The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Epithet United States 04 26 2023

 "The tavern owner made more money than anyone else and then told everyone else what to do."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Monday, April 24, 2023

This one will be "The Couture"

 It will be 44 stories when done.  Looks to be ~10 stories so far.

Thomas Murphy 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Portable Gas Cans 4 23 2023

 I think all portable gas cans should have a pressure gauge with vent on them.  Whereby the vent releases once near maximum recommended pressure.

It would look something like this.  And it should be available aftermarket.  Whereby you could install it.  In the simplest form it could just screw onto the end of a right angle metal tire valve that has the inner valve removed.

In the diagram if the plunger gets past 30psi the vent releases that pressure.

And the right side of the gauge can perhaps have an adhesive anchor point to the tank.  The gauge would need to be proportionally smaller in the diagram to show this. Making the configuration more stable.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Photo of the day 4 22 23

 © 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Designing Cars so that the Customer couldn't work on them 04 22 2023

 Designing cars so that the customer couldn't work on them was one of the biggest losing schemes for America and American car companies.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Dag Blasted Laptop Design 04 22 2023

 Enough already.  I want my laptop designed with a domed beacon red indicator for the caps lock key.  I want a recessed depressed countersunk ring around it that is reflective silver.

I want to know when that caps lock key is on or off in all light conditions, including bright light.

So how is it designed now?  For some kid hiding in a dark closet playing video games?

And the numbers lock indicator light should be on the right side of the screen away from the caps lock key.  And same design but a different color bulb.  Perhaps green for when the numbers are on.

Make it so.  Or walk the plank!

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, April 17, 2023

Sunday, April 16, 2023

To see things happen while in the military and in War 04 16 2023

 And then be bound by an oathe of secrecy.

And perhaps I made too much of a big deal out of this?  Likely the person who saw things never had the wherewithal to write, express or convey the details or meaning of what they saw happen.

Who does the oath of secrecy protect? Not the person who saw the things?  But the person who ordered the things done?  The low level person will always be prosecuted.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, April 6, 2023

A Half Plate of Cheese & Crackers 4 6 23


© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Who gave you the drugs 04 06 2023

 They won't tell will they.  That is why it has proliferated.

And I wouldn't think of torturing anyone.  And it is indeed illegal per the Constitution, as it should be.

But what about this.  A sentence whereby someone is put in jail until they tell you what you need to know concerning the crime?

When you know that they know, but they won't tell.  And the severity of the crime is such that they could conceivably be in there a lifetime.

So the idea here is finding legal ways to break the silence code of organized crime.

So another type of sentencing could be, "You are sentenced to life in prison, however if we can no longer afford to keep you there or no longer have the competent people to staff the prison or there is a natural disaster whereby you are the last type of person we want roaming free to loot, rape and kill, then that sentence will be considered re-upgraded to the death penalty.  But in order to do that it has to be the death penalty as the original sentence.  So it should be worded that way.

And here is something interesting.  A person is given 6 lifetime sentences.  What does that really imply to mean that isn't completely true?  It implies to mean that they are to die in prison.  But that can always be commuted or even pardoned at the highest level?  Even the death penalty can.

But instead of making it 6 lifetime sentences or 20 or 30 lifetime sentences how about, "you are to die in prison" sentence?

So they get to live and breath, but they will never be free?  I think the humane thing to do is give them the death penalty.

And what about falsified evidence found or new person confessed to that crime etc etc.  In this day and age we should have more certitude and less corruption than that present.  So in order to combat that you have to be able to live with the fact that you gave an innocent person the death penalty upon retrospect.  And because you have to live with that the level of certitude upon conviction and sentencing is increased to a higher level in the future?


And we live with that false emotional construct already.  We are already willing to live with mistakes made by drunks who kill people on the road.  Somehow we are able to wipe our conscious clean of that every time it happens and it happens a lot.  And those were innocent people who died.  And it happens quite a bit.

So think of that in abstract terms as being a National Conscience.  Which direction of the two mentioned ideas about that it was related to above should prevail?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

"I am in here for a life time."

"By chance did they ask you a question that you refused to answer pertaining to other parties involved and profiting from the crime?"


And instead of saying that a lifetime in prison is predefined by a standard set of years.  Why not make it true to what the life expectancy of that person would be in their own homeland or perhaps based on genetic profile predispositions to disease?  At which point they didn't answer the question the sentence really is worded as having been the death penalty.

Monday, April 3, 2023

On Immigration and the Borders 04 03 2023

 I would close the borders to the United States and indefinitely stop immigration here.

Why?  It is not safe for you to come here! ~Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for adult Americans per this website.

Once we get that under control we can reopen the borders and start immigration again.

And it is a way to do it without pointing the finger at anyone!

And it might be like one of those things that clears up the problem very fast!  As in the desire to come here is greater than the desire to cause opiate deaths in the country; again not saying the two are related.

There is more than enough justification to do this!

With that being the leading cause of death it isn't safe for you to immigrate here. 

I think that firm stance is needed.  And that same type of firm stance can also be used to clear up a lot of other problems our nation has.  That stance can also be used to cure certain specific types of mental illness.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Yeah I know what you want to say.  You want to go look at some demographics and facts and figures and perhaps come back and say it isn't the immigrants who are dying it is white Americans?  Again, not pointing the finger at anyone or implying anything.  But that firm stance could go a long way.

Humor 04 03 2023

 If someone can't articulate a reason for their beliefs, but instead say something like, "That just seems right to me."  Then that's a moron.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Popularity and Responsibility Quote 04 03 2023

 Something to consider when choosing a person to marry?

"Just because they are highly popular doesn't mean they are responsible."

Perhaps I just pulled the linchpin out of the motivation for Republican Pro Life?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

A Democracy isn't meant to 04 03 2022

 Give high monetary rewards/salaries/pay to bad people.

No one ever stopped to ask themselves what happens when all of those people then control the Democracy!

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

1. A Elblow Forcefully Jarred Across a Young Womans Breast 04 03 2023

I am talking about the women's basketball I saw being played.

2. And a young woman made the comment, "I wanted to pick her pocket." As far as I know those basketball uniforms have no pockets?  I could be wrong.  But to me it sounded like a reference to sexual molestation.

3. And in that sport if a player sets up in front of someone attempting a layup it is a definite knee to the groin.

And so the point being, "Who rises to the top in a game like that?"  "Hood rats and lesbians."

So you take those 3 things into account and is that enough justification to put a salary cap on that sport in this country?  I believe so.

How much do you pay someone to knee someone to the groin?

How much should you pay to watch that?

Same goes with boxing.  Perhaps a player who throws low blows gets a salary cap?  And perhaps they all should.

How much?  The exact same amount our Government thinks someone who is disabled on Social Security should be able to live on.  That's how much.

And people like that rise to the tops of the athletic departments at the Universities?  And then the athletic department runs the Universities.

Enough of that.  That needs an iron fist taken to it on day one of somebodies new Presidency.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Humor 04 01 2023

"You forgot to send a Birthday Card today!"

"To who?"

"The fool."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy