The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, June 10, 2024

Free Will 06 10 2024

 Everything I read in the Bible about Jesus seemed to say that you need to exercise your free will?  And your free will to choose good over evil. Contrast that to a religion whose tenet it is that it doesn't matter what you do in life?

Jesus encouraged people to choose good over evil; he didn't declare it was hopeless to do so.

So who is that for?  A branch of Christianity for those who don't believe in the very importance of free will?


"Are you the son of man?"  That is what they asked Jesus.  Ask yourself who would ask a person that?  Someone that isn't the son of man?  And if you know that you are not a son of man what do you believe yourself to be a son of?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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