The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, May 24, 2024

The Retail Shopping Experience 05 24 2024

 And this is indeed about national productivity and gdp.

When you come out of a retail store or restaurant you should not feel impeded or distracted in any way.

You should feel happy to go to the next place and get all of your errands done for the day.

But most of the time it is like, what was wrong with that person?  Why do they feel they need to be obnoxious as part of their job?  Are they really in some way taking more than the price I paid for their goods in United States Dollars from me?

So they grew up in depravity?  Not happy with even working at that level of job because they resent the freedom of democracy?

And perhaps they have the delusion that they are as good or better than a professional athlete?  Perhaps they go home at night and drink the beer advertised by the sporting event in order to reinforce the idea while at the same time reinforcing their negativity in life?

And then there is the Sheeba or King type persona who looks at you like you should be doing their work instead of them?

And when you look at some of the people who are in management and owners of business do you sometimes come to the conclusion that business is for those who don't want to or can't do their own work?  So you have a layered hierarchy of nothing there.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And how does this person dress?  How have they disfigured themselves? Why have they disfigured themselves?  Who condoned this?  Who condoned it at the national level?

And I don't like to hear someone say, the more things change the more they stay the same.  That is like a crutch?  Or a projection of self pity.  Or one of those blunt things the body benching 6 pack welding woman spouts out?

So I am getting at a personality type.  That doesn't want to be educated because they won't like how they compare to other people if they are?  Too much work?  Oh here we go.  The lifetime looser who didn't want to listen and learn in school........

because it was too much work.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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