The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Speed Bumps ought to be Illegal 5 29 2024

I would assert that they can weaken tie rod ends.

I broken end can lead to loss of control.

Ever see a car on the side of the highway with one wheel turned inward?

Sometimes the shop will heat them up with a torch when doing an alignment.  The metal fatigue from that as well as speed bumps could lead to failure I assert.

I am surprised the NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration hasn't gotten all over this.

They are there to prevent speeding in pedestrian areas?  But what is the point if the could lead to unexpected failure?

The problem is really that speeding tickets don't discourage some people?  

Now stand back and look at the standard.  When what discourages good law abiding citizens has no effect on some people?  Scoff at that because you feel subjected to inequality?  You should abide by the rules because you are grateful to be here and want to be one of us.


Can goose egg tires and other suspension steering parts??!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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