The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Mega Church 5 25 2024

 A Priest that has a billion dollars is not a true follower or preacher of Christ.

For Christ said that if you want to follow him you must give up all your workday possessions.

Christ also equivocated the rich as being Satan.

You are free to practice religion but what should be done when you claim to buy clearly are not?  When you are making a false conveyance in contraction to an amendment to our supreme law?

Does or can it be legally construed to amount to treason?  Defrauding the United States Government?

© 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Post Script: I also wonder if somebody that owns an island where minors were raped wrote the cost of it off as an expense and a blind eye was turned to it. 

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