The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Social Commentary 06 04 2024

 Who wants to marry someone that you are going to spend all day correcting?

And what if I said that school busing and integration programs only proliferated drug use?  And solidified the criminal market for drug dealing?

I mean lets say you are an organized crime head lifetime looser, and you wanted to limit the upward mobility of the most educated?  You would want drugs to flood into those neighborhoods.  And make it seem like they are just uprooting there.

I would also say that no real god would ever propagandize alcohol usage in any form.  So you indeed had religious backing element to organized crime.  

The propagandize religious lie that someone who offers you drugs is your savior.  I mean that is gd horrific!  GD horrific!

And I do believe that fentanyl deaths are part of the above gestalt.  I would call it a satanic religious war against man.

Okay so Jesus say's that he is with me and you?  Why did you do that Jesus?  And I want the answer to come from you, not someone who believes themselves to be you.  No someone who worships you!

Oh I could go on and on and say that Satan has no soul.  And that alcohol causes permanent brain loss to the fetus in the area of the brain that is responsible for memory gatewaying.  And if you can't remember correctly that you likely don't know wrong from right.  So Jesus didn't like Satan.  But he also unknowingly propagandized the creation of satan through promotion of alcohol.  And if he were an all knowing god he would have known not to do that.  Hence, he was not God.

I want to make a point sometime about those who become rich by shaming the rich?

©2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Perhaps the best God is the conscience of good men? (Good women too?)

And a human conscience isn't flippant or emotionally disturbed; the ideas of a human conscience can be articulated and explained with human reason and will.  They are not hunches or wanna be ideas.

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