The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Why does he have his hand in his pocket while he is kneeling on his neck? 05 30 2020

Why does he have his hand in his pocket while he is kneeling on his neck?  05 30 2020

Is he playing pocket pool/ fondling himself while he is killing the black man?

I am not a Devil/Witchcraft book reader and you wouldn't have to be one to know or make the statement, "That is a satanic ritual!"

So indeed I believe that we need a whole new code of justice added to address Satanic Crimes.

Forget about all that hate crime jazz; this is a Satanic Ritual Crime!  Far worse!  Gone on far to long without anyone in the whole country taking notice and calling it what it is!

All the sick crimes that have been going on for far too long.  Whether it is mutilation's by drug dealing gangs, etc etc etc.  I see that all as being witchcraft and satanic ritual.  "Oh you can't ban tobacco causing cancer?"  You better believe we can under new anti satanic laws.  Disfiguring drugs?  Good God you better believe we can nix that!  And we have a Constitutional mandate to do so!  Enough of that!


Forget about curfews.  There is only one way from keeping it from deteriorating into first a Civil War and then a war with a foreign nation because we are already vulnerable:::::  "Ban the alcohol and you stop the violence!"  It is that simple!

Off topic?  So why is China making Hong Kong as part of its country many many years too early?
If you are China and you believe that you are going to war you want a unified geographic territory!

You don't want a foreign base within your nation lobbing outwards at your nation while at War with a foreign nation.  You don't want that to be a potential stronghold or key battlefield area to win in the future.

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

Friday, May 29, 2020

The Republican Motto 05 29 2020

The Republican Motto 05 29 2020

"It takes very little thinking for an idiot to prove something to themselves."

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Creating Employment 05 28 2020

Creating Employment 05 28 2020

A great statistic to have would be number of people employed per billions of Dollars made.  And contracting employment would not be included in this statistic.  Only people directly employed by you full time.

What am I getting at?

Originally a Corporate Charter was only granted because it could be used to create employment.  What happens when billions are made under the corporate charter but very little employment is created?

Trump alledgely is a billionaire.  How many people did or does he employ?  Again not counting a Mexican lawn care service company he uses to groom his Florida Estate.  That isn't direct employment.

So indeed we need to legislate away the loopholes that allow people to use the corporate charter to make billions while not creating "commensurate" employment.  Think of it as a way to keep the Ebeneezer's from ruling our nation.  For example it could even be considered in what I have to use the euphemism in order to describe, year end code.  So that such and such making billions while not creating employment has to give back a commensurate amount.  In other words, if you made this much you should have been able to create this much employment; otherwise you should not have been granted a corporate charter.

And I know a lot of people who read stuff like this have a very hard time comprehending what it means.

Thomas Murphy

What are T Cuts to the rich?  They are a bribe!  "I will make it so that you have to pay exactly $100,000.oo less a year but I have a son who is graduating from college this year."

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Why are there 97,426 Covid-19 Deaths in the United States 05 24 2020

Why are there 97,426 Covid-19 Deaths in the United States 05 24 2020

Why are there 97,426 Covid-19 Deaths in the United States as of today? 

Because Republicans ran up the national debt via Reagan Trickle down theory over the last 39 years!  To the point where they get to assert we can't afford a Corporate Shutdown?

The bulk of that debt was created to fund the United States Military?  Isn't it really comprised of those who couldn't get jobs paying a living wage in Corporate America?  

The National Debt went from $997 billion in 1981 to $25,305 Billion today.  Or $ .97 Trillion to $25 Trillion today.

There were 405,000 United States Deaths in WW2.
116,516 United States deaths in WW1
50,441 United States deaths in Vietnam War.

So indeed we have overtly reached a transition point in this country were money is more important than human life?

So a President takes an oath to protect our nation against all enemies both foreign and domestic.  If I were President, as a man, I would interpret that oath far differently that our recent Republican inspired legacy.

Yeah I know.  An uneducateable grunt reads this and wants to kill me for writing it; because it would please his demon mother.

When you look at the actions of Ronald Reagan in relation to this it is like his trickle down theory is like a fairy sprinkling our nation here and there with pixie dust?  Some of us saw it that way from the very start.

And Donald Trump is oh so happy and adept and using that same fairy wand, isn't he.

Can I tell you something?  You wont realize the irresponsibility of this until your children and grandchildren are being hauled away in body bags from adapted Covid-19 infection deaths.  And no, don't blame it on the Democrats.  You have a Republican in office right now.  Right now!  You put him there.  It is your fault.

Copyright 2020 Thomas Murphy

Reagan is no more Irish than Queen Elizabeth.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Humor that no one likes 05 03 2020

Humor that no one likes 05 03 2020

That would help the American Economy wouldn't it; if we got mail on Sunday?

Decreased transaction to fulfillment times would mean greater profitability!

Increased order flow would mean increased profitability!

Productive utilization of "assets" throughout and to the end of their lifecycle would mean increased profitability and a boosting to our national treasury!

Decreased time to delivery would mean more American Customer satisfaction and therefore greater national profitability!


Can you tell who posts things on Facebook like they got a puppet hand up their a55?

© 2020 Thomas Murphy