The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, June 13, 2024

And Milwaukee should be honored that Republican Convention comes here 06 13 2024

 Milwaukee should be honored that the Republican Convention will be held here whereby they will nominate a man who was just convicted of 34 felonies as their Presidential Candidate?

We should be honored by that?

And he doesn't want to come here!  Calls us a horrible city!

A man just convicted of 34 felonies is calling the city that the Republican Convention is going to be held at a horrible city?

It just shouldn't be happening!  It is stranger than fiction!  It is stranger than time shifting science fiction.


It is like a phrase that I thought of from an experience of life a few days ago, "I am from ten thousand years BC and I am here to help you."

What?  How can someone from ten thousand years BC presume to help me?

If Trump doesn't like Milwaukee, where then does the man who was just convicted of 34 felonies want to be nominated for the Republican Candidate for President?

I mean back a few steps, right?  Why the heck do I care where a man who was convicted of 34 felonies wants to be?  Wait a minute?  A sense of place.... Where does a man who was convicted of 34 felonies want to be or not want to be?

So you would think that someone who was convicted of 34 felonies would get prison time?

I mean good God.  If you and I even got 1 felony we would likely get at least 5 or 10 years?

To think that he was convicted of 34 felonies and wont go to prison...Better yet, being convicted of 34 felonies that is what gets you to be President of the United States again?

It is like I am finally catching on.  However it isn't a path I would believe in taking in life?  Or perhaps I am not catching on.  Let me see, what I learned in Catholic Grade School.  I am drawing a blank.

I want to say something about the example to set for the requirements of being what might be considered the most important position in the United States.  But somehow I can't articulate how it should be like this?  ...That to get nominated to be the President of the United States getting convicted of 34 felonies should not be in any way considered detrimental or preclusion from....

I just can't seem to figure out the logic of this.  Perhaps I should call Donald Trump himself and ask him to explain it?  There are inherent questions in this article that I could ask him.

And I am back to politicians who don't want to answer questions?  Why?  Because in order to do so they would have to listen first?  And that would be far too much work for the nonworking class to have to listen?  Keep talking fast so that you don't have to do the work in life of listening?  Is there an element of respect in listening?  Yes.

But perhaps it is one of those things that the rich just don't do.  Like mow their own lawn.  And perhaps we have a class of rich people who made it in business but for some reason never had to listen to a customer?

Now there I could get into a whole new framework of topic.  Those who got rich but never had to listen to a customer?  How could that be categorized?

So I grew up in a wealthy neighborhood.  I found Republicans to be evasive, doting, mass thinkers, fascists, misguided, fatuous, hyperactive disorder, drug users, arrogant, pretentious, dopy and dyslexic.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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