The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, July 20, 2024

How you say what you say 07 20 2024

 How you say what you say can lessen the meaning of it.

Now I am going to compare two things.

1.  If you can hear someone speaking on the television.  You are not in the same room.  So you can't hear what they are saying.  But you can hear their voice, the pitch of it rising and falling quickly.  And it almost sounds like a xylophone.  Now we know that people will change tone and pitch of their voice in order to make a point right.  But when you listen to that pitch changing like it is.  And it is always changing like that.  You tend to think there really isn't anything important for you to hear them say?  And if you were to listen to the words they are saying that would be confirmed.  So what are they selling?  They are not selling what they are saying, because it is rhetoric without substance.  Perhaps what they are selling is ...a lead a commercial?

So indeed I listen when you listen to the words they are saying you are going to realize that they don't believe all they are saying because they couldn't, because it would be full of contradictions.  In other words you could readily tell that in order to have one belief they would need a premise system built up to have it.  And in the next belief they would need a premise system built up to have that.  And those premises are going to contradict each other that can not be explained or resolved.  So that is a type of manipulation.

2.  Now let's talk about another type or person.  And perhaps it is the exact same person as above.  But they listen differently.  They listen to a good man's voice in order to determine if that person is going to punish them?  And perhaps they come to the conclusion that a good man, perhaps a teacher, will never punish them.  So they can behave however they want to.  So in effect they are learning a certain type of manipulation to?  Manipulation of the good.

So let's apply the principle of garbage in and garbage out to the above to characterizations?

The 2nd one is really whatever comes in to that mind is treated as garbage out, or perhaps "out garbage."

Now let's look at the first.  Whatever is coming out of that mouth is garbage out.  Why?  Because it is overemphasizing everything?  An educated person knows when some finer point is to be learned because it will be emphasized.  And so you have a normal person that can learn.  They are listening and they are learning what they hear.  And it follows a natural pattern of learning.  Points and ideas are built up on premises and conclusions.  And perhaps certain premises need to be emphasized because they are the key of that idea.  

So in the case of number one?  They have a natural confusing tone to their voice, because it emphasizes everything?  The voice that emphasizes everything.

Versus the voice that emphasizes points that hold the construct or idea of knowledge together as a whole.

But why would a person who emphasized everything be a natural fit for some type of sales?  Perhaps the point to be made is this, because they emphasize everything it means they really don't know anything.  And who better to sell that someone with a manipulative mouth, who doesn't have to answer questions because it isn't a venue for them to do so.

Now ask yourself if you feel any anxiety when you listen to such a person?  As is number one above?

Now ask the same question about number two above, who is always searching for the weakness of the normal?  Have you ever recognized either of the above?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Did you ever listen to someone speak and then when you spoke you might have noticed that somehow your voice sounded like theirs? 

And so we know that a father or mother can imprint their children.  The way it works is that perhaps a son is watching his father do some work.  The son partakes in the work.  And there is conversation going on at times during the work, explanation if you will.  And imprinting occurs and guess what happens, both their brain waves become the same pattern, in effect they become one.  Now that is scientifically proven.

Now in that last paragraph ask yourself what desperation one and two have above in concern with that concept of imprinting.  What are they desperate to accomplish or prove?

Now ask yourself what have you become when you had to listen to one or two above?  Less human?

Now perhaps there are those among us who listen to one or two above and it puts them in a state of calm?  Because any insecurities they had regarding themselves and put to rest by listening to such a person as that who became successful?  Nothing that person says is challenging them?  And this demographic doesn't want to be challenged to have to think.  

So do you view the nonworking class as being superior thinkers?  Or do you view the nonworking class as a people who find it work beyond compare to have to think for themselves?  Does the nonworking class think outside the lines.  No.  Why not?  Because it isn't safe to do so for them?  But I would assert that true thinking always encompasses thinking outside the lines.

So perhaps at the very least you read this, and you might in one instance or another interaction get a better idea of who you are dealing with?

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