The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, September 30, 2022

What If MEAL IDEA 09 30 2022 updated

 What if I took some leftover Roasted Chicken and cut it up into smaller pieces.  Added a small amount of cooking oil to a frying pan and or water.  Stir fried that chicken, until hot and done and the water evaporated and then added Marinara Spaghetti sauce to the frying pan!!!!

Alternate idea one.  What if I added a little sugar to the frying pan and created a caramel type coating or flavor essence to the chicken before adding the marinara sauce.

I usually get the cheapest sauce that is in a glass container or sometimes canned sauce.  But I don't like the ones in the plastic jars.

And that would be the main meat part of the "plate."

Not big on cheese, but perhaps a little mozzarella sprinkled on top in the frying pan at the end of cooking might add something.

I don't believe it would be as good with reg spaghetti sauce, but perhaps the marinara might do it.  And it might need to be spiced just a bit to give it some zing.  Perhaps Rosemary, and imperceptible amount of ginger, same for cilantro, fennel, fenugreek, oregano, mustard seed, cayenne, star anise.  Something like that.

Never tried the above before.


© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

They act like they come from, "The land of joyfully receiving false assurances."

 They act like they come from a different land, "The land of joyfully receiving false assurances."

I mean you could write an entire novel with that as the theme!  It would be the greatest satire in American History.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Foreign Policy 09 28 2022

 What is wrong with this:

To have a foreign policy whereby we give no money or aid to any foreign country until everyone in our county is helped?

We can deem that all money or aid given to any foreign country is really meant to feed them.

Hence we can say that that money should be first used to feed all who need food in the United States first.

I think we have a policy of universality, which is really destructive to our nation.  Universality I would define for the purpose of this article as the propagandized belief that all forms of government are equal.   It allows the needs of our people to be negligently ignored while blank checks are sent overseas.  It's rotten.

So what happens when you cut those purse strings to nowhere land?  Who are you going to see immediately complain in the United States?  Someone that wasn't really earning their money here? 

I mean how would you like it if someone like Donald Trump were to flat out tell you, "I can't feed you because I am writing a check to a foreign country?"  Because they are our allies???

So there you have another concept.  The propagandized belief that the citizens of a foreign country are for some reason better than our own.  Because they are our allies?  Allies meaning friends?  We have to give our foreign friends money and therefore can't feed our own people.  So the definition of that would probably be globalists?  

So I have to be circumspect on this next part.

So 98% of the food produced is junk food and it is being .gov subsidized.  And what happens if you attempt to change that?  You are going to have a conflict front and center with another .gov whose mission statement is to create employment. 


And what does it take to eat healthy?  1.  You have to be well rounded educated to know how to cook from scratch.  2.  You have to have the distraction free time to do so.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

The ugly truth here is that the more junk employment that they create the more junk employment they need to create.

Ps.  They want to put our Democracy in a situation whereby they can exclaim that our Constitution and Democracy doesn't work and walk all of our people away from the concept.  To label it a false idealism.  To declare that our Constitution was really a delusional utopian idea.  Guess who doesn't do well on a flat fair playing field?

Monday, September 26, 2022

So why does the news

Keep showing what amounts to a propagandized commercial about a young man some one wants to be forced to take psychiatric drugs and effectively be imprisoned?

Why can't you just run the story?  Why do you have to play the we devil's advocate?  And run commercials about it for 2 to 3 weeks?  Why emotionally lead the public?  That is not fair, honest and impartial media is it!

Why create suspense with the issue?  And that right there, creating suspense, is propaganda at it's ugliest!


And when I hear a young man was killed by a law enforcement injection of ketamine I think, that is pure evil with craft!  Is that the same equivocation of a drug dealer spiking the drugs with fentynal, and killing?  It is like, who don't you really like and why?  To truthfully protect and serve.  That would be a better motto.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

About Guns in 9 26 2022

 Let's say that opiates were legal.  And you had opiate dens everywhere.

Could you have the legal right to own a gun in that scenario?  I don't think it could work without gun control.

See where I am going with this?

There would be conflicts with the opiate users.  Because they represented something different.  And those conflicts could result in violence.

And in a situation like that the scales of justice can't be thought to be applied equally.  The benefit of the doubt with a conflict should go to the non opiate users.

And here is our problem. Some neighborhoods are the equivalent of the above already.  And again the legal benefit of the doubt is not going to the "clean."

And I will also assert both alcohol, drugs and tobacco are a threat to our Democracy for the same reason.

You have people in altared states of consciousness, self induced, that can and should be labeled delusional states of conscience.

The drunk yelling at the kids soccer ref.  Should you be able to hear the drunk yelling at the pitcher on televised baseball.  The only way you can really prevent that is to sell less alcohol at the events but that isn't how the business works and profits is it.


The education problem.  People growing up in bad neighborhoods and believing in the power of education and having the ability to teach that belief to younger generations?  Does it truthfully happen.


So you attempt to balance out the value of education versus the value of developed athletic talent...

And then you read a Superbowl winning QB is implicated in a scheme to use a states pooled Social Security money for personal business purpose.

And the hope nobody knows.  And they hope nobody knows what it means.  And they hope they can graft that lie onto the court.  And they hope that delay and giving the issue a very long time before facing justice makes the severity of it down to nothing.

"If I didn't believe the crime was a big deal neither should the justice system.". And those of that belief system are winning.

And you hear them say that a woman should be forced to keep a pregnancy from rape or incest and you ask yourself, "Who in the h3ll is he trying to make friends with?"

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Philosophy 9 26 2022

 "How does a thorn bush not mind its own thorns?"

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Sports Section 09 25 2022

 Being vague.

I believe that if you have an alcoholic reward system and are using banned hallucinogens' in a foreign country that you are a psychological mess and when it comes to face a real challenge you are going to choke.

I don't like to be right on such matters.

But I have watched for so many years in disappointment as those outcomes transpire.


On one hand you have a player who is a health nut.  Is said to rarely drink.  And on the other hand you have the above.

So we win against weak teams by just squeaking by?   And what do we expect to happen upon a major challenge?

A winning team adapts during the game in excellence.

In winning team has players that have seen all the moves and now how to naturally compensate.  To know where the ball is and where it is going to be.  To know how fast you can get there.  To know how fast the other players are going to get there.  To see an opening and know with confidence you can take it and evade tackle.

To have confidence in your arm and the speed distance of your receivers.  And not fall into the short game and then be readily able to call upon the long game.

To run as fast as you can on every play.

I mean they call this professional?

Always a disappointment.

And when you see bad players and fouls on the plays you say to yourself, why wasn't that player weeded out from the sport a long long time ago.

And then you watch them make a draft pick, spend all that money, the player brags about alcohol and then injures himself and is out the entire season.  Letting the team down.

What does it mean to let a team down?  We don't really see the concept of direct blame being applied do we.  Why?  Believe it or not in that rough and tumble tackle to the ground sport when they are in the suits they know not to step on another players toes?

Which tells you what?  How hard it was for them to get there?  How much they personally know that there are far better players in the world with a lot more coordination and talent than them that should have been there?

Yeah, I will assert that is true.  It is a networked economy.  And don't you dare defy it.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  And this is just the kind of kick in the a55 they needed to beat that FL team.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Thursday, September 22, 2022

How come there is nothing where you came from? 09 22 2022

 Did you ever ask that question with regards to immigration?

How come there is nothing where you came from?

It has to do with a people not being able to stand up for what is right in their own country?

It has to do with a people not being able to form an idealism in their own country and stand up for it?

But why is it an important consideration?

Because what happens when they get here?  Is our country going to trend to be like where they came from?  Whereby we stand around and ask ourselves, "How come there is nothing left here?  How come there is nothing here anymore?"

Would it be wrong to require all new immigrants to be asked that question and a written answer required?

"How come there is nothing where you came from?"


We are seeing an increase in demographics in our country and they are people who came from, "How come there is nothing where you came from?" 

Is the answer really, "Because people EXACTLY like YOU got into power and prevented the upwardly mobile intelligent/educated from being something?  And had they been allowed to be something they would have created many great things!  But people exactly like you prevented it?"

You know I believe that is the right answer!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

A Convicted Firm 09 22 2022

 I only know what is says in the commercial.  And I am purposefully being vague here.

But lets say that you have a major Wisconsin construction company.  Whereby there were allegations of sexual harassment.  For example, asking an employee to have sex with you.  And that employee reports it.  And that employee is fired.  Also someone else that stood up for them is fired too.  And perhaps there were three instances of this.

I believe that that Construction company, a corporation should be barred from bidding for or accepting Government contracts.

And also there should be a transparency or pass through issue here.  Whereby the employees or owners involved should also be barred.  So you have a duel shield breakthrough here.  It used to be thought of as breaking the corporate shield?


And I really don't like the stage that is being set here.  Because the same people who believe that someone should be fired for making allegations of sexual misconduct are also the ones who would assert that a woman should have to keep a pregnancy and baby in cases of rape or incest?

To me it is unthinkable that we even have people like this in our country!  It is unthinkable that droves and droves of citizens send these people money for their political campaigns!


Rather than the employee being put out of business the employer and the firm that abused them should be barred from that business.


Am I the only one who looks at all this behavior and thinks, what else do you want to do that is bad or wrong in our nation?  What are you setting the stage up for?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Of all the things that you could fight for 09 20 2022

 So why are some people missing the "human hierarchy?"

You would fight for the right of those who will not be able to be educated to be born?

You would fight and risk your life for animal rights?

One would believe that most people would fight for things that benefit everyone and every new one?

Human health?  Don't you like to like to be around healthy people? 

A healthy living environment?  So that you don't get sick and fall over from going outside or drinking water?

Education?  So that you have people that know enough to follow instructions and obey laws.

I am talking about things that create responsible adults.

I would believe that you would fight for the death penalty so that those odd mistakes of people that do horrible things to other people don't propagate.  Like pimps?  Like child sex predators?  Like drug dealers?  

No, you don't want to fight for any of those things.  You want to fight so that a woman who is raped or a victim of incest has to bear that child in her womb for 6 months?  You would fight so that people can't eat animals for food anymore?  You would fight so that two men can have, I wanted to say sex, but that isn't what it really is.  Sex is really between a man and a woman in order to have a child.  So that isn't what it is.  That would be a failure of definition.

And that is an interesting concept.  Those who contort the definitions of things so that the definitions of things fail.  In other words, broaden the definition of things in order to incorporate a delusional or abnormal belief system?  Until failure of the word.  Until everyone on earth believes that word to mean something that it doesn't.  

You would fight for legalized drugs so that you can attain a false sense of happiness.  Why?  Because you can't earn it!  And then you would graft that ugliness on everyone below you in the status quo.

You know what it is like?  "After a little while of that the help wanted sign goes back on the front door!"

You don't want to fight for things that sustain the human race on earth.  How come that isn't at the top of importance with you?  How come it isn't the top hierarchy?

I would assert with a man it is.  He wants a family of sound mind!  He always has concerns about feeding that family and their health.  But not you.  You got that whacked out belief system you are grafting on everyone!  It is an odd spoiled will.  It is destructive.  Where does it come from?

And who do you look up to?  Someone who stole secret documents and then complained that they didn't take of their shoes when they searched his home for them?  That is who you fight for?  

And so you think that you are nonbinary?  Guess what all of those other fools are too; poorest and richest?  They have told you in nuance many times what they are.  We have a duality of opposites created.  All leading in their own odd directions and tearing our country apart.

You would fight so that you could be managed on a national level by the equivalent of Liberace?

I don't get you.  I don't even think you get you.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, September 19, 2022

Humor 9 19 2022

 "He opened a bar and it was just him there."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Friday, September 16, 2022

Fill in the blank 8 16 2022

 "A ________ is a retard with a hormonal problem."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Four Gear Three Shaft Electric Trolling Motor Driveshaft 09 14 2022

 And so indeed, if the propellor of your electric trolling motor passes over braided line it can suck that braided line in between to propellor and the main housing.  From there that braided fishing line can work its way back into the seal of your electric trolling motor driveshaft.  Causing water to leak into the electric trolling motor.  That line snake coils its way back into the seal!

And you are unlikely to know the line is in there, as it could be a short piece of line or the prop cut it off and it then got neatly tucked inside that gap.

What will happen then is that your electric trolling motor will run for a little while and then stop.  And you will believe it is a dead battery issue?

So how can an electric trolling motor be engineered so that this never happens?

1.  If you have the main driveshaft of the trolling motor not extend to where the propellor is but in housing section one of the motor housing.  It has a gear on the end of it.

2.  A second drive shaft runs parallel to it with a gear on each end in housing section to.  (A housing section being a sealed section inside the motor housing.

3.  The shaft that extends to the propeller is in housing section 3.

Hence that braided line can never get through housing sections 2 and 3 in order to flood the motor with water and cause it to bog.

Photos of some electric motor coming soon.  One with braided line on prop shaft.  One showing water that leaked on motor.

And indeed the machine with less moving parts is the best so perhaps this motivates engineers to improve the single drive shaft design to meet stated goal.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

An Idiot doesn't know the intent of their own actions 09 04 2022

 So do not read Republican Actions by their intent.  An idiot doesn't know the intent of their own actions.  The way to read Republican Actions is by asking yourself, "Whose intent would that be?"  The end results of these actions would very likely indeed whose intent is that?"

It really isn't that hard of a way to think if you figure it out.

You might ask yourself, "If the idiot doesn't know the intent of their own actions then whose intent does the idiot have?"  Okay that is sounding far out.  So I will back it up by a statement of Jesus Christ, "They know not what they do."

What they are trying to do is,

1. Seize power. (Denying election results and creating civil unrest because of it.)  Look at how this could have played out.  You do not understand that diabolical mind?  That Capital Storming could have transitioned to where the National Guard ends up protecting those who stormed the Capital and standing along side them in that effect?

2. Institute Martial Law.  (Why?  To protect threats from those who want to see our Constitution stay in place!)

3. Screw us all up, even those who voted for them.  Ie. Subjectively commit murder and genocide.  Why?  Because freedom is a dangerous belief system to these people.  A silver spoon hates freedom.

4. Serial rape all the women with the law in place that it would be illegal to have an abortion in case of rape and incest.  Why?  Perhaps some dam lesser genetic predisposition common among lesser primates?  Perhaps they to have a hidden nonbinary belief system?

5. Hand the nation over to a foreign government.  Why?  To propagandize that human freedom is a failure and seal that failure for good!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy


A short point being, what false belief system are they trying to protect?

I like Capital Punishment.  But not when it is really a facade to protect a false belief system.

Capital Punishment should be established to protect inalienable rights!  Not to prevent inalienable rights.

Some of the reasons for Capital Punishment that China did away with I liked.   For example forced prostitution.  Why would they change the rules like they did to make it legal?  What does it really tell the world what they think about people?

Did you ever ask that question?  What does a political in party's stance tell you about what they really think about people?  A person the same as a pet dog to them? Doesn't say much about yourself when you believe something like that.  A belief really being a true expression of oneself?  Someones belief sometimes being just a 'limited' idea?

Interesting term? A "limited idea."  Meaning if you were to go ahead and fully develop the idea somehow you know you wouldn't like it, hence such a person limits there thinking on ideas?

In order to avoid that panic sticken wide eyed Lucy moment of guilt and regret?  Those intent on avoiding that moment via the above construct are most subjected to it?

Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Humor 09 13 2022

 "Do you know what cutey pie eats for dessert?"

"Fruity pie,"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Monday, September 12, 2022

Humor 9 12 2022

 "Is a pagoda not a roof on sticks?"

"No, that's a gazebo that is a roof on sticks."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Propagandizing that there is no genetic predisposition? 09 12 2022

 Propagandizing that there is no genetic predisposition? 09 12 2022

It is an implied belief in a lot of Republican false idealism's?

We know it isn't true!  For example twins separated at birth end up wearing the same clothes and drinking the same beers. 

What do I mean?  The idea that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree?  Republicans don't believe in that.

It is a material delusion?  This little swaddle is as good as the next one?  And in fact it is far better than you because I own it!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Wait a minute, dichotomy 09 12 2022

 Wait a minute, dichotomy 09 12 2022

So someone can be released into the general population after being convicted of a felony, but they are then not allowed to have a gun.  Presumably because they are potentially dangerous? 

"But wait a minute!  Where is the dichotomy?  I don't see any dichotomy?"

So someone that is legally deemed to be unfit to own a firearm is free to have all the children in the world that they want to?

Someone convicted of a felony can't own a firearm but they are free to go ahead and spawn all the children they want to?

Okay?  You want me to explain something like that?  You want me to articulate that?  I can't right now because I am laughing at the dichotomy!

As if they are a good enough man to sire children but not a good enough man to have their right to own a gun?

Do you see how those Constitutional violations shape our country to be something it wasn't meat to be? 

I would say that if you are legitimately deemed unfit to own a firearm then you should not be having children and you should not be among the general population.

Again the way it is now it detracts from our country!  It is like a band-aide fix on a broken crane arm?  It is contriving a will and a way that is not to the level of our Constitution!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy 

In fact Republicans are getting their way that we have to keep and praise all of those children from what could be the above scenario?  The felon or equivalent going on a wild oats willy nilly sire spree?

I am not that much of a g/d hillbilly to be a Republican!

Compare the Royal Family to Campaign Financing in the United States

 So the Royal Family in England takes their orders, what to say from parliament, or perhaps the unseen wealthy.

Now contrast that to what is represented in our Democracy today?

How does not substantial donations meet the legal definition of graft?

What evidence do I have of such control?  When you have members of Congress unable to articulate or substaniate their opinions!

Also when you have federal judges, even at the Supreme Court level who are unable to articulate or accurately substantiate their opinions!

It is as if every concept of fairness in opinion is thrown out the door when they reach the highest level?  All of the neutrality is gone?  In favor of contriving their personal will!  Or the will of those who cajole them through donations?

What is the bottom line?  There needs to be more of a difference prevalent between us and those lesser forms of Government!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

And so I don't like the way 09 12 2022

 And so I don't like the way that this series of posts could be added up to mal-construe something that isn't true.

Does that mean I should delete them?


That is a new legal term?

"What kind of evidence do you have to support your opinion?"

"Malconstrued evidence."

It is a little more emphatic that misconstrued.

And it takes into account a subtlety from the concept of contrived. 

Why isn't it used as a legal term?

I believe it to be a great word!

It should be part of the English Language!

And indeed I could think of a lot more words that could benefit our American English Democracy!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

.22LR Design 09 12 2022

 So could a rimfire firearm be designed to be infallible?

For example lets say that the gun dry fires upon striking of the rimfire primer with the firing pin or hammer?

How do you then make it infallible?

Ideally you would have enough stored energy in the gun from either blowback or gas based spring compression that the gun mechanism then recognizes there has not been an igniting of primer upon release of trigger.

Hence mechanically that stored energy is used to:

1. Strike the rim-fire cartridge with a second firing pin.

2. Eject the dud and load a new cartridge!

Yep, I was an Expert Marksman Letterman on the Whitefish Bay High School Rifle Team!


© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy


Why can't I be right? 09 12 2022

 Seriously have you ever met any one that has that as the notion of basis for every decision that they make?

The fact that they could be right?

Perhaps it is the belief that in any decision they make they have a 50/50 chance of being right?

 Well more to the point it is more like this.

"The reason you can't be right, is because you never were, you are not and you never will be."

But here it is.  As the motivation for success in life their only belief is that they can be right.

It doesn't matter if even there is a remote chance of them being right, that is there motivation for speaking.

Does it look to you like a part of their brain isn't working properly?

And you would have to have a properly working brain in order to catch it wouldn't you! 

So in any argument you have with them they will believe that they are right just because they could be right.  And hence the belief that they could be right means to them that they are always going to be more right than you.  And it doesn't really matter that they don't have the ability to think things through.

All that matters is that they could be right.

So who gives people like that such bolstered false hope in life?

Someone that greatly pities them!

That same type of brain pattern lacks introspection.  So notions of concepts that they 'learn' has to be directly applied to everyone they are arguing with and not themselves. Why?  Because that bolstered false hope is kicking in.

"Why can't I be right?"

"Because you didn't think about it!"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

The Human Brain Traumatized by Drugs Alone 09 12 2022

 The Human Brain Traumatized by Drugs Alone 09 12 2022

You will never hear a phrase like that in the medical annals.

But yet it is one of those things that rings more true than anything!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy 


Can it be said that someone born of birth defects from a mother that used drugs during pregnancy or conception, can it be said that person was born into a life of trauma?

I would argue that is highly accurate.  Perhaps in United States history it might have been termed born into perdition.  But I would say born into a lifetime of trauma is more accurate.

So in politics there was a daughter of a politician who was friends with the daughter of another politician and she said that she was not friends with her any more since she turned "to the dark side."

What does it mean?  Did such person really reveal through actions or deeds that all along they were born into a life of trauma?

Ask yourself this, who on earth would lobby that someone be allowed to be born into a life of trauma?

And as always if you don't understand any of this, there is absolutely nothing I can do for you.  No amount of explanation would ever suffice to someone like you.  Someone like you could only briefly make the connection between such ideas before dismissing it for...for what?  Dismissing it for what cognitive state?  Readily dismissing it in order to return to what cognitive baseline state?  Like I said, there is nothing I can do for you.

Statues of Abolishonists 09 12 2022

So there is one of Horace Greeley.  What about the others?

And how about statues of Prohibitionists?

How about statues of Witch Hunters? 

How about the Honorable Doctor William Griggs?

What if every United States Community were to have a statute of the Honorable Doctor William Griggs?

You know in the future we might be able to expand the scope of such things.  And have a few more categories of good statues to have. 


I don't know, does an education really benefit everyone good, when black people want statues of Abraham Lincoln taken down? 

I will say that there are people who go to school and learn the exact opposite of what they are supposed to be learning.  What does it mean?  Does it mean that you can't really learn at all?  When you learn to be the opposite of the product of knowledge from personal learning effort?  That is a different pathway in life.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy



The Queen of Englands Death 09 12 2022

 So what do I think about it?

I am hopeful it is the beginning of the end of a form of Government that we fought our Revolutionary War against and has undermined our country at every opportunity.

Oh about the person?  I don't know.  Not a lot of humility?  A material orientated person.  Personable?  I would say no.  Realistic and fair? I would say no.  A believer in inalienable rights? No definitely not.

A sense of humor? I never saw it?  A caring motherly nature?  I never saw that either.

Cold and calculating?  Likely.  Deceptive?  Probably very.

Not really enduring qualities to me.

Was she a mechanic in the War?  Something like that.  But did she take an interest in cars afterwards?  I doubt it.

And what do women like that talk about at a tea party?  Snooty things.  Odd contortions of the human speech in a non refined English accent of long vowels, lisps and high pitched malformed vocal chords.  

High pitched malformed vocal chords, that was another British Invasion of the United States we never really recovered from.  A lot of their mal-influence on us we never really recovered from. 


So Horace Greeley was an Abolitionist and he called for a "Purification" in order to get rid of corruption.  If you believed and said something like that you would be labeled as someone the men in white coats can come after and shoot?

A vice president testified before Congress. It was a disaster. (

Had Greeley got his way I believe we would be a much better nation today. 

So while I am on the topic here.  Has there ever really been a good Witch Hunt Movie?  I doubt it! Instead we have much the opposite today!  Could you even make a good Witch Hunt Movie?  I don't think you would get very far with it.  If you even started to write a Witch Hunt Movie would the FBI be knocking at your door and seizing all your stuff?  Could happen.

See I believe that the Salem Witch Trials were a proud day in American History!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

I have never seen Ethyl Alcohol listed an ingredient in a fruit flavored drink.  It is listed as a natural flavor in both watermelon and grape drinks I bought at the local regional discount hardware chain.

As far as I know they have never sold alcohol drinks and don't have a license to do so, so it has to be a very tiny amount?  But it is listed as the 3rd ingredient of 15 ingredients.

Didn't get carded to buy it.  Like I said has to be only a tiny amount in there.

It is bottled in a nearby city in WI.

Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

There is nothing more destructive to our nation than 09 06 2022

 There is nothing more destructive to our nation than a mentally defective person with a chip on their shoulder.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

80,000 Fentanyl Overdose Deaths in the United States in 2021 [09 06 2022]

Family of woman who died of fentanyl overdose offer $50,000 reward for dealer’s identity (

How many "customers" does one such drug dealer have?  Perhaps 30?  And I am just guessing.

So 80,000/30= 2,666 drug dealers.  I think they should get the death penalty.

And look at that number, 80,0000 deaths.  Drug Dealers do not need Assault Rifles, what they are using to kill people is far mor deadly than an assault rifle!

And it doesn't really matter if they are pawns to me.  Perhaps if the low level drug dealer tells who they got the drugs from then they get their choice of execution methods from a list of perhaps 3 or 4?

But they won't do that will they.  What we learned from one of Trumps helpers is that when he went to jail, and rightfully so he went to jail, he discovered that all of the wealthy criminals in prison still had their stash of money outside of prison.  Am I talking about Paul Manafort?

I can not believe that someone who has degraded to the level of a drug dealer is going to get out of prison and be of benefit to our nation.

Is it fair to say that somehow they missed a mental development stage in life?  Yes.  To be a drug dealer?  You never developed a conscience to know what you were doing was wrong!  Short-circuiting the natural reward system of the human brain in favor of some chemical.  That is the Devils Bidding!  That is horrific!

So people get out of prison today after serving a felony sentence and they can no longer have a gun?  Is the gun really what made them dangerous?  No.  And they are still being ruled dangerous, and that is being given as the reason they can no longer have a gun.

I think it should be one of two ways.  Either they are free and allowed a gun per the Constitution per their Constitutional Rights or they are in prison or have been served the Death Penalty.

Does it matter how they were led astray in life? One yes and two no.  One: the people who led them astray should be convicted too.  Two, they were not of the standard to know that they were being led astray.  It is actually more severe that a person didn't know they were being led astray.  Because it indicates they can readily be manipulated by those same people again!  It indicates that they will never develop the mental wherewithal to keep themselves out of trouble with the honest public?  In effect it propagandizes "Soulless Land" The honest public being those who had faith in being good people throughout their lives via either being of strong morals or believing in a religious figure who represented it.


Do you want to know exactly, and I mean exactly what the lifetime loser believes?  The lifetime loser believes that all he has to do is wait for the honest public to be poisoned by drugs and die and he then advances in life!  There, you never read that before in your entire life.  But doesn't it ring true!

The lifetime loser believes he can drink beer and smoke all day long and all he has to do is wait for the honest public to mysteriously disappear.  Poisoned by Fentanyl.

And this one is different isn't it.  It has a brand name!  It isn't something someone with dirty fingers is cooking up back in a shed?  Or is it?  It has a brand name.  In effect it already has its own corporate shield.  So indeed when you hear me talking about restructuring corporate legality, are you starting to understand what I mean?  Or are you still in, oh let's see.  Here comes the left hook.  Are you starting to understand what I mean by that, or are you a proud resident of Soulless Land?  Waiting for the good to mysteriously disappear?

And when you see someone who was perhaps a President wanting to attack your right to free speech.  Don't kid yourself, this type of critical thinking writing is exactly what someone like that can't stand!  In fact they abhor since day one of their lives.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

PS, Abhor has a whore in it.

Does it really matter to the loved one of someone who was killed by Fentanyl if the Government just received a settlement for it and not them?

Look at that reward system?  It is part of the same false reward system isn't it!

We all saw those settlements with the Gov go through and were led to believe that the issue was over and done with.  Greatly untrue!

But I suppose if you had the money going to the family of the victims, somehow they would be secretly offing their own family members to get that money?  To get a piece of that pie?

Is there a standard type of person that ends up in prison?  How come someone with Downs Syndrome will likely have their needs met their entire life; however someone who worked hard in life, played by the stated rules, likely ends up homeless and dead from exhaustion?  Very subtle about what I am getting at here.

Is it really that nobody wants to do those jobs? 09 06 2022

 Or is it more like, "Nobody wants to do those jobs with the people who do the jobs like "you" do?"

Meaning, nobody wants to do a job for or with somebody who doesn't do the job the way the job is supposed to be done!

I think it is the latter.

No one wants to be destandardized like that!

And it is an issue!  Destandardization of the American Public.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Monday, September 5, 2022

Why aren't those black clouds on radar?

 I mean right now 7:47pm

Thomas Murphy

Tim Michels Guarded the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Two Questions)

 So I wanted to look up his service record.

1. It clearly states that he was never deployed.

2.  It states that he guarded the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  And it states this:

"In addition to three riffle platoons, he was responsible for the selection, training and operations of the Sentinels of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, the U.S. Army Drill Team, and the U.S. Army Color Guard Platoon. The Army is the senior service, responsible for the ceremonial training of all joint service participants at the White House, Pentagon, and throughout the national capital region. He maintained the capability to rapidly respond as an augmentation to security agencies and police authorities and planned and conducted infantry training at the company level."

So the next question would be highly relevant for him.  "Tim how would he have defended the Capital against rioting Trump supporters?"

So it is relevant as he say's cushy things about Trump and Trump say's cushy things about him.

When he guarded that Tomb of the Unknown Soldier he indeed have live rounds in that rifle? (That is more of a rhetorical 3rd question.)  Tim when you saw how Trump supporters stormed the Capital and the response of security did you think they should have used deadly force?  And here I am getting hokey, Tim would you have used deadly force to protect the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?  (Great op for a lie back answer isn't it?)

3.  According to the link this is referenced from, the Army would not characterize the nature of his discharge.  And, he did not retire.  So he was discharged.

So indeed if you have a father who served in WW2 you might have seen his discharge papers? And it is no big deal is it! It reads honorably discharged.

So question two would be, "Tim could you publish your discharge papers from the Army."

And if you think the media is ever going to ask these questions and get a straight answer, then you are clueless.  And if you think Tim Michels would ever read this and respond to in per question like a mature adult??  I doubt it!  There is a comment section right below this, if you would like to respond Tim.  But that isn't the way that people like that act.  They will bring up the generality of an important issue like this on television and then likely use derogatory terminology to characterize the nature of the enquiry.  Time and again, a constant.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

And do I really care if he had just had enough of the Army?  No.  

But the "Party" and that is all they really seem to be, want to characterize him as being a construction worker who shoveled gravel 10 hours a day for decades.  And I don't believe that is true.  Why not?  Something like that builds character?

Sunday, September 4, 2022

I saw a green Rivian on the road today!

I didn't know they made it to production and sale!

Thomas Murphy

I am so glad that my daughter was raped because there is a baby in there 09 04 2022

"I am so glad that my daughter was raped because there is (now) a baby in there."

Absolutely no legitimate parent thinks like that!

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, September 3, 2022

The Lutheran Belief System 09 03 2022

 The Lutheran belief system is not one that acts in accordance with Faith!

"It doesn't matter what you do in life as long as at the hour of your death you ask to be saved."

That isn't faith in God; that is faith in the Devil.

Who else would reward you at the end of your life for a lifetime of irresponsibility and negligence? Not God, but the Devil would!  Why?  Because you did the Devils bidding your entire life.  God isn't going to reward you for that.

That Lutheran core belief is one notch lower.  And that it is a substantial difference.

Nor is it consistent with the belief in Jesus Christ!  For Christ did indeed say that if you are going to follow him you can expect trouble!  A belief in God is not a promise like that.  A belief in God is a way of life.  It transcends everything you do and how you treat other people.  The reason there is that Lutheran belief is for those who can not live up to the standard!  It was a marketing opportunity wasn't it!

So why is this relevant today?  Because a large percent of our population in this country is of that religion.  And it certainly does explain the origin of a lot of the problems we have today!

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Every once in a while I talk about a topic so much that I have to dedicate a new blogsite for it.  I think I will indeed start a new blogsite titled, "What I learned in Catholic School.

Breakfast Thoughts 9 3 2022

 This is really good.  Toast with a sunflower type butter, any type of jam you have.

And here is the best part to it; drizzle Apple Cider Vinegar on top!  See if if doesn't both taste good do, tangy and also give you more energy?

Off topic???

What is the icon of a breakfast of champions; championing today?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Friday, September 2, 2022

Quote 9 2 2022

 "Somebody that is dangerous to work for; never belonged here."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Hey Joe can you create a phone number database

So that we definitively know who is calling us?

Can you figure out how to strengthen that for the American public?

For free?

And why allow scmers to stay in business?

Why allow them to migrate scams?

Real simple you should need a State Id To buy a phone in the United States!

Any phone not of a state id gets denied phone service.

What about corporate calling networks?  You can't tell me we don't have the technology for specific identification.

And we can then link unwanted calls to unwanted _eople.

And perhaps if there is a crime profit network we sieze all personal assets of participant members.

And that is a start to breaking up gangs.

So what is the deal with gangs? Terror! 

Joe you would take away Constitutionally legal Army rifles and let Americans live in fear of criminal networks?

Come on Joe, get with it!

And perhaps when someone applies for admission to the U.S. if they say uh oh they will be so taying a to a known as n do recorded gang members house or a family member of such, they do not get in the we Country.

They can be fingerprinted just like I was when I went to work for a Nasdaq affiliate post college.

I am tired of hearing the whining; "We can't do this," for a nebulous legal reason.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Women's Fashion Humor 09 01 2022

 Humor Is:

The "Baggy Wrinkle" pants brand name!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

The Best of Everything 9 1 2022


1. Cher Make Natural Casing Wieners Boiled in Water drained and seared in bottom of same pot.

2. Dr. Pepper Sweet & A Bit Sassy Baked Beans heated in frying pan.  Quickly rinse and clean pot wieners were made in and make beans in that pot.

3. Farmers market peas boiled in water with 1/2t Colonna Gourmet Burger seasoning in water, in frying pan.  These peas turned out really good!

4. 3 slices of tomato

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Top Secret Documents Donald Trump took 09 01 2022

 So they say that if they were known it would be a threat to our national security?

What does that mean?

Doesn't that really justify a lot of the paranoia that members of the American public have?  And that paranoia is used to label United States Citizens as being mentally ill?  Putting them on narcotic effect drugs they will not be able to get off of?  Locking them up and making them pay for it?  Creating health care jobs for the uneducable among us?

Do you follow the logic?  If it is so Secret that the Public can't know about it then it is something that the general public should or would likely fear!

How can you label any United States Citizen mentally ill when our government has secrets like those Trump stole that would endanger our Country if known?


So Trump knows those secrets.  What are the odds you are going to be able to put someone like Trump in prison for anything when he knows and could reveal those secrets?

And should it really be legal to put someone who knows such secrets, are they horrific secrets, so that that person can not have contact with anyone?

Does not a person in prison still have the right to freedom of speech?

Of course they do!  And how can I prove that easily?   Because they have the right to wage a defense in court.  An appeal if you will.  Which means they still have the right to freedom of speech!

So you would have to contrive false legal modes to keep someone like that locked up and silenced.

And what is silencing an individual?  Isn't that term more of one that is used in aggrandizement when the mafia kills someone?  They silenced that person.

But anyhow.  Steve Bannon made all his money by investing in the Seinfeld series.  That would make him a producer.  And look at all the costumes they wore when they killed three Police Officers in the Jan 6th Capitol riot.  And look at how Presidential terms are playing out like a Soap Opera?  One where no one is ever found guilty.

Are they really like this?  "You can't find me guilty because I took drugs and know that we are all of one mind.  And because we are all of one mind individually, we can be found guilty of nothing!"

So it was said in Irish History that the Irish battled a race of women?  Is that true or am my wires crossed?  But how is not that communal thinking emblematic or rather problematic of a race of women?


So what is the intent of taking national secrets?  So that you can sell them to a foreign government in order to finance your next political campaign?  And to me that is treason that should be punishable by the death penalty for all of those who knowingly participated.  Is this writing of mine extremist or any other derogatory terms the media likes to heave?  Or is it written by someone who loves the United States?  And ask yourself, when you watch television, "What are they teaching me to believe?"

Are there key components of that top secret information that could compromise the next presidential election in some way?  Would that not be behavior that is consistent with the individual?  Would that not be behavior that is consistent with prior conviction of the individual?

And what are the secrets?  The public should be the one to know what they were in order to see if the sentencing with regard to them is consistent with the secret that is in effect being stolen?

When Donald Trump read those top secrets what was he looking for?  Was he looking for the names of people he could contact regarding those secrets?  So that he could somehow manifest some sort of conniving machination?  That is the type of person I see him to be.  People are like marker chips to him. 


So when it is revealed their is a top secret item that would be a threat to our Government if it were known.  What does that mean?  A threat from the people of our nation or a threat from a foreign nation?  Now think about it.  If it something horrific the people would not approve of in that secret then the secret isn't really the threat.  The people who created the secret are the threat to the people of our nation?

Do you follow the logic?  What is the nature of the secret?  Is it something so horrific that the people of our nation would never approve of it?  That is something that needs to be exposed.  Why, because it is for the good of our Democracy not the bad of it.

So you listen to a salesman, and they contort the meaning of everything until you and I no longer have any money.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

So how do you keep someone like that from spreading top secrets?  "Donald can't come out to speak right now, he is feeling kind of stretcheed."

I should get me a long haired freaks wig

 and play the devils advocate and make an internet video of that last one!

"Look dude!  If you just took drugs you would realize we are all of one mind!  And dude, because we are all of one mind it means that individually we are guilty of nothing!  Dude, you don't understand.  Dude!"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

The Sick Eyed Among Us Believe 09 01 2022

 "That if we all took drugs then we would realize that we are all of one mind and therefore individually guilty of nothing!"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

The Second Amendment 09 01 2022

 I do not believe that the United States Constitution should be tampered with just because we have a changing demographic that has children that can't be educated.

I mean, why not ban tobacco.  Why not ban drunks!  Ban drunks from having children.  Ban boob jobs.  Ban sex change operations.

What a gun ban really means is that we have a demographic that will not be responsible enough to protect our nation.  And I can hear the old goats already, "Protect our nation from what?"  And questions like that are indicative of the problem!

There is no valid argument that the Constitution bans firearms use in War.  In fact that is just what that Second Amendment was intended for!  Anyone who tells you differently is lying to the point that it borders on treason.

Why not ban chemicals that cause the birth of stuttering fools?  Why not go after that Joe?

And we have a lamb/ snow flake demographic in our nation today.  And it has populated the media.

Case in point.  Anyone who believes a mass shooter of completely innocent people should not get the death penalty is not on the side of the American people!  And I don't care what age that mass shooter is!

So we don't ban guns because we have a demographic that isn't responsible enough to have them and know what they mean.

What we have to do is work on that demographic!  And that is the third rail of politics!  But we either work on changing that demographic or our nation falls.

And I don't believe in a universal communist world.  Am I right though, ban guns and that is where it is leading!

Do I believe that we need to pay a living wage?  Yes.  And we may have to make change or abolish the current form of Corporate Structure to do that.

You can't have the wealthy, who I would assert are more likely to have a closet retard at home, pulling the strings of our Democracy!  Possessing a stuttering stick man puppet to slowly take away our rights.  Until they have us worshipping queens and are putting little boys in skirts, again.

So if you aren't going to give a mass shooter the death penalty...why not?  Because it really wasn't their fault that they are the way they are?  Good God clear out those cobwebs!  But you can't!  But see where I am going?  To not execute a mass shooters sends the message to all potential mass shooters, whoever they could be, that they really did nothing wrong...that they would really be doing nothing wrong.  That after they do the mass shooting there will therapists that they can talk help them better understand themselves.  That they are really no different than anyone else.  Oooh here is a good one.  That if they experimented with banned psychogens like a prominent Wisconsin Quarterback, they would realize that we are all of one mind.  That we are all really of one mind!

And the above paragraph is a lamb snowflake belief system.


And Joe, after you successfully push that gun control agenda, what do you think is going to happen?  Trump will get back in the White House!  Like a bad soap opera that never ends.  And they will destroy Social Security.  Because they don't have enough money for this.  And it is really their money and not the American peoples.  And Joe believes it is really his Constitution to stutter, phlegm cup, and scratch out what he wants to of it.

Joe, why don't you just round up the remaining Irish Americans and put them in prison?

How easy would it be to control someone who stutters?  Like a puppet on a string for the bad element of the United States.

So back in the time of Prohibition do you know what they said?  "We all suffer because of the mentally retarded."  And retarded is a word that offers hope, in fact too much hope.  It implies someone's learning ability is only delayed and not a brain defect and therefore permanent.  Again propaganda from our new demographic.  Oh, and gets those normal children on alcohol as fast as you can.  Put those beer advertisements on football games everywhere.  Why?  So that the wealthy can control the upwardly mobile and keep a barrier to entry to the status quo in place.  Again?  Why?  So that no one will be smart enough to know who should have never gone into politics!  So that no one will ever be smart enough to know that they have inalienable rights.

Oh, and once they destroy Social Security, then they can get those good children working again.  Get those 5 year old girls up at 4 am in the morning shucking oysters for the wealthy.  Little white girls with deformed Cartlidge in their hands from forced labor.  I couldn't make up all of this evil! 

And what happens when the Republicans get back in the office of the President and destroy Social Security?  There will be absolutely no vaccine shots or defenses to whatever plague it is hits us next.  Because they can't afford it.

Here is the truth, our nation can't afford attitudes like that!

The sick eyed lurking among us! 

© 2022 Thomas Murphy