The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

If we are all children of God 05 07 2024

 And some of us are male and some of us are female.  It means that the males are sons of God and the Females daughters of God.

Which means Jesus Christ wasn't the only son of God.

Who do we believe was the Father of Jesus Christ?

Who did Jesus Christ say was his father?  Did all his life he assert that he was immaculately conceived?  Meaning he had no biological father?

Could I dare to ask the question if his mother was an asexual reproducing hermaphrodite?

What does the Bible tell us about Jesus Christ?  That he as an alcoholic!  That in times of trouble he drank too much!  Is that a true son of God?  No.

Every once in a while you will hear a Christian Preacher say that the Jews are the true children of God and that only salvation comes from the Jews.  And they are quoting the Bible.

But that would indeed negate Christianity as you speak it, because Jesus is considered the only son of God!  Remember?  The human race gave him all our pain and suffering.  God gave us his only child.  So that we could bully him, persecute him, torture him and that he die for our sins.  That right there is the words of a Devil!

I also heard a Catholic Priest state that the Jews are our ancient ancestors.  If we are all children of God then I am as much a son of God as you are.  

Say you are a son of God and you have just met the diagnostic criteria of having a serious mental illness.

Ask yourself, who wrote all of this?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

I think a lot of people don't meet the common sense criteria to be considered a child of God.

The Bible tells us that man is created in the image of God.  It means you look like one?  But we all don't look the same?  Some of us are ugly?  And not just outright ugly, ugly in the things we do and the things we think.  So I have heard it said that the image of God....scratch that start of an idea.  Is an abnormal brain and abnormal mind created in the image of God? ...  Just applying logic to it, you know logic?  Like when its cold outside you where a jacket?   Heck no, an abnormal brain and mind is not created in the image of God.

And this is Gods Country! 

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