The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Philosophical Question 06 13 2024

 "Are video games a virtual dollhouse?"

A good parent see's their son still playing with the GI Joe doll perhaps in the 6th grade and they put a stop to it.

But if presume video games are a virtual dollhouse?  Perhaps like the setting of army character dolls is..

Do you follow my logic here?

Perhaps we have ratings on things that you can only do as an adult at age 21?

But Republicans are in favor of all babies being born ir-regardless who their fathers are, if they have fathers, if they have brain abnormalities etc etc...

So if there are things that you can only do as an adult...perhaps there are things that you should no longer be allowed to do as an adult?

You see a grown man at the playground.  He is there alone.  And he is swinging on the swing.  You overhear his voice and notice that he talks in long vowels...

So if there is an absent in the idea of a two parent life model in the Republicans plan for America perhaps there needs to be an element of it?

Like if you are in the 6th Grade you are no longer allowed to play in a virtual dollhouse in the United States?

Has there been violent conflict whereby the will of someone like that is at odds with reality?  I would assert that as being true.

Perhaps the person in the virtual dollhouse somehow believes those rules of them controlling that domain apply in the real world too?

I don't like to write this stuff.  But perhaps something compels me to make a point that isn't being made?


Now lets get a little straying from topic.  Who is it among that would like to seek to limit our mobility because it interferes with or is in conflict with their false sense of ownership of domain?

Perhaps this is an example.  A drug lord controlling a neighborhood?  People afraid to go for a walk?  People afraid of their own freedom?  Now what if you were to quantify that that is all those people can ever be?  That is all those people will ever be?  That is all those people want to be?  To view themselves in a hierarchy based on violence and control and domain?  It is sickening, isn't it.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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