The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, September 12, 2022

Why can't I be right? 09 12 2022

 Seriously have you ever met any one that has that as the notion of basis for every decision that they make?

The fact that they could be right?

Perhaps it is the belief that in any decision they make they have a 50/50 chance of being right?

 Well more to the point it is more like this.

"The reason you can't be right, is because you never were, you are not and you never will be."

But here it is.  As the motivation for success in life their only belief is that they can be right.

It doesn't matter if even there is a remote chance of them being right, that is there motivation for speaking.

Does it look to you like a part of their brain isn't working properly?

And you would have to have a properly working brain in order to catch it wouldn't you! 

So in any argument you have with them they will believe that they are right just because they could be right.  And hence the belief that they could be right means to them that they are always going to be more right than you.  And it doesn't really matter that they don't have the ability to think things through.

All that matters is that they could be right.

So who gives people like that such bolstered false hope in life?

Someone that greatly pities them!

That same type of brain pattern lacks introspection.  So notions of concepts that they 'learn' has to be directly applied to everyone they are arguing with and not themselves. Why?  Because that bolstered false hope is kicking in.

"Why can't I be right?"

"Because you didn't think about it!"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

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