The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, July 31, 2022

What is wrong with saying 7 31 2022

 What is wrong with saying,

"We see how rotten you are to each other; we don't ever want you ruling us!"

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Pay Us Back

So I was eating my lunch in the car.  In the far distance I could see a picknick.

I heard a lot of loud crass blow hard types there.  Apparently drinking.

And I wondered, "How many of the people at that picknick remember what they learned in Grade School or High School?"

Most of the people at the picknick looked like recent immigrants to me.

I wondered how many immigrants who were sent to our public schools can remember what they learned; what they were supposed to have learned?

How much is the cost of public education for what person through High School?  And it is more for someone with a learning disability, isn't it?

So per this website it costs us, $13,187.00 per student per year!

Public School Spending Per Pupil Increases (

So presumably that is 2 year kindergarden, 8 year Grade School and 4 year High School.  For a total of 14 years.  So 14 times $13,187.00 =  $184,618.00

So for that amount of money we get Spanish as a Second Language?  We get increased crime?

What is my point?  How many recent immigrants will not be able to remember what they were supposed to learn in Grade School and High School that we paid that amount of money for?

So did I hear Joe Biden is continuing to build the wall.  Good for you Joe!  It makes sense to me.

How many of those immigrants will blissfully live of the soul of someone in the United States tormented by the demonic and labeled a schizophrenic?

So what about the guy swearing at the children's Soccer Referee?  He has put our country to the test hasn't he?  It is time to put him to the test!

That is right we need to test adults to see if they have the knowledge that we paid for them to have.

And if they don't?

Pay us back $184,618.00


And how can immigrants afford to live in the United States when White People can't even afford to live here anymore?

I think a lot of immigrants just come here to party?


And what if every adult were given a brain scan to determine if they truly had the personal knowledge that they were paid to have had?  And what if they fail?

What if the very rich failed?  Do they owe us more than the $184,618.00.  I would think so.


And perhaps I am starting to understand why Republicans don't believe in funding education?  You would have to have a bleak view of life to have known that all along!


And so the child of an alcoholic is 400 times more likely to use drugs like cocaine than the child not of an alcoholic.  Drugs that are a substitute for a legitimate personal reward system?  And how many of all of those babies they want to be put up for adoption and not aborted are going to be biologically born of alcoholic and fall into that 400 times more category?

And who really loves this country?


And what happens when you can't pay us back?  What happens when we discovered that you misrepresented your knowledge from our public education?

Answer that? 

It leaves you dumbfounded?  Or you always were dumbfounded.

What a play on words, "He was always dumbfounded."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Ps. Gov data sites are great!  It is too bad we don't have more college educated people who can correctly interpret them.

And what about college fraternities?  Are they not just places where the white boy is hazed for his human soul?  His soul being his learned knowledge up to that point for the purpose of the satanic motivation?  Pay us back.

400 Times more Likely to be a Loser

So yesterday I told you of a statistic and promised I would give you the reference.  The title is my characterization.  Why?  I shouldn't have to explain it. 

"...the latest research has found that children of alcoholics are more inclined than children of nonalcoholics to use drugs, including cocaine.  These children are 400 times more likely to use drugs than those who do not have a family history of alcohol addiction."

Page 152 Paragraph 8, ISBN 1-58333-077-1   2000

Thomas Murphy

Friday, July 29, 2022

Humor Is 6 29 2022

 "The Shop Class Insurance Company"

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Fish Dinner


© 2022 Thomas Murphy

How to make non-marring Vise Jaws

We the People 07 29 2022

 "We the People" is not defined as a collection of imbeciles.

It is a much higher standard than that.

We the People does not mean the needs of the imbecile and the detriment to the needs of the people.

And perhaps Jesus Christ made a similar point.  To the effect of, "You would give your table leftovers to the dogs and not the hungry children?"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Philosophy of Human Will 07 29 2022

How can it not be said that everything that an individual does was justified by them?

When you do something you by default have determined that you are justified in doing so!

Who would attempt to make a counterargument to that?

When action is taken the individual who is taking the action believes themselves to be justified in doing so.

Okay, it all sounds great doesn't it?  Until you factor the imbecile into the mix!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

They are really attempting to prevent suicide through Gun Control? 07 29 2022


So when you look at the annual numbers on gun deaths the statistic is 45,222 per CDC statistics.

 I was wonder how many of those people where shot by Police Officers?  I thought the number would actually be higher than it is.  The number is only 611 to 1020 depending on data source.

"Though they tend to get less public attention than gun-related murders, suicides have long accounted for the majority of U.S. gun deaths. In 2020, 54% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides (24,292), while 43% were murders (19,384), according to the CDC. The remaining gun deaths that year were unintentional (535), involved law enforcement (611) or had undetermined circumstances (400)." 


So the Police do not get there right away do they.

For example someone is being robbed and they shoot the robber in self defense.

Category "A" I would equate that to the same level of justice as if a Police Officer had shot them.

So if 46% percent of those gun deaths were not suicide how many of that 46% fall into the category "A" I described as being equal to the same level of justice as if a Police Officer had shot them?  In other words justified in self defense.  

We don't really know that.  And for statistics to include that figure would require that determination be made in every case.  For example someone wasn't charged or they were found innocent.  And we have a lot of trouble determining that.

So lets say because the majority of Gun Deaths are Suicide, 54% that is really the issue.

Why should our Constitution be changed in order to protect those who would take their own life using a gun?

No matter how you argue that I would give you a better counterargument.

Do you know what your argument would be?  That the right to bear arms is really a form of eugenics because the weak minded use them to kill themselves?

Okay a little more logic to this.  It used to be taught this way.  If a person is going to kill themselves they are highly likely to kill someone else in the process.  So what point am I making here that has never been made before?

Because they were going to kill someone innocent other than themselves as per the above paragraph when they offed themselves it falls into the category of "A."

You fix a problem by addressing its root cause.  You don't wave that wiccan Potter Boy wand around in pretense and then whimsically determine that the Constitution that guaranties our Freedom needs to be changed.

Look at that last sentence. "The Constitution guaranties our Freedom." 

Do we change the Constitution because some people determined it was the cause of a firearm suicide?

It is amazing how convoluted our Politicians have become today. 


And this is a very "touchy" subject.  But it should not be.  Perhaps that is part of the problem to?  Your right to free speech being compromised because you are afraid to assert your opinion on your own Constitution?


And good God, complain about Racial Equality?  Most of the people being killed by the Police are white!  For all the BLM hoopla you would have thought that most were black!  No, most are white!  So that hoopla is a complete disservice!    (See the statistic link above for that stat.)

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Ps.  I read a stat this AM that stated the child of an Alcoholic is 400 times more likely to use drugs like Cocaine!  Can you believe that?  A whopping 400 times more likely!  400 times!  It is in a Balch authored book, I will get you the ISBN if I have time!

What is drug use?  It is a falsified reward system.  And look what happens at the "end" of that falsified reward system?

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Can I say? 7 28 2022

 Can I say that I believe in the death penalty for any and all members of Organized Crime?

Prison is too good for them.  And because they are "organized" it means prison is not going to do them any good.  They have organized friends in there and outside of there.  It is meaningless to put them in there.  It only strengthens organized crime.

Thomas Murphy

Joe Biden fix the Discharge from the Milwaukee Rivers 07 28 2022

 Joe Biden fix the Discharge from the Milwaukee Rivers 07 28 2022


As long as you are spending all that money why don't you fix the sewage from the Milwaukee Rivers so that when it rains all that brown germy water isn't flushed into Lake Michigan?

 We had the deep tunnel project.  But that isn't doing it.  If we need 5 deep tunnels then we need 5 deep tunnels.  If we need space to put the water then we have to create space to put that water before it is treated.

If we need to put up bricks and mortar manufacturing capacity to treat that water then we need to do that.

The water in Lake Michigan by the shore in Milwaukee should always be clear and clean!

And same goes for every river and waste discharge into the Great Lakes anywhere!  It needs to be done.


And I should never see floating feces in the harbor flushed from boats.  Doesn't matter what type of boat it is flushed from either.

In fact I would be a hard guy and say that until there is no more floating feces in the Milwaukee Harbor there can be no boats of any kind docked or moored there!  I wouldn't mind being Draconian on a lot of issues if I were in power.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

How I learned never to smoke as a child 07 28 2022

 Because absolutely every adult that I saw who did was somehow sick in the head.

Whether it be obnoxious, rude, unintelligent, bossy, immature, snotty, pushy, crooked, poor character, deceitful, scheming, jealous, hateful,...I mean you name it.  I deemed them sick in the head.  And that wasn't something I ever wanted to be; like them!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

I can't put up with that 07 28 2022

  I have seen a workplace behavior.  By what might be called the uneducated?  But not always are they uneducated.

Whereby the push each other around.  Insult each other.  And then kind of feed of the fury that they created?  Enjoy that you made someone simmer?

That just isn't the America I know.  And it isn't the America I think that it should be.

And I believe a lot of violence is caused by just that.  Inability to emotionally develop.

They push each other around.  It is taken as a given.  And it escalates to violence.

And no one can figure out why?

But you know what?  If you believe in a melting pot theory.  That is exactly what a melting pot is.  So there is going to be violence.  In other words you can't believe in a melting pot without expecting that there will be violence.

A melting pot being where the lower skilled, hood type, workers are melded in with the good?  In hopes of?  In hopes of what?  In hopes of what dream? In hopes of fulfilling whose dream?


Workplace is, "This is why you do this.  And this is why it is done this way.  Look, I will even go so far as to demonstrate the correct way that is done.  There is a valid reason it is done that way.  And it needs to be done right now.  There is no time for daydreaming here.  There is no time for liquid lunches and tobacco breaks.  When there are customers here at the business you help them.  When there is a product in the storeroom and not on the shelf a customer wants to buy right then, you go get it!  You don't view your job as an opportunity to personally insult, demean, cause your coworkers to leave by attrition day and night from your covfefe."

Now that last phrase of that last sentence?  I would indeed recreate Wall Street with a new type of "Wall." 

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Who told you that you could be a male? 07 26 2022

 Do you know where "they" are going with the gender identity issue?

They want the future to be like this.  You could be born a normal male, normal anatomy and normal brain.  And they are going to want to say this to you, "Who told you that you could be a male?"

It has to do with the insanity of satan.

Gender identity is meaningless to those of a religion that steal souls.

Those of the religion are imprinted with the gender identity of the person whose soul was stolen for them; regardless of their own biological gender.

That is where all of this garb___ comes from!

"They" are going to want to determine what gender you get to be regardless of what normal gender you are born and created to be; just like they want to tell a woman she has to keep an unwanted pregnancy!!!!

It is the same mean streak!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Receding Gums 07 24 2022

 Receding Gums 07 24 2022

Could it really be that you are putting too much food in your mouth and it is wedging your gums lower when you bite down???

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Number 4 Wrench 7 24 2022


© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, July 22, 2022

What is good for business is bad for our country 07 22 2022

 Not recognizing and paying for the environmental liabilities that they create?  Great for business, terrible for our country.

Paying workers a low wage, not even a living wage?  Great for business really bad for our country.

Charging 25% interest on credit card loans?  Great for business really bad for our country.

Really bad for the people of our country!

Hiring foreign workers who can't read and write and paying them low wages?  Great for business, terrible for out nation.

Legalized alcohol? Great and really profitable for those businesses.  Terrible for our nation.

Private schools?  Great for business.  Terrible for our nation.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Junk food

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Interesting Milk Allergy Research

 It can take up to 21 days for cows milk protein to leave your body!

Thomas Murphy

Ivana Trump 07 21 2022


So when the news of her death first broke what it said was that she had a heart attack.

Then it said blunt trauma to the chest from a fall.

So I want to know if she was under the influence of alcohol when she fell?

Why?  Well it might be the best message that she could ever deliver to people?  Don't drink around the house because you could fall and die?  The real dangers of alcohol?

So the day she died I looked up some quotes of hers. 

One I saw she said something about Donald Trump, and this isn't likely to be exactly verbatim ~ ~ ~  "If you are good to him he will be good to you if you are bad to him he will kill you."

Did she have knowledge of him killing someone?  Do you see the tense of that statement?  In order to say something like that you are implying it has happened in some way?  Is that the kind of nation we want?  One where high profile business people threaten to kill you? 

And I really don't like the fact that Donald said something to the effect of, I could kill somebody right in the middle of the street in New York City and nobody would likely do anything about it.  Okay the best terminology I can use that won't get flagged is, Cesspool Bred?

Then I saw a video clip where she said that she ran the casinos for 10 years.  And that she got on a helicopter every day to get to them in the morning?

Aren't those the same Casinos that went Bankrupt like 3 times was it?  You know even if we had attributed their bankruptcy directly to Donald Trump we can still attribute it to Donald Trump because of his choice of management?

I just can't figure that out.  How do you bankrupt  casino?  In my mind they are the most profitable thins to the owners.  So I wonder where the money went?  Anybody else wonder where the money went?  In business school they have case studies on business bankruptcies where they have all the facts.  I wonder if they had the courage to ask that question concerning this one.

What was her college degree?


Off topic but about Republicans.

So Rebecca Kleefisch is running an advertisement for Governor. In it she shows a areal video of Tim Michels mansion on North Lake.  You wouldn't believe it.  Tim is also running for Governor of WI as a Republican.

Kleefisch was second in command to Scott Walker when he was Governor.  Remember Foxconn?  Who could forget?

In this current ad of hers she tells how Michels has had over a billion dollars of Construction contracts with the State of Wisconsin through his construction company Michels Construction.  I believe you see a building of theirs on the way down to Illinois off of the highway and also one on what might be considered a prime location on the Kinnikinnic River?

And if you go to his website you will see the ribbon type ceremony whereby Scott Walker it awarding a, is it a 100 million dollar contract to Michels Construction for Highway development related to Foxconn deal and also to create the concrete foundation slabs for the Foxconn Construction.

And remember how Rebecca Kleefisch was Lieutenant Governor under Scott Walker?  And how Walker is now endorsing Kleefisch, almost as if it would be a musical chairs ballot from when he was Governor?

I mean is that really all the dirt that they have on each other?  As if it is the dirt the got from using the same bath tub?  Where is the really good dirt they have on each other?

I mean to me it reads like you gave Tim all that money and then in your commercial you are stating that perhaps he unduly benefited from the reception of that money?

Why don't you just get on television and shoot yourself in the foot in front of everyone?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Ps.  You know, I really do wish that I had good things to say about everyone.  I think a lot of the conflict we are experiencing in our nation today is men not wanting to be subjected to a lesser standard than men? You wouldn't be a man if you accepted a lesser standard.  Now the Republicans like to label the Democrats as being a lesser standard?  But look at the money give away  above by Republicans?   Men like to earn an honest living by their personally developed skills.  Republicans want you to believe you are a sinner if you believe in a woman's right to abortion?  Whereas men believe that good legitimate people are created from drug free biological father and mother families and not of illegitimacy.  A man finds a child that can't learn to be illegitimate.  To a Republican it is the goose that laid the golden egg and drains Social Security while at the same time they can blame it on the Democrats?  I believe that the disabled of our country were created by the illegitimate.  I believe that.

Second signature line,

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

One more thing, Ivana is most quoted for this phrase, "Don't get mad, get everything."

She didn't take everything down the stairs with her did she?

Did that money of hers then go back to who?  The children?  Did some go back to the D?

And I will make one more comment.  Some people believe the good life is having lots of money and drinking all the time?  It catches up with them!  The best way to view life is to be alcohol free.  Then if you do get a lot of money you have no worries about being the drunk that falls down the stairs and dies?  And I am not saying she was a drunk.  I really don't know.  I am just saying that drug usage takes the lives of the famous.  And do you know how I look at it?  They were cashed in!  If they were in the music business all their property gets divided up in a fire sale.  And the rights to their work is purchased up by your British aristocrat type.  And should you be jealous of the famous people in the first place?  No?  Because they didn't really have a lot of talent!  When I was a boy and heard songs on the radio I was like who can stand all those G@d D@mned screeching voices.  It is no different today.  And because they didn't really deserve to be where they are they are going to use drugs and alcohol to grant themselves that false reward.  Whoopee!  They are going to get cashed in!

Third Signature Line

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

It is like that famous quote from a Western, ~"I think your friends are about to show you something about business."

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Hamburger Additive Noodle Box

 This is a Tuna/Roasted Chicken noodle type additive "box" made with the roasted chicken but one very good substitute.

Instead of the milk listed on the instructions I used Buttermilk and it turned out excellent!

Unbelievably good.  

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Monday, July 18, 2022

To Republican Senators 07 18 2022

 To Republican Senators 07 18 2022

"So are you telling me that even if a woman is raped by a man with Down's Syndrome she must keep that baby?"

"Especially then!", replied the Republican Senator. 

© 2022 Thomas Murphy


Saturday, July 16, 2022

Negligent Interruption of the Second Amendment 7 16 22

 So let's say that all a citizen should have is a musket, like in the Revolutionary War?

That is what the, I don to know we we h as to to call them would argue?  But they would use it as "reason" to ban semiautomatic rifles such as the AR-15.

Guess what?  Those muskets use Black Powder!  So they will definitely be coming to confiscate those too and the Black Powder!

And after that we all have to pretend what a good job King Don is doing!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

So with regard to Guns I had to wonder how many people Ted Kaczynski Killed?

 Okay per the google search he killed 3 people and injured 23, from 1978 to 1995!  He was also known as the "Unibomber."

But what is more interesting is that he didn't use guns per my knowledge, and it took them 17 long years to catch him!  

But I don't know the details and I am not going to take the time to research it.  But lets say that he blinded some people with his bombs.  I would think that the severity of that is right up there with having killed them!

Let's say that he gave them brain injuries that made them mentally retarded?  I would think the severity of that is right up there with if he killed them.

He didn't get the death penalty, still in some type of prison (?) but is believed to have cancer per wikipedia.  

Ted Kaczynski - Wikipedia


Off topic but I had to share it.

Which brings me to another point I had been thinking about the other day.  How many drinks does it take to make you mentally retarded?

So there are two ways to think about this.

1. Immediate mental retardation.  Like how many drinks does it take to make you unable to drive a car.  So if you think of it in these terms, isn't it about 2 drinks make you a retard that can't drive a car?

2.  Over a lifetime mental retardation, whereby you can't remember anything you learned in school.  And are like an Alzheimer's person?

how many people did the unibomber kill at DuckDuckGo

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Friday, July 15, 2022

Dinner 7 15 2022

I prepared some slices of Sendiks Black Forest Ham and that is their Potatoe Salad.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Fishing Humor 7 14 2022

 "Nothing uglier than a carp eye looking at you."

Thomas Murphy 

Humor 7 14 2022

 "Ut oh, I've offended alcoholics again."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

The real reason they don't want the public to work on cars


They do not want the public to have the knowledge when they did something wrong.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

So according to a spark plug mfg 7 14 2022

When you use antisieze on a spark plug you are getting it in there tighter at the same torque rating.  Hence causing metal shell stretch and a hotter plug, hence serious engine damage.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Ps I would never use copper a/s on an aluminum block as an outboard mfg once said that copper oxidizes Aluminum.  Also I think the silver/graphite ones form a caramelize caking.

You will see in some modern car 3rd party auto manuals to use a/s on plugs.  A 3rd party outboard manual states to use a special grease with theirs.  However that o/b co has stopped production all together.

But it is an interesting topic.

There are many different metals used in various antisieze compounds.  The melting point and other properties are something to think about.

Number of Lutheran Churches vs Walmarts

 According to a quick Google search there are:

8,894 Lutheran Churches


4,742 Walmarts 

in the United States today.

Doesn't really mean anything, other than what you might see if you drive around.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

A Photograph 7 13 2022


© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Capitol Building is Closed to Insurrectionists Today 07 13 2022

 Nancy Pelosi no longer keeps any of her personal effects here either.

The sign reads.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

I am a Black Man Security Guard 07 13 2022

 Let's say that I am a black man security guard of the nations Capitol.

I see a mob of angry white people storming the building and I refuse to open fire?

Why?  What could my motivation be?

1.  Because it is a white controlled country.  So I would be biting the hand that feeds or employs me?

2.  Because I really don't think it is a big deal that they are coming in?

3.  Because I believe if I open fire I will be killed by them?

4.  Because I really never want to kill anyone even though I am in law enforcement wearing a gun?

And there could be other reasons.  But lets just focus on issue number "1" above.

And I will make this statement with regard to it.

Because we haven't been able to prosecute the top of the "trickle down" responsible for this at this point, I as that black man and right not to have opened fire.

Why? Because if we as a nation are not prosecuting the top of that "trickle down" chain of action for this then it really means that side is the stronger side in the legal matter!

And I as that black man security guard would be on the wrong side of that.

Terrible truth!  A terrible truth!


1. Now lets say I am a white security guard in that same situation.  2. And lets say that I am not of the odd Trump mindset; meaning I am not a sycophant to a fascist.  Meaning I do not grant divine right and endless praise to someone like that.

Now I see that mob of white people coming at me.  They indeed do have weapons but they are made to look like props?  For all I know it is some sort of Howie Mandall, this is how we do it, television prank on me?  No.  Not likely.

What is the danger to me if I do not uphold my duty?  I could be crushed just like the others at the door?  I could be stampeded and trampled to death.

But perhaps this.  Who really wants to kill someone who is acting like a zealot?  Real sad to do so.  I mean really tear at the heart of a persons humanity to do so.

What does this mean?  It tells us of the great importance of prosecuting the top of this trickle down action of storming the capitol where a sum half a dozen or so people died.

But could I be justified as that white person in killing the front line of stormers?

Yah know, this was something different wasn't it!

Those who stormed it had been chanting outside for a very long time before they came in.  So I had plenty of time to decide what my potential actions could be if I am that security guard.

Lets say that I have a 6 shot revolver and two wheels to spare.  I take out 18 of the front line of stormers with direct hits to the heart or chest cavity.  Punctured lungs a certain death?  Just as would be my fate if I am impaled by the spear the man storming the capitol is wielding.

Do they keep coming?  Or do they scatter?  Do they go back and get the guns out of the trucks or do they run away?

I am that black man sitting at my gate while all of this is fomenting.  Do I wish I had an AR-15 with me?  How many clips do I need to successfully defend that position?

But here is another point?  Who can I count on to help me?  Some members of law enforcement were stormers.  What am I to do when I see that?

Who can I call as that black man, saying I need reinforcements right where I am, right there.

Bingo!  Unheard of issue!  Why on earth were there not reinforcements standing right alongside me!

The nation guard was present somewhere?  Why didn't they take the most key defensive position right alongside of me?  Not even one or two right alongside of me?

And if therefore the national guard is in charge of the matter, why did they let it happen?  One of the reasons above?

Now lets say that you have a National Guard that refuses to do the duty it was being paid for, in this instance protect the sanctity of our Democracy?  Okay all well and done now.  But how do we ferret out individuals like that from command positions and also low level positions in the National Guard?  And what is it really saying when I assert it needs to be done for the security of our Democracy?  It is sickening isn't it.  And who brought this sickness to us?  Apparently, we don't know because we are unable to successfully prosecute them, to this point.  Of course we do.  Of course we know who it is.  But again, what does it mean that we are not able to successfully prosecute that person?  Doens't it really mean this?  There is a layer to our Government in all of this that doesn't want to prosecute in order to save our Government?  Is that the right way to say it?  No, not quite.  More or less an intrusion to our Government has been made just as there was an intrusion to the Capitol?  Do you follow me?  There is nothing wrong with our Government.  But there is something wrong with the people hired to work in it who storm the capital, refuse to prosecute the invading leader?  Those last two words, are they too strong?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Hey there are some fishing reels currently listed for sale on the left of this webpage.  Some photographs and a novel on the right.  A watch for sale too.  Don't you want to buy any of that stuff?

I hate to be the responsible store owner here, but if you are not going to buy anything then get out of here!

Uvalde 8 Man Firing Squad 07 13 2022

 So let's define some criteria here.

1.  Let's say a mass shooter lives.

2.  Let's say that they are found guilty by a jury.

3.  Let's say that the death penalty is legal.

So it looked to me from that video that perhaps 8 Police Officers failed to enter that classroom because the shooter was killing children in it and they didn't want to get shot.  That they waited for the shooting to end in order to go in.  Perhaps hoping that the shooter had saved the last bullet to kill himself with.

So what forms of the Death Penalty are legal?  I would think that a firing squad, a hanging or even a guillotine would be legal.  The criteria being that they are very quick and therefore humane.

I would put the 8 members of law enforcement who should have stopped that shooting by entering harms way on that firing squad.

In other words, to do exactly what they were being paid to do in the first place.

And in the case of some other crimes I deem horrific as well as this one I would also allow the parents of the shooting victims to be on the firing squad. (A) If a person is allowed to kill a pimp then by default there ought to be the death penalty for pimps to. 

I mean if you don't want to see that killer of your very own children put to death why should our justice system even press charges against them!

Now with regard to (A) above that brings up a very important point.  What can a Police Officer kill you for?  Whatever a Police Officer can kill you for there also ought to be the death penalty for.  So that would tighten up any leeway with regard to the issue of a Police Officer perhaps using excessive force or perhaps a bias to kill someone?

Now some forms of Government in world history may have looked at it this way.  With regard to someone they deemed deserving of the death penalty; either you execute that person deserving of the death penalty or you are executed right alongside of them too.

Now let's say new facts or evidence comes out that negates some of the premises here.  The framework of this idea per the situation as described would still apply to situations defined as it is.


There are 2.5 billion Christians in the world today.  Now I recently read that half of the people killed by Police Officers are mentally ill.  What did Jesus Christ say about it?  Jesus Christ was able to cast the demons out of the mentally ill and the Bible tells us that he knew who they were!  Can you believe that?  He knew who they were!

So there is a very important issue there that needs to be addressed by our government.  And it isn't one that is subject to exclusion because it amounts to religion in Government.  It isn't subject to that Constitutional Amendment.  In effect we might need a Constitutional Amendment to address the issue that Jesus Christ brought up which indeed 2.5 billion people in the world believe in.


In summary.  Let's say that a Law Enforcement Officers duty was to shoot that active shooter of children and he failed to do so.  Now let's say that that same officer does not want to serve on the firing squad to shoot that criminal found guilty.  So we have an issue there don't we.  Could it be said someone was being paid for years on end and should not have?  And what was the detriment to our Democracy of them being in that position?  Did that what I would deem poor character lead to the degradation of our Democracy in a great many ways?


Did I mention the Jury?  Let's say that the Jury convicts someone.  And no one else wants to serve on the firing squad?  Should the Jury be required to?  I would think that would be fair.

Now let's say that no one ever wanted to be on a firing squad.  All of these people could go around killing children everywhere and no one ever wanted to be on a firing squad to legally action the death penalty?  What does that say about the demographic of our Democracy?  Wishy washy weakness?

So indeed, we need to get at the source of that in order to understand it.  Might we be seeing a new genetic composition of men as the standard demographic of our country?  Perhaps we need to readily be able to identify that.


© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Hey look at those current ads for a fishing reel on this page, currently there is a jacket on the right of this page.  Don't you want to buy some of that stuff????

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

I have a hunch 7 12 2022

 Some of these shooters were on paintball teams.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Uvalde Shooting video on CNN

 So how many law enforcement stood in the hallway while you heard the gun going off shooting people? At least 8.

It is so simple I could figure how to command those officers.

1. You go to the door of the room you hear the shooting from.

2.  The guy with the battering ram knocks it down.

3.  Your best shooter enters with your second best after him.


Somewhere in there an officer yells ,"Get down!" to the schoolroom.

All officers in hallway should have been either aiming in direction if in front.  Or gun pointed down and ready to raise straight to fire.

Do you know what they were waiting for?  The shooter to be out of bullets from killing people or worse yet the shooter using the last bullet to kill himself so that they never had to get in harms way.

What about at the windows from the outside?  If there were any? Bash one in and flush the shooter out of the school room, into the hallway.

And officers should know the layout of every school in their local.

All the money wasted on Homeland Security?

And erode the public confidence in themselves to the point where by a member of the public working as security in the Capitol didn't have the moral resolve to take those out?

Looked to me they waited until it was done.


Also in lieu of that members of the general public should know the layout of every school.  In hope that they would step up quicker??  

****' So he crashed the car and two people were running?  If the second was a cop how did he lose pursuit?  Someone with a rifle he was chasing can't run as fast, because of the rifle bobbing in the strap or held in front???

I can't watch television without commenting on it.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

What do we get with diversity? 07 12 2022

 What do we get with diversity; monkeypox?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Tough Love? 7 12 2023

It can't heal an eating disorder???

So if that is all you are capable of your life is going to go in a downward spiral if a loved one gets one.

Hence in most cases it is just an attempt to justify  your mean state of being?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Monkeypox Fatality Rate 07 12 2022

3 to 6 percent.  So about 1 in 20.

You know what irks me?  With all of our recent experience with Covid 19 how come we are not able to keep this plague out of our country?

Did 4 years of that Republican break our moral resolve and certitude?

Look at all the opposition measures the Republicans took against combatting the spread of Covid 19.

And now Monkeypox was allowed in.

They wanted to instill marshal law in order to keep Donald Trump in power as President..

But with regard to wearing masks, quarantine, preventing foreign travel complete opposition to those right measures at the right time!

They has a spoiled fit about any measure designed to prevent the spread of Covid 19.  Because ostensibly it was in violation of your rights?  But when it came to your right to elect a President of the United States they wanted to invoke Marshal Law in order to prevent that from happening.  

And then they would declare that none of this is true.  Ask yourself, 

"Who has a problem with reality and why?"

I would interpret all of this as them not really liking living in our Democracy!  But they don't want to go do they.  Instead they want to change our Democracy so that we have no rights!  That is the kind of world that makes them happy.  One where people, human beings, have no rights.

This is what they want the ability to do, attack and destroy anyone who calls a pompous fool a pompous fool.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Essentially 07 12 2022

"Essentially he whined for four years about being President and then attempted to destroy our Democratic structure."

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Whenever an issue of responsibility came up he whined about it!

Quote 7 12 2022

 "When the female of the race is really the male.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Monday, July 11, 2022

I sure would like to be a person with Down's Syndrome in my next life 07 11 2022

"I sure would like to be a person with Down's Syndrome in my next life."

Does anybody ever, really truly think that?

What is the point?  It is a follow on from one of the last two articles.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy 


If I were to somehow take the reigns of the Catholic Church I would make the Priest say that at every Communion, as part of the ceremony.

In Order to not be an Alcoholic 07 11 2022

 In Order to not be an Alcoholic 07 11 2022

You have to have the ability to find no commonality with a person who is.

You can still converse and interact with them so as not to be antisocial.  However you can find no commonality with them.

And there is a very good reason for it.

It is a disease just like Covid-19 is.  It is an addictive disease.  And it is devastating to your health and life. 

You need to consider yourself better than an alcoholic.  Just like you need to consider your life better than when it was when you were an alcoholic. 

See the taboo logic there?  You need to consider yourself better than an alcoholic or you will not consider your life as a non alcoholic as better than you were an alcoholic.  And you don't need a whole lot of basis in order to consider yourself better than an alcoholic.

Logic ____!

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

What if we didn't care about RACE? 07 11 2022

1. If we didn't care about race then we might not be able to treat a race that has an infection if they get it?  We would not be able to monitor, track and keep data on their response to medication and vaccines in comparison with the general population?  And that would not be good for that race in a time of pandemic. 

2.  If we didn't care about race we would not be able to determine that a specific race is more responsible for crime and violence in our country if that were to be the truth?

Things like that.  Things that help ensure the general health and well being of all the people.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Smoking and Decision Making 07 11 2022

 Smoking and Decision Making 07 11 2022

 Does someone who is under the influence of cigarette type smoke not make as good decisions?

How can I prove that?

1.  Because using the product in the first place is a poor decision.

2.  Hence, any decisions made on the premise of that first poor decision also have to be bad.

And because it is addicted it means that they are addicted to making poor decisions?


Does alcohol affect someone who is mentally defect or mentally retarded differently than someone without that "un ability?" 

So alcohol is a classified as a depressant.  Which  means when a normal person uses it they are likely to feel depressed or sleepy perhaps.

But what about someone who has had trouble learning their entire life?  In that case it doesn't affect them as a depressent.  It is more or less a stimulant to them?  Why?  Because they have likely spent their entire lives depressed.  I will assert that depression is really suppressed anger.  Anger that can not be expressed.

I would assert that the mental state of a defective person can't get much lower so the only affect alcohol can have on them is of a stimulant factor?  In other words they can't be depressed by it.  Ignorance is bliss?  And to make those who are not ignorant lessened by alcohol must also be blissful for the ignorant or mentally defective.  Blissful to bring people down to your level?  Does not the Bible speak of lower worlders, at least in the preface section?  Were they also known as demons?

So what happens in a drinking environment between a normal person and someone of known mental defect?  The normal person is leveled down to the world of the mentally defective person.  And that has to be a stimulating experience for the mentally defective person.  It allows the defective person to feel a commonality with those around them.  A commonness or as per the church defined a Communion with others.  "Look at what we all have in common now!  See how everyone is happy now?"

The bliss of a mentally defective person looking around themselves and seeing that everyone else is no in a state of un-ability!  

 Lot of money in that isn't there!  They make a lot of friends doing so don't they!  They make a lot of connections doing so.  The Constitution might call it a Confederacy?  The Bible might call it "a God forbidden pride has been formed."


Would it not be in the best "psychological " interest of a lower worlder to level those of a Democracy down to their level?  Do your absolute best to create examples of those a lower worlder would be innately jealous of? 

Now on Facebook I see a lot of anti-religion propaganda.  But I believe those people who feel that way are not viewing the life conflict that Jesus Christ had with the ruling class properly.  That is how you should view Jesus Christ and Christianity properly in order to understand it.  Those who would promote it any other way really want to destroy it.  Why?  Do destroy the story of the conflict that Jesus Christ had with the ruling class and the validity of that conflict.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy


Olympics 07 11 2022

 Olympics shouldn't be a matter of what nation can breed the greatest "freaks."

If it has come to that, then I believe that the United States should withdraw from Olympic Competitions.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy 


What honest hard working man believes in the right to legitimize hyperactive disorder?

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Philosophy 7 10 2022

 "When why you are doing something and why you are actually being paid to do something are two different things."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Yesterday's Breakfast 7 10 2022


 © 2022 Thomas Murphy

Those Immune from Logic 07 10 2022

Those immune from logic, to live with that weakened state belief system all your life. Using this as your defense to everything:  refuting everything that is true by easily trying to prove it isn't true.

"Something that is true; that some charlatan can easily try and prove isn't true."

The purpose of a Straw Man argument is to deflect the attention away from the true personal state of being of the straw man!

Which means what?  The Straw Man really believes that all problems are representations of themself!  Bingo!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Did anybody know that a White Irish Man Beat Mike Tyson 07 09 2022

Did anybody know that a White Irish Man Beat Mike Tyson?

Kevin McBride won on June 11th 2005.

How come we didn't know that? Because we had been conditioned by a whole bunch of sycophant talking on the television to believe it was impossible?

The new American way? When you are losing: cheat?

First, I saw an elbow thrown in round 1 by Tyson. Then I saw about 5 low blows by Tyson. Then I watched as Tyson thought through virtually the whole match that if he were able to lock McBrides right arm he would be able to leverage up a right upper cut to his jaw while doing so. It never happened. Then I saw Tyson actually twist McBrides arm in an attempt to break it, via a Judo type move?

And why was Tyson attempting to bite his glove? In order to rip it so that it would tear away at McBrides face?

Finally, Tyson did not come out in the 7th Round. What did Tyson say to his corner at the end of the 4th 5th, 6th rounds? He said something.

It seemed to me like the ref was favoring Tyson? Finally, two points taken away for a head butt from Mike. How come none for the low blows? How come none for the arm twisting?

I have to wonder if Mike learned anything in school.

How many Tyson fights were fought at Trumps Taj Mahal? And we know what Trump said to Governors and election officials effectively encouraging them to cheat? If I can't say a truth like that here this country is about the equivalent of Tazmania. So I wonder if Trump ever said anything to promoters or boxers or referees? Read on to learn the meaning of this next comment, I sure wish Trump would say that he isn't going to disrespect our country anymore.

I thought Mike should have gone to jail after biting Evander Hollyfields ear! Watch that replay and it will just about make you sick.

And perhaps the best moral of all is. After all that dirty fighting, and not winning the match, Tyson just quit! Amen to that.

Instead of the glamor of his name that is how I want it indelibly in my memory.

Mike who always said he was the best fighter instead of the best boxer said after the fight, ~"I'm not going to disrespect the sport anymore by losing to this caliber of fighter"

And that is the problem right there. It isn't a sport of Fighters it is a sport of Boxers. It isn't a sport of elbows, low blows and head butts, arm dislocating it is a sport of boxing! My point being, who was the low caliber of boxing all along?

But what were the words Mike said his corner at the end of those last rounds? I would have to listen very carefully and review several video renditions of the fight to figure it out. Sometimes commentator's ringside will hear it and repeat it. Sometimes they hear it and write about it later. Why none of that?

Beaten fairly by an Irish Boxer from Clones, County Monahand Ireland. It is just south of the border of Northern Ireland. Clones, County Monaghan, at DuckDuckGo

Kevin McBride - Wikipedia

Mike Tyson vs. Kevin McBride (2005-06-11) - Bing video Blurred everything in this video. Why? To blur, obfuscate and erase our memories of the event? Rotten.

And do you know what is a sad thing?  How many of us see things like this and fear saying what we think about it?  What is the source of that fear?  Some kind of institutionalized witchcraft?  Enough.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

You want to know what is funny?

 "You want to know what is funny?  I will tell you what is funny.  Cracking an egg you thought was hard boiled, that is what is funny."

If you like my writing you might also like a copy of my novel.

The Voyage of the Cauldron Skipper

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Religious Quote 07 07 2022

 "God judges souls based on free will."

Also, Jesus Christ preached of an exclusivity to the Kingdom of Heaven.  Which is far different than the Lutheran religion tenet; all that you have to do to get into heaven is asked to be saved at the hour of your death.  Do you see how it is wrong?  Because God judges souls based on free will.  You sinned of your own free will.  And Jesus preached an exclusivity to heaven, essentially meaning people like that are not getting in.

So why the ask to be saved?  Because it is great marketing!  It brings money in the front door of the Church!  But it doesn't matter because God really judges souls based on free will.

But lets say that someone was born dumb, for lack of using more technical words.  Does it matter that a person like that really didn't have a free will?  No.  Per the exclusivity clause you don't get in!

But what if you created a lie.  So that such people would come to your church?  And put money in the collection?  They still won't get in.  But neither will you because you misrepresented the standard.  And when you misrepresented the standard you proliferated the lesser standard.  And God would not be happy with that!  You essentially told people, don't think about what you are doing wrong in life.  Don't think of how you could improve.  Don't think about how you should be better but cannot.  You see that last sentence is the hard lesson to take.  Because some people are not born with the free will to achieve it.  So you sold them hope.  But also in saying it doesn't matter what you do in life, you did not preach the word of God.  Hence whatever religion that is, is not truly Christian.  

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Bad Girl Motivation 07 06 2022

 And so what motivates a bad "girl" to be a bad "girl?"

I think it is this, she has very little confidence that she will be able to "produce" an intelligent child.

Behind every bad man is a bad woman.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

What do you see? 7 5 2022

 Thomas Murphy

Lunch 7 5 22


Made this out of leftover roasted chicken.

Want the recipe?

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

You just completely ruined her life 07 05 2022


So lets say that a young woman is raped at a High School beer party.  Per the Republican initiative she has to hold that baby the entire term and give birth to it.

You just completely ruined her life.  What happens next?  Everyone in school looks at her funny?  If they don't then are we to come to accept pregnant young women walking around the High School halls as the norm?

And she has to then take care of that child.  Which means what?  Not likely to do well in school anymore.  Likely will have to drop out.  College aspirations likely went completely down the tubes.  There isn't likely going to be a marriage involved and a father, and a nuclear family.  She likely won't be able to make ends meat at that age.  So there will either be work to pay for food and rent and no college education.

Doesn't the Bible say you are not to covet someone else's property?  You better believe it does in the Ten Commandments.  To covet her baby as if it were your own?  As if it were something you could have?  Yeah it is a sin! 

And both the biological mother and biological father were likely drunk at that time of conception so that child will likely have a learning disability.  And the educational services required are going to cause you to take a double mortgage out on your home. And this initiative coincides with greatly rising interest rates doesn't it.  So Cui Bono, (who benefits)?

You just completely ruined her life.


But what is the motivation for it?  Hatred of the family?  Hatred of women?  Hatred of a patriarchal society?

And like it or not the only way a child like that can be raised is to be spoiled.  Why?  Because they are going to be frustrated with learning, hence they are going to have to be coddled and a false sense of superiority is going to have to be instilled in them.  Instead of getting and incomplete or an F they will get a pat on the back and be told what you did is good enough.

In some sense it is a great thing that Donald Trump was President.  He was sent to Military Academy in the 7th Grade because his parents couldn't handle him?  That allows to understand a lot of the motivation of Republican Policy.  And if you have had Republican friends in your life you would see it a lot clearer too! 

So why does it get support from women?  Because it is comforting and reassuring to a women who isn't really so smart!  It is providing and legitimizing on a national level what really amounts to negative expectation for her.  It is re-terming it not to be a negative expectation. 

"Hun you got another babe come'in from being in the cotton field? ..... Which un you thinks the father?"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Ps.  And because it is a sin what Jesus said applies.  It doesn't really matter if you legally procured another woman's baby all that matters is that you thought about doing so; and it is still a sin!

Two Can Corn Casserole 7 5 22



~ 1/4 to 1/2 cup Buttermilk
1 Egg
3 T Flour
2 T Sunflower Oil
~1/3 cup Bread Crumbs
2 cans of Corn
~1/4t Salt

p. Black Pepper
p. Rosemary
sp. Caraway
sp. Coriander
sp. Star Anise
sp. Cumin
 In a bowl beat egg, add Buttermilk, Flour, Sunflower Oil, and spices.  Drain and rinse the two cans of corn well with your hand partially over the top of the can about three times and add corn.  Mix the stuff up and add bread crumbs.
Okay I have a new Microwave type oven that has a broiler and a Convection oven function as well as an air fryer function.
I put all the above mix in a Teflon Cake type pan I got at the hardware store for perhaps a $1.99 at the most.  Perhaps it has a 1 1/4" edge height to it. I placed it on the rack that raises it up a little bit.  I am new to using that oven but I wanted to do it on the air fryer.  After about 10 or 15 minutes that hadn't heated it up enough per the Infrared Gun Thermometer.  So I put it on the convection oven setting for a while.  That didn't heat it up enough either.  Then I put it on the broiler function and got the corn up to 171 degrees in the center.  And that was just enough.  When cooking like this you can't leave it unattended!  Next time I cook it I will go for a little higher internal temperature, perhaps 185.  But having said all that about the cooking time this turned out very good!   My official taste tester loved this!


If you think about utilization of things you buy that are in your frig, the Buttermilk was also utilized in the Irish Soda bread.  So these are things you can think of making around the same time or few days.

And to repeat something I said before here, you haven't learned to cook well until you start using that Infrared Thermometer to check to make sure the internal temperature of your cuisine.
I am attempting to get away from cheese and dairy in things I make.  But I do occasionally like the fermented products of Buttermilk, Kefir and Yogurt.  The Buttermilk gives it enough of that character.

You can get a can of corn for 58 cents!

Abbreviations used in cooking:
p = pinch
sp = speck

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, July 4, 2022

If Trump wanted to have emboldened people (updated)

 If Trump wanted to embolden people he should have done so by telling the truth not creating a foundation of lies, the worst of which being he won the election.

Couldn't say any true reasons to embolden the people because he didn't know any.  Couldn't find commonality to do so because he was a member of the wealth class.  But he was able to do so anyway.

And that is why he didn't win the election, the real working class doesn't relate to a person who claims to be an expert at 50 different things and then uses phrasing that could be construed as you should drink bleach to treat COVID.

What is scary is that there are supporters of him like that who exist in our nation.  A different kind of worker that doesn't ask questions and believes in a trickle down ideas.  Whatever someone with money tells them they bluntly repeat.  I don't have much confidence in the work of such people.  Do you?

One would believe a person who refuses to ask questions ends up disabled because of it?  Or perhaps the nagging truth is everyone who works with them does.

This is the type of person who will always defer judgement to someone who is an expert?  "You can't make that because there is already an expert making that.". And that belief transcends to this, "You don't need an education someone else already has one.". Again, I have little confidence in people like that. 

That belief system really amounts to racism against the normal.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Conceptualization of Steamed Ribs 7 4 2022

 So it is the Fourth of July and you see ribs on sale.  I didn't buy any.  Just too heavy on the stomach the way I cook them.  But what if there were an easy way to steam the before broiling?

There ought to be a wire rack that sits in the large pot you make spaghetti in.

Perhaps if you threw out a microwave toaster oven and saved that rack that would work.

I am talking about ribs where the meat falls off the bone.

I will have to research this.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Spring Loaded Wood Dowels 7 4 2022


More of a description later.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Encouragement to Leave the State and Country 07 03 2022

 Encouragement to Leave the State and Country 07 03 2022

So they want to completely disallow abortions even in cases of rape and incest.

What does it mean?

Is not an child from incest likely to be considered an inbred?

Does a child of a rapist bear some of the genetic DNA that might make them also have a propensity to be a rapist?

So if you live in a state that dissallows abortion it means you would have to go to another state to get one.  Which means what?  It means you are being encouraged to leave the state!

And do they also deem it this way?  If you don't want to have what amounts to an inbred child it means that you don't like inbred children and hence you are encouraged to leave the state?

If you drank alcohol and got pregnant on a one night stand and are likely to have a Downs Syndrome child, if you don't want a mentally retarded Downs Syndrome spectrum child you are encouraged to leave the state!

That is one evil mean streak isn't it!

And to make it valid on a national level means you are encouraged to leave the country if by default you don't like any of the above.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, July 2, 2022

I got really sick the other day after eating two breakfast sandwiches from the Clown Place (euphenism)

 Like a bad headache and a nerve problem on the left side of my body.

This has happened twice before at that unnamed restaurant.  And each time I swore I would never go back.  And I didn't.  This was the third time in recent weeks I went there after swearing to never go there.  

Can I say for sure it was due to their food?  No?  Could it be something like a clogged neck artery?  Who knows.  But I just do a lot better when I don't eat there.  Another place I wont go to is a mega coffee place whose names sounds like a 70's science fiction character named St@r6uck.  I have come out of their shaking and with like heart palpitations, sweating like, with a odd tingling sound in my ears like I am going to pass out and die.  I just wont go there. But to be fair I will not drink more than one caffeinated drink per day today anywhere!

Then a lady attempted to run me over today.  I pushed the walk signal and the lights flashed.  She was 40 yards away to my right.  I thought she would slow down but she sped up to like 50mph very quickly in a 25mph zone. Luckily I didn't take my foot off the curb.  Look left, right and left again, is a good rule.  A lot of stuff like that has been going on lately.  I had cars attempt to run me over so many times when I rode a bicycle that I never ride one anymore.  Went head over heals about three different times as they came at me.

You know the world is changing.  It is funny how television likes to negatively characterize certain types of assertions?  For example you might say you saw a demon face come out on a person?  Do you know that today there is videotape evidence which will show just that happening!  And you can't honestly look at it and say it is nothing other than that.  I would post a link here but I don't need that kind of trouble coming after me.

I don't think I will publish this.

You know what?  I will publish this!  I don't care what you think about it.  I don't care how you want to contort it around in your mind to adjust the meaning of it to make bad statements about me.  I don't care if it makes me look weak.  There may be other people like me who this might help.

Every once in a while I see something posted on Facebook whereby it states that complaining accomplishes nothing!  That is complete communist propaganda!   Complete anti First Amendment Propaganda.  Only the strong complain.  That First Amendment is there so that you should never be afraid to complain.  Our Founding Fathers didn't want you to have to put up with cr@p.  They didn't want you to have to put up with the "Trelanes" of the world ( a character from a science fiction series that exemplifies the problem the Colonists had with the British?  That we have with the wealth class Republicans today?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

My Commentary on the Karl Karlsen Dateline Episode that just aired tonight 07 02 2022

 I watch a Dateline Episode about once every six months.  But after sitting through the drama of one there is no way that I am not going to comment on it!  No way!

1.  Two people who were murdered would be alive today if it were not for the life insurance business.  They were killed after large insurance policies were taken out on their lives!  $700,000.00 a father got when he crushed his son under a truck he was working on and collected on the policy!

2.  I wanted to talk about this after a shooting case in Kenosha Wisconsin.  But in the Karlsen case their was some idea that a confession of him killing his son as per one should not be admissible in the case of him killing his wife.  Which brings up this point.  Either a Defendant or a plaintiff should be allowed to submit any evidence that they want to because it is consistent with the Constitutional right to free speech!  Now I can see how one could just keep collecting evidence forever to draw out a case.  So I can see how some could be irrelevant only in that respect.  But when someone does something so horrific as to kill their son in that manner I don't see how you couldn't allow that.  But I think some judges like to disallow that stuff.  I also want to say that sometimes in court cases they say that the defendant isn't in an emotional state to go to trial.  Then they put them on psychiatric drugs. I believe that the emotional state that they are in should be what we see at trial.  I want to here everything that they say no matter how strange it sounds.  For example we hear in the Bible that Jesus was tempted by Demons!  I don't believe it is fair for the defendant, not with regard to this case, but others, to put them on a tranquilizer.

3.  In the Dateline episode it showed how the son named Levi looked to be a bad kid.  He had earrings in both ears and ran away from home.  Married early and had two daughters and then got a divorce.  He started to look like a bad kid.  But you know what?  What is very interesting is that I and perhaps we don't give someone like that the benefit of the doubt!  If his father was that bad he was likely a horrible father from the get go.  The son was likely justified in running away.  And why does he have two earrings?  Because if he was grabbed by the ears and forced to do something they would rip out and the torn ears would be evidence of what had happened?  I guess?

4.  I found the murderers facial and speech patterns very similar to someone in the workplace I didn't get along with at all!

5.  I also think that drugs like opiates and pain killers change human behavior.  I also think that alcohol makes good people into horrible ones.  But perhaps a horrible person sometimes takes them just because they are a horrible person.  Because they know that they can't achieve like everyone else but they still want to duplicate that happiness in life of achieving; via the drug, whatever it may be.  No magnify that to the entire country and do you see where the problems come from?  Frustration leads to anger,  Anger leads to violence.  Violence leads to death.  And what does frustration come from?  The inability to learn and do!  The inability to learn and achieve.

6.  One final point I don't quite understand is why the insurance companies decided to pay these claims?  Did they find some networked commonality with the individual in some way, is the only thing I can come up with.  It just doesn't make any sense.  Or is it just low level intelligence investigators?  So we really don't have the workforce to support the Life Insurance business in this nation.  And that makes a very good point.  We could say that a U.S. car company no longer has the workforce either design engineering or manufacturing to produce sedan's so they just produce SUVs today?  A lot of things are going the way of that heap.  I do believe there are those who would side with Russia in a War.  Why?  Because they didn't really legitimately earn their billions.  And therefore they want to make this country like Russia.  Sure a little bit off topic but what the heck.

7.  There was some video footage that showed Levi, who was killed by his father, in his early years.  And there looked to be some introversion in them caused by fear of something, someone rather.

8.  With regard to item number one on this list.  Something needs to be done about it so that murder based on collecting insurance policies NEVER happens!  I mean NEVER!  Whatever it takes to make that so needs to happen.  And I really don't know how you make a lasting system like that, which would be the goal of it, from degrading over time!  Another good point.  Degradation of good laws and rules over time.  We set up antipollution laws and a Supreme Court knocks them down per the will of who?  Money under the table! Aha!  Will there be kickbacks from energy companies to fund a political candidate who made that supreme court teeter a certain way with regard to pollution?  It is sickening!  Completely sickening! Degradation of good things over time.  Like taking a public service and making it private.  Shouldn't the garbage man take all your garbage from your home no matter what every week?  Taking public properties and turning them into apartment complexes?  Bending our laws so that they mean what they are not supposed to mean?  Like those old abortion laws were really meant to protect a woman's life from the use of crude implements and procedures.  You would make us all believe that back then they had the idea of a fetus being a walking talking educated and responsible human being with a soul at the exact moment of conception?  The truth is, I assert, some people are never able to form their own soul.  Instead what is their lifetime pattern?  Frustration leading to anger.  Anger leading to violence.  Violence leading to death!  Enough of that.

That is about it.  Like I said I can't watch one of those Episodes without commenting on it.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

I can't always type like this, I wish I could.  Happy Independence Day to those who have it.

Hypothetical Disposal of Expired Marine Flares 07 02 2022

 Hypothetical Disposal of Expired Marine Flares 07 02 2022

1. Okay here is the issue, you need to have them on your boat but they can't be expired.

2.  They often have expiration dates that are about two years from the date of purchase if that.

3.  I don't believe that even the hazmat facility will take them.

4.  I emailed the village where I live and they had no answer.

5.  You shouldn't just shoot them off because that is not what they are for and it could be a fire or burn hazard. Also you might be triggering an emergency response as if the flare were deployed in an emergency.

6.  So how do you dispose of them?

I think I read somewhere that you could waterlog them and then toss them in the garbage.  However  they are sealed so you can't really be assured you have them waterlogged.

They are made of plastic so if there was some way that you could cut the plastic then you could waterlog them.  But is there a danger of that thing going off in your hand if you are cutting it with a knife?  I just don't like that idea.  What about grinding the plastic away or drilling?  The risk is just too great.

So here is what I am thinking.  I am thinking that you can buy threaded small sections of plumbing pipe at the hardware store.  You can also buy screw on end caps.

The idea here would be to make something about the size of that flare.  But the long section of that pipe should have a ground off section to the metal.  So you would have to get the file out.  A section so big that you could quickly slit the flare via its opening and then put it in large metal bucket and put the lid on the bucket.

The idea is that the metal will protect your hand.  And that you can immediately turn that opening away from your face after you slit it or slit it with that opening facing away from you.

And I really don't like the idea of something metal, like the idea of the razor coming into contact with whatever is in there.

In theory you would only need to remove a tiny piece of the plastic.  Perhaps a 1/16 or 1/8" square area to allow the water to get in.

What about drilling a hole in that pipe and then just drilling into the flare past the plastic?  "They" might say you had a pipe____.  

I am talking about hypothetically make such tool and after making all modifications to such tool then placing item to get ready to be disposed of in such tool.  You know what a problem is?  Attempting to figure out how dumb someone could be.  You would have to be on a higher "wavelength" to understand something?  Can't figure out premise to conclusion because you were never truly required to think?

I would wear a face shield, I have a welding jacket and some oven gloves if I were to do this.

So I think this is what I might settle on.

Is there a danger of that thing being more dangerous that way?  As if you had created a fragmentary grenade????

Well flares are dangerous and that is why no one seems to be able to dispose of them for you.

I think if you have a large enough slit there on the side of the pipe you are not going to have the metal potentially exploding outwards like a fragmentary grenade.  Potentially you might have that with the drill hole idea.  But a grind away portion would allow your hand to be relatively free from explosion in theory.  I would say you want that hole perhaps 1" long and half and inch wide.

I don't like the idea of something spinning being used to remove the plastic as it could ignite.  I am thinking a brand new razor blade in a quality holder.

And I also don't like this idea because you can't be assured that some bur in the end fitting isn't going to come into jarring contact with the primer bulb while you are cutting at the plastic.

And once you get it in the water I would believe it to go bad quick.  Whereby you could wait however long before being assured and doing the next one.  Usually they are sold in four in a pack.

And this is just me thinking aloud.  I am not suggesting you try this.  If I were you I would search for a safer way than this.  And don't take my thinking out loud here as being a suggestion.  If you are the kind of guy that drinks alcohol or uses some sort of drugs don't even think of these ideas.  You are responsible for your own safety not me.

This is all hypothetical and not meant as a suggestion even if the wording seems to read that way in some places in it.

But I mean you don't want them sitting around the house where the dog could chew on it.  Right?

I would contact your fire department and see what they say.  I would contact your local coast guard and see if they take them.  I would contact your village hall and see if they know what to do.  I would contact your police department and see if they will take them.  I would contact a hazmat facility and see if they know what to do with them.  Whatever. 

You might be able send them back to the mfg too?

You know?  Anyone who sells these ought to be able to take them back like this?  

Off topic.  Someone sells you 5 quarts of oil they ought to take your dirty 5 quartz back for free.  Without causing an increase in price of product.  And here we are getting into, what is the real cost of selling a product and how is that being circumvented to make profit?  Sell cigarettes and what percent of people are going to get cancer from them?  While you take the money in your pocket, dance like a hillbilly that thinks it can fly and run to the bank?  Enough of that.

Don't try this!!!

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy


I have seen some pretty dumb things in my life.  An ASE certified mechanic syphoning gas from a cars gas tank and lighting his cigarette lighter a foot away to attempt to demonstrate that it really isn't dangerous?  I just don't get a lot of "You people."

Oh sh1t.  I just read this.  They work underwater!  I didn't know that for sure when I wrote this.

So Disregard all the above.

If you had an accurate and reliable scale in the weight range required you could weight them before and after you attempted to waterlog them?

Friday, July 1, 2022

Really Good Irish Soda Bread

 Found the recipe here and tried it.

Thomas Murphy