The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Organized Crime Is 6 13 2024

 Organized Crime is a hierarchy of violence.

A drug lord domain is a hierarchy of violence.

Where prostitution is going on there is a hierarchy of violence.

What is Russia to me?  Where a leader has people tortured and killed?  A hierarchy of violence.

North Korea a hierarchy of violence.

So Jesus Christ healed people by casting the demons out of them.  The Bible tells us he knew them.  That means they are people.  What do such demons amount to?  Antagonizers in a hierarchy of violence?

When people like George Bush advocate torture while at the same time restricting free speech are they not attempting to create and foster a hierarchy of violence?

Slavery was a hierarchy of violence.

Does not alcohol foster a hierarchy of violence rather than promote a holy Idealism?

And the Catholic Church will tell you the Devil was defeated?  I ask you this who would crucify someone? You would have to be inhuman to do that.

What type of person asks themselves, "Where can I fit in, in a hierarchy of violence?"

Written in as good as stone that we are not to o have an army in times of peace.

Televised eye gouge fighting matches?  Degrade our nation to a hierarchy of violence?

As if the Republican Party is attempting to  superimpose NY gangster rules on our nation?  Everybody be as happy as the tin man while a man convicted of 34 felonies is nominated by them to be President?

 © 2024 Thomas Murphy 

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