The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Fear of Democracies (The Fouling Mouth) 06 25 2024

To fear Democratic principles and idealisms because you know that in a perfect world someone like yourself wont be wanted to be around.

I think we see this twitching nervous fear in Church leadership.  I think we also see it subliminally propagandized by the Republican Party.  I think we also see this "tick" in the leadership of China, Russia and North Korea.

So if they don't like Democracies what will they have us be?  They would have us worship long ago dead Emperors and Kings that raped their ancestral mothers?


Do I  believe this?  Yes.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  And what about China owning United States land?  And perhaps establishing giant marijuana plantations on it?

We used to be able to create "Acts" in this country to prevent things like that from happening.  But I don't believe we have the leadership that has the true moral resolve to stop something like that before our nation is history.

But the way that you tackle it is to say that their money is not as good as ours.  You could indeed create a system of criteria that values the money of a foreign nation in terms of how it can be converted to your countries.  The primary consideration being freedom.  How is labor treated?  And I can hear the blue collar American who has work until you retire and then die on their mind waging an objection to the idea already.  In other words they identify with the labor of a foreign country more on a one to one basis?  It is a different mentality.  Some Irish would not fight for freedom of Ireland from Great Britain because Great Britain gave them jobs.  And most of Ireland ended up starving to death because of those, what is a word for them? (Is it true in terms of timeline of events?)_ Dumb luck chumps?

So what is the male population of that comprised of?  Those who want to level everyone else down to the beer chugging fouling mouth intelligence of their big momma?

Now there is a great phrase; "The fouling mouth!"  I like it so much I am subtitling this article with it.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor, what was that Basketball coach who advocated having a Fouling Mouth on the team?  They lost pretty quickly didn't they.

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