The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Toxic Clues 07 31 2024

So sometimes people in the media have a "blow up."  And we find out that they were really toxic people and created a toxic environment.

But the media in and of itself does a really terrible job at identifying those toxic clues and exposing them?

So when you see someone exposed for being toxic do you sometimes think to yourself, "You know I can remember how they seemed to react to other people on television? Perhaps it is a cold stare?  Perhaps you see them apparently jealous of something you wouldn't think them to be?  Nuances of that?"

And sometimes a lesser a faction of the public seems to like that toxicity?  Perhaps it is the rude ignorance that represents themselves?

But you never see any expose's about it?  Perhaps showing the person in several instances with a psychotic angry demon like face over absolutely nothing?

And again, some faction of the public associates that temper with professionalism?  

But indeed there are breaking points whereby both the public has had enough of the toxic person and the toxic person has had enough of themselves.  Do they age well?

When you learn about a actor on television being a horrible person in real life do you avoid ever watching shows they are in?  Perhaps you have enough sensibility in yourself to realize there is something about them that you wouldn't want to be like? As if to say this, "What kind of a person would I be if that is how I was and I became successful?"

And perhaps that is indeed part of the plan.  Put faulted personalities and vault them to success so that the public sees what they would not want to be?  And perhaps the same people collect the profits in the background from it?

And do you say this to yourself, "I wish I never watched that person or listened to them once?"

Of one thing in my life, this has been something that I have usually been right about.

Then there is this issue too.  The public being made to feel that if they don't get on board with the popularity of someone like that there is something wrong with themselves?

So here is another clue.  That toxic person wants you to second guess yourself.  They bluntly make points without precedent?  And they have you questioning yourself rather than them?

"This is right because I say it is."  And there is also the implication whether true or false that a lot of people believe the same as they do?  When in reality they want assertions they make to be considered true whether they are or not.  And here is a hallmark of the nonworking class; it would be too much work for them to think it through.  They wouldn't get too far in the process before they defeated themselves?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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