood?  Does it really mean that they didn't like being a man all along?  They really liked being a queer master of men?  They greatly resented being a man?  Couldn't wait until they no longer had to do the things in life that men do?  Couldn't wait until they could spend all day as a drunk and pay to have someone else raise their children for them?

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

I will also assert that the false idealism of being a master of men as a matter of success fostered and promoted rampant homosexuality.

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