The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Humor 11 28 2019

Humor  11 28 2019

"Sure there are a lot of Black Friday sales tomorrow; but what I really want is a can of spray cream to go with the last four pieces of pumpkin pie I made."

Ps. In the photo there are about 7 pieces left, there are only 4 left now.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

One of the Presidential Candidates that is taking the lead in the Democratic Party seems like this to me 11 28 2019

One of the Presidential Candidates that is taking the lead in the Democratic Party seems like this to me  11 28 2019

Someone that is propagandized to be making decisions from a basis of complete normality; when it isn't true?

I would say that concept is a fault of many of the candidates who are made candidates by the two party system.

 It is kind of like this.  Let's say that some gangsters developed a front for their organized crime.  Are they going to hire an honest man to work for them?  No.  But maybe they would, with the idea that at some point they can either frame that person or "off them" in a manner that makes them look bad all along?

© 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

Again someone that is propagandized to be making decisions from a basis of complete normality.

Yeah it bothers me.  Most people don't see it.  They are glued to the boob tube that has people with non normal non standard voices indoctrinating them into believing that is normality?

Long vowels, lisps, monotone cretinism, high pitch monotone, shrill!  Good God when I was a boy and heard a shrill voice like that my hair stood up on end!  Part of being a normal human to recognize a creep in sheep's clothing?  Nothing paranoid about it. "That person is a little off."  "You bet they are son, you should not have much to do with them."  I think that is good parental advice.

Who am I talking about in the above?  Perhaps phonetically it is pronounced Butty Gig?

The Lords Prayer and Addiction 11 28 2019

The Lords Prayer and Addiction   11 28 2019

"And do not lead us into temptation!"

That is a pretty strong antidrug message isn't it?  Drugs being addictive and then destructive to your life like they are!

To be tempted to try them once could indeed get you addicted to them.

To tempt a human being to try alcohol just once?  "And do not lead us into temptation."

Again that wine being served at mass and being part of the First Communion Ceremony of the young.  It doesn't fit in with the Lords Prayer does it!  "And do not lead us into temptation."

If you prayed every night "Lord do not let my children be peddled drugs to."  Wouldn't that be a current meaning of the "Do not lead us into temptation?"  Do not lead my children (us) into temptation (drug use, alcoholism?)

And if you argue with a religious authority how do they argue?  They argue in antedotes to summarily dismiss your argument and sidetrack it.  In other words they take your argument or concern out into the dessert of demons?  What does it attempt to do?  Weaken your conviction in your belief?  Weaken your conviction in your asserted belief.  And therefore weaken your conviction in your believe in yourself.  Again, "Do not lead us into temptation." In doing that.  Get it?

It's like one of those games of haystack straws where you pull out the right one and the whole thing falls apart.  And indeed when you do that.  The person who you are arguing with denies that you have done so.  It is the cover your eyes child thing and say, "You can't see me!"  Yeah I do!

Happy Thanksgiving.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Monday, November 25, 2019

I am not seeing where you can share posts from Blogspot to Facebook or Twitter anymore 11 25 2019

I am not seeing where you can share posts from Blogspot to Facebook or Twitter anymore 11 25 2019

Which means that they want to shut down Blogspot?


Too powerful a message?

The devil hates the truth!

Copyright 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

Bible Study 11 25 2019

Bible Study 11 25 2019


1.  We know that the Pharisees were plotting to kill Jesus Christ.  But we also know that they discussed something to the effect that the people loved him and therefore if they got caught doing so they would look back.  Hence the Pharisees were motivated to change the some of the word of Jesus Christ after the fact to make it seem otherwise.

2.  We know that one person betrayed Christ at the Last Supper.  Could it have been more than one?  After all didn't they all split the money afterwards.

So what am I getting at.  That phrase at the last supper.  ~This is the blood of Christ he who drinks from it will have everlasting life.  That phrase, the body and blood of Christ...promoting alcohol...that is pure paganism!  And so perhaps he stated that phrase at all his sermons?  Who knows.  But it just doesn't fit!  With everything we know about alcohol causing mental retardation and loss of intelligence in adulthood it just doesn't fit.  It is a pagan doctrine.

And another thing, about the word of Christ in the last days of his life.  He was tempted by Demons while in the dessert.  Could it be that there were still traces of that demonic possession with him, that might have skewed his actions/sayings after that?  Well we know this is true to because he stated that he should not have drank so much for being in the predicament he was in right then.

There are many anti alcohol passages in the Bible.  I attempted to collect them all and place them in the following blog.

So you go through those items mentioned in that blog... and...Everlasting life if you drink the wine?  It just doesn't fit into the context of the Bible!  It is paganism.  An excuse to drink.  An excuse to sell wine.  And wine was probably as profitable back then as it is now.  I was told that ethnic grocery stores make 90% of their gross profit from alcohol sales.

Must be real nice to be an extremely rude person all your life and never have to worry about having a job?

copyright 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

Black People Inspired Humor 11 25 2019

Black People Inspired Humor 11 25 2019

"If black people were really as dumb as the media portrays them to be based on what they have alleged to have done in the news; then there would be a lot more black people walking around with a poked out eye."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Friday, November 15, 2019

You are better off to fear what you know that you don't know than to fear God 11 15 2019

You are better off to fear what you know that you don't know than to fear God.

The purpose of Education being to decrease what you know that you don't know.

Does God punish those who are stupid? Yes!

To fear God you have to know what God doesn't like?

Will your learning and education lead you astray from what God doesn't like? no. Again you are decreasing what you know that you don't know.

Think about it. A person is born and they are taught nothing more than to fear God?

So indeed it doesn't matter if they do drugs as long as they fear God?
A teenage pregnancy won't affect their lives in a negative way at all as long as they fear God?

A God fearing fool walks out on thin ice and believes he will be okay because he fears God?

It almost sounds like I am tempting you but I am not. The person who told you to only fear God in life is the one who tempted you just there. Think about it.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

And indeed be a good person. With self resolve. Have PRIDE in your work. God will be with you! Why? Because God is creation. To take pride in your work is to honor God!

And indeed the principle that Jesus taught holds true to. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! So yes indeed that is pinciple of someone that FEARS GOD! Beautiful.

You can readily tell by someones actions whether the believe in God or not! By applying that Jesus principle. And you better believe you should fear it!

Off topic but I gotta get it out.

“Whatsoever you do to the least of my brother you do onto me.”

Could this be rephrased to say, “Whatsoever you do onto me will be d

At this point just consider this bit after the Copyright to be a separate article.

This concept will go directly to the blackened heart of organized crime.

“Whatsoever you do unto me is also then done onto the least of my brother; by you!”

Again Jesus Christ said it this way, “Whatsoever you do unto the least of my brother you have done onto me!”

It means your awful! It means you find no commonality with males (least of brethren) and victimize your own family members because you also find nothing in common with them! It means you are a monster and the source of all your own family problems. It means you are not getting away with anything like you think you are and can! The criminal minded are retarded and always believe they can get away with something and not face justice or they would not commit it!

Jesus is saying that you are the one that has the bad intent to do bad things to people!

“That” bad intent knows no bounds and extends to members of your own family. Members that could don't find commonality with but Jesus did and termed them the least of his brethren (brothers.)

Now the way I phrased it isn't even as strong as the way that Jesus Christ phrased it even though you think it is stronger per my explanation. Again the way I phrased it,

“Whatsoever you do unto me is also then done onto the least of my brother; by you!”

He is saying more or less, I know what you did to people and you will face inescapable judgment by me your God!

And what is Jesus telling victims with that statement? You are not alone!

Now the way that I phrased it..I am saying a person that knows not to hate, hates everyone indiscriminately; that a person like that doesn't even consider their brother to be their own brother!

Incapable of treating a male family member like a brother?

So the crux of this is that the person who is a problem to you and me doesn't have the free will not to be a problem to their own family members in the same way. Don't believe me? Look at what happens to family members with bad people in them. It doesn't go well for them.

Whose judgment are they facing? Gods. And if you don't believe in God you have to believe in the principle or abstract of it as I stated. So Jesus, termed a God, is stating you will face his judgement. He isn't saying you will get off scott free!

He was indeed constantly warning people of the Kingdom to come?

“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

He is saying that at a certain point there is only one way forward in human history.

And he alludes to that Kingdom only containing those who have the minds of men. And not those who do onto the least of his brethren in order to defeat that Kingdom!

Copyright 2019

Yeah, its a stream of consciousness. I would rather be writing novels. Novels that you can read and learn something from.

Off topic. So last night the news was littered with stories of shootings, drunks running over people in cars, absolute human horrors. And then what does the lady on the news say is the next television show on her channel after the news is over? The title of it is, “How to get away with murder.” It's called a mixed message. And you can expect that the fatherless fools among us do not always know how to understand mixed messages? And don't sue me for using your title. Don't put it out there in the public domain if you don't want it talked about. Anyone who sewed under those pretenses has broken the Supreme Law of the Land First Amendment Right to Free Speech! That is the way the courts should interpret it. But they have been crooked since the 21st Amendment!

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Decrease what you know that you don't know by learning and doing so that you don't end up being a theif.

By the way Gods term for the criminal minded may have very well been SATAN!  I wrote a proof on that and published it some time ago.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Put Them in Jail 11 13 2019

Put Them in Jail 11 13 2019

Who?  It was in the news recently that four people were killed in College Fraternities.

I think that whoever is the head of that Fraternity and who ever is the head of the "total" Fraternity belong in jail for that.

Hazing.  Overdrinking.  Mysterious circumstances..

Enough of that.

Put them in jail and:

That is one less Jackal going into business later in life and willfully violating the Clean Water Act!

That is one less Jackal the public will have to contend with vying for Public Office!

And how many of them only made it into college because their parents made a large donation to the college "as it being" a charity/charitable organization?

You could almost blame that structure entirely for all of our nations problems!  And how can you not say that leadership that is spawned from that environment isn't a national security risk for our Democracy?

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Biblical Point of Contention 11 13 2019

Biblical Point of Contention 11 13 2019

God's Children Versus God's Only Son

If Jesus Christ were God's only son it would have to mean that the rest of God's Children were female?

Sure I know you are going to give me a time frame argument on it.

But just look at the strength of the Statement, "Jesus Christ was God's only son."

Does it mean that all of God's Children before Jesus Christ were female?

Do you get it?  It doesn't jive!  Just like cross examining a criminal who changes his or her alibi doesn't jive.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

And how could you be the son of a god without being a god?  Doesn't it really have to do with what a God was back then?  The Roman Emperors Considered themselves Gods.  Even today English Politicians use the title of Lord which is essentially the same as God.

And boy oh boy how lucky we were to break away from that Government and establish a land of the Free.

So the question becomes.  Is the Christian religion really a threat to our Democracy?  Look at that Governmental hierarchy label structure.  Look how the Christian Church extends from Britain into the United States!


An Alcoholics life is ruined.  Why?  Because he was indoctrinated into a religion that promoted alcohol to him or her at a young age.  It causes mental retardation at every single stage of life!  So in order to cure an alcoholic perhaps the best thing that you could tell them would be that they are a member of the wrong religion!  And what is the child of drinking parents?  They are born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, otherwise known as mental retardation.

Do I really care?  I didn't use to.  I was all for the rights of everyone! Because I couldn't see how my rights were violated by it.  I didn't even care that we had to pay a little more in taxes to cover for those who couldn't carry their own weight in the world of men.

So why do I care?  Because that "element" is the cause of schizophrenia.  Okay?  Got it?  The voices are real and horrific however the cause of it makes it fraud.

So come full circle on the issue.  And who is promoting those people if not the church.

If it is God's only son it means that the rest of God's children throughout time were female?  Or when we say children do we always mean both male and female?  No.  Children playing might just be a group of boys or a group of girls.

It's something that can't be both ways.  Hence it is a lie.  Hence it is fraud.

So fraud is done for money.  And where was the money?

You have the wealthy vineyard owning families controlling communities?  And who is a threat to the wealth status quo?  It isn't the son of a drunk is it!  It is the middle class son that can learn and be educated for themselves.

Copyright 2019 Thomas Murphy

Knee Pain 11 13 2019

Knee Pain 11 13 2019

For about a week or two now I have been having knee pain.  It starts at about 4 am in the morning while I am sleeping.  But last night I did something that got rid of it.  Now I am not telling you to do what I did.  I am just telling you what I did that worked.

Now this is like a gnawing pain on the right side of the left leg.  It doesn't feel like it is in the joint though but it feels like it is trying to eat its way into that joint.  It feels like it has sharp teeth.  And no it isn't a figment of my imagination.  How easy some Doctors jobs are and how unhealthy the United States working population is when a Doctor can tell you your physical body pain is a figment of your imagination or all in your head?  In any other profession someone wouldn't be paid for not producing positive results?  No that isn't true, a lot of people are paid for meager performance and lack of professionalism, and they are paid a lot of money!

Background:  I read somewhere that as long ago as 5000 years the Chinese knew that bacteria and illness hides in the Joints.  And I believe that I read somewhere that Calcium helps to neutralize bacteria or some wording to that effect.

But here is what I did.  I took a calcium pill that was a caplet.  I pulled the caplet apart and put about half the calcium from it in the palm of my hand.  The Brand name was Country Life and it also contained D, Magnesium and Phosphorous.  Then I took some skin lotion.  The brand name was Banana Boat After Sun.  Perhaps I put about a half teaspoon of that on the palm of my hand with the calcium.  I mixed it up with my finger.

It is known that chemicals are absorbed in the skin.  That is why if you come into contact with even one little grain of the powerful drug Fentanyl it can kill you!

So it is my belief that the calcium made its way to that knee joint in a better fashion through skin absorption that it being swallowed digested and absorbed.

I rubbed that all around my left knee.  And I also put some on my lower back where I had a bulging disc once.

And Walla.  I did not have that pain last night.

In addition I also took a cup of water.  Placed some ground flax seed in it.  About a Teaspoon in it.  Half a powder from a Potassium Aspartate pill.  Half the Magnesium from a Magnesium Aspartate Pill.  About 1/2 t of MSM.  About 1/2 t of Psyllium Powder.  Mixed it with a fork and drank it before bed.  So it could have been that which cured the pain too.  Also swished some of that calcium from above in my mouth with water and drank it.

So why tell you this?  Perhaps I want to keep your life from being ruined from getting on opiates?  (Often a standard prescription.)  Perhaps I don't want to see you not be able to get out of bed.  They put you in a hospice and then feed you opiates until you die in two weeks time.  Perhaps I can't stand evil!

© 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

And I know that too much sugar in the diet greatly contributes to this pain!  How is yeast grown in the fermentation process in breweries?  Corn Sugar is added!  And the origin of the yeast strains in everything from beer to cheese likely comes from the mouths of old masticating hags; so it has had DNA in it!  So apparently part of the high people get is becoming one with the hag?  Talk about matriarchal DNA prevalence in males?

Perhaps some people can't drink alcohol because they are allergic or have or don't have antibodies to Hag DNA?

Off topic.  Ever argue with an adult male and it is not like you are arguing with a man but rather arguing with a hag?

Know I am getting into advice for Alcoholic's who have had their lives ruined and want to quit for good.

Talk about adults who have never "cut the chord" with their mothers!  It is that booze drinker right there.  Can't suck down enough of that hag DNA can he!  And did you ever notice that if you are among a pier group of drinkers they are uncomfortable if you are not drinking alcohol too!  (Did you ever notice that some of them are dyslexic hair lips?)  It has to be that they are of HAG DNA and you are not!  A good way to think about it is they have to become one with the HAD DNA in order to be happy in life!  No Drinking alcohol isn't manly at all!  Look at what I just proved!  It is the weakest hag puss around that drink.  And often their voices are effeminated by the alcohol!  Again what makes them happy is that HAG DNA taking over and ruling them!  And then they get violent?  It is really that HAG DNA attempting to express itself.  Just like the 4 foot dog faced nothing woman who thinks she can beat up every man in the bar!  She can't wait to go to Police Academy or Basic Training?  And look at the posture of the drinker?  The shoulders slump forward just like some old weak hag that hops cots with drunken sailor's?

Friday, November 1, 2019

One of the reasons that I write is 11 01 2019

One of the reasons that I write is 11 01 2019

"I hate to see honest Americans living in fear!"

© 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ukraine Military Aid 11 01 2019

Ukraine Military Aid 11 01 2019

Is this how it works?  We give money to the Ukraine and other foreign countries so that they can make mega-purchases from our United States Defense Contractor Corporations?

False profits?

It is like the Government giving money to your mother, she sets up a foreign entity and then buys products from your anonymously and you become a multimillionaire.

It betrays the upward mobility of the middle class.

And what about Insider Trading?

How is that not graft?  How is that not illegal?

Does it work like this?  A corporation is about to be acquired, they call up a Senator and tell him and he buys some stock, he gets rich, however he owes the management of that Corporation and implied favor?  That betrays our democracy and the democratic process.  It betrays the upward mobility of the middle class.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy