The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, May 17, 2024

Pre MMA or Boxing Fight Stare Down Humor 05 17 2024

 That pre fight stare down the boxers or mma fighters give each other is the same look the clerk at the fast food restaurant gives you?


I could have just left it at that.  But...

Are they looking for inequality or weakness in diversity?

Unrealistic expectations have been set for a lot of people in America?  Perhaps if we lower those expectations by not monetarily valuing structured violence it will be a much better country; more consistent as what it was founded to be?

There are a lot of elements in our Democracy that work against its longevity.  I don't hear anyone else mentioning them.  Taboo, end of your career if you were on television and did so!  All about who will pay you for commercials?  Doesn't matter the source of the money because all sources of money have been equalized?  And right there, there is opportunity?  Should the member of a crime families money have the same buying power as honest citizen?  I say no.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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