The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Humor 07 30 2019

Humor 07 30 2019

"What do you tell mamma now?  That's right you tell her no.  And how do you run around to keep from getting spanked after that?  That's right, that's how you run around to keep from getting spanked after that."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Friday, July 26, 2019

What the Bible would say about Corporations being People 07 26 2019

"8. 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I don’t want you to be ignorant. You know that when you were unbelievers, you were enticed and led astray to worship idols that couldn’t even speak. "

Source of this Bible Verse:

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Legislating Unconscionable acts you committed during your lifetime to be legal because 07 26 2019

Legislating Unconscionable acts you committed during your lifetime to be legal because it was impossible for you to reconcile your actions with a developed human conscience.

In other words, "What are you doing here?"

Rather than have to come to terms with what you did couldn't do it...

So look what happens when pot users sneak into our Government?

Look what happens when Prostitutes sneak into Government, Civil Service, public service etc?

Look what happens when drug lord filth buys Politicians?

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Amoral Knuckleheaded Retards 07 26 2019

Amoral Knuckleheaded Retards 07 26 2019

Is it wrong to abort a baby? When you and your wife responsibly conceive a normal child it is you amoral knuckleheaded retard!

Where do those surplus children that the pro life movement say we must have end up? How many Orphanages (type settings foster care included) sell orphans for sex (Statutory Rape based Prostitution?) How come your local newsprint PAPER doesn't use accurate and meaningful terminology like that? You would think the tree huggers would be all over the issue?

Are there wardens that sell prisoners for sex?

You would think there would be a better and more damning name for it than Pimp? How come Webster couldn't create one? How come English Academia wasn't up to the task?

Sexual Enslavement?

You amoral knuckelheaded retard!

How many United States lives were lost in the War that outlawed it?
You amoral knuckelheaded retard; how come you can never figure that out?

Now here is a racist comment.

You know the worst thing about it? The black people we saved from slavery by bravely going to war and dying for them in the Civil War are the ones most likely to not want to believe sexual slavery is slavery?

Can't get more irony than that!

Shameful! Shameful! Shameful!

The Italians Americans we saved from Mussolini same exact shameful ones!

Do I get the respect and credit this Patriarchal writing deserves? No! Instead I get shifty eyed retard queers glaring at me in a nervous castration anxiety tiff where ever I go!

They're pathetic, and over time they did not grow and morally develop to not be that way like everyone said that they would, like everyone who is in charge of propaganda say's that everyone always will.

When the very people you freed from Slavery are Pro Slavery?

Ask yourself what the next Government Policy should be regarding someone like that?

Seriously, ask yourself that.

Do me a favor, the next time you start sipping your Tennessee Whiskey I want you to completely forget that I exist. You know nothing about me. Nothing about what I believe in. Nothing about where I write it. Nothing about where I am going to be.

Just go on about your day and life about walking into walls and banging your head.

DT would say that this is antisemitic? And you know what's worse about that, they (all of the above) are probably on a six figure plus government tab.

How many times has he contradicted himself? How many times has he gleefully scorned Americans after they have acted like him in one way? What an odd bird hypocrite he is! Sickening!
His fickle schizemed (sp?)brain is the exact thing that isn't GREAT about the United States.

Do you know why there are not proper spellings for that word about? Because they never want you to use the word in proper context!

His internal reward system for speaking frankly is to then condemn everyone who follows his example.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Humor 07 26 2019

Humor 07 26 2019

"Yeah I like that snack mix that comes in the 23 ounce plastic jar.  But after the third handful of it I realize it is no good for me, but I can't stop eating it by then because it is so salty tasting good."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Short Story 07 23 2019

Short Story 07 23 2019

"Every time anther student in class starts to excel your daughter tries to hurt them."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Friday, July 19, 2019

Religion, School and Human Development 07 19 2019

Religion, School and Human Development 07 19 2019

When people object to the Bible being in public school or religion in school are not they really objecting to the development of the Human Conscience?

Do you see the people who are objective offer a replacement or substitute literature for the development of the Human Conscience?  I haven't seen that as part of their movement.

Does it really mean that they are anti human development?

Now to be on the fence a little bit.  One could indeed abstract every situation in the bible and create a separate story of it to teach each concept of human conscience development?  But it would defeat the process because it isn't meant to be the story of many people it is the story of one person!!  And when you separate it out you defeat the concept don't you.

Granted I believe that public schools should not teach religion.  But I believe that many in public schools suffer from lack of conscience development.  And again I am not for the voucher program.

And perhaps it is like this, either you are going to develop a human conscience or you are not.  It makes no difference if it is taught in school.  Which kind of negates the idea that single parent families are just as good and a "nuclear" family.

Send your kid to a religious school in the hopes that they develop a human conscience?  Isn't it really just pay so that the retard doesn't have to be euthanized?

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How come a Police Officer can use Deadly Force but a Court System can't? 07 18 2019

How come a Police Officer can use Deadly Force but a Court System can't?  07 18 2019

It has to do with those who didn't earn their white collar jobs not wanting to rock the boat?

But one would think that the wielding of deadly force would be at the highest most educated level and not the lowest?  Get it?

Does it not bother you that what is deemed the most highest educated level doesn't complain that the wielding of deadly force is done at the lowest level and not the highest level?

Just let the hunchback castle guard minion use whatever subjective discretion they arrive at?

Doesn't matter that the honest ones put their life in danger apprehending a dangerous criminal that the upper level will not wield deadly force on.

If the upper level wanted to wield deadly force (Death Penalty) wouldn't they have the power to legislate it?

Off topic.  So my business failure theory amounts to this, when you get too many retards under the same roof the business fails.

© 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

Oops.  Just flushed it out.  It means the higher court system trusts the lower level judgement better than their own.

That's wrong.

That machination is something that you could not draft me into a War in order to protect it.

And here we go again.  Soldiers who fight and kill the wrong people in wars on foreign soil are court marshalled and either go to jail or are executed.  But you will never see that happen to the low level person mentioned above.  Again why not?  Because those given the bench trust their judgment better than their own.

That is the gestalt existence of the Posi Comitatas.

Are there women Judges who would not have become Judges if they had to wield the Death Penalty and be accountable for it?

How come U.S. Tanks 07 18 2019

How come U.S. Tanks 07 18 2019

How come U.S. Tanks laid siege to the Branch Davidian Compound but NOT "Epstein Island?"

Side note:  He kind of looks like Ricardo Montalban the primary actor in the television show "Fantasy Island."

Digress:  Watch the female bachelor show which is on an island like setting and what do you see?  She is soaking it up all she can get?  Would a court of law not define that as sexual relations?  We didn't see any copulation because the show would be on television.

In my opinion it shouldn't be.  Why not?  Because one person is cheating on all the rest per the structure of it.

And if .gov had stormed "Epstein Island" DT would have never been President?

This is a stream of conscious diatribe.

Was ancient Judea like "Epstein Island?" more so than "Branch Davidian Compound?"

Hence because the setting is becoming more like ancient Judea it is...

Hey wee little suck mouth brain media folk how about you investigate and publish "Where are the survivors of the Branch Davidian Compound today?

And it looks to me like the two accusers from Epstein Island were of gentile genes?  Blonde hair blue eyes?

Never could stand that Billy Joel song with the lyrics "Catholic girls start much too late", nor did I like the dark baggy eyed fellow.

I see zero gentile women on television!  Could you see a gentile on a talk show with big mouthed hood rat black women spouting venom?

It would indeed be like my experience in the Investment Business.

© 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

At least Jimmy Carter could show some what was some quintessential American Pragmatism.  Remember watching DT think on the apprentice?  It was like he was waiting for the information on what to do to arrive in his mouth before he could think of it.

I have to wonder if he wears blue contact lenses.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

If Utilities and other polluting Corps can't put in Pollution Controls

If Utilities and other polluting Corps can't put in Pollution Controls

That is a strong enough reason that they should be nationalized.

And it is a prime example of how wrong, "Just give it to the private sector" philosophy is!

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

You were not born and raised in the United States 07 17 2019

You were not born and raised in the United States 07 17 2019

"You were not born and raised in the United States in order to defend Corporate Interests. with your life, in the military."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The 21st Amendment was an attack on your Freedom to Learn! 07 16 2019

The 21st  Amendment was an attack on your Freedom to Learn! 07 16 2019

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is mental retardation caused by a woman drinking during pregnancy.  Research is proving that men should not drink while trying to get a woman pregnant either.

Those who are born with mental retardation do not learn as well.

It is stated to affect 5% of the population of the Western Hemisphere.  Most cases show no outward signs of mental retardation as is the case of Down's Syndrome which I will assert is part of the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Spectrum Disorders.

They are not FREE TO LEARN!  That is horrific!

The 21st Amendment legalized Alcohol that the 18th Amendment banned!

I think that nothing is more sacred than your Freedom to Learn!

It is the duty of a President of the United States to Protect the United States Constitution or face Impeachment or indeed likely trial for treason.  Well that is the way that it should be!

So who would attack your ability to learn?  Those who can't.  And they develop very strong manipulative verbal ability because of their inability to learn like men do.

When you see a Politician dodging questions and lying do you say to yourself, that is a strong man I want my son to be like or do you say, that is something we should never have to put up with in the greatest nation on earth?

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Running Shoe Design 07 16 2019

Running Shoe Design 07 16 2019

So if the tongue of a running shoe always wants to slip down towards the outside of the foot side why isn't the tongue of a high performance running shoe fixed in place by stitching on the inner side of the tongue to below the lace holes?

It would seem to me that many more races could be won if they were constructed that way.

And again, why don't the shoe companies think like this?

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Mentally Defective Belief System is 07 15 2019

 A Mentally Defective Belief System is  07 15 2019

"A Mentally Defective Belief System is one where the mentally defective belief that every single thing that you do in life is supposed to be for their benefit and not your own personal benefit."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

It might be subtitled the Spoiled Little Princess belief system.  Even though some "males" have it too!

Humor 07 15 2019

Humor 07 15 2019

"Something you just thought about my fat faced boy made him cry."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Psychological Profile Discovered 07 15 2019

Psychological Profile Discovered 07 15 2019

Someone that was raised to impulsively say false things about men!

They were conditioned to be that way because they experienced more pain than pleasure in the home when they were not that way.

People are conditioned by the demonic just like animals are through pain= abuse, pleasure=false praise balance?

So in effect you can't blame the odd people around you for what they are because it isn't really their fault.  Their free will and intelligence was not developed before they experienced all that negativity and envy in life.  They were also chastised for thinking like a normal human being, in accurate comparisons...

We also have a cadre of these people in our education system that create and foster negative expectations to the children of the good and honest American.

We also have the drug dealer who wants to make it true that no one is really smarter than them.

Then apparently recent news is also proving something else I asserted to be true.  We have the demonic among us that seek to cull better looking young women into prostitution and porn.

None of that belongs in the United States.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

My view is and has always been that people who violate your right to free thinking and to profit from your own free thinking have absolutely no right to be in the United States!  If I were President of the United States I would have that set in stone and monoliths of it placed in front of every religious institution, courthouse, Corporation  etc.

How dumb is your psychiatrist? 07 15 2019

How dumb is your psychiatrist?

You could make a new fishing rod from scratch and spend two weeks doing so. Across from your house is a park with a field and no lake or stream. Immediately you want to try casting that rod to see how it casts. You put a weight on the end of it and walk across the street.

On the way across the street you yell at a home improvement truck that ran the stop sign and then sped up where you were crossing the street.

The Psychiatrist sees or hears that you were casting in that field and immediately thinks on impulse, “He thinks he is trying to catch a fish.”

A woman pushing a baby in a stroller has no concept of the work that went into making that rod and she thinks exactly the same thing as the psychiatrist does.

It is like an Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder person, they can't not say something obnoxious after they think of it. And perhaps knowing that can be of your benefit in some way. That the mentally retarded person can't not say something rude, they have to act on impulse.

It means that their mode of learning is through impulse?

Now along comes the adult son of the psychiatrist and the woman pushing the stroller. He see's what you are doing and tells you that you need to put on a fishing lure to catch fish. He runs home and gets a fishing lure and insists that he tries casting your new fishing rod. Because he will show you how to do it better.

Meanwhile the two home improvement men in the truck are complaining that if you can make a fishing rod you can do their work instead of them doing it.  Doesn't really matter that they should not even have a drivers license and be able to drive.

Oh by the way someone heard you yelling and called the Police.  They arrive to see you and the adult son together and accuse you of enticing him.

In response to this the adult son say's that it is his fishing rod and you took it from him.

And the woman Police Officer makes a comment morally compelling you to, "Do the right thing," 

And that right there is exactly what is wrong with the United States of America and the World.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

United States Historical Blunders 07 15 2019

United States Historical Blunders 07 15 2019

The United States Army should not have entered WW2; instead it should have been used to enforce the Constitution, the 18th Amendment with Military Force.

And those Military personell who would not comply with the Constitution should have been executed for Treason.

We would be in a lot better place if it had been done that way.  In effect America would still be Great.

And sure we could have entered WW2 after that had taken effect here.  But look at it.  If we had done that that way in this country FDR would have initiated a Scorched Earth Policy here and we would have lost WW2 and been in ruin?

We were aiding the British in WW2 before Japan bombed us and we entered WW2.  FDR was of British decent, and the British knew about the Japanese whereabouts in the Pacific but they failed to tell the United States.  That country has never been our ally.  Even when we helped them out they were still not our ally.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Satire of Modern Times 07 14 2019

Satire of Modern Times 07 14 2019

"Dear Jesus I hope that mom finds a new wife soon so that we can afford food and to keep the house."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Entitlements 07 14 2019

Entitlements 07 14 2019

"A mentally retarded persons entire life is a gift."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Philosophy Do As 07 03 2019

Philosophy Do As 07 03 2019

Philosophy do as I say or philosophy do as I do?

Bottom line; you shouldn't do what you don't have 'reason' to do.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

A Gasoline Powered Car Engine that Didn't have a Battery 07 03 2019

A Gasoline Powered Car Engine that Didn't have a Battery 07 03 2019

The problem with the battery is that it is charged from the alternator which is rubber belt driven.  That belt brakes and you are going nowhere.  I think cars should be made better than that.

Perhaps if every cylinder had a magnet and in the cylinder walls was a coil of wire.  Thereby when one cylinder fired it was powering the spark for the next.  Perhaps through capacitance.

Of if the concept was located on the flywheel as in an outboard motor?

You could still have an alternator charging the battery for the headlights and radio etc.

But I think the car needs a more failsafe system.

Air Compressor pumps don't last forever on a car and when they go they can break your fan belt, once that fan belt breaks your alternator won't charge the battery to create spark for the plugs and you will soon stop.  Also you will likely lose power steering too.  I think that you should at least be albe to keep driving slow on the back roads if this happens.  And you had a charging system that isn't fan belt based.


With regard to torque ratings.  Do they belong to the automobile company's or do they belong to the owner of the car who purchased it and whose personal responsibility it is to maintain it?

There will always be poor people working on cars and their own cars, why not make the highways safer by requiring those torque ratings to be provided in detail to everyone for free?  Would it not save lives?

Some shops can't afford the manuals?  I have seen YouTube videos made at what looks to be Dealerships whereby they are guessing on the torque ratings!  For those who don't know what I am talking about, everything that is bolted in your car has to be tightened to a specified tightened value via a wrench that has a measuring device on it.  Usually thought of in Foot Pounds or Inch Pounds if you are American.  I think if you think of it any other way your brain is trivia redundant wired.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Batteries have lead in them and it is dangerous to human health and an environmental problem.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Business Analysis by the Thomas Paul Murphy School of Thought 07 02 2019

Business Analysis by the Thomas Paul Murphy School of Thought 07 02 2019

Did you ever ask yourself, "What is the value of an intelligent customer to this business?"

© 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

I have to wonder about the Insurance Industry 07 02 2019

I have to wonder about the Insurance Industry  07 02 2019

Is the sum total of the premiums that you pay even enough to pay the salaries of the Insurance Industry Employees?  Or somehow does that go to the balance sheet of a bank that buys them only to be folded into a larger bank that goes bankrupt and the taxpayer foots the bill as part of our national debt?

So where can I find that statistic?

Insurance Industry total compensation versus total yearly premiums paid in?

© 2019 Thomas Murphy