The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, July 22, 2024

Is that person really a Billionaire 07 22 2024

Is that person really a billionaire or are they being given the money from the national debt that is being created for them?

I mean how nice that we are creating national debt to give to a billionaire that acts like certain ones do?  As if those are the qualities of people we really value in our Country?  As if that person is the best representation of our Constitution, that legitimacy!


So we have a Republican initiative that was put in force by Ronald Reagen, trickle down economics, and it is doing this country absolutely no good.

If Trump can brag about wanted to defeat Roe vs. Wade for 50 years then we need a Democrat who will be able to institute policy and then brag that he or she defeated trickle down make a billionaire out of you, we expect better from you!" ???

Yeah, I will vote for Kamala Harris.  I don't like gun control.  But I believe that she is a person who means well.  As for Trump, I think that he says one thing and then will say the exact opposite thing to someone else.  I call that weakness.  Lying to get votes.  And perhaps he is a good man but his actions don't mean well?  No, you can't allow yourself to define someone who contradicts himself and lies like he does to be considered a good man.  To believe in people like that isn't good for you, no matter who you are in relation to them.



But Republicans wouldn't allow us to pay down that national debt would they!  Instead, they wanted that money to be given to billionaires.

So how you think about things is determined by what you think about yourself and how you compare yourself to other people?

Do you have to have more than one wife in order to be a billionaire?  Think about it!  It is a resonant statement. 


Back to billionaires and debt.  I will stand by that statement regarding economics as being true.  Republicans created a policy to give your money away in order to create billionaires rather than paying down the national debt or creating a surplus.  They couldn't even conceive of how maintenance spending on infrastructure represents a valid expense?  Why not?  Because they have nowhere to go?  Sit around and stare at the paintings on a cave wall?  Listen to drug induced music lyrics and pretend they are really adjoining to the soul a of a higher power, a man?  Where does someone like that have to go?  I mean you can't define a human looser better than that!  Does all the drugs that they can find in order to adjoin to the mind of a higher power!  Scum!  Illegitimate!  The British Illegitimate Invasion!

So who pays for that Billionaire?  The guy sweeping the shop floor!  But he doesn't mind it!  Why not?  Because he sat there in school and didn't understand a g/d thing.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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