The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Top Secret Documents Donald Trump took 09 01 2022

 So they say that if they were known it would be a threat to our national security?

What does that mean?

Doesn't that really justify a lot of the paranoia that members of the American public have?  And that paranoia is used to label United States Citizens as being mentally ill?  Putting them on narcotic effect drugs they will not be able to get off of?  Locking them up and making them pay for it?  Creating health care jobs for the uneducable among us?

Do you follow the logic?  If it is so Secret that the Public can't know about it then it is something that the general public should or would likely fear!

How can you label any United States Citizen mentally ill when our government has secrets like those Trump stole that would endanger our Country if known?


So Trump knows those secrets.  What are the odds you are going to be able to put someone like Trump in prison for anything when he knows and could reveal those secrets?

And should it really be legal to put someone who knows such secrets, are they horrific secrets, so that that person can not have contact with anyone?

Does not a person in prison still have the right to freedom of speech?

Of course they do!  And how can I prove that easily?   Because they have the right to wage a defense in court.  An appeal if you will.  Which means they still have the right to freedom of speech!

So you would have to contrive false legal modes to keep someone like that locked up and silenced.

And what is silencing an individual?  Isn't that term more of one that is used in aggrandizement when the mafia kills someone?  They silenced that person.

But anyhow.  Steve Bannon made all his money by investing in the Seinfeld series.  That would make him a producer.  And look at all the costumes they wore when they killed three Police Officers in the Jan 6th Capitol riot.  And look at how Presidential terms are playing out like a Soap Opera?  One where no one is ever found guilty.

Are they really like this?  "You can't find me guilty because I took drugs and know that we are all of one mind.  And because we are all of one mind individually, we can be found guilty of nothing!"

So it was said in Irish History that the Irish battled a race of women?  Is that true or am my wires crossed?  But how is not that communal thinking emblematic or rather problematic of a race of women?


So what is the intent of taking national secrets?  So that you can sell them to a foreign government in order to finance your next political campaign?  And to me that is treason that should be punishable by the death penalty for all of those who knowingly participated.  Is this writing of mine extremist or any other derogatory terms the media likes to heave?  Or is it written by someone who loves the United States?  And ask yourself, when you watch television, "What are they teaching me to believe?"

Are there key components of that top secret information that could compromise the next presidential election in some way?  Would that not be behavior that is consistent with the individual?  Would that not be behavior that is consistent with prior conviction of the individual?

And what are the secrets?  The public should be the one to know what they were in order to see if the sentencing with regard to them is consistent with the secret that is in effect being stolen?

When Donald Trump read those top secrets what was he looking for?  Was he looking for the names of people he could contact regarding those secrets?  So that he could somehow manifest some sort of conniving machination?  That is the type of person I see him to be.  People are like marker chips to him. 


So when it is revealed their is a top secret item that would be a threat to our Government if it were known.  What does that mean?  A threat from the people of our nation or a threat from a foreign nation?  Now think about it.  If it something horrific the people would not approve of in that secret then the secret isn't really the threat.  The people who created the secret are the threat to the people of our nation?

Do you follow the logic?  What is the nature of the secret?  Is it something so horrific that the people of our nation would never approve of it?  That is something that needs to be exposed.  Why, because it is for the good of our Democracy not the bad of it.

So you listen to a salesman, and they contort the meaning of everything until you and I no longer have any money.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

So how do you keep someone like that from spreading top secrets?  "Donald can't come out to speak right now, he is feeling kind of stretcheed."

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