The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, October 31, 2022

How many legal motions of "dismissal" has Trump won?

 How many legal motions of "dismissal" has Trump won?

Thomas Murphy

Social Commentary 10 13 2022"

 America today is like, "Get up there and sing the praises of your drunken father."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

A National Policy to Protect that Protects the Public from

 A comprehensive National Policy to Protect that Protects the Public from those who have the disease of alcoholism.

You know, it's about time.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

National Eye Care 10 26 2022

 If we are going to allow more drug babies to be born with brain defects, and allow downs syndrome and autism to continue to proliferate then we need a National Eye Care Policy.

I am not going to say why other than there is going to be more workplace type accidents and injuries to the eyes occurring.  And we have a national responsibility because of a lack of another national responsibility being neglected.

Also we are not on as great foreign terms with big military powers as we used to be?

So what I envision is everyone receives a pair of prescription safety goggles or glasses?

With clear wrap sides to them?

Antifog technology. etc.

Could it be labeled common medicare?  Interesting term.  The powers that be hate such ideas.  They want to benefit only one class?  The rest of us are something to pay a small amount of money to so that they can take a large part of it?  And therefore maintain the false status quo?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Ps. And it isn't being fulfilled by employers responsibility for the safety of their employees, and it isn't being fulfilled by players in sports games teaching morals about safety and fair play.

And how should we value those proven not to value us?

Medical Device Needed 10 26 2022

 A device hat requires no technical training to use.  

A device that can be placed over an eye and determine if their is any microscopic particle of metal in the eye via the use of "metal detection" technology.

Could be useful for emergency staffing as well as routine checkups.

Could be useful for workers in microparticle metal environments as well as war zones.

Another device similar to it would be one that, upon determining depth and shape of metal could magnetically remove such metal from the eye.  But this would likely require a large free standing machine with an electric coil.  And the determination that such device did not further project metal into eye via electromagnetic repulsion.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Monday, October 24, 2022

Get Expelled from a Public School grab a voucher 10 24 2022

How is that good for our State?

It used to be those who believed in a private school had the money to send their children there?

How come that hasn't transcended through to today?

What is a private school?  A religious school?

Are there gonna be 10 year old Republican girls pregnant in it those schools, forced to keep their pregnancies?

And when she is 15 will the 5 year old of hers be sitting in the same prairie house school?

What is this, 10,000 years BC?

Do I see right through this junk or not?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

And that initiative to tear down our expressway out of Milwaukee?  Leave that alone!  I use that!

Your VOTE. 10 24 2022

 Wouldn't You like to know if your Vote was counted the way you voted?

Is it hard technology? No. You can even see a digital photograph of a paper check you wrote in your bank account.  

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Old Pig Ribs


© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Fill in the Blank Humor 10 24 2022

 "I always knew that I was a _______."

I mean what is the most unlikely, outrageous and humorous thing that could be?

For a sense of Halloween, it might be, "I always knew I was an undertaker?"

For Christmas it might be, "I always knew that I was a Department Store Santa Claus."

What is the most manly job?  And a woman proudly states, "I always knew I was made for the manliest of jobs?"

For April Fools Day, "I always knew that I was meant to be the Joker."

For Thanksgiving, "I always knew that I was a hungry pilgrim."

For a Gothic person at Easter, "I always knew I rose from the dead?"

Wait a minute where not there at least 3 people who stated they were Jesus Christ who rose from the Dead?  What if they just said that because Jesus was let down off the cross early and they didn't want anyone looking for him?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

School Choice 10 24 2022

 Isn't the problem really that there are children who hate school?

If there were not children that hated school then school choice would not be an issue?

School choice implies that there are teachers that hate teaching?

Which of the two do you believe to be true?

So when a child hates school what do they do?  They protest it don't they.  They can't sit still and listen can they.  They act up and cause a distraction to the entire class so they can't learn.  And the weak answer then becomes let the children either good or bad choose their school?  And we thought it was a behavior problem.  But it isn't.  It is a medical disease isn't it!  ADHD.  And it has a cause but they don't know what it is?  Or they don't want to say what the cause is because they too have a behavior problem; that is really a medical disease?

You know what is a real shame?  That it takes the good people a long time to figure out what is wrong with the bad.  It takes the good people a long time to understand what is wrong with a bad person and why they have caused the problems that they have.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Invention Light Activate Cylinder tdc Finder 10 24 2022


If I have the time I will give you a full description of this. If I forget to and you would like me to, please ask

.  © 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

"~That giant sucking sound you will hear is American jobs going to China.". Ross Perot

Humor 10 24 2022

 "Yep, Jebidiah wants to talk to you."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

All you got from college was that damned tattoo 10 24 2022

So per research awhile ago, the word British comes from the word prickish.  Meaning tattooed.

And England (Britain) was founded by the Roman Empire.

So were the Roman soldiers' slaves? No, that isn't what I just read.

But what I read was when the Romans conquered an area they sold off the men as slaves.  And slaves were tattooed.  Initially they were tattooed on the forehead.  But Constantine changed that.  It is said they were tattooed to make them easier to control.  But soldiers were frequently tattooed too.

I never knew that the Romans tattooed on the forehead!

were roman slaves tattoed - Search (

So was England initially a penal colony?

No it appears England was never a penal colony.  Was England started as a penal colony from continent Europe? Generally, islands had been used as penal colonies. - Quora

were roman slaves tattoed - Search (

And it appears that slaves were forbidden to serve in the Roman Army.

were slaves used in the roman army - Search (

This post was just meant to be humorous at first.  A play on the Cheech and Chongs song were it talks about getting a job so you don't become like the Finkelstien _____ kid.


Roman soldiers were paid in salt.  It is where the word soldier comes from.  Sal dare- to give salt to.

Which brings up an interesting point.  You had a meritocracy in Greece.  Then you had Celtics mining salt in meritocracy form.  Whereby the more they mined the more money they made.

And here you have the Roman Empire.  The more people they captured and sold into slavery the more they could convert that meritocracy system into one of ....horror.  Pay your soldiers to make slaves of the free workers in the meritocracy and give the workers pay to the soldiers in the form of what the workers produced- salt.

I think some people have this taking mentality hard wired into them.


Ever see a college graduate you has a tattoo from the fraternity they were a member of?

And you ask yourself, "Who do they serve?"

And then you read how they hazed someone to death.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Humor 10 23 2022

 "By the way; I have eaten most of the Halloween Candy already!"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

The Primary Religious Belief of the Weak Minded is 10 23 2022

 "What money bags said must be true."

When I hear a candidate for Governor of Wisconsin stating that parents of the children in (the individual?) school should determine what is taught in that school.

What does that belief system amount to?  What is the condensate of that belief system?

"What money bags said must be true."

And that is one of the weakest belief systems that there is.


In other words, we don't allow the weakest minded to set our education standards.

I mean doesn't "What money bags said must be true," really think like a dumb prostitute?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Balancing the Races, subtitled What Money Bags Said Must Be True 10 23 2022

This is something that I believe in.  Why?  Because it looks to me that a lot of our Constitutional Rights are going down the drain due to lower cultural standards resulting from immigration.

I like our Constitution and believe we should keep it strong.

So what does it mean?  Limit immigration and perhaps birth until that core race who developed and believes in our Constitution is the largest race.

I believe it would make the Constitution easier to maintain.

We would have less bad ideas and bad ideas people surfacing like, women should be forced to keep a pregnancy from rape.  Why? Because sound white people could more easily "bring down" a white person who spewed that stuff.  Instead a mixed race all sitting around and nodding their heads like what money bags said must be true.

Am I the only one who abhors individuals who are of the belief system, "What money bags said must be true.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Humor 10 23 2022

 "He thinks people are somehow talking to him."
"Honey, that isn't me saying jealous insults to myself.  I am not somehow jealous of myself."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Who in the h311 are the Washington Commanders?

 Oh this is easy, they are the former Redskins.

Washington Commanders - Wikipedia

They have been in business since about when FDR legalized alcohol.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Mmmmm 10 23 2022

 This sausage is really good.  It was slow cooked on low while I was typing those things I was thinking in the last article.  I don't usually cook slowly on low.  Really good.

And I like the sage sausage.  And my potatoes too oday have the spice mix extra from the garlic bread I made last night in them.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

On Sexual Identity 10 23 2022

 On Sexual Identity.

So I ask the question, how many cases of lesbianism result from alienation of heterosexual sexual identity because of sexual abuse as a child.

And somewhere in this article I wanted to use the term disassociation from natural sexual identity. Or something like that, perhaps alienation is a stronger more relevant term.

The need to find commonality with the same sex in the case of a female because of father figure or other male sexual abuse as a child. And that commonality also having the natural progression towards sexual intimacy with same sex for the same above reason.

Foster: How many are sexually abused in foster care? Why would we believe that an adoptive parent situation would be any different than that?

Adoptive mother adopting in order to imprint that abuse on the child in order to mal cope with the abuse that was done to her.

In the case of a lesbian: Rejection of heterosexual sexual identity because of abuse by a male.

Such infractions to psychological development leading to gene expression consistent with homosexuality; hence the person feels like they are gay or of the opposite sex.

And I wonder how many cases of such abuse would occur if alcohol wasn't present. So they say that alcohol lowers your inhibition level. Your inhibition level of what? Your inhibition level to what? To suggestion? To what kind of suggestion? To demonic possession by someone who was born mal influenced by alcohol.

To cheat someone out of their human nature to want to find a heterosexual partner and create happy children like they once were? Ask yourself the level of jealousy of humanity that would need to be present in a person in order for that “person” to want to manipulate the sexual identity of a human being through abuse or “possession”~ mal influence, control, ownership, …

Then ask yourself what motivates someone to want to own someone else in such a way? What odd constructs form in the psyche of an individual whereby they want to “own” another person? I would assert it has to do with humanity they themselves know is unattainable in themselves.

Is it playing God with a person? No. Why label it God? Rather it is playing Satan with a person. And indeed I would like to eliminate the existence of that.

So what motivates me to write this? It was mentioned in the news that Tim Michels didn't want homosexuals to leave their homes. So, I am always asking the question, why is a homosexual a homosexual? What is the why of it? How come science and academia can't answer the why of that?

Oh lets say you tell me that they already have. Then how come they can't codify the why of it and tell us perhaps what the percentages of the why of it are if there are indeed different “Causes” of it.


And so lets say that it is caused by abuse.  And the lesbian doesn't want to say that about herself because of shame.  So what has been created in that individual?  A blockage of learning?  Right?  You have stopped her free expression of herself.  So the question becomes has a mental construct been created in such a person whereby it isn't the only thing she wants to think about and remember.  When you have blocked her from remembering certain things haven't you also created a learning deficit in her aka mental retardation?

And I also have to ask the question, can it be stated that Prostitutes are born that way?  If a lesbian or homosexual believes that they were born that way.  And that isn't sexually the norm of the heterosexual human species then can the extension be made that a prostitute is also born that way?  If a prostitute isn't born that way, did she too undergo sexual abuse which alienated her from a loving one relationship with a man?  Why is it important?  I don't know.  Longevity of the human race?  Spread of venereal disease?  Hosting venereal disease and mutating it and other viruses in such individuals?  Does not the aids virus come predominantly through homosexual activity?  And good God, the tapeworm is transmitted that same way.  Off topic.  But when you hear about what some people do on a Friday night you can't tell me there isn't more tapeworm going around than the medical industry wants us to believe?  What are the symptoms, bloated belly, joint degradation.

And how does foreign travel and immigration contribute to the spread of disease?  How does the acceptance of other cultures that are not as clean as us contribute to health problems?

And when you look at all of the above, don't you ask yourself, how is this coming into conflict with your constitutional rights?

You know what it is like (Google?) either answer the questions or get out of the way of the people who ask them.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Why didn't the Democratic Party choose someone like me to go against Walker other than the female candidate that lost to him a few years back?

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Quote 10 22 2022

 "It is no longer a country it is a community."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Invention Needed Variable Gap Spark Plugs

 Variable gap spark plugs or ignition system.  And I am talking variable while it is running!  The ability of the gap ignition to be adjusted while the motor is running!

Very interesting.

If it could be accomplished could such an engine run longer, last longer and be more efficient.

I would assert yes.  For the same reason that the computer controlled engine is more efficient.  Because that gap is a very important part of the ignition that could be controlled and manipulated for better performance.

And such a new system might not any longer resemble a conventional spark plug.

If a fuel injector is electric servo controlled so close to the combustion chamber then so could the "ignition gap."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

I find it an odd coincidence 10 22 2022


That we have the conclusion of a trial of a black man accused of running over people in a parade and killing them at the same time we have a black man opposing a white man on the ballot for Senator of Wisconsin.

I am just saying an odd coincidence.  And I don't believe there is the ability to control the timing of trials to coincide with elections?

But you have video footage of the likeness of this man in the car that did it.  And he represented himself, and was basically all over the board, if that is the way to say it, with his behavior in the court room.

I asked myself, If that was indeed him in the car, who did he think he was then?  Who does he think he is now?

But off topic.  Lets you had a lawyer defending him instead of him.  That lawyer then would take on what could be a completely lying personality and it would be alright?  But when it is the defendent who fills that role it is viewed a lot differently.

So lets assume he is guilty.  Just per the footage of the likeness of him in the car in the photo.  And therefore all that time in court he was asking the witnesses questions in that manner.

And he was accused of badgering the witnesses by the judge.  Because it was extremely emotional for them because they knew he did it and there he is pretending and badgering and bullying them to say something else.  Off topic, ever work with someone exactly that odd and find it a horrible quality of life issue to be around them?

Now in the above paragraph I am in no way advocating that a witness not be able to defend himself.  For what it really amounts to is he is putting whatever fate that is in his own hands and judgement, whether faulted or not.  Do you see the fine distinction there?

I can see how people would not want a highly intelligent person wrongly accussed of wrongdoing to not be able to defend themselves.  And I can see how cases could be propagandized so that it could be legislated that way.

We know that the death penalty was defeated in Chicago because organized crime got involved in it?  And found someone guilty who wasn't just so that they could advocate not having the death penalty because you can never be 1oo percent sure of a conviction?  And who does that benefit?  Organized crime!  For you can't have pawns lining up to be members of organized crime or gangs if they know they could get the death penalty for crimes.


And what about religion and church in the matter?  "You mean to say that I can be a member of organized crime and still go to heaven or be saved as long as I declare that Jesus Christ is my savior?  Because we are all flawed?  And all I have to do is share a little of my loot with you every Sunday to show I am faithful in that?"  How wrong is that?  I mean how can you argue that actually benefits a democracy?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Friday, October 21, 2022

Quagmire in Ukraine 10 21 2022

 If we give Ukraine anti drone hi tech we are also giving it to Russia?

Don't we need to keep some of this to ourselves in order to keep our powder dry in case war with that nation comes here?

In other words we don't want Russia to be able to defeat our best tech by having exposure to it?  In case we might need it at a future point in order to defend ourselves from them.

It was described on TV, so the cat is already out of the bag?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Stump the Chumps 10 20 2022

 "Is having a harem not a form of eugenics?"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Ps.  This post hit a nerve real good!!!

Humor Is 10 20 2022

Humor is the women who walk out of the yoga studio looking like they have just been transformed into the happiest lesbian ever.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

On Gun Control 10 20 2022

 "Who is it that believes their own people are not responsible enough to be free?"

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Early Celebration 10 18 2022

 © 2022 Thomas Murphy 

Lunch 10 19 2023

 © 2022 Thomas Murphy

Retail Humor 10 19 2022

 "I see that they have it in that store."

"Well we could just go over there and get them!"

"No, it doesn't work that way.  It could be in a back room and none of those dumb clucks know what is in a back room."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Breakfast 10 18 2022


© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor 10 18 2022

 "The only worse cook than your Mother was your Grandmother."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

An Insurectionist Is 10 18 2022

 The difference between an Insurectionist and a legitimate United States Citizen is that the United States Citizen knows he can make it and succeed in fair competition.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Abandoned Electric Cars in China

So there was a photo on Facebook and an article about abandoned electric cars in China.  This is my commentary on it. 


The technology just isn't there yet! Not until you can tow a boat 500 miles and not have to worry about being "winded" on the freeway. Not until you can recharge that thing as quick as pumping 20 gallons of gas. Not until they have found a battery media that has no way of exploding when submerged. The technology needs to come that far and into production within five years. Otherwise it is like a bad King attempting to limit the mobility of his subjects, kind of like how they told everyone the world was flat. So that everyone who had ambition wouldn't leave and colonize the new world in freedom. The beast hates mobility. And did you ever buy an older battery electric drill when they first came out. And it only drilled one hole? And you still kept it even though it is of absolute no use to you? Because it was supposed to be something it wasn't?  And you like to hold strong to the belief in the United States that something has to what it is supposed to be?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Philosophy 10 18 2022

 "As soon as an idiot reveals their opposition to you; consider that they have lost."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Trying to Understand the Head of Donald Trump and that ilk 10 18 2022

 So if you have sex with a prostitute and don't pay her then it is rape?

If a woman has sex for money but it is videotaped and sold then she isn't a Prostitute, she views herself as one class better than that?

If someone rapes your 15 year old daughter you are to respond, "I can't believe I was always so confused about this issue!  What a beautiful thing!  There is a baby in there.  And my daughter will be raising it as a single mother?  And if it is a boy I hope he becomes exactly like his good father and rapes even more and more 15 year olds when he gets a chance to.  And the more pregnant 15 year olds the better.  Because there are babies in there!"


Can I help it if the term detention camp pops up into my mind?

And honest to God.  How could you expect a good man to work at a place like that?  So do you see the end result with this?

Did you ever ask yourself, "Who is really mentally ill?"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

I don't view violence the way that the media does 10 18 2022

 I know that people do bad things to members of the community, and not just in the core.

So when I see that on the news, do you know what I think?

1.  I am hopeful that it was somebody asserting their rights against being pushed drugs, made a prostitute or physically abused.

2.  The second thing I think is, I hope the good person won and doesn't go to prison for it.

Do you see how my belief system is inherent in the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution?

I thought I would share it with you.  You are not going to hear it anywhere else.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Monday, October 17, 2022

Pro Life 10 17 2022

 Pro Life isn't about, "Oh I just think there is a baby in there."  

It is really about, "What does she have that we can give to someone else."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Prohibition Two 10 17 2022

 So lets say that we had a Prohibition TWO.

And then you had farmers that didn't want to plant anything if it didn't involve the drug alcohol.

And that dried up land created a dust bowel.

And then there was no food.

And then famine.

How could you prevent that?

Specific identification of where a farm product is currently going today.

And those farmers who didn't want to then produce grains because it didn't involve their disease alcoholism, they would have their farms taken away in order to plant food to feed the people of our nation.  And legally it can be done.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Fixing the American Economy 10 17 2022

 So you get out of college, and you get a job that pays a little more and who is there to collect?  The RENT!

Who are the only people making the money?  The shylock land lords!

The price of the rent goes up so that it doesn't matter how much you make you won't be able to keep any.  But it also goes up so high that you will be locked into not being able to afford your own home!

So indeed when I look at the behavior of Donald Trump (a real estate "guy") for four years as President and to today, I have to ask if all real estate millionaires are just like him?  Unless there is evidence they are not we can just say they are.

I think if I were President I would take that all away.  I would take all of those loopholes away.  And I would immediately convert all privately owned rental property to publicly owned.

How would that work?

You would have to have a maintenance core to take care of the property.  It would be like how the army is.  Or how a civil servant job like a bus driver or garbage truck driver is.

Ooh and you will love this one.  That position will be like a meritocracy! In other words the more things they were able to fix in a day the more money they made!  But the person living in the property would always have to sign off that they did a good enough job.

There would be other industries I would dismantle and rise up again in a different form with better people manning them, real people.

So you read about the likes of Donald Trump and Tim Michels and Ron Johnson stating that they believe a woman should keep a pregnancy even if it is from rape.

Lets say that you are a father and have a 15 year old daughter.  Would you ever want someone that believed something like that living next to you?  Would ever even want someone like that to be your neighbor?  You would have to have a hammer dent to your brain that no one could see on your skull in order to believe someone like that would be a good neighbor!

So here is the hanging clause to it.  Here is the gorilla mandate to it.  Here is the end of the sentence they didn't finish saying.

"I believe that a female should keep a pregnancy even if from rape or incest, because I put that baby in there!"

Do you see what someone who believes that really equates themselves too?  You can't have any less class than that!

To view yourself as some potato exactly like all the others that fell off the conveyor into the burlap sack?  To view yourself as an adult male as absolutely no better than someone who either commits incest or rape and gets a woman pregnant?

To me people who believe something like that are not even fit to pick cotton.

It is like they had to be raised in some odd room where they just had one idiot after another speaking to them all day?  And that is what constitutes their personality? 


So you go to college and you get a good job and the only apartment you will be able to afford is one that is tiny and for some sickness reason smells like it was really a fish cleaning station.

And guess what type of people own those apartment buildings and profit to them to the exclusion of the rest of us?

Oh Christ and if you ever said a bad thing about someone like Jeffery Epstein you would be told that he is a highly successful financial baron and be threatened with an antidefamation lawsuit, ostracized, black balled...and here is the sh1t kicker, tormented by voices.

Likely homeless and experiencing death from exhaustion or exposure.  And who knows who comes along to beat them up and club them on the heads.

On a positive note, Thanksgiving is coming up.

Happy Thanksgiving

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Zyklon B was first used as a pesticide in California in 1880

 So that is long before the dust bowl that is stated to be the cause of the Great Depression.

I have long speculated that the wealth class of the United States, the ones who dressed little boys in dresses per the fad created by Queen Victoria in England, that wealth class, would have gone to absolutely any means to defeat Prohibition.

Including an orchestrated Stock Market Crash whereby those who sold short made the money that those who legitimately invested lost.

But was a pesticide used to create the Dust Bowl?

The more you destroy the ground cover with a pesticide the dryer it gets and the less things can grow?

So how could it be proven that a pesticide was used to create the Dust Bowel?  Research receipts from chemical companies at the time?

Researching such sales data?

Inventory data?

Production data?

Plane rental and crop duster data?

Things like that.

When there was no demand for alcohol because of Prohibition were less crops being grown to produce barely, wheat, corn and grains that went into alcohol?

So I don't know.  You read the history books and it just doesn't seem to add up, does it.

And then you read that the first head of the FBI, at a time when organized crime bootleggers were running rampant all over the place, ...that the first head of the FBI at the time repeatedly stated there was no organized crime.

So you look at the nature of a lie like that and you have to ask yourself what are its roots?  What motivates such an egregious and yes treasonous lie?  What are the connecting roots to the like and where are the branches of the lie.

Thats all.  As always, take it for a grain of salt and don't get too offended.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy


Oh Christ, isn't it happening already?  Rural intelligence is near ZERO because there is Atrazine(???) in the groundwater of all the wells?  Is that the name of the Specialty Chemical?

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Businesses go out of Business 10 16 2022

Businesses go out of business when all of the wrong people are making the money.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

United States Competition

 "If you can't compete in the United States without getting your competition hooked on drugs; then you don't belong here."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Exact Physical Address 1,2,3 10 16 2022

1. Of any caller.  Why?  Because a lot of it is telephone scams. Biblical robbing of the widows and orphans.   I once had a telemarketer of Indian India accent say something very horrible to me.  Was it a death threat?  I can't remember. 

2. Of any internet site.  If they made a fraud sale or have illegal content, naked pictures of children, gee wouldn't it be great if law enforcement would know that exact address?  I mean are you kidding me?  In this age of technology?  Why not make it easier for law enforcement?  Why use technology to make law enforcements job hard?

So a new system needs to emerge whereby things without physical address are prevented from participating in either phone calls of the internet.  Needs to stamped on the phone number via accurate gps info or on the internet site tied into the site heading.

3. Of any Politician.  So what if you had a billionaire politician who owned 10 homes and 10,000 apartment's.  Lets say he fomented an insurrection.  And is going from his property to property evading justice.  While the insurrection grows in his name of fascist kingdom.  Doesn't the public have every right to know those addresses?  I mean who lives in this country and is afraid of people knowing that they live here, other than a mouse?  Isn't it very close to this situation already?  Can't even find the person who committed treason and tried to ruin our democracy because for the meanwhile they are hiding in absolute plain site!

Also, the entire property list of anyone convicted of gang, mafia, org crime or racketeering should be publicly known.  Why?  So, they are not allowed to keep any of that.  And neither should the wife be.  She gets to go on Social Security just like every hard working American who played by the rules does!

Off topic.  So there is a software billionaire whose companies namesake has a big news website.  This billionaire through naked parties and recently got a divorce.  Early in his life he was arrested for breaking into a government database.  And his namesake news site constantly rejects my comments?  What right does someone like that and their creation have to violate my First Amendment Constitutional Rights?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Look up a felon

 So a felon can't own a gun.

And I also read someone dishonorably discharged can't buy one either.

So a dishonorable discharge is the equivalent of a felony in that respect?

So I wanted to research Tim Michels discharge from the military.  And to ha to info isn to publicly available.

So in if you are a gun by seller to rely on gov for to he outcome of a background do check?  All secret behind the scenes info, yes or no?

But if someone is deemed that dangerous not to own a gun shouldn't the public be able to know who that dangerous person is and where they live?

One website, type in the name.

Tells you if they are a felon or dishonorably discharged.

I they are really deemed that to be that dangerous you should know, and know for free.

My father was honorably discharged after his service in WW2 &   North Korea.  That paper is printed and framed on the wall.

So again in order to protect human freedom either someone is free and allowed a gun or in prison and executed.  Nothing to be subjected to the will and mal determination of a woman(ly).

Pecked in with index finger.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Do Homosexuals have 10 16 2022

 Do Homosexuals have epigenetics memory gene deletions?

I ask after briefly reading about new scientific epigenetic memory research and thinking about what it means.

If so it has profound implications.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Real Contradiction Here 10 16 2022

Somebody that was paid in the Army and Guarded the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier would believe a woman would have to keep a pregnancy from rape?

Doesn't believe the woman should have been Guarded from the result of that rape?

He believes the woman is the tomb and the illegitimate baby to really be the heroic unknown soldier!

To me people who believe thing like that are the equivalent of ~ skid row.

What did he do for ten years in the army, stand that tomb until he believed there was a baby in it?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Banning Abortions even in the case of rape or incest 10 15 2022

 I just have to ask, "What good does that do the State of Wisconsin?"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Football 10 15 2022

 So over and over again, complete 10 short passes and then not be able to complete a long pass.

I mean what is that?

That belongs in a USWFL venue/stadium.

Hah, hah, hah, is that why it is called a West Coast Offense?

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, October 14, 2022

Wisconsin Governor Debate 10 14 2022

 One of them, on the east(?) side of my screen, bobbled his head as he talked.

I had to look closer.  The lower left side of his mouth looked paralytic.  And I wondered if he had a scar on the left side of his forehead.

So I wonder if someone like that was born that to way, where they black jacket with a to rifle butt, were they in a head in the windshield DWI accident that went unreported, did they have a stroke from drinking too much and had skull cut through brain surgery?

Hey I got to be this old. 

What are the odds a bobble head will say one thing and do another?

What are the odds a bobble head will be motivated to defend education?

What are the odds they will foment further insurrections and institute martial law?  The goal being to persecute people who are not bobble head?

I have a real hard time believing in certain types of people.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Thursday, October 13, 2022

How Long Humor 10 13 2022

 How long before all of those Republicans start stripping off their clothes and running off the cliffs?

Disclaimer.  Not meant to suggest anything.  Just perhaps importantly noticing a pattern of behavior present.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Trump? 10 13 2022

 So in my view why won't he be successfully prosecuted?

Because that Military Academy sh1t kid league is far more powerful than we imagined.

So I was thinking that if they can get the guy who said Sandy Hook was a lie to pay upwards of $900 million they can also get Trump to pay up for saying the election was rigged, but also quite clearly, asking for votes to appear out of nowhere in his favor.

But no.  That Military Academy sh1t kid league is far more powerful than we imagined.

And am I right on the following point?  All they have to do is get him on one felony and he can't be on the ballot?

But why can't our judicial system make the comparison to a vote of impeachment being the equivalent of a felony for that same exact reason?  When I was a boy we considered an impeachment to be very serious.  I would say the equivalent of a felony.

And off topic.  How come people today don't consider serious crimes to be serious?  Perhaps they are all on some blissful alcohol buzz in perpetuity?  How many national dyslexics are on an alcohol buzz in perpetuity?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Hey Republicans 10 13 2022

 "Did you know that people can figure what you believe based on what you say?"

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Biden and Dignity 10 13 2022

 And so Joseph Robinette Biden often cites that every human being should be treated with dignity.

And I believe that liberals like to play on that idealism to make it mean that no one deserves the death penalty?

But what is missing there?  What is missing there is the idea of "being humane" and also a "Crime against humanity."

In other words Joe Bidens preaching doesn't take into account someone acting so horrifically that it is thought to be below the standard of humanity?  And the death penalty being the humane action with regard to that.

So in order to maintain a democracy of the free you have to have that humane action all along!  Why?  Because if you don't you are going to end up fighting a war against those who believe in "the bad."  You are going to have to fight to save your democracy in the exact same way they had to fight to found it if you do not assert humane action all along and keep the standard of that Democracy.

And know to jab at the other side.  So a Politician surname Barker was interviewed by Anderson Cooper.  He didn't believe that religion should control government.  Because he stated that Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world.  He stated that every time religion-controlled government people like him were persecuted.  But he did believe in pro life.  Okay so we are finally getting to the heart of the Republican Pro Life agenda.  The pro life person equates absolutely no pregnancy to be any worse than themselves!  It could be someone brown with mental retardation and they would consider themselves to be no better than that.  It could be a drunken prostitute or a woman with mental retardation who reads at the 5th grade level and that pregnancy would e no better than themselves.  Can I ask you were there family values are in that?  They have no believe in epigenetic genealogy.  In other words they believe that absolutely nothing of genetic importance is passed from a father to a son or (perhaps daughter).  They also believe that they themselves as a father are no better than a father that rapes or commits incest.  Yes, that is a true implied belief based on what they said.  (Pardon me if I believe I am far better than that!)


I don't know where I am going with this next idea but Christians and Catholics used to be enemies.  The Christians believed that Catholics should be killed?  As per Irish History.  So what were the divisions in the belief system?  England where the Christian labeled church comes from was a foundation of Rome?  Rome where they crucified people?  So what were the primary differences between Christianity back then and Catholicism?  How could you come to such opposing views of the teachings of Jesus Christ that you would want to kill people who believed in Jesus Christ for that reason when you yourself said that you believed in Christ?  So I have some research to do on that.  Something very important doesn't add up there and it is stinking to this day.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

No Offense to Hispanics 10 13 2022

 But some United States cars are built in Mexico.  Right?

But what if there was a Mexican Automotive Company that emerged?  That's right a corporation formed in Mexico dedicated to the design and production of Automobiles.

Now ask yourself this, would Americans have confidence in buying one of those cars?

Let's say that an expensive marketing survey and analysis was done to determine if they would sell in the United States, and the results of that survey where that Americans wouldn't have enough confidence in that product.

So then we have to ask ourselves, why not?  And are those reasons that can be changed?  How can that perception be changed?

Okay, so lets say that the survey came back negative.  And then does it lead one to ask themselves, if we wouldn't buy an Automobile by a Mexican Automobile producer why are we having ours made there?

What are the issues that can be compared and contrasted and flushed out with that last paragraph?

And when I mention the idea, is it true that very few people think it could even be a remote possibility?

Even though they know have the roll your sleeves up knowhow from manufacturing our cars down there.  It still doesn't even seem like a remote possibility.

Does it have to do with their structure of government and upward mobility of the educated?  Does it have to do with their education system not being a framework to support such ambitions?  Does it have to do with their language not supporting technical ideas?  I mean what good does la as in female and lo as in male do in terms of engineering.  Is the sound and tempo of the language nonconductive to expression and understanding of highly engineering?  Okay so it is starting to rub you the wrong way.  If so perhaps you need to think of the issue in terms of how can they transition that language to meet the above?

What is the drinking age in Mexico?  It is 18.  So that is somewhat consistent with U.S.  

When does the Mexican take their first drink in life.  Very interesting search results just popped up. (The legal drinking age in the Central African Republic is 15 years old.  I know where Mexico is for you snooters.)

when does the mexican have their first drink - Search (

What I am getting at is why such organizations don't form there?

You know I take it all back!  There are some Mexican Car Companies already!  See list.  mexican car company - Search (

So then the question becomes.  How come we don't see them in the U.S.?  We can see cars coming in here shipped clear across the seven seas, but none transported over the boarder to be sold here?  So why is that?

Okay that is all I have time for.  And perhaps if I continued, I would discover I was wrong in a great many more ways.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Quote 10 11 2022

 "You have to be one of them in order to successfully sue one of them."

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Monday, October 10, 2022

This is what I ate for Breakfast Today 10 10 2022

 Couldn't find any bread.  So this is what to I ate.  I just wanted you to know that.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Industry and or humor 10 8 2022

 "I'll tell you what the American People want!  The American People want Wrench Activated Clamps!  WAC's for short.  Get your WAC's today!"

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, October 7, 2022

Baseball is it really that hard to hit a baseball? 10 07 2022

 I once made a comment that baseball was an easy sport.  Someone corrected me and said hitting a baseball is one of the hardest things to do in sports.

So it is measured in batting averages.  

"One of the oldest and most universal tools to measure a hitter's success at the plate, batting average is determined by dividing a player's hits by his total at-bats for a number between zero (shown as .000) and one (1.000). In recent years, the league-wide batting average has typically hovered around .250."

per this site:

So what does it really mean?  .25.

So hypothetically if you were up to bat 4 times you would you would have 3 strikes for the first three times at bat and two for the last time at bat and instead of the last ball pitched being a strike you hit it?  And that would give you a .25 average?

So one out of 12?  Follow the math?

But lets just say it is really one out of four times at bat is what is represented by the stat.  Then perhaps that is hard?  

But one out of 12?  I mean really?  Who couldn't do that much?

And I am sure it is nothing like hitting balls at a batting cage.

But one out of 12?  That is all you have to do?

I think there is a lot of pomp and circumstance as to who makes these teams.

And I don't believe we should value these entertainment dollars as highly as we do.

Why?  It breeds and supports malcontents.


You know what else? If you throw a ball so fast you beam someone and potentially kill them, you should never have made the team.  What do you value?  What does the person who promoted you value?  That is a different kind of winning isn't it.  And it is amorality at its best.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy 

Every member of the public ought to have a chance to hit 1 of 12 baseballs from the pitcher of the local big league baseball team for a chance to win that salary for a year, for nothing else needs to be done!"

"In the land of Tom!  Tom's rules will legally prevail someday!"  :)

Buy a New One 10 07 2022

 This economy works on the principle of you having to buy a new one.

Ever take your car somewhere to have it fixed and you wonder if they didn't do something wrong whereby you will have to buy a new one sooner?

The bigger money is made when you have to buy a new one of something.

Also with our changing drug addicted demographic we have likely reached an influx point.  Whereby products are produced so technologically advanced whereby there is not the skilled trade to fix them.

Hence it caters to the wealthy who profit the most from the "buy the new one."

It also serves as class separation.  Because you are going to have to waste so much money buying new ones that you are going to end up running out of money.

So that needs to be changed.

What if every normal citizen who wasn't mentally retarded in any sense of the word where the ones who received a portion of the profit when something is bought new?  It would reverse the trend of you having to buy a new one.  It is something I believe in.

And I know people who hate every thought that comes out of my head.  Just like Satan loathed Jesus Christ!

I mean forget about mutual funds.  If you are normal you should be privy to the Buy a New One profits.

It keeps the useless from controlling man.

And it needs to legally happen. 

I mean forget about that Biblical village whereby everyone was only able to do one thing in life.  That Buy a New One fund would eliminate that influence on human freedom.

Forget about highly profitable insurance companies only paying out enough money to leave you half assed.

The Buy a New One Fund will abolish that.

In other words the pos works for man and not vice versa!

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Biden on Marijuana 10 07 2022

So Biden is making an effort to pardon those convicted on Federal Marijuana Charges.

What do I have to say about it?

  1. I think the drug is bad. And it causes both mental retardation and also, I will assert it whacks people out to the point it causes suicide. As bad as that is I don't think it is as bad as opiates that kill you quicker than that.

  2. So someone is in possession of marijuana? What is the typical marijuana user? Are they mentally retarded or come from a non-nuclear family (like the Republicans advocate through prolife?) We don't really know. Or is it more just the opposite of that? Are these straight-laced people born without genetic disorders that are being targeted by drug dealers and the dark side of humanity? So they are both given and pressured to take the drug because it ruins their lives. And satan among is jealous of that human protentional! Human penitential emotionally disturbs satan in every way. I will assert that is true!

  3. So are these people who went to jail people who were given the drug or had the drug pushed on them? Are these poor white people? Did the drug also change their sexual genetics? But the point here, is if someone lays a bag of flaming something on your front door step you are not the guilty person in the matter! So there is a hiding of the real criminals here! And that is what bothers me about this. Never able to get to those millionaires in the scheme! Perhaps even billionaires.

So lets take a few steps backward and look at the nature of the problem.

American citizens are having their lives ruined by this and other drugs. I believe it is no different than if someone were to intentionally figure out a way to sum certain infect you with covid-19 and you died from it. So to me it isn't a drug war. It is a War on America.

But how and where and why should the line be drawn? How do you draw that line. This person was targeted and addicted and had their life ruined and went to prison versus the other extreme, this person made 250 million dollars selling the drug.

And it is indeed legal in many states.

So the problem with decriminalization is that you are going to have a lot of innocent young people being made retards from this drug. I hate that idea! They aren't going to work. They are going to resent the educated. They are going to resent the natural human mind. They are going to resent people who can think for themselves. They are going to resent people with moral resolve and personal initiative.

All of those micro arrests hide the king pin suppliers in the crime!

And so lets compare it to another historical drug problem our nation faced. Alcohol and Prohibition. So the court system is said to not want to prosecute the bootleggers. The bootleggers labeled untouchable. Which tells you that socioeconomic status of lawyers., first one becomes a lawyer befoe a a judge, were all alcoholics! Fond of the drug. (Shame I have to spell out these connections for you because you can't rise to the same wavelength of understanding? What is plain as daylight to me is a foggy notion to someone else?) And Prohibition failed. Okay but we did catch some of them through the use of the IRS! Then we got drawn into WW2 by FDR giving supplies to a foreign government that was historically our greatest enemy up to that point in United States history. But the main point of this large paragraph is, a lot of money is being made on marijuana and the drug trade. And we even had the Patriot Act put forth measures to track money flow. So we should have been able to use that collection function of the U.S. Gov to home in on the drug profiteers and put them out of business. But it didn't happen. And we should have strong armed foreign trade with any country that they were known to reside in. It is like how someone gets a ransomware attack and no one claims to be able to know where it came from? Bouncing off satellites they tell us? I have a lot of trouble believing that. At least you could narrow it down to the country it originates from and modern “blockade” them. In other words no U.S. Are allowed to be held by their banks. No United States banks are allowed to have branches in those countries. No step back and look at the gestalt of the meaning of that in terms of global banking. It really means global banking has been a misnomer from day one! Global banking more equivalent to networked criminality? And our founding fathers did indeed want us to be independent of those nations that didn't believe in freedom. And sure when we are all young we believe “Why can't we have United States freedom everywhere throughout the entire world???) And the best answer is the one that chain smoking Catholic Grade School teacher told us, ~~~“Because those types of governments are best at managing those types of people.” And when you are young you think, no that can't be true. That hints at some form of racism. But when you are older it is hard to believe that it isn't true.

And when we have politicians making bad decisions for the rest of us, I mean can they prove that they are not in allegiance to a foreign form of Government?

So lets say that what our Gov sees. These drugs are really being used to target Americans and ruin their lives. Then yes you should free the targeted individuals as Biden is. Why? Because it is a War on America. A criminal so devious they figured out a way to make a country imprison their own best citizens with great human potential. I will assert that is how a drug dealer king pin top of the dung heap thinks.

And don't get me wrong. I hate the drug. I hate its effect on people. I hate the oddness and freakishness it causes. I hate the effeminateness in both orientation and thinking that it causes. I hate its weakness.

So a line should be drawn. I also believe in Prohibition! (Oh and I wanted to do a little research and write an article about the quality of life for black people during Prohibition. I bet it was better. Is Prohibition sometimes wrongly equated with Nazism? You know, forgive me if I believe it is a question worth asking.)

And indeed perhaps a Federal Charge for Marijuana has to be a very serious one in the first place? I don't know. I don't have the wherewithal to do that research and look at those statistics. Which always prove to be misleading?

Ever in your life seen someone charged with creating statistics that were criminally negligent and misleading? I doubt it. Why doesn't it happen? Because that is a different tier of money that buys those statistics to be created that way in the first place.

Okay, that's enough.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps. But what if we have a changing demographic in this country that uses it daily? Does that mean we bow to that weak link? The other end of that extreme would be to prevent that changing demographic.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Sooth Saying 10 05 2022

 To say something to someone because it Sooths them?

For example to tell your political constituents that we really don't have a Covid 19 problem that killed close to a million or an environmental problem that is causing global warming?

I mean look at that phrase.  Sooth Saying.  It is derogatory isn't it!  And it should be viewed that way.

To make a nation believe they are weak in places they are strong?  And oddly enough also make them believe they are weak is places they are strong.  That is Sooth Saying.

And does it really matter what the origin of the word is other than what it exactly means if you look up the two words?  No.  I believe that sometimes a willfull meaning is put upon phrases.  Sometimes when a word is disambiguated from another word too.  But what does that also amount to?  It is a form of Sooth Saying in the English Language.

So it is a bad sale?  It is a lie?  It is like gypsy bamboozling?

And what Political Party am I talking about?

To convince your constituents they are stronger than they are in some way treads on the rights of everyone else?  Why?  Because the best and most capable don't rise to the top in a format of lies.


So you probably have no idea why someone like me gets disgusted by having to listen to certain successful people?  I think I just articulated it.  It is as if their mind is in a blissful pre alzheimers fugue.  And as if their primary method of advancement is Sooth Saying.  Ever try and collect any value on a warranty or insurance policy?  Somehow you realize you have been Sooth Said to?

And then what do they want to do?  Point at the Constitution and say your rights are the fault of our nation!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Okay now I am going to look up the exact meaning.

"1 : the act of foretelling events. 2 : prediction, prophecy."

The SOOTHING words are indeed those of false profits!

 And the Sooth Sayer loves this next construct.  To equivocate in your mind that your faith in their Soothing Saying words is the equivalent of a Faith in God.  That isn't religion!  It is held out to be religion.  But it is really contrived weakness.

A successful person wants you to believe that because God loved them so much they became successful hence their words amount to prophecy?  Their soothing words?  When if you examine the person in question they really were deceitful and lied about everything to get to the top.


Who will be the last people on earth?  A collection of such fools huddled together naked and sterile in the cold along the bank of a radioactive pond?