The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Mileage Per Gallon 6 30 2024

 Simple and safe ways to get a lot better mpg...

I am not going into details here.

1. But I would like to compare wheel alignment specs of popular foreign cars with popular us cars.

2. Parts quality and precision of parts delivered to US mfg versus foreign owned.

3. Operating parameters of abs systems in US cars vs. Foreign. 

4. Perhaps nationality and other affiliations of those hired in engineering at US cos vs. Foreign, Aldo vs. US elec cars .

What I am getting at is the US cars may be comparatively a lot better,  perhaps a clandestine effort to defeat Us Auto mfg and mobility?


When they get us all buying foreign cars then the foreign car cos will no longer sell into the US, at least not at non extortionist prices?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ever work somewhere in the US and it is like they something wrong with you because you are American born and raised?  And you wonder in how many industries here that is going on?

Anywho, Happy 4th coming up.  So happy 4th!

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