The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Folding Knife Design 6 25 2024

 In theory you could make a folding knife that has both a liner lock and back press on tab lock.  They could also interact with each other to make the blade virtually foolproof from dangerous "jack-knifing" closing of blade under high pressure.

I could give a diagram but I am pressed for time today.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Fear of Democracies (The Fouling Mouth) 06 25 2024

To fear Democratic principles and idealisms because you know that in a perfect world someone like yourself wont be wanted to be around.

I think we see this twitching nervous fear in Church leadership.  I think we also see it subliminally propagandized by the Republican Party.  I think we also see this "tick" in the leadership of China, Russia and North Korea.

So if they don't like Democracies what will they have us be?  They would have us worship long ago dead Emperors and Kings that raped their ancestral mothers?


Do I  believe this?  Yes.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  And what about China owning United States land?  And perhaps establishing giant marijuana plantations on it?

We used to be able to create "Acts" in this country to prevent things like that from happening.  But I don't believe we have the leadership that has the true moral resolve to stop something like that before our nation is history.

But the way that you tackle it is to say that their money is not as good as ours.  You could indeed create a system of criteria that values the money of a foreign nation in terms of how it can be converted to your countries.  The primary consideration being freedom.  How is labor treated?  And I can hear the blue collar American who has work until you retire and then die on their mind waging an objection to the idea already.  In other words they identify with the labor of a foreign country more on a one to one basis?  It is a different mentality.  Some Irish would not fight for freedom of Ireland from Great Britain because Great Britain gave them jobs.  And most of Ireland ended up starving to death because of those, what is a word for them? (Is it true in terms of timeline of events?)_ Dumb luck chumps?

So what is the male population of that comprised of?  Those who want to level everyone else down to the beer chugging fouling mouth intelligence of their big momma?

Now there is a great phrase; "The fouling mouth!"  I like it so much I am subtitling this article with it.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor, what was that Basketball coach who advocated having a Fouling Mouth on the team?  They lost pretty quickly didn't they.

Monday, June 24, 2024

I don't like the slag splatter 6 24 2024

 This bears an American label brand.

Who got in our business here and lessened the quality?

Paid us little, lessened the quality, and had foreign nation people they could beat make it.


Off topic.  How did WW2 pull us out of a depression?  By spending money to make single use purpose event products?  Just think about it?  A lot of blown money down the sink hole gets us out of a depression?

Only by declaration that it made money?  Print the money, spend it to high margin businesses, and that is making money?  Or is it a giveaway?  A give away is what makes money?

Had there not been a war the purse strings would have remained tight lipped closed?  Had the rich not been greased with 21st amendment...

© 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Abbreviations 06 24 2024

So inches are abbreviated with "

And feet are abbreviated with '

That takes very little space to abbreviated and is even present on the keyboard.

But mm is abbreviated mm.

Don't get it?  See photo.  Takes a lot of space.  So the metric system didn't think of everything.  No allocated/dedicated keyboard key like " or '.

Impractical not to think of everything.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Humor 6 24 2024

"Awhile back I bought a metal canister shop vac, believing that if it ever stopped working at least it would make a nice waste basket.  Well, now I have a nice waste basket."

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Humor 6 23 2024

 "If there are sixty potato chips in a can of potato chips it means each potato chip costs about two cents."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

How Many Mafia got exemptions from serving in War?

I wonder.

If the Dr. didn't give them an exemption did they threaten to put his head in a vise?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

A Secret Economy 6 23 2024

 So with regard to gov agencies that keep secrets; can it be said they also are of a secret economy?

The reason for transparency being, they might be paid for doing less than nothing?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Is It Fair 06 23 2024

 Is it fair to say that organized crime wages a civil war on humanity and democracies every day?

To legalize "everything" posits the view that there are no victims from deemed criminal activities?

Because in the criminals viewpoint in one of their victims had potential?  Whether their lives were ruined with prostitution or drugs.

Hence the criminal is a self appointed judge;  projectning  their own dim view of themselves into their victims?  Hence a never before defined aspect of a criminals personality?

They think in terms of, "I get to say who comes out to California and becomes successful and who ends up homeless in Seattle.". Never met a mean person like that?  They might not even believe themselves to be mean.  They might view themselves as the ultimate person that can find worth in other people.

"After all, who better to judge other people than someone that doesn't have a soul?" Faulted ideas and logic abound?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Humor 06 22 2024

 "And why does an energy drink make a good daily cough expectorant?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

What percent of cars in America are made here? 06 22 2024

Can't find good search results.  But it seems like not a lot.

what percent of cars in america are made here - Search (

Thomas Murphy

Trump, the master of deception 06 22 2024

You are not allowed to transition the people not liking you, in your election failure, being due to voter fraud.

Most of us learn to see through this type of bad behavior early in life?

We have played with sore losers.  Beat that runted kid in a game of checkers and he throws the board and pieces all over the room?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

What to say at meal time? 06 22 2024

 Ever sit at a family gathering and no one wants to say grace?  Because it is kind of expressionless or perhaps insincere?

Blessing the Meal 06 22 2024

“Bless us O'Lord for these gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ the Lord, Amen.”

I don't know??? I never liked it. Finally put some critical thought to it. Change one word in that blessing and you clarify what it means? And a lot of the Christian dogma is like that?

Change one word, “Bless us O'Lord for these gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, of Christ the Lord, Amen.”

Bounty is the key word in this? The connotation is always you got paid to bring a criminal back to justice? And the disciples did indeed get paid for doing so. And there is a whole bend in religion that goes this same way. The scapegoat idea. A false premise that man is imperfect and hence someone else needs to die for their crimes or sins? Man is helpless on earth? Man would be nothing if he had not been able to give all his suffering to Jesus Christ? News flash, people that are that way, are of that self projecting pity and criminalized mind belief, they will always be that way. No matter who is killed in their name! Wow! Whose name was Jesus Christ killed in? He was killed in the name of people who need a scapegoat in life? He was killed in the name of Satan!

So perhaps these this prayer at meal time is better? Or a least it doesn't have any conflict in it?

“Bless us O'lord for this meal, made possible by the fight against the tyranny of the Judaea Roman Empire, by the martyred Jesus Christ.

Bless us O'lord for this meal, made possible by the heroic Americans who revolted against the British Empire.


The gestalt of the above is more like two beacons of freedom? And I am not saying that Jesus was perfect either. Driving demons out of people and the Bible tells us that he knew the Demons? The Judeaen's admitting that he wasn't misrepresenting them.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

PS.  Let's be G@d D@mned true about it!  If you live in North Korea you better bless Kim for your meal or you will get even less of a crumb?  If you live in Russia and you fail to bless Putin or challenge him in an ostensibly fair election you will experience side effects and death from an experimental poison?

Friday, June 21, 2024

Propagandizing the Unsafe Handling and Usage of Firearms in Television and the Movies 06 21 2024

 So perhaps the Baldwin case brings insight into another issue?

The other night I watched a movie.  In it members of law enforcement went to the weapons locker and got AR-15's in order to take on some bank robbers.  I don't need to mention the part where law enforcement fired those weapons in an area with 50 cars with people in them. That isn't the main point.  The main point needed to be addressed a long time before it ever got to that point.

When those law enforcement officers got those guns they did not keep the muzzles of them pointed in a safe direction at all times!

Now I know what you are saying, "Big deal!"  Sad that you say that, because it means you are not of the level of responsibility.

So two things here.

1.  I have to wonder if an actor ever just flat out said, "That is not the way a gun is to be handled!  I am not doing the scene that way!"  And perhaps a directors response was, "That is the way the scene will be portrayed or you will not get paid?"

2.  Could Directors or producers of such movies be liable if they falsely propagandized the unsafe handling of firearms by law enforcement?

3.  Yes perhaps a third point.  Has propagandizing the unsafe handling and usage of firearms in the Movies caused irresponsible people to seek a career in any division of law enforcement?  Whereby the risk of law enforcement becoming populated by such becomes a risk?

4. We all have watched drama movies whereby someone is stereotyped as being mentally ill.  Then the commercials during that movie are for mentally ill drugs?  The question becomes is there an intent to propagandize the unsafe handling of firearms by law enforcement in order to lessen the value of our Second Amendment and therefore freedom?  Very subtle?

Now perhaps I will go to issue 3.  Someone see's a law enforcement character in the movies handling a firearm unsafely and they identify with that person?  To them, that is all there is to it, being that there is nothing to is?  Oh boy!  Wow!  Didn't I just flush something out!  People who believe in general, "That is all there is to it, being that there is nothing to it!"  Don't you just love them?  You could make a whole series of comedy shows or crime shows based on that principle, people like that getting in real big trouble, because they believed, "That is all there is to it, being that there is nothing to it."

I have just seen way too many televisions shows and movies whereby law enforcement handles firearms unsafely.  Oh and you don't like critical thinkers do you?  Think about that sentence?  How many people who don't like critical thinkers and critical thinking would not be able to safely handle a firearm?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  I can hear that already.  "Nobody wants to watch a movie whereby law enforcement safely handles firearm's.  That is too hard of a movie to make.  There is no money in  making movies or shows like that!  Get out of here Tom, you are not one of us."

About Pro Life 06 21 2024

 So what is at issue there?  Republicans being Pro Life?

Lobbying in every way that women be forced to keep pregnancies of rape, incest, where the pregnancy could kill the mother and in cases of FAS?

Perhaps that Pro Life stance has this message in it:  If you were not of that all encompassing point of view regarding pregnancy then in effect it is a way of saying to a woman, "Your best isn't good enough?"

That is the best that she could do in life and it isn't good enough?  And that would carry a heavy weight of depression, low self esteem and self hating with it?  That message?  Your best isn't good enough?

Well all well and good.

But what is the flipside?  The flipside are those same people playing the harp every day and saying that people like me aren't good enough?  That whatever my best is, it isn't good enough?

I mean sure you can say that whatever comes out of her is good enough.  But then don't ever imply in any way that people like me are not good enough.  That our work is somehow flawed?  When in reality...

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, June 20, 2024

A Daycare System 6 20 2024

A Daycare System where the parents pay so that by the end of the day the children have no energy left in them and therefore the parents don't have to spend much time with them.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

An Irish Built This Day 6 19 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Murphy

Civil War Dates

Jan 1 1863, ~19 months into the bloody civil War Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, Emancipation Proclamation.

January 31st 1865 13th Amendment passed, ratified on Dec 6th 1865.

April 15th 1865 Lincoln Assassinated.

June 19th 1865 Union Army frees slaves in TX.

Civil War start/end April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865.

So the Confederacy was forcing blacks to fight for them.  And hence the Union would have been killing those in War it set to free.  

Great strategy, Emancipation Proclamation.  It probably made the South more desperate to win?

The 13th Amendment almost didn't get ratified.  They thought if they killed one man, Lincoln, the Confederacy wins and slavery stays.  As if only 1 person didn't believe in slavery?

There were only 36 States at the time and 27 approved it.  What 9 ~initially didn't?

Oregon, California, Florida, Iowa, New Jersey, Delaware, Kentucky, and Mississippi, ~Texas.

When it comes to the 13th I believe transgressions against this supreme law are deserving of the legal death penalty.  And that the scope of it should be applied to all forms of human trafficking.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Commentary 6 19 2024

 "Basically, if you hate Abraham Lincoln you hate all of us."

© 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Lemon Pepper Chicken & Homemade Fries 6 17 2024


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Religion 06 17 2024

 Some of Jesus comments about leading people astray.

He that believe in me shall never perish.

But it was God the Father who was speaking through Jesus!

Perhaps Jesus faced the cross because he might have in some way lead people astray from the course God the Father was telling him? 

The last supper?  Why was it really the last?  Because Jesus stated that if you drank the wine it was symbolic of is blood?  And some form of immortality?  Could he have right there and then led people astray from the true word of God the Father speaking through him?

That is a whole different perspective to think about.  And perhaps even more importantly if you are a religious figure and are not speaking the true word of God but rather something else?  Perhaps you face the true retribution from God above!

The true word of God isn't going to have elements of being "contrived" in it?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  And perhaps the Judeo Romans knew that they would face less public outcry for killing him if they could somehow cajole/influence Jesus Christ into saying he was God?  It need not matter to them that the Roman Emperors considered themselves to be Gods, in a structure of Religious State.

Jesus response was, "It was you who said that."

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Mixed Nut Car Company

 There are some nice cars on the road, but it is like they ran out of good names to call them?  The car would be better if it had a better name?  Having said that I bring you:

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Trump and Ukraine Funding 6 16 2024

 Trump seems to be pro Russian.  How many Americans have faith in the validity of Russian election results?  To me it is a hierarchy of violence.  A "Democracy Imposter."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Food For Thought 6 16 2024


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Polling Type Data 06 16 2024

I think some of these mention of polling numbers or survey data is more or less "Suspect" with the hidden intent of allowing fraudulent political ideas to be propagandized?

Are people really that fickle that one person says one thing and it dramatically changes their political party?  I think that the political party you follow is based on the general way they have acted and the things that they believe in.

Mention polling numbers and then try and have the public attribute the data to something you want them to attribute it to?  That is propaganda.  And it is ugly!

So which side benefits from the distraction?  Not the good side.

Kind of like how drugs that went through rigorous safety and animal lab testing are then recalled or forced to put stronger wording on the labels?  Because they are unsafe and kill people?

Those polling numbers make it seem like we are not really people based on sound principles.  We are fickle like the high school slut?  Or why don't you have the public consider themselves and the importance of our Democracy as more or less fickle horses in a race?  Elections are just a horse race?  Look who is ahead today!  Oh how their strong words or stance influenced the people.  

Terrible comment:  Do some women vote based on which candidate they would more like to be in the back seat of a car with?  And what political party has done their absolute best to garner those votes?  "He had sex with a sex worker.  Maybe he wouldn't find me so ugly.  He also believes gals like me should have babies (regardless of any personal circumstances.)"

You get to be an adult you get a pretty good idea what the core of a person is.

The news anchor stated, "Find a poll that says so and so is ahead, then I can make this highly controversial and irrelevant point?  Oh and my ratings will go up!  And I will sell more medication for mental illness via television commercials!"  If that isn't a nuance of a devils religion, I don't know what is.

"Oh convicted of 34 felonies?  Welcome to Milwaukee!  Welcome.  (As the Church sign says) All are welcome here."  :)

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, June 15, 2024

A Teacher that Panders to the Worst Behaved Student 06 15 2024

 A teacher that panders to the worst behaved students because their parents have the most money.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Metric System is Like a Windmill?

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Archetype 06 15 2024

 People who complain about life.  But they are unable to do so in a written manner of expression because they have nothing rational to say?

However what would make them happy in life is if they could somehow be able to define you as being a subject?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Organized Crime Is 6 13 2024

 Organized Crime is a hierarchy of violence.

A drug lord domain is a hierarchy of violence.

Where prostitution is going on there is a hierarchy of violence.

What is Russia to me?  Where a leader has people tortured and killed?  A hierarchy of violence.

North Korea a hierarchy of violence.

So Jesus Christ healed people by casting the demons out of them.  The Bible tells us he knew them.  That means they are people.  What do such demons amount to?  Antagonizers in a hierarchy of violence?

When people like George Bush advocate torture while at the same time restricting free speech are they not attempting to create and foster a hierarchy of violence?

Slavery was a hierarchy of violence.

Does not alcohol foster a hierarchy of violence rather than promote a holy Idealism?

And the Catholic Church will tell you the Devil was defeated?  I ask you this who would crucify someone? You would have to be inhuman to do that.

What type of person asks themselves, "Where can I fit in, in a hierarchy of violence?"

Written in as good as stone that we are not to o have an army in times of peace.

Televised eye gouge fighting matches?  Degrade our nation to a hierarchy of violence?

As if the Republican Party is attempting to  superimpose NY gangster rules on our nation?  Everybody be as happy as the tin man while a man convicted of 34 felonies is nominated by them to be President?

 © 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Philosophical Question 06 13 2024

 "Are video games a virtual dollhouse?"

A good parent see's their son still playing with the GI Joe doll perhaps in the 6th grade and they put a stop to it.

But if presume video games are a virtual dollhouse?  Perhaps like the setting of army character dolls is..

Do you follow my logic here?

Perhaps we have ratings on things that you can only do as an adult at age 21?

But Republicans are in favor of all babies being born ir-regardless who their fathers are, if they have fathers, if they have brain abnormalities etc etc...

So if there are things that you can only do as an adult...perhaps there are things that you should no longer be allowed to do as an adult?

You see a grown man at the playground.  He is there alone.  And he is swinging on the swing.  You overhear his voice and notice that he talks in long vowels...

So if there is an absent in the idea of a two parent life model in the Republicans plan for America perhaps there needs to be an element of it?

Like if you are in the 6th Grade you are no longer allowed to play in a virtual dollhouse in the United States?

Has there been violent conflict whereby the will of someone like that is at odds with reality?  I would assert that as being true.

Perhaps the person in the virtual dollhouse somehow believes those rules of them controlling that domain apply in the real world too?

I don't like to write this stuff.  But perhaps something compels me to make a point that isn't being made?


Now lets get a little straying from topic.  Who is it among that would like to seek to limit our mobility because it interferes with or is in conflict with their false sense of ownership of domain?

Perhaps this is an example.  A drug lord controlling a neighborhood?  People afraid to go for a walk?  People afraid of their own freedom?  Now what if you were to quantify that that is all those people can ever be?  That is all those people will ever be?  That is all those people want to be?  To view themselves in a hierarchy based on violence and control and domain?  It is sickening, isn't it.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Didn't Joe Biden maintain that his son did nothing wrong? 06 13 2024

 How can Joe say (and believe?) that and then not pardon his son?

And legally what does it mean that Joe contended his son did nothing wrong and then his son was convicted?  Did Joe bear false witness?  Did Joe misrepresent a material fact?  If this line of questioning holds up the next question would be: At what time did Joe know the truth in relation to him contending his son did nothing wrong?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

I could have got some things done 06 13 2024

 If they hadn't said it was first going to rain at 3pm and then not at 3pm but at 6pm.  And it is quarter to 7 and it still hasn't.

They need to put a disclaimer on the weather segments of the news, do not rely on a weatherman to plan your day.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Biden on Gun Control 06 13 2024

At a time when a man convicted of 34 felonies could likely be our next President of the United States Joe Biden wants more gun control?

Think about it Joe.

That same 'tick' that causes you to stutter won't let you see it any other way.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And Milwaukee should be honored that Republican Convention comes here 06 13 2024

 Milwaukee should be honored that the Republican Convention will be held here whereby they will nominate a man who was just convicted of 34 felonies as their Presidential Candidate?

We should be honored by that?

And he doesn't want to come here!  Calls us a horrible city!

A man just convicted of 34 felonies is calling the city that the Republican Convention is going to be held at a horrible city?

It just shouldn't be happening!  It is stranger than fiction!  It is stranger than time shifting science fiction.


It is like a phrase that I thought of from an experience of life a few days ago, "I am from ten thousand years BC and I am here to help you."

What?  How can someone from ten thousand years BC presume to help me?

If Trump doesn't like Milwaukee, where then does the man who was just convicted of 34 felonies want to be nominated for the Republican Candidate for President?

I mean back a few steps, right?  Why the heck do I care where a man who was convicted of 34 felonies wants to be?  Wait a minute?  A sense of place.... Where does a man who was convicted of 34 felonies want to be or not want to be?

So you would think that someone who was convicted of 34 felonies would get prison time?

I mean good God.  If you and I even got 1 felony we would likely get at least 5 or 10 years?

To think that he was convicted of 34 felonies and wont go to prison...Better yet, being convicted of 34 felonies that is what gets you to be President of the United States again?

It is like I am finally catching on.  However it isn't a path I would believe in taking in life?  Or perhaps I am not catching on.  Let me see, what I learned in Catholic Grade School.  I am drawing a blank.

I want to say something about the example to set for the requirements of being what might be considered the most important position in the United States.  But somehow I can't articulate how it should be like this?  ...That to get nominated to be the President of the United States getting convicted of 34 felonies should not be in any way considered detrimental or preclusion from....

I just can't seem to figure out the logic of this.  Perhaps I should call Donald Trump himself and ask him to explain it?  There are inherent questions in this article that I could ask him.

And I am back to politicians who don't want to answer questions?  Why?  Because in order to do so they would have to listen first?  And that would be far too much work for the nonworking class to have to listen?  Keep talking fast so that you don't have to do the work in life of listening?  Is there an element of respect in listening?  Yes.

But perhaps it is one of those things that the rich just don't do.  Like mow their own lawn.  And perhaps we have a class of rich people who made it in business but for some reason never had to listen to a customer?

Now there I could get into a whole new framework of topic.  Those who got rich but never had to listen to a customer?  How could that be categorized?

So I grew up in a wealthy neighborhood.  I found Republicans to be evasive, doting, mass thinkers, fascists, misguided, fatuous, hyperactive disorder, drug users, arrogant, pretentious, dopy and dyslexic.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Four Things That You Need 06 10 2024

 The four things you need to fold a greeting card.

A ruler, a pencil, a creaser and a roller.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy


What am I talking about?  Power grabbing politicians or also nondemocratic foreign governments.

The idea of the greatness of attaining absolute power!

But what is the problem with it?

The problem is that after somebody like that attains everything what they then have becomes worthless!

It will all be yours, but it will also be worthless!

Why?  Because it wasn't designed, created and built by people like that!  It wasn't formed by people like that.  It was created by minds that believed in freedom, not all this will be mine!  All this will be mine?  It is a child's belief!  It is the mind of a child in an adult!

So what does it really mean to be like that?  If you attain it, it then becomes worthless?  It means that you want something that you can never have!  It means that you want something that you can never earn.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Free Will 06 10 2024

 Everything I read in the Bible about Jesus seemed to say that you need to exercise your free will?  And your free will to choose good over evil. Contrast that to a religion whose tenet it is that it doesn't matter what you do in life?

Jesus encouraged people to choose good over evil; he didn't declare it was hopeless to do so.

So who is that for?  A branch of Christianity for those who don't believe in the very importance of free will?


"Are you the son of man?"  That is what they asked Jesus.  Ask yourself who would ask a person that?  Someone that isn't the son of man?  And if you know that you are not a son of man what do you believe yourself to be a son of?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Puzzle Diagram 6 8 2024


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Intelligence measured by 6 8 2024

Someone's ability to know right from wrong.

The hippocampus area of the brain is responsible for memory gatewaying.  There is heavy permanent damage tonight in fetal alcohol syndrome.  Memory gatewaying as in the ability to remember if what I did was wrong or not.

And what a better measure of intelligence for someone to consider marrying; than if they have the ability to know right from wrong.

And some people are great at masking the inability to know right from wrong.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, June 7, 2024

To Make it illegal to risk your life to save an animal around high water?

 I think that if you risk your life to save a dog in high or fast moving flood water that you are not of my Christ/Bible based learning religion?

Keep your dog on a leash near rivers on storm water days? Keep your dog on a leash near rip-currents or where there are rip current signs? 

I know what you are thinking.  "I can do whatever I want to!  Don't you dare tell me that I can't jump in the fast moving river to save my dog.  Don't you dare tell me that."

The only problem with that is that someone like me might have to go in after you!

And the bodies are often caught in cavitation, or "rakes" making it even risky for experienced divers?  I would assert that to be true.  Often the bodies are not found until another storm event whereby they are flushed free from where they are caught up?

Can I tell your dumb obnoxious kids not to wade waist high in the Milwaukee River? (nobody in particular)  The fact is they will resent anything that you tell them for the rest of their life.  Tell them to button up their jacket in the winter and you have insulted them.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

"Oh what a great youtube video it will make when scruffy runs out on the ice and the search and rescue comes!  I got the camera rolling already lovey."

Perhaps this is just mentioning a level of adult responsibility that is needed?

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Social Commentary 06 04 2024

 Who wants to marry someone that you are going to spend all day correcting?

And what if I said that school busing and integration programs only proliferated drug use?  And solidified the criminal market for drug dealing?

I mean lets say you are an organized crime head lifetime looser, and you wanted to limit the upward mobility of the most educated?  You would want drugs to flood into those neighborhoods.  And make it seem like they are just uprooting there.

I would also say that no real god would ever propagandize alcohol usage in any form.  So you indeed had religious backing element to organized crime.  

The propagandize religious lie that someone who offers you drugs is your savior.  I mean that is gd horrific!  GD horrific!

And I do believe that fentanyl deaths are part of the above gestalt.  I would call it a satanic religious war against man.

Okay so Jesus say's that he is with me and you?  Why did you do that Jesus?  And I want the answer to come from you, not someone who believes themselves to be you.  No someone who worships you!

Oh I could go on and on and say that Satan has no soul.  And that alcohol causes permanent brain loss to the fetus in the area of the brain that is responsible for memory gatewaying.  And if you can't remember correctly that you likely don't know wrong from right.  So Jesus didn't like Satan.  But he also unknowingly propagandized the creation of satan through promotion of alcohol.  And if he were an all knowing god he would have known not to do that.  Hence, he was not God.

I want to make a point sometime about those who become rich by shaming the rich?

©2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Perhaps the best God is the conscience of good men? (Good women too?)

And a human conscience isn't flippant or emotionally disturbed; the ideas of a human conscience can be articulated and explained with human reason and will.  They are not hunches or wanna be ideas.

Public Service 6 4 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, June 3, 2024

The 21st Amendmennt

 Perhaps when we re legalized alcohol with the 21st Amendment it should have stipulated, sure you can be a miserable drug using alcoholic, you can do that, you can be prone to meanness, mental retardation and violence, but you can't own a gun if you want to be an alcoholic!

And where was the Gov back then to say, he bootlegger, we catch you with a gun again you go to jail?

Back then alcohol was the big bad drug.  And it still is a big bad drug.  But no one wants to say so?

Why?  Because it is like a brain anesthetic to the criminal minded.  It promotes crime while at the same time negating the human conscience of wrong doing. 

Do you know if we prevented alcoholic from drinking we would be labeled as the worst people ever in history?  Because they would consider it such a mean thing to do to them?


I would assert that there would be a lot less losers around if we did so!  Life would be better for the good and righteous.  You wouldn't have standards of success based on how many people you put out of work as an executive.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

How can you be Commander in Chief when presumably you can't even own a gun bc of 34 Felony Convictions 06 03 2024

 It would be nice if someone in Washington new what "It stands to reason means, with regard to the law!"

If you can't be vote because you are not a qualified electorate because you have committed felonies then you also can't be on the ballot because you have to be a qualified electorate to be on the ballot.  (Per my read of State law about 10 years ago.)

Again, where is the simple, "It stands to reason?"

Who through, "It stands to reason" out the window?  The wealthy, because its something they couldn't learn and didn't have to learn?

© 2024  Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Did Jesus live his whole life saying 06 01 2024

 Did Jesus live his whole life saying, "I was meant for the cross?"


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thomas Murphys Law 06 01 2024

 Any time you pay somebody to do something you are going to wish you had done it yourself?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy