The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Simple Chocolate Candy Bar Design 5 21 2024

 What would be good, would be a fresh graham cracker.  Perhaps they are 1.5" x3".  

On top of that some Carmel layer.  Fresh, and not runny or too sweet.

Then the whole thing coated in a fine chocolate.  Not a too rich dark chocolate.

Then one could say substitutes for the graham cracker could be made.

I mean what if I were to say to you that graham cracker could instead be an oat flour cracker or a barley flour cracker.  Or what if that cracker were made from either oats or barley that was puffed?

I just don't like what I see on the shelves.

But this sounds good to me.

But not too much work for the initial prototype.

Obviously the cracker and chocolate could be stock.  But the caramel should or could be the only ingredient needed to be pre prepared.

What do you say?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Post scrip.  Oh boy we're these good!

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