The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Polling Type Data 06 16 2024

I think some of these mention of polling numbers or survey data is more or less "Suspect" with the hidden intent of allowing fraudulent political ideas to be propagandized?

Are people really that fickle that one person says one thing and it dramatically changes their political party?  I think that the political party you follow is based on the general way they have acted and the things that they believe in.

Mention polling numbers and then try and have the public attribute the data to something you want them to attribute it to?  That is propaganda.  And it is ugly!

So which side benefits from the distraction?  Not the good side.

Kind of like how drugs that went through rigorous safety and animal lab testing are then recalled or forced to put stronger wording on the labels?  Because they are unsafe and kill people?

Those polling numbers make it seem like we are not really people based on sound principles.  We are fickle like the high school slut?  Or why don't you have the public consider themselves and the importance of our Democracy as more or less fickle horses in a race?  Elections are just a horse race?  Look who is ahead today!  Oh how their strong words or stance influenced the people.  

Terrible comment:  Do some women vote based on which candidate they would more like to be in the back seat of a car with?  And what political party has done their absolute best to garner those votes?  "He had sex with a sex worker.  Maybe he wouldn't find me so ugly.  He also believes gals like me should have babies (regardless of any personal circumstances.)"

You get to be an adult you get a pretty good idea what the core of a person is.

The news anchor stated, "Find a poll that says so and so is ahead, then I can make this highly controversial and irrelevant point?  Oh and my ratings will go up!  And I will sell more medication for mental illness via television commercials!"  If that isn't a nuance of a devils religion, I don't know what is.

"Oh convicted of 34 felonies?  Welcome to Milwaukee!  Welcome.  (As the Church sign says) All are welcome here."  :)

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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