The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Gyro Hash and Speed Step French Toast 5 26 2024

Two of the best recipes you will read today.

Gyro Hash:

So I was going to lightly cook some bacon to go with the French Toast.  But then I thought I had leftover gyro meat in the fridge!  So I got those fine German Steel Kitchen scissors out and started cutting up the meat.  Then, I looked at the pita bread from the gyro and thought, shame to waste that.  Then it occurred to me!  You fool! Cut that pita bread up with the gyro meat and stir fry it in the pan crusted from making the French Toast.   Why didn't I think of it before!  It is the consistency of hash!

So that is how you make it.  Add a little avacado oil to the frying pan and stir fry it on med to med high heat.  Then when it is cooked hot throw in the cucumber sauce you have leftover and stir that and serve!

Excellent meat addition to a breakfast.

Speed Step French Toast:

Get a flat bottomed bowl out.  Pour Oat Milk in that bowl, to 1/2"  then add a pinch of pie spice (Penzys).   Get the frying pan to med to med high. Spray coat the frying pan with Field Day coconut spray and have the avocado oil and butter on hand. 

I know what you are thinking?  It doesn't have the required egg.  There is a cultured ingredient in the oat milk that I have a strong guess is cultured in egg?

Dip your good white bread in the two part mix and into the frying pan.  French toast and pancakes can be tricking to flip.  The way you get around that is when it gets near time to flipping them you add a little more oil or butter to the pan and pry them up a little.  Then tilt the pan so that oil flows under your French Toast piece.  Let it cook like that a little and then it will flip easier.  It will also have a crisp flavor you won't believe.  Probably the best French Toast and a lot simpler and quicker to make.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps. Now if I get time I am going to tell you how I made those candy bars in an article I published not long ago!  And they were indeed excellent

Gyro Hash

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