The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, June 7, 2024

To Make it illegal to risk your life to save an animal around high water?

 I think that if you risk your life to save a dog in high or fast moving flood water that you are not of my Christ/Bible based learning religion?

Keep your dog on a leash near rivers on storm water days? Keep your dog on a leash near rip-currents or where there are rip current signs? 

I know what you are thinking.  "I can do whatever I want to!  Don't you dare tell me that I can't jump in the fast moving river to save my dog.  Don't you dare tell me that."

The only problem with that is that someone like me might have to go in after you!

And the bodies are often caught in cavitation, or "rakes" making it even risky for experienced divers?  I would assert that to be true.  Often the bodies are not found until another storm event whereby they are flushed free from where they are caught up?

Can I tell your dumb obnoxious kids not to wade waist high in the Milwaukee River? (nobody in particular)  The fact is they will resent anything that you tell them for the rest of their life.  Tell them to button up their jacket in the winter and you have insulted them.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

"Oh what a great youtube video it will make when scruffy runs out on the ice and the search and rescue comes!  I got the camera rolling already lovey."

Perhaps this is just mentioning a level of adult responsibility that is needed?

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