The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Putin's Mistake 02 27 2022

 "Putin's mistake is believing that draft exemption Trump was the most courageous among us."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Dinner 2 27 2022

 Beef Roast

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Quote 02 26 2022

 "Looks like the head of a foreign nation learned how to bully from a former President of ours."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

We just need you to tell one lie for us 02 26 2022

 "We just need you to tell one lie for us."

I would call that a key construct of organized crime.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Ukraine Guns 1 per 10 people, I bet they wish they had more 02 26 2022

 Ukraine Guns 1 per 10 people, I bet they wish they had more 02 26 2022

The Soviets used gun control in 1929 and from 1929 to 1953 they exterminated 20 million people who were not able to defend themselves.  

And Putin states that he can't make his country work because of the Ukraine?

was there gun control in ukraine pre ww2 - Google Search

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Friday, February 25, 2022

Metal 2 25 2022

 What could the end use benefits be of adding a metal to brass in an order to make it magnetic?  Or to bronze?

Could you make electric motor parts that run more efficiently?

Could you make motors and electronics that could re-magnetize themselves and or change there magnetic power?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Humor about the internet 2 25 2022

 "Always attempt to balance a bucket of sand on your head, here's why....."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

A Republican Politician Is 2 25 22

 A Republican Politician is someone that was raised in a hen house before they took office.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Humor 02 25 2022

Humor 02 25 2022

A fireplace has a bellow, and a fireplace has a poke, and if you combine the two you get a bloke?

I didn't get yesterday's worlde.  Even though I knew the word.  To British drunkard anti-American dialect for me.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy 

The Viet Cong 02 25 2022

 The Viet Cong 02 25 2022

I wonder if any former Viet Cong soldiers from the Viet Nam War have any stories about people on the U.S. side who were traitors to the U.S.?

You know how stories are told long after a war?  Whereby former soldiers from enemy sides meet each other and talk?

And perhaps former Viet Cong Soldiers know where some of the MIA's are?

This soldier was in this battle region/acres at this time when so and so disappeared?

Or they saw a command unit on their side take a United States soldier out of captivity or into captivity, etc?  Perhaps they saw some uniforms on their own side that they didn't recognize?

"We polled these soldiers in this platoon for the last time they saw the MIA, and what were their stories?"  "Did some of those story's conflict?"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

What is Buddhism 02 25 2022

 What is Buddhism 02 25 2022

It is giving all of your money and work to the FAT MAN!

All of the animals on earth are better than you are; hence your only salvation is giving all of your money and work to feed the FAT MAN!

A really subversive form of Government.

Population of China ~1.4 B. ,  ~250 million of them are Buddhists.

Worship of the FAT MAN!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

And you can have a Worship of the FAT MAN form of Government without having Buddhism.  North Korea, that is a Worship of the FAT MAN country!

And what about voting for Donald Trump?  Isn't that also worship of the fat man?  What about Organized Crime; how is that not also worship of the fat man?

Did the Moors Conquer Israel 02 25 2022

 Did the Moors Conquer Israel 02 25 2022

We know that the Moors controlled most of Europe for some 700 years.  But what about Israel?

I would have to do some more research into it as I read the following article.

Islamization of Jerusalem - Wikipedia

Only curious because of the origin of the Irish.  And the current War in the Ukraine.  Can I call that war?  An invasion, tanks, guns, fighter planes, fighting, many dead, yeah that's a war.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Does Chernobyl Equal the Capacity to Make Dirty Nukes? 02 24 2022

 Does Chernobyl Equal the Capacity to Make Dirty Nukes?  02 24 2022

The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster site is located in the Ukraine.

Brief look at timeline issues.

1.   April 26th 1986. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster.  Putin nothing exemplifies the failure of adult responsibility in Communism more than the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant disaster.

2. November 9th 1989. The Wall came down and the Soviet Union split into the individual countries Russia and Ukraine being two of them.

There seems to be a unity between Russian and China.  China used to send leaded cups and toys over to the United States before we stopped it?  Did we stop it?  The Covid-19 Virus did originate in China and the United States has it the worst of any country!

So how would that dirty bomb, from Chernobyl Vodka Slurring heads be delivered over here?  Could it come over on planes like the 911 attacks?  Could it come over on Mach X planes.  Could it come over on Ocean Liners or Cargo ships filled with it.  How about they put into meal and food they sell to us?  Do I need to buy a G Damned Geiger Counter already?

Is he going to send the Radioactive waste over here before Fishing Season starts on May 7th?

I remember Hillary Clinton saying Russia is a good place now.  And Donald Trump complements Vladimir Putin as a genius?  Good God how sick are you?  How sick are you!  For so long!  So many sick followers.

He's got the means for the plausible deniability of genocide with the Radioactive Chernobyl Waste!

I will tell you from this day forward in the United States every autopsy should include levels of heavy metals and radioactivity!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

And you don't blame someone with the capability for critical minded Prophetic thinking for the actions of a mad man!

What if I told you 02 24 2022

 What if I told you 02 24 2022

What if I told you that every unconstitutional law created will be used against those who created it?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Warning: Be Careful when you take that first step out of the house today! Icy! Tuesday 02 22 2022

 Warning: Be Careful when you take that first step out of the house today!  Icy!

Also if you have an inclined driveway I think that your car could almost slide down into the street and potentially cause a bad accident with another passing by car!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

If nobody would want to live there 02 22 2022

 This one is about Putin and Russia

Why is it that it is the countries where nobody would want to live that have the military expansionists policies?

If nobody would want to live there why would you believe that other countries would also want to be under that domain?

What do we think of Putin in the U.S.?  Well what do I think of him and the apparent Russian Empire he wants to create?  I think he's a nut!  A typical nut!  Wants something someone else has but can't develop it for himself and his people!  So they take it from other countries.

Now perhaps this isn't fair.  But I have tried to find and read copies of Putins recent speeches, and I can't find any.  And because I can't readily find them does it mean that if I were to find them I could not trust their translation into English?  Likely.  And where is the United States media on this?  You know it is fairly important.  I suppose the entire American public is supposed to trust the glib words of a media commentator or two?  Rather than our own analysis and resolve?

Putin is stepping on thin ice there.  You would think he would want the people of the United States to know his exact intent?

He might say that the people of his country have nothing, that is why they do it?  Well they have nothing because of leaders like you, themselves and the fact that they are Vodka thieving alcoholics.

In terms of a valid New World Order we are going to have to nix fatherless sons and sons of alcoholic families from rising to positions of leadership in every country of a New World Order?

And what about U.S. media coverage on this?  What about our Gov function?  Biden can vaguely threaten a nuclear strike but he has absolutely no one in his administration that can translate Russian to English Speeches?

And it should be done for every country in the world and posted on a .gov website.  Why?  Prevents us from going into a Vietnam situation.  We are not an Imperialist Country no matter how much our bad friend allies in recent history want us to be.

We can't be bringing foreign countries to rubble in this day and age.  Because they can build back quickly and have great resentment as they walk around the rest of their lives missing arms and legs?

Any American saying to themselves, "Oh Russia wouldn't be a bad place to move to?"  Not when you have a leader that tortures!  You could be walking down the sidewalk the wrong way or something and that nut case has you apprehended, really because you have blonde hair and blue eyes; and your own human soul!  Never heard from again.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Monday, February 21, 2022

Project Code Xray Delta Charlie 02 21 2022

Project Code: Xray Delta Charlie. See code below.

  1. Examine and make notations of current commercial technology and product offering levels.

  1. Dismantle Parts to bare bones and see how they might readily be re-purposed.

  1. Implementation of plan steps.

  2. Current stage of plan.



  1. Reconnaissance: Commercial Available levels.

    a. Basic 1. Crank handle mounted on a horizontal spool.

    2. Brake to winch is axle nut tension.

    3. Spool is mounted horizontally and boom is perhaps 18” long

    b. Intermediate

    1. The spool axle is bastioned on both sides.

          1. The spool is mounted vertically.

          2. The depth is controlled/fixed via a spool fixing pin rather than axle nut tension.

          3. Often have integral rod holders.

      1. High end. All of the above features and more; specifically raising and lowerng is done via an electric motor rather than manually.


    1. Yield of old Lawnmower parts. What is usable?

      a. The boom would be one half of the old lawn mower handle. The handle is about 46” long and sturdy.

      b. The base of the handle has a concave roll it it where the handle is fixed via a knobbed bolt.

      c. The axles to the wheels have a split collar bearing. Or are made of steel directly interfacing with the plastic wheel.

      d. The wheels are plastic with reinforced splines to width of wheel contact with ground surface. There is a rubber tread on the wheels.


  1. a. Determine desired length of boom.

    b. Make a reinforcement plate to encapsulate the boom in the concave fitting.

    c. Determine what type of pulley to use. A v notch would be best. But cost considerations might mean something lesser. Could a replacement part be purchased from a commercial model for this? Would it be as good?

    d. Determine mounting system. See 3d below for mounting system considerations.


Code XDC: Convert broken lawnmower parts into a Downrigger for use in trolling type fishing.

Photograph Access Code: C7jX4dV3

3d: Downrigger mounting considerations:

How are the rods connected to the downrigger via the release to be mounted? Using existing rod holders? Is the Downrigger to be mounted for or aft of the rod holder being used for the rod connected? Should the downrigger be mounted in conjunction to the current hold holder? Should the downrigger be mounted integral to the current rod holder?

Down Rigger Mount


a. Oar Lock Socket

b. Rod holder sockets

  1. To the upright posts of the existing rod holders.

    d. Plate mount the downrigger to a boat seat.

a. Oar Lock Socket

Advantage: Existing.

Disadvantage: 1. Hull Stress.

          1. Metal may “pop” broken.

b. Rod Holder Sockets.

Advantage: Existing

Disadvantage: Requires specific design and engineering. End result of such D&E unlikely favorable due to inability to fix it in place from turning.

  1. Uprights of existing engineered rod holders.

    Advantage. 1. Integral.

    2. Very strong mount already.

    3. Has a wood base that could be considered. For example, a plate mount.

    Disadvantage: Require design and engineering. Size of downrigger would need to be minimized.

    d. Plate mount of downrigger to boat seat.

    Advantage: would be strong.

    Disadvantage: What are the dynamics to the rod offset from it if rod holder not integral to downrigger?

    Disadvantage: Too many additions already.


Conclusion: Go with C. Uprights of existing rod holders. Factors? Will that spool fit in that space? Not to make the cranking handle too long whereby it interferes with rod mounted in rod holder. Go with a shorter boom. Any boom could always be made longer just by swapping that pipe out for a readily available longer one.

Plan C Engineering of Downrigger to vertical mount of rod holder. Best bet would be to bend 1/4” metal as per in diagram labeled “Key”

Make sure all viewers of this post have properly entered photograph access code in the comments of this post to view photos.

Project Status:

Considered Viable!!!

Handle has been cut in two potentially yielding two or more booms.

Awaiting determination of how long boom should be. Next step, make bracket labeled “key” and also see if wheel can be put on lathe and a center channel created. Parts dismantled and reassembled consistent with plan as displayed in photographs.

Time to completion; non determinate.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

I Am Not Joking Strong Coffee 02 21 2022

I Am Not Joking Strong Coffee 02 21 2022

This coffee is so strong that every time I stir it I think that somebody lit a match!  And then when I realize no one lit a match I start to look around at stuff that could be suspect.  Only to find nothing and then sit down stir the coffee again and ask, "Who lit the match?"

I don't know it I can tell you the brand of it without retribution?  So I will do it how the potential fake woman friend on Facebook lists her personal porn sight address?

J@v@ F@C705y  4@r3 and H@n650m3  3x75@  B019  D@5k  50@57  C05533

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Wisconsin and Covid 19 Deaths 02 20 2022

Ranked 17th State in terms of total number of cases: 1,564,381

Ranked 23rd State in number of total deaths:  13,068

Ranked 36th in terms of deaths per percent of our population:  at .002244.    Or expressed as 2.2 tenths of one percent.

We are doing a much better job of handling this in the State than most other States!

Per Stats:  United States COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer (

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, February 19, 2022

How come Search Engines don't understand something as simple as Loci Shopping

 How come Search Engines don't understand something as simple as Loci Shopping

As in, I want to go to a store of this franchise chain and a store of that franchise chain and I want to put both of those store names into one search and you to provide me a map of all locations of both stores, so that I can choose the best route/trip?

You know why it doesn't?  Because it short circuits the ability of website tracking and attribution data!

Usually the internet is proactive and implements things the way the consumer is, in the way that the consumer shops.  An accommodation of the smart shopper because the smart shoppers money is important.  However in this case they are jar-head like!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy 

And what did Jesus say about the value of money?  The money the poor woman contributed, even so very little, was far more valuable than the rich person.

Conclusion in some cases?  The smart money is the poor money?  Why?  Because those with less resources allocate those resources far more efficiently!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Stoner Satire 02 18 2022


What does a stoner learn from High School Science Classes demonstrating liquid nitrogen?

That if he puts a banana in the freezer he can then use it as a hammer?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Hypocrisy and Alcohol 02 18 2022

Why is it when someone offers you alcohol and you refuse and then give a reason; they accuse you of preaching?

Here is the hypocrisy in it!  You talking about the dangers of alcohol is just the exact opposite of preaching isn't it!

For when the Preacher preaches what does he do?  He does so with alcohol at hand and in offering.

So who is really preaching and who isn't?  The preacher isn't really preaching is he?  How do we know?  Because the alcoholic accuses you of preaching when you are saying the opposite of what the preacher is saying with regard to alcohol!

If the preacher isn't really preaching, then what is he being paid for?

Or is it more like this?  Because you are talking about the dangers of alcohol the person who is the alcoholic is in a way telling you that you are preaching and you should not be preaching, for we already have preachers and you sure are not one of them?

As if you have to be a preacher to discuss health matters?  And if you don't give the wrong message you are not in effect a preacher?

So lets say that you are an alcoholic and want to quit?  Perhaps it is a good idea if you consider yourself a better preacher than the preacher because of that?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Hard for some people to follow simple logic that is like a steel trap?  If it is steel trap logic they don't want to know anything about it?

Thursday, February 17, 2022

A Lessen for Black Boys New Jersey

So I have something in common with some of you black boys that you need to know about.

It has to do with race, but not a race that is based on the color of your skin.

As someone we go hears voices I have known all of my life how people want to make an example of the good in order to learn from.

It is a double standard.  Why?  Because the people who are involved are of no standard.

I am telling you that they love to provoke those who have their own souls!!!  If you have your own soul they will go out of their way to ruin to our life.

Just as the Devil loathed Jesus Christ that which does not have its own soul loathes those who do.

And quite indeed you need to be aware that just as Jesus Christ was tempted by the demonic so will you be.

I could articulate this better.  I am one finger poking on my phone.

You need to know certain people are raised as lot differently than you could imagine.  Almost like be a parent being proud of what their wiccan son did that was wrong?  A voyeur class that needs to make an example out of you in order to change to a more positive dynamic of how they view themselves.

The will do their best to get you hooked on drugs, flunk school, impose negative expectations on you, cheat, play favorites etc.  All because you have a soul!

It is a racial division not based on color that you will never see coming until it is too late.

Bottom line, scape goatism, did not end with Jesus Christ.  And I have every Constitutional right to say this!  We ver up right!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Woodworking Humor 02 17 2022

The guy who can make perfect dovetailed corners is either a Professional Crafstman or has way to much time on his hands.

And if you need to have your chisel sharpened you should take it to Roy Underhill!

 © 2022 Thomas Murphy

That isn't a happy person is it 02 17 2022

 That isn't a happy person is it 02 17 2022

That walks down the street yelling, swearing and acting violent.  The voice is gruff and coarse like a bellowing old drunk.  And with just one look we know he has Down's Syndrome.  He didn't come from a happy place.

© 2022 Thoms Murphy

Hey Wisconsin Lottery 02 17 2022

 Why don't you make those larger sized scratch off tickets no bigger than a No. 10 Envelope?

So that they can fit inside without folding to be sent in for a second chance drawing?

And why can't you always have money or other things in a pot for the Second Chance Drawing?

More sales of United States Postage Stamps means more Revenue!

A No. 10 Envelope is 4.125" x 9.5" so make the largest ticket 4" By 9.375"

Why create subliminal pet peeves?

Who hired you?  Tommy Thompson? Ha, ha, ha.

Copyright 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Biden and Gun Control 2 17 2022

I don't believe that a man who stuttered as a child has any right to implement unconstitutional gun control in the U.S.  I don't believe anyone like that to have a qualified perspective.

And perhaps that is the only reason he was promoted to President, the 'money' that promoted him knew he wasn't going to have a qualified perspective.  Someone that can be used to manipulate just by the promotion of them.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

If you don't want someone to have a gun in for what you consider a valid reason to hen they should be locked up or otherwise for that valid reason.  If you really don't have a truly valid reason for them not to have a gun then they should enjoy all Constitutional Rights as a free person.  

Do you see how they Queen Bee'd the country already?  Do you see the as the strain of weak minded?

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Where was my car made? 02 16 2022

The first character of the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) on the dash under the window is the designation of the Country it was manufactured in.

1, 4 or 5 = United States

2 = Canada

3 = Mexico

J = Japan

K = South Korea

W = Germany

Z = Italy

S = United Kingdom

Or on the door jam.

Per this article link:


Thomas Murphy

Monday, February 14, 2022

Quote 02 14 2022

 Quote 02 14 2022

"Criminals thrive more in diversity than man does."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

I would characterize the weaker of the Democrats as 02 14 2022

 I would characterize the weaker of the Democrats as 02 14 2022

I would characterize the weaker of the Democrats as having the same agenda as the Republican Party.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Fixation and Entrapment 02 14 2022

 Fixation and Entrapment 02 14 2022

So after thinking about the article, I wrote yesterday on media baiting I realized something. Fixation and Entrapment are part of the same modus operandi.

I think it is grounds enough to exclude a certain type of person from working in surveillance, law enforcement or perhaps in Government in general.

Surveil a human being until you develop a queer fixation on them.  And then desire to entrap them in an effort to level yourself higher than them in triumph.


There are a lot of mentally retarded in our nation today.  I remember a comment someone in the Investment Industry made to me, "Our biggest problem in our country today is what do we do with those dumb jocks?"

And I do see a decline in family intelligence occurring.  What I mean is that the father might not have been able to fairly complete High School and college and then the son ends up being born with it worse in the form of Down's Syndrome.

Our country was founded on strength of mind not strength of muscle.

One more point.  There was a popular high school athlete where I grew up.  He did not make it in the armed services.  I remember a Drill Seargent say that the high school jock is the one that cries and goes home.  This one I am talking about dealt drugs out of a now defunct tavern.

While I am on a diatribe.

Alcohol is introduced to teenagers and 21 year olds at a time when they are just beginning to learn.  And you see it being propagandized by those in the athletic departments?  Get to go out for Pizza and a Pitcher of beer with the Polish track coach after the track meet competition?

Split a soul to learn from like animals feeding at a trough?

And indeed I learned something about the mentally retarded yesterday when I went to the local ethnic grocery store.  I saw a person with Down's Syndrome lunge at someone else as I was coming out of the store.  Two men, I don't know where they came from were then just holding him.  As I was putting my groceries in the car I said to them, "Keep a hold of him until I am out of here."

But then another man was hugging that Downs Syndrome person.  Odd animal emotions coming out of the Down's Syndrome person's mouth.  And a woman that seemed in her 40's claimed him and asked him what was wrong with him.

But what I learned here that I can emphatically remember from this is that the person with Down's Syndrome is very emotional?  Emotional on one hand out of frustration for not being able to learn to be one of us.  And perhaps prone to violence because of it also.  Has a lot to do with gun violence.

And why is it that virtually every time I go to that store I see someone who has an adult child like a pet like that?

And do you know what the propaganda is?  That those labeled mentally ill are exactly the same as the mentally retarded.  Nothing could be further from the truth and the person who wrote that lie needs to be put in an expansive prison.

When I see people and families that aggrandize individuals like that I think one thing, they are all born losers.  And that is how I have always viewed the Republican Political Party.

Ever ask yourself what is that odd chip an individual has on their shoulder?  It has to do with mental retardation.  Someone resenting you just because you are smart like how a normal person is supposed to be?  Talk about emotional problems!  Look at how that is a basis for one!  Egads!

And think about a woman who marries one like that?  We are all told he is a big strong man?  But the truth is something far different isn't it!  What does it really mean?  That downs syndrome person making odd grunts and crying as he is embraced by a fellow friend??  Women like that really like babified emotional men?  Because they are easy to manipulate?  Because it gives that wicked woman more of a sense of being a man in a mans world?

Yeah it is sickening.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Should a team be able to run out the clock?

 It is just kind of rotten.

You're there to play football.  Not to be technicality lawyer like.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

How many energy drinks 2 13 2022

 How many energy drinks does it take to put a horse down?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Social Media Baiting 2 13 2022

The idea to that is doesn't matter we hat "you" say, so long as you get someone else to say something you can then point the finger at?

You could get up there at the podium and lie lie lie everyday.  And then wait until you hear a peep out of a member of the general public.  

And you would have to have "weak minded" motivation to do that.

In some ways isn't a comment that those who are entrapping in terms of how hard it is for them to live in the free constraints of our Democracy?

Weaken everything in this manner because "you" should never have been up at the podium in the first place?

Put the guilt of your entire life on someone else in order to shed your skin like a snake?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Humor 02 13 2022

 Humor 02 13 2022

"Who the F needs a drunken barber?"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Dumb Wife Humor 02 13 2022


"Did your dumb wife make faces at you for about an hour when you got to watch a How Did They Do That type of television show?"

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, February 12, 2022

English Humor 02 12 2022

 English Humor 02 12 2022

"When a squeak goes away on its own, did a squeak un-squeak itself or did a squeak un-squawk itself?"

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Critical Race Theory 02 12 2022


Not mentioning Critical Race Theory.

In general with regard to education I believe for example that United States History is only as good as the nationality of the teacher teaching it.

It has to do with a perspective that is related to pride in that nationality/home culture rather than what we have founded in the United States?

What points are being emphasized come from that perspective?  Hard to get on board with that.

What is truth as it relates to the future of our democracy related to its past versus how you want to consider the past based on your own nationality?

Do you feel like you are one of our modern citizens or do you feel alienated with regard to that accurate historical perspective?

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor is 02 12 2022

 Humor is 02 12 2022

The phrase "Toad Money."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

The money a toad gives back to you after it takes all of yours?

Humor 02 12 2022

 Humor 02 12 2022

"Dude's earrings like a lady."

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, February 11, 2022

Equality 02 11 2022

Equality 02 11 2022

Let's see if I can remember the threads of logic of this one.

Let's say that someone wins the lottery.

Let's say that I want to buy a property and make a health club out of it with an O2 system cleaned pool.  It would have solar panels that are used to create o2 and purify the pool.

Now I don't want anyone to use that pool that could potentially poop in it.  I mean ZERO instance of that.  Do I have the right to be subjective in who is or is not a member of my club?

But one would like to think that the provision of equality would be applicable.

But equal to what?  It means equal to an educated and responsible adult?  One that is putting forth that standard on his children?

Now lets talk about equality in relation to income.

Let's say that a man eats a can of beans every night and his t-shirt is filthy with them.  He wins the lottery and wants to join my club and use my pool?

When I think of equality perhaps I think of someone, a man, that earned his right of passage to adulthood.  Through maturity and education?

Lets broaden the exclusion principle as it related to what is earned income?

So lets say that there is a millionaire quarterback who swore at members of the audience.  Do I believe him to be equal?  What does it matter?

It matters for this reason.  I don't want him in my pool because of that behavior but his income puts him in the wealth class.

Somehow, indeed, I am saying he doesn't meet that standard of what equality was thought to mean because as an adult I would label that maturity immature.

What am I getting at?  One would believe that there was a straight correlation between income and equality, however it looks like income is evading right to passage to manhood?

And when the Constitution was written did we have issues like people winning the lottery or megamillion athletes and mega actors etc etc.  Not to the degree it was a problem?

So where does this go?  I can't have that pool can I.  Which really means what?  We can't have nice things and services in this country because the standard of equality is being subverted.

What I am talking about is someone who lives their life on a straight life path.  They meet the right to passage to manhood by being mature and educated.  Is it sour grapes to see people who do not live an act by that same standard make it big?  Or is it a valid complaint?  I think it is a valid complaint.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

And I just started in the direction of some of the original issues with this thread of thought from my recent stream of conscience a few days ago.


Off topic but I don't want to make it a new article.

So the other day I saw an image of a woman.  And I realized as I looked at it that my lungs were becoming more clear.  Is it a scientific trait of arousal?  Who knows?  But I say it is.

Now what if I am in the locker room and I see a male looking at me and they are googly eyed and covering their mouth.  Is that enough to diagnose someone as a homosexual?  What more do you need than that to make the diagnosis?

So some former something wanted to ban former men now women athletes.  All well and good.  But what about the above issue?  I believe it needs to be addressed.

Is it not the same issue as me a normal man sitting in the women's locker room, acting as if it completely normal for me to be there, and getting aroused because I am there?

Might be hard for you to understand this.  You might be conditioned to see the issue through milk bottle glasses.


I mean read the above and all the other stuff I ever wrote and you will see that Kennedy was right that Ivy League Universities do not benefit a democracy.  What have they been doing with the positions of power they squatted in?  Drinking the dam wine every night is what they have been doing. 

In Order to Establish Intent 02 11 2022

 In Order to Establish Intent 02 11 2022

The United States Constitution has what is being called a Preamble.  Isn't it really the intent of the Constitution and a little basis for that intent.

Why not just call it the Intent?  Preamble seems to me to have a negative connotation.  Like it is really describing old man babbling incoherently?

But to the main point here.

The United States Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land which all other laws created must conform to!

So follow the logic here.  If the United States Supreme Law lists the intent first and it is the Supreme Law that all other laws must conform to then as a law it establishes the form that all other laws must be consistent to.

In other words every law created must establish the intent of it first.

For example what about Wolves? There was one photographed in my neighborhood in Milwaukee.  It is on some protected list now as determined by a judge?  Something like that.

But what if I am attacked while fishing on the shore of Lake Michigan?

Do I go to jail for 10 years and pay a $10,000.oo fine?  Who knows.

What would the heart of the Constitution say?  No way!

So why leave the subjectivity in laws?  So that people can't worm out?  To leave the sentencing up to the judge?  It would seem to me that some cases could readily be dismissed as to the intent of the laws.  And people not brought up on charges for them whatsoever.

Lets say I kill that wolf?

1.  Was I poaching?  No.

2.  Was I deliberately acting willfully against a protected species?  No.

3.  Was I protecting myself in the merry course of my day?  Yes.

So I would say that the law would include both the intent and the exclusions to the intent as in number 3.  As in we as a judicial system are not here to make felons out of law abiding citizens.

In summary all laws should be rewritten as to the intent in order to abide by the form of the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land which all other laws must conform to.  And not contradict.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Okay I am going to write another one immediately, so look forward to it.

Complete Fictional Humor 02 11 2022

 Complete Fictional Humor 02 11 2022

What the Judge said to the 50 people sentenced in the Trump Insurrection:

"What's a matter.  Why do you look so pale?  Are you a bleach drinking Trump supporter?"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Full Disclosure drinking bleach would kill you faster than anything.  You should know not to do something like that.  But call 911 if you do anyway!  And here I could get into an issue about equality I have been meaning to write.

After 50 rioters sentenced for January 6 insurrection, a debate rages over what justice looks like - CNNPolitics

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Isn't Inflation Really 2 10 2022

 Isn't Inflation really represented by the fees we pay in the U.S. for goods passing through the Suez Canal?

If the U.S. owned that, how much lower would oil prices and everything else be?

Heck, it was the United States that to won it in WW2???

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Now I am going to tell you something!

 I bought a ten pound ham for ten dollars about a week ago, and it was a good idea.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Quote 02 10 2022

 Quote 02 10 2022

"How many lies can you daisy chain before you are pushing them up."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Humor: What does the weatherperson say when they were completely wrong? 02 10 2022

 What does the weatherperson say when they were completely wrong?  02 10 2022

They blame it on the "Weather Model!"

As if to make a distinction of credibility between themselves and a "Model"?

The subliminal semantics there? 

"It was that "Model" in back that did the predicting not me, I am a highly educated meteorologist not a model like that "Weather Model" in back they hired."

"No, no it wasn't me it was someone who skated through life entirely on their good looks also known as a model." 

"It was that mannequin of a computer program in back that was telling you it was going to snow all yesterday afternoon, not me."

If life were only so easy for the rest of us.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Dinner 2 9 2022


© 2022 Thomas Murphy

A Tale of Two Villages 02 09 2022

 A Tale of Two Villages 02 09 2022

The desire to have nice things and live among good people or the desire to have nice things.


© 2022 Thomas Murphy

If we can't execute 02 09 2022

 If we can't execute someone that runs over 50 people and kills half a dozen or so of them then what right do we have to be in any War whatsover?

You follow the logic there?  If we can't execute people committing mass murder here in our very own homeland than why should we ever care about a foreign affair between two other countries and get involved in it.

And I could go on and on with this with point after point.  But I have other things to do right now. Like eat breakfast.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

I could say that if we can't have guns in our homeland what right do we have to take them to foreign nations and use them in War there?  Isn't that where it goes?  They first won't want us to have guns here.  And then if we were attacked they would say we shouldn't have them either.  That protecting us is the responsibility of the people that are paid to do it?


And I am not liking the way that these articles have been turning out lately.  So I am going to attempt to reframe from posting.  It is like I am being egged on or taunted to write this stuff.  As if that makes for good work.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Humor 02 07 2022

 Humor 02 07 2022

"I am not so Republican that I don't want blacks to vote."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Coach 2 6 2022

 "What you had Scotch last night?  Practice and wind sprint start at five am tomorrow."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Football Humor 06 22 2022

Football Humor 06 22 2022

Here is how you do it!  You make every pay a quarterback running play!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Eliminate All Charities 2 6 2022

 And require that the contribution amounts made to them, by specific individuals, are instead additionally required to be annually made to the U. S Government.

Thereby greater good required to be accomplished  by elected officials.

© Thomas Paul Murphy

Observation 2 6 2022

 "The wealthiest people put the most burden on our nation."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Alcohol Advertising 02 06 2022

I think that it both mocks and taunts those that are labeled mentally ill and should not drink because of that to affliction.

I believe our Country should be better than that.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Scalloped Potato Dinner 2 5 2022

 © 2022 Thomas Murphy

On Violations of Your Free Speech 02 05 2022

 On Violations of Your Free Speech 02 05 2022

It is like saying that you don't have the right to believe what you just said?

What right do you have to tell me what to believe?

Off topic:  You would have me believe in one giant business as a form of Government, which the normal are born to live in the shadow of their entire lives?

Therefore you can easily see how your right to free speech and your right to freedom of religion are so crucial.

What about one religion that claims that they are the Supreme Religion and have figured everything out already.  "We figured everything out long before you just thought that thought a moment ago."

The Freedom religion means you are free to chose what religion you believe.  And as a rational human being makes decisions so do you.  List the pros and cons.  And even state why you would not want to be a member of another religion.  Perhaps you don't like the way individuals of that religion behave?  Perhaps a lifetime of experience with members of that religion has caused you to believe that is something that you would never want to be.  You decided for yourself, a man should not be that way or become that way.   Per the Supreme Law of the United States you are Free to do that.

I would go so far that if there are any lawyers who disagree with this or pretend to not know the meaning of it they should be disbarred.

The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the United States which all other laws must conform with!  Hence the above should be part of the legal exam to become a lawyer, the Bar Exam.

We just need realignment.  And perhaps counseling to some from the legal profession and then reproofing with regard to the above.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy


So Church Down the Block 02 05 2022

 So Church Down the Block 02 05 2022

You tell us in school that the wine they drank in Biblical times was not so alcoholic.

Then why do you serve the hard stuff at mass?

What a hateful lie.

When Prohibition came along you could have served Grape Juice.  But instead you chose to be a thorn in the side of our nation.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Logic Puzzle Parody Humor 02 05 2022

Logic Puzzle Parody Humor 02 05 2022

I just ate four heels of bread, and I am all out of bread.

However, my day is getting better, I just cooked four breakfast sausage and now remember that I like to put honey on them.

How many slices of bread did I eat?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

I type this as I listen to the Blues on the radio.

Trump would ban former men from competing in womens sports 02 05 2022

 Trump would ban former men from competing in women's sports 02 05 2022

Alright but what is the why of it?  Because men are stronger right.  And that was once a man.

But then you should also ban men from having sex changes.  Why?  Because if you are not going to allow them to compete as women it should be demotivated from becoming one?  Something like that.

But what about the issue of lesbians competing in women's sports?

Is it fair to a normal girl to compete with a lesbian?  Let's say women's wrestling.  How about basketball.  Might a women feel uncomfortable being on a team where the rest of them are lesbians?  And what does it say that the majority of the women on the starting squad were lesbians?  It means somehow there is a competitive advantage to being one in sports?  Just look at the comparative stats of how many there are per capita and how many women are at the top in sports.  How can you read stats like that and ignore what it must mean?

Then should homosexuals be banned from competing in men's sports?

And what is the why of it?  Because it can all be equated to be the same issue.

So it would be fair to allow them to compete? Right.  So we create a Special Olympics for all of this?

But we already have a Special Olympics so we would have to call it something else?

So I am only attempting to get to the issue of fairness.  Don't go pointing your smelly finger at me.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Should a genetic giant be allowed to compete in basketball or whatever?  How high should the hoop net be rest to make it a comparative effort?

Should a nation be proud if their transgender people beat the non transgender people of a foreign nation in the Olympics?

I don't dare use the word freak. And we do get this whole problem from the Republican Party in the beginning.  Saying they are the party for those born with genetic defects?  Good God isn't that really a national security risk?  I suppose I have to suit up in the GI Olive Drab with the rest of those who will be drafted in support of that an idealism?

Ooh, look at that!  Idealism.  That one is bobbling back and forth in the hollow head isn't it.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

To have surgery to become what you believe is the ideal self you were meant to be?  Urrg.

Off topic.  On Motivation in General.

Are you becoming the idealism goal you believe you are motivated to be or are you just becoming the complete ugliness of the person who is motivating you?

And I could expand on this in terms of coaching in terms of those who can do and those who can't teach.

Teach you to be what?  The ugliness of the motivator in all respects.  That is likely what you will end up being.

And what happens when the ugliness who is the coach or motivator goes out of their way to make you not like them so that you instead become what you are motivated to be?  Does it really work?  Or is it just more of the ugliness attempting to falsely justify its place in this world.


And what would President Joseph Biden say to the idea of such a ban?  He only usually has one answer.  "That is not who we are."

Wait a minute.  So who we are is really transgendered men and all of the above Joe Biden?  Which makes me ask the question, "What exactly are you Joe?"  And who motivated you to become that way?


Post Script.  Are not the Olympics really representation of which country produces the Genus of the Species?  I would argue none of the above qualifies as the Genus of the Species.

Diversity and alcohol drug use did not create the Genus of the Species.

And television has zero representation of the genus of the species intellect.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Good Day's May be Over 02 03 2022

 The Good Day's May be Over 02 03 2022

Covid-19 has mutated many times.  There is no reason to believe it will not continue to mutate.

Having said that we need to make a priority in this country that the food supply will be secured for whoever is left.  There needs to be plans on the Presidents desk.  

Secondary to that we are going to still need energy and clean water.

We might even need to prioritize what goods can use resources to be manufactured.

Unless you believe in some miracle?

Should we be sending military troops here and their?  Or is a Bible prophecy of "You will beat your swords into plow shares what we should be afraid of?" 

Off topic.

I want to say something about Republican pretense about being the pro gun party?  You can't be both the pro gun rights party and the pro Down's Syndrome Party.  It has to do with responsibility.  A Republican woman believes that drinking while pregnant and having a Downs Syndrome child gives her some kind of bragging rights?

And I don't like to right stuff like this.  I don't like to be the mean guy.  But I have to respond the way that I do.  It is kind of a "Evil exists when good men fail to act," that is in my blood?  Someone once told me that I had Tiger Blood.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy


My mandatory network upgrade

 To moto G Stylus 2021 is the worst in ndex finger typing go phon Ed I h as ve had.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Joe Biden, Immigration, Irish 2 3 2022

 Something about Joe Biden s stance on this.  Perhaps his comment, "That is not who we are," seems to me to somehow denigrate the Irish?

As if when we came here we were not hard working?  As if we were and will always be any and all current negative attributes of new immigrants?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

A Good Immigration Rule 02 03 2022

 A Good Immigration Rule 02 03 2022

If a person knows that their child will never be able to safely handle a gun their entire life then perhaps they should be prevented from entry into the United States as an immigrant?

Do you see the forefather standard in that?  I think its beautiful.  If you are Joe Biden you somehow pretend to be thoughtful and say, "That's not who we are?"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Gun Control Initiatives from New York 02 03 2022

 Gun Control Initiatives from New York 02 03 2022

It is a complete delusion that if you take the gun away from a criminal person that you have immediately converted that person into a permanent good person!

The solution should address the problem.  And the solution should follow the Constitution.  Okay I will spell it out again.  

1.  The Constitution states you are allowed to have one.

2.  Either someone is in prison or they are allowed to have a gun.  That is how it should be.

3. Reactivation rate is high.  Again a bad person is a bad person whether they have a gun or not.  It is independent from that.

So what is going on here?  "They" do not want the death penalty because they believe it leads straight down the road to genocide!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

And what did I read something like the majority of adult Americans read at the 6th grade level!  That is the problem right there.

And it has to do with the 21st Amendment that legalized the brain birth defect causing alcohol.   And what is somebody who is born that will not be a normal natural brainiac?  They are going to be a drug and alcohol user.  And they are going to push that crap on everyone around them.  And their families are going to be entirely miserable because of them but they won't have the strength of mind to realize it.

Okay, I give up again.

A point about insurance?  With the majority of Americans only able to read at the 6th grade level is it right to make money off of people like that?  And what about the insurance industry?  They are really insuring us to live with people like that?  Charging us higher rates to do so?  Should they be allowed to profit from that?  Or should that function be nationalized?  Should there be a business that makes a lot of money from the mentally retarded?  Why not?  Because then the more mentally retarded that are created the more money they make?  Can't figure that out or anything else I write can you.

Syria Incident 02 03 2022

 Syria Incident 02 03 2022

This doesn't make any sense.

So we went over there on a special mission with helicopters.  Which implies that we were not welcome to be in the local.

But yet I read that we used rock music to flush the ISIS leader out?

In order to play loud rock music you would have to be there for awhile to do so!

And I know that they would not have been just playing loud rock music.  They would have also been using either patented or unpatented EMF weaponry in conjunction with it.

So you are not going to over there in helicopters hovering for 10 hours playing loud rock music to flush the ISIS leader out of the dwelling.

And we scrapped on helicopter because we didn't want the technology to be known?  Which implies what?  We didn't want them to get an  8 track tape of Jimmy Hendrix or Twisted Sister?

More like we didn't want them to find psychodenergizing technology.

So I think the point is a little dis-engenious that he killed his family with the vest bomb? Not if you are subjecting him to that technology?

And what is really disturbing is that many government officials are said to be being targeted by Havana Syndrome Technology?

I know it exists.  1.  I have seen it.  2. I had a friend of an extremely wealthy and prominent family whose sister worked for the FBI. And in 1991 he told me that the FBI had technology that could put a human being in a trance from a remote distance.  But they would only use it if you wanted to rob Fort Knox or something like that.

So the point here is.  The stuff exists.  And its use can be said to be unregulated because U.S. officials are being targeted with it.  So you have to ask the question, what government or future form of Government does it really represent?  And that is the scary question.  And it isn't a Democratic U.S. Constitutional based one is it!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy 


Sip of Cola Humor 02 03 2022

 Sip of Cola Humor 02 03 2022

"Want a sip of cola?  It is like it is its own town isn't it- Sipacola?"

"Where are you going?"

"I am going to Sipacola."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

I think that Donald Trump enjoys talking like 02 02 2022

 I think that Donald Trump enjoys talking like 02 02 2022

I think that Donald Trump enjoys talking like a horses ass.

The question is, how come there isn't anyone to come along as say something to him that makes him not enjoy talking like a horses ass?

You know what I mean?  Some of us like to talk like a horses ass sometimes, but it is only for the exuberance of being in comedic jest?  We would never presume to be President of the United States and act in that way!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Fascism is a lot like Communism 02 02 2022

 Fascism is a lot like Communism 02 02 2022

Why?  Because all those idiots who support the dictator in fascism believe that they are one with the dictator.  In effect they attempt to take on the personality of the dictator in a oneness.

Communism has been described to me as being one mind for all.  That definition makes it like an animal pack.  Or a group under the influence of mass psychology.  Communism never really turned into something peaceful.  It transitioned to fascism.  Because of human nature it was fascism all along.  In the way that they supported their leaders?  Built statues of them.  Committed genocide for them that was never front-page news.

Again, in fascism the idiot who cannot think for himself diverts his thinking to the fascist leader.  Bow to the fascist leader in subservient sycophantism.  Almost also sounds like there is an element of homosexuality to it too!

And in Capitalism we see that in advertising, don't we?  Divert your decisions as a man to that of a celebrity?  Bow to the celebrity in sycophantism and take out the hard-earned dollars from your wallet and buy a product with their image on it?  The Ancient Jews barred images of people from being on currency!  Good for them.

But when it is people who freed a population from tyranny and dictatorship as in the United States, I would believe it to be okay.

But off topic on idolatry.  What the person who isolates another person, for example a male idolizing a successful adult male doesn't understand is that idol might have flaws you don't know about!  And perhaps when you idolize that person, attempt to emulate their behavior and mannerisms, those flaws are going to flow directly to you. Hard to explain.  But it has to do with the idea of abandoning personal development and instead just wanting to believe you are someone else.  That right there, in and of itself, isn't going to do you any good!  In effect you are placed on the road to perdition at day one!

Off topic: What I like about Google Blogger that Facebook doesn't seem to have is autosave function!  I can't tell you how many philosophical things I have written on Facebook that got mysteriously erased a moment after I typed them.

But what causes people to be idolators?  A mental defect from alcohol at birth?  Raised in a non nuclear family.  All things that the Republican Party celebrates through its pro-life initiative.  I will add the idea of athletic development in leu of mental development in terms of education and learning.  Do athletic programs make people more competitive?  I think not.  Look who rises to the top in them?  Collectively they are the two steps forward three steps back people.

Maybe some time I will write about what I saw on a news show last night.


Are there legacy laws and structures present in our Democracy that are promoting people to become successful billionaires...people who really don't believe in what our Constitution means?  I think we need to take a strikethrough to a whole lot of that.  Why?  Because if left unchecked they become a threat to our freedom.  And they are subjective systems.  Someone became successful through subjective promotion.  One would believe that there were more men present in our nation today who would detest that.  But it looks like we have more of the poor character subservient sycophants with us.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Did he 02 01 2022

 Did he   02 01 2022

"Did he act like a man as President or did he muddle through it like a loser?"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy