The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, October 17, 2022

Zyklon B was first used as a pesticide in California in 1880

 So that is long before the dust bowl that is stated to be the cause of the Great Depression.

I have long speculated that the wealth class of the United States, the ones who dressed little boys in dresses per the fad created by Queen Victoria in England, that wealth class, would have gone to absolutely any means to defeat Prohibition.

Including an orchestrated Stock Market Crash whereby those who sold short made the money that those who legitimately invested lost.

But was a pesticide used to create the Dust Bowl?

The more you destroy the ground cover with a pesticide the dryer it gets and the less things can grow?

So how could it be proven that a pesticide was used to create the Dust Bowel?  Research receipts from chemical companies at the time?

Researching such sales data?

Inventory data?

Production data?

Plane rental and crop duster data?

Things like that.

When there was no demand for alcohol because of Prohibition were less crops being grown to produce barely, wheat, corn and grains that went into alcohol?

So I don't know.  You read the history books and it just doesn't seem to add up, does it.

And then you read that the first head of the FBI, at a time when organized crime bootleggers were running rampant all over the place, ...that the first head of the FBI at the time repeatedly stated there was no organized crime.

So you look at the nature of a lie like that and you have to ask yourself what are its roots?  What motivates such an egregious and yes treasonous lie?  What are the connecting roots to the like and where are the branches of the lie.

Thats all.  As always, take it for a grain of salt and don't get too offended.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy


Oh Christ, isn't it happening already?  Rural intelligence is near ZERO because there is Atrazine(???) in the groundwater of all the wells?  Is that the name of the Specialty Chemical?

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