The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Gun Control Debate about Semi Auto Weapons 07 18 2024

Perhaps those who believe they should be banned believe this:  That you should not be able to rapidly kill more than one person legally in self defense?

I believe that you do have that right!  I believe the founders would say the more effective the weapon the better!  The more effective the weapon the less the causalities would have been against the British in the Revolutionary War.

So the gun control people also want you to believe that your defense isn't your right it is to be handled by the military?  The Constitution say's we are not even to have a military in times of peace, so that nixes their argument right there.

Perhaps whether you believe in gun rights or not is a projection of your own soul?  Lets look at a situation whereby a person is defending themselves against multiple attackers.  The Gun Control people would say that if you killed the first one that that was enough?  You have dissuaded the rest?  They were all roped into and not of their free will to..not commit crimes?  "Who are you to kill more than one person is defense of yourself?"  As if those criminal attackers you defended yourself against represented some type of business element to the other person?  And you lessened it?  Other people are potential monies, nothing more?  Hence big deal if one person is victimized by multiple attackers and looses?

So I went to Church one day and the priest told how he asked another priest in the seminary, "Why are we even doing this?"

He responded, "Because without that holy spirit we are nothing."

I am one who believes that without that Second Amendment Constitutional Right we are nothing.  I really don't know what those priests were talking about, but it is a projection of their own soul?  And the comparison is to it being "nothing." 

Should a criminal gang be allowed to exist?  They are potentially more than one attacker aren't they?  The gun grabbers would have the inherent believe that a criminal gang should be allowed to exist? Hence you should not be able to legally defend yourself against all of them if indeed they were attacking at once?  And I can hear that devils advocate, can you?  They are not all going to attack at once.  More-so worse, right? They keep coming back, instead, in odd and horrific ways?  So you should not be able to be prepared for that?

Again the inherent belief is that you have no reason to defend yourself?  Again, that is a projected belief of a criminal that doesn't have a soul, so they do not value yours either!  In fact being a detriment to those who have one might be the only way of life for a person like that?

The bad have the semi autos and always will.  They will always control the neighborhoods.  Even if you outlaw the weapon they have already established control.  They get rich off of ruining those neighborhoods and then moving on up?  Moving on up to neighborhoods where they are not wanted.  And it takes the whole country down.


Immigration.  Is that an influx of skilled labor?  I doubt it.  About as much skilled labor as a woman poking pins into a voodoo doll?

So if you look at the gestalt of it, our Constitution really represents a certain type of person doesn't it.  The capable, the worker, the learner, the self reliant...  (people that responsibly own guns.  In contrast to what?)

Those rights represent a certain standard of person.  One who believes in themselves, and rightfully so!

So to take away rights means that you believe a population has no right to believe in themselves, rightly so?  Have you ever met people who are of that belief system?  The person who has a soul is an obstacle to them?  An inconvenient truth.  Not a self evident truth; an inconvenient truth.

Can you imagine if the Constitution were written that way?

"And do not let those with a strong soul get in your way in life, for they are inconvenient truths, not self evident truths."

If you want to own a semi auto weapon it means you are a fat head who thinks more of yourself than a person should think of themselves?  And perhaps there is a false religious sale in that idea.  "You sheep here in the United States, I am your shepherd, yeah are all flawed."

© 20424 Thomas Paul Murphy

Oh wait a minute.  They also have this belief.  "For the group is right, for only the group has the one soul."  "Therefore the individual in defense of themselves against a group of attackers in meaningless.  For they do not have the one shared soul?  It is often referred to as mass hysteria or mass psychology or mob psychology?  Whereby the mob acts together in one frenzied mind?  But the point here is that they act together in one frenzied mind whey they are not looting and pillaging too?  Because they don't have the mental wherewithal to have confidence to believe in anything on their own!  And hence the fascist appeal marketing of Donald J Trump.

Somehow out of all of the hyperbole he speaks he is able to make solid points?  I mean really think about that!  All that, and then that, it's illegitimacy!


"It is not a safe belief for you to have unless the firmly correcting hand of your master told you to.". ???

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