The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, April 26, 2024

Foreign 4 26 2024

 'The desire to take the world backwards by getting ahead of those who take the world forwards."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor: A good name for a novel or a movie would be 04 26 2024

  A good name for a novel or a movie would be:

"Billy Goat Drunk and Crotch Logic"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Republicans and the Birth Rate 04 26 2024

 So Republicans say that the national birthrate is low.  I am not going to go into the science of how much plastic we have in our bodies and whether that has anything to do with it.

Instead I am going to say this.  Give that daughter absolutely everything and what does she care about finding a good man?  She is happy because she has been given everything.  Doesn't want a man because materiality is more important to her and fills her immediate needs more than a relationship she is going to have to act like a mature adult in.

Are such Republican daughters wealthy like that?  I think so.  Has it lead to other trends in identity?  I think so too.

So spoiled that they don't even know the most important things in life?  Am I talking about career women?

So you can see how equal rights for women in the workplace really amount to a delusion for what their life should be?  I mean they are abandoning the idea of having children?  If you wanted a better world to have children in, to bring children in to, can you even articulate what that would mean?  I don't think you are on that level of understanding of life.  I don't think you can see the world from that point of view.  I don't think the male figures in your life provided a good example to you either.  At best created odd delusions and beliefs instead of righteous truths?

And nor should the good options be limited, with regard to that.  Nor should the bad options be supported and fostered.  But that is what you do.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy


 So what I have been seeing on the news media recently is complete deceit with regard to your Constitutional Rights!

The phrasing will start out like this, "The Constitution was never meant to be applied to..."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Public Auto Insurance 04 26 2024

So Canada has it.  Do they pay less than we do for private car insurance in the United States?  I don't know.  Worth finding out and may take some digging.

But I like the idea of Public Auto Insurance.

Why?  Because at least I know that the money is going somewhere good?

But with Public Auto Insurance I believe that there is room whereby the bad drivers have to pay more?  Why should good drivers have to pay more for bad drivers?

I also believe that if Public were created the citizen could declare that they do not drink alcohol and therefore get a bargain discount rate!  There is nothing in the Constitution that says we have to level everything to the rights of the alcoholic.  There is nothing that says we have to stoop in fairness to the life of an alcoholic.

And I believe that Medicare gov health insurance works really well.  Now, I know there are abuses and abuses are allowed to be fostered perhaps for lack of resources to prosecute.  But I think it is a fair system!  I mean good God, look at it.  It protects the American left and right from usury in the form of exorbitant health care bills!  Who would want to do away with that?  A bumbling fool?

With private insurance to me the gestalt of it is that you are paying a private business, often owned by an individual for your right to own and drive a car?  What right do they have to be in that equation?  Why should they be allowed to have their foot in there?  


Paying private individuals for your rights that is diverging from a democracy and constitutional rights.  And we see it where they want to make gun owners have insurance too!

Do you know what would scare the living daylights out of the Republican Party?  If you had a Democratic leader who was pro gun rights come along!  It would tell you who really has been putting forth machinations to limit your gun rights all along; Republicans!


I think they set up these private insurance businesses and it is akin to them just collecting money on the meter?  You get older and you see who owns the lake home and you start to ask yourself, wtf is going on here?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Of All the Lies Donald Trump ever told 4 24 24

 Of all the lies Donald Trump ever told I don't believe I ever heard him say, "I am as honest as Abe!"

But here is how he would say it,

"I am as honest as Abe! I am ever more honest than Abe!  He...."

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Catch and Kill 04 24 2024

 That National Enquirer had an agreement with Trump.

Among other things, they made stuff up about his opponents.

Then Trump pretended to get his information from the Enquirer and said the stuff that they made up (for him.)

All the while during his Presidency claiming the the media was dishonest and created fake news!

The honest good person would have a lot of trouble believing it!  That somebody could be motivated so deceitfully in life.  We, the public, really don't want to believe that people can be that deceitful.  It is so disturbing that it is hard to handle.

I think that a lot of United States Citizens lives and careers were ended by variations of that Catch and Kill maneuver.

You know a young made would have a great career in Finance?  Catch them and somehow mysteriously have them hear voices?  Meanwhile someone who has people pay him so that they can rape young girls on his island rises to the top of Finance in the United States.

It is encouraging that we see these things come to light.  It means that there is hope for humanity, that the good do come through some times.  That the good can win.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, April 22, 2024

Blow Mold 04 22 2024

 If they can blow mold aluminum cans by the billions how come they can blow mold small aluminum fishing lure boxes?

Or you don't even have to call them that.  Call them small organizational boxes?

How come they can't blow mold small organizational boxes?

Seriously, they have to make those aluminum cans for very little.

How much?  Apparently 12 to 25 cents per can?

I mean if it were to be directed how your products could be recycled?

All the bottles and cans in one months worth of a recyclables container?  Think about how many organizational boxes could be made out of that?  

I believe in a solar electric ark furnace whereby you could feed your cans or bottles into it and it would process them to boxes or whatever.

Think about all the plastic waste in the ocean?  The islands of floating bottles?

Somehow something is wrong.  Where is the conscience?  Who stole the human conscience? 

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

When Regulations amount to a barrier to entry in Business? 04 22 2024

 The hidden goal being to funnel money into established "profit centers?"  In order to keep a monopoly on who becomes rich?

I would say that violates the individual citizens rights?

Are business rights listed in the Constitution?

Yes, some are.  Fines are not to be excessive.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, April 21, 2024

An Atheist Is 4 21 2024

 "An atheist is someone who believes it is better to have a dinosaur on their side than God?"

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Saturday, April 20, 2024

New World Laws 04 20 2024 Warning graphic content

 I see a lot of horrific things happening on the news.

I don't want to mention the cases.  And you know the thing about it is you can't speak about them in generic terms because you will know exactly who I am talking about.

But perhaps there should be Crime Against Humanity Laws that work their way into our legal system.  Such as:

If you are ugly and you ate people you mandatorily get the death penalty?  And perhaps you don't even have to be ugly to get the mandatory death penalty for doing that?

Can anyone honestly claim a consistent success rate at preventing recidivism?  

And perhaps there is a genetic test we can perform on you to determine if you ate people?

There is nothing to learn from the study of criminals like that.  If there were we would already accurately be able to prevent it.

So what does the lack of the death penalty mean?  I think it means this.  Why would you want to create a trend in the country whereby there is no death penalty?  Because you yourself engage in some kind of criminal behavior?

And what if every American where required to have an AR-15 or whatever the new German one is that our military has adopted?  See a man sees it this way.   Not that having a gun is dangerous.  But that those who don't trust themselves or their family to have guns and therefore you can't either, I find those are the dangerous people who erode a democracy.  I see that somehow in conjunction with the paragraph before this one.

Do I think someone born with mental retardation who is likely to have a conflict in some manner with normal I think they should have a gun?  No.  But why label the whole country as being comprised of that?  Because you made it that way?  Because that is the way you want it to be.

I will never forget what a hispanic woman said to me about the mentally retarded, every family has one?  I am not aware that my family did.  Are some peoples more responsible than that?  If so, shouldn't that type of peoples be what our country attempts to foster?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, April 18, 2024

I 794 Bypass 04 18 2024

 You know, they never wanted to finish it in the first place!

It sat there for years on end, a ramp cut like a saw went through it.

What plans did they have for it?  I wouldn't doubt that somehow, they want a casino to go up there!  Through a series of machinations.  

Whereby once it is torn down a Native American group then lays claim to it?  And then perhaps a Casino goes up and ownership gets transferred to who knows who to manage the thing?

You saw the Italian Community Center go up about the same time the lottery started in WI and Indian Gaming was approved?

(You know that this is just pure speculation.  Not even a grain of salt.  But I have seen how the bad and petty have gotten their way time and again in politics with "false starts."

When they finally were finished constructing that I 794 bypass did you wonder what took them so long from the beginning?

Where is the money trail?

Who kept it from being made?

If it isn't in the best interest of a construction group that has other plans for us then they won't put in a bid to do the work?

I 43 from Silver Spring to the Marquette Interchange is awful!  It will always be awful! Bad drivers.  55 mph to zero.  Traffic jams. Road racers.  Tail gators.  Taking the lake to that I 794 bypass is a godsend!

I want to ask a question about the legality of requiring insurance to drive?  It started as a mandate nationwide during the Nixon Admin?

If the gov handled the function then it might be a more fair process?  I mean should it be a business?  It is like a gift horse business?  Ring up the liabilities if you do.  Then have the public pay for it in a bailout after you get owned by the banks?   Meanwhile daddy warbucks buys a lake home with his insurance business.

As long as I am on Daddy Warbucks.  I heard a story on the news where no one wants to officiate games.

I mean you live your life in fairness and therefore seek out a career as a ref or umpire or whatever...and look at what you have to deal with?  The unreasonable?  The undeserving?  The thugs?  The manipulative non working class?  The endless confrontations with that.  So where do sports go when no one wants to officiate them?

Do you really think good players want to play in games that are not officiated fairly?

"Looks like your father is the ref tonight, we should do really well?"  So you have a layer of that evil descending downward to the gradeschool level?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

One day they give the Mayor great credit for a reduced crime rate in Milwaukee.  And the next day he comes out in favor of turning down the I 794 bypass?

You know that area is full of parking lots already and I still don't want to go to a nearby business there.

The residents there walk there dog, put "it" in a plastic bag and throw it in the lake.  How do I know?  I have caught that bag of shit fishing there before.  I don't see any reason to grant people like that what they consider to be a betterment?

Humor: That car is shaped like 04 18 2024

 That car is shaped like you get in one to find your lost hippy friends.

I can't say what modern car I am talking about.  I wonder if you can guess by the description?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

A PC Operating System

 A PC Operating System that can't provide relevant file search results is irrelevant?

So did somebody become a United States Billionaire and also knighted by the Queen of England by creating irrelevancy in our Country?

The oversight power in Government to say, declare or assert, "You didn't earn that money."

You, know, I think it needs to happen.

But you can't do that with the current demographic representation of what amounts to human nature?

Wow!  What a loaded and highly relevant statement!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Slow Cure 04 18 2024

 The longer it takes it to become a solid the harder it is to degrade it from being a solid?

Be a noteworthy scientific study to determine in which cases it is true, (perhaps of glues and paints) and in which cases it isn't true under various temperatures, environments and chemical presence?



© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

"A fellow real estate entrepreneur of mine..."04 18 2024

"A fellow real estate entrepreneur of mine..."

What am I talking about?  Perhaps it is about creating and propagandizing deceptive legal terminology?

Should it be called Sex Trafficking?  That has a very innocent tone to it doesn't it?  Like a woman who couldn't find a better job is devoting her life to being a crossing guard at the school?  (Oh my.  She keeps track of who the pretty girls are and what families they come from?)  No that isn't what I am talking about.

I am making a comment about highly regarded real estate entrepreneur and the circles they travel in or the flocks they attend?  No.

I want to say this.  That isn't sex trafficking that happened.  (Epstein case.)

It is creating a business where criminals pay to rape minors on a secluded island.

Finance an island like that as part of an integrated real estate entrepreneur public profile?

You couldn't think very much of people if you called it sex trafficking instead of "Creating a business where criminals pay to rape minors on an island."

You really never read how sick it is.  Because there has never been anyone else who can see it for what it is and have the wherewithal to say it.

How come the IRS didn't catch it like they did the bootlegger? 

It has to do with generally either being on the good side or the bad side?  You wouldn't have got that job if you generally were on the good side?  You know, what a shame, I really see it that way.

Oh, and "His wife is a really nice woman."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And what law firm generally advised Ep during the time this criminal idea was being contemplated and implemented?  Makes you wonder how many times a law firm has "pre meditated" advised a client on how to get away with murder?

And I am not meaning to imply it is I who is talking about a fellow real estate entrepreneur in this article.

I 794 Bypass 04 18 2024

 What a beautiful highway!  Allows you to get where you want to go in Milwaukee more efficiently!  Hence very modern!  A modern marvel of architecture and construction.

So somehow if you remove that it makes the community a better place?

So we had a shopping mall down there.  It has been deserted several times.  Why?

Because that thing that wants to drag you off into a corner someone is around?

No lady would ever go to a place like that.  No lady would ever go to a place like that alone.

So is the idea that if you remove that I794 bypass you create a better community because there are less shadowy places for that thing that wants to drag you into a corner to haunt?

Perhaps there is something you need to know about evil and organized crime.  Something about how there used to be two newspapers in Milwaukee.  And they were located next to each other.  And writers for those newspapers got hit on the head with a pipe while walking around those buildings?  Ask yourself who would do that and why?  To make sure that people only wrote what you told them and not what they themselves believed?  Which really isn't journalism at all is it.

Am I so dumb as to think that a young man and woman come to Milwaukee see that elevated highway structure look underneath into the shadowy area parking lot, in the middle of the honking city and say to themselves, "I want to raise my children right there!"  If we were to just remove all that shadowing concrete and all those concrete parking lots, right here is where I want to live.  In the heart of tavern city United States!  Am I that dumb?  Am I that naïve?

One more point.  As if the people who want to renovate that area truly have good intentions?  Back when I was in college I worked for an Italian man.  The Italian Community wanted to put up an Italian Community Center.  But they needed signatures to do it.  It was more or less of a matter of employment that you sign that.  And we were personally told that anyone would be able to go there and work out!  That it had a gym and a swimming pool we could use.  You know what? I held them to that!  My friend and I got our gym bags and went down there to use it when it opened.  And a big ugly guy that looked like Andre the Giant was swimming in the pool.  And they would not let us in.  In fact they enjoyed by brash about not letting us in.

So we already have a bad precedent for this area!  You are not going to convince anything otherwise.  Perhaps the greatest thing about that bypass is it allows you to bypass that!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Prison Efficiency 04 18 2024

 What if I were to say, "You are not allowed to build another prison?"

What would that mean?  What would that imply?  It would imply that some hard choices need to be made by responsible rational minded adults?

It would imply that sometimes you are going to have to make room in the current prisons for new prisoners without being able to let some go in order to do that?  It would mean that the public might be able to say who they believe that they want to house and support the life of after they have been convicted of a crime?  Do you want to support a pimp?  Do you want to support a child molester?  Do you want to make sure to support a drug king pin?  Do you want to support someone that tried to bring down our Democracy through financial manipulation?  Perhaps you might want to support a man who stole a loaf of bread to feed his family and perhaps you wouldn't.

One would ask a question like, where does a Democracy debalance?  When 90 percent of the population is locked up does it mean that the 10 percent that isn't has their lives devoted to providing room and board to the 90 percent?  What good is that?  How is that good.

Off topic?  Are we all really Gods creation?  That Constitution say's I am free to believe what I want concerning religion.  If WC Fields were alive today and told me one thing about religion I am free not to believe that if I choose to.   If we were in the day and age and time that Jezebel ruled and I said what came from Jezebel is not a child of God and we had todays US Law,  not only would I free to believe it in this form of Constitutional Democracy I am free to say it.

And if the offspring of Jezebel were around what would they say?  They would say death to the Whistle Blowers!  That is how we attain prison efficiency.

Did Jezebel have children?  I don't know.  But she harassed and killed Gods Prophets! 

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Oh, you are going to love this next part.  "Okay lets be clinical about what he just said."  "He just made derogatory and defaming remarks about a historical Queen of Israel."  Do you see right there the idea of white washing what someone said in order to be clinical about it?  What is that?  An institutionalized and manualized form of persecution?  Manualized?  Means they made a manual to help them figure out how to do it better and quicker?

The idea that what someone just said means something emotionally disturbing to you and other people when it really doesn't?  But if you propagandize that false idealism to enough people they will get on the bandwagon for lack of being able to think about things for themselves?  In other words provide someone with a false concept of religion and they grab hold of it?  Because they really think like a sissy?

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

If you surveyed EVERY child that grew up next to a tavern 4 17 2024

The bad stories they told would dwarf the good.

Do children need a good, safe nights sleep, so they don't develop mental retardation.  I am enough of a mature adult to confidently make assertions like that.

Somehow you know it's true?  But if you don't like it you want a story to o the contrary to immediately appear on television?  A tit for tat mentality in the media?  The idea that you don't have to adequately respond, just whatever limp and timely response you muster will always defeat human logic?  "There I covered it.". As if the people you are attempting to convince are of fascist mentality?  Therefore any response is considered adequate and a direct and equal to or greater meaningfulness?  Beer town USA.  So it degraded to a diatribe.


A good title for a novel might be, "The Flavor of Money.". And if somebody already wrote one with they title, excuse me!


Hey look Republicans we will make Milwaukee a much friendlier looking place for your convention in 30 years.

I want to say something about a convention center that was built and ~never used fof the Sports Show?  Got to go to the cold strep germ lined State Fair Park for it?  I want to say something about a shifty eyed po______ walking around in an enclosed space saying he wants to stick a cigarette butt up your a55?  Think I make all this stuff up?  No I don't.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tearing Down a part of the I794 Highway?


People like it!

So you can give the land to developers? Make millionaires out of them?

Put up more taverns on the corners?

I think it is a delusion to believe some how it makes a better neighborhood?  It will just end up like the neighborhoods around it.

You will hear car horns going all night, like in Chicago or NY.  How is that better?

And the next thing is that those living in that new area will complain about Summerfest noise and traffic.  Then they will say we can't afford repairs to the Hoan Bridge.  So will that chain link fence they recently put on the edge railings of the Hoan Bridge cause it to rot out sooner?  Will it cause it to hold more snow weight and then structurally stress it?  Then they will say all of that was a proven mistake from the very beginning.

Perhaps you want to make that business district even more "clicky" than it is?

Why not tear down buildings that have no occupancy to o accomplish your little nice prairie here and you're little nice prairie there idea?  

Tent city homeless camps were near there?  

I mean is the inner city ever a good place to raise children?  What do they get to do?  Jump rope and jump up and down on discarded mattresses no gov function seems to want to pick up.  "That's not my job, that's someone else's?  I don't get paid for that.  We will come on the third Tuesday of February when it is a leap year."

"A nice little prairie there for my dog Buffy to do business."

© Copyright 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Outboard Kill Switch 04 16 2024

 So an outboard has a kill switch that is attached by a lanyard and a clip to the operator of the outboard motor boat.

If the operator is jettisoned from the boat in an accident it turns the outboard off as it separates the circuit as it is pulled off of the outboard ~kill switch bastion point.

All well and good.

But there out to be a way to wire that outboard kill switch into the boats horn!  Whereby at the same time the outboard is stopped the horn gives the mayday or distress signal intermittently. 

Often modern outboard can connect to depth sounder electronics and display outboard status.

But perhaps there should be two or three dedicated wires coming from the outboard, in conjunction to the kill switch, to the ships horn?

For example, say a man is all alone on the water and is jettisoned from the boat, that distress horn might help people know that event is going on?

And I don't know how fancy I could get with this.  But perhaps hooked into an marine radio circuit too?  I don't know what the rate of false alarms would be, variables, etc.  And basically that would all need to be foul-proofed in order to prevent help resources from responding to false alarms.

But perhaps there is a simple way to do the initial idea? Put two clips at the end of the lanyard.  One going to a same type mechanism, however that activates the distress horn?  Now that would be too hard to wire up.  That secondary mounted to the tiller in a spot not of interference.  Separate wiring tucked in and zipped in place. In terms of the activation circuit that could do the dot dot dot dash dash dash. etc.  That would be something they could mass produce in China for a penny and integrate into the circuit.  Either behind the switch or simple streamlined module on wire.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And the switch has to create/energize the circuit when tripped.  I knew that.  Perhaps some have different wiring options in them. But I believe there would be a way utilizing off the shelf switch in conjunction with another type of e device.

You know how you can tell who is really Irish 04 16 2024

 Is Joe Biden really Irish?  If he were President of Ireland would he be lobbying for Gun Control?  Likely, right, seeing as how he is in the United States.

I don't think anyone who is truly Irish would ever lobby for Gun Control in Ireland or the United States.

 Honestly knowing what the history of those two countries has been.

How the people of both countries were persecuted by the English.  

And all perhaps it would have taken to stop it was them knowing you had a gun in your home?  And hence it is written in our Constitution in the aftermath of the Revolutionary War and what precipitated it.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Is Stuttering as a Child Viewed as a Mental Illness? 04 16 2024

 What criteria would it need to meet?  I think I will have to look that up.

I think that the way the med texts are written is with optimism on the subject?  That it is something everyone is hopeful the person will get over sooner or later?  Hopeful that there are no other mental flaws that go along with it?  Hopeful that person just blends in nicely with the rest of us?

"Blends in nicely with the rest of us?"  Wow.  That statement has some oomph to it.

Does it have profound implications as to Constitutional Law and the legislature?  I would say so.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, April 15, 2024

Why don't you make a law against 04 15 2024

 Why don't you make a law against anything and everything true that could be said that would make you emotionally miserable?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

More money for a insolvent Educational Institution? 04 15 2024

 Of course it is going to fail.  It was only there to function as a siphon from the beginning!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Corporate National Media controlling local media broadcast coverage of your local sports teams 04 15 2024

 I think you start to get a winning team when you have broadcast announcers whom the public respects.

Having said that.

Who controls the employment of those who are broadcast covering your local (State) sports teams and events? Is that controlled by a Corporate Media company that is based or has strong ties to a State you don't live in, like New York?

So you would say to me that the announcers have nothing to do with the success of a sports team?  It is a business however.  And business doesn't work that way.  Business works by reputation.

So you have concentrated power who is hiring the broadcasters in one state?  And that state more likely wins?

Did they ever put forth a survey?  What do you like and not like about the local broadcasters who are covering your games?

Is there propaganda involved?  What sells more beer?  A losing team?

Who are the successful people in this country?  They all come from New York?  Whereby the nervous energy of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is highly valued?  Something to the effect of, "That Coney Island highly successful investor really had nothing to do with a child prostitution operation?  You ought to be ashamed of yourself.  Your degree isn't valued here.  Here we value those from Coney Island who talk fast and nervously like they have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder."

I don't know.  So what do you get?  What do you have to listen to when you watch sports?  A person who has a speech defect that was a winning quarterback?  A man who sounds like he loves to eat at D3nn1es?  A woman who sounds like she auditioned for a voice over for Bu11whinkle?  A guy with a deep shrill voice I might characterize as a hog head?  Or there is the guy who sounds dumbfounded and pistol whipped at the same time?

Who does this garner respect from?

And so I sat down happy to watch a woman's basketball event.  A final or something like that.  And on one third of the was devoted to perhaps three squares, a woman in each who reminded me of hood r@t2.

The idea that everything good comes from a pollution riddled cesspool?  That the smartest and best d@g2 come from there?  Send your sons and daughters there and they will be made to hear mysterious voices?  They were mentally ill along their entire lives right?

I am proud to sign my name to this!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Off topic.

Should broadcaster who comment on sports teams be allowed to bet on them or recommend bets on them?

You know, G@d D@mmit, say enough bad things that are untrue about someone and they end up loosing!

Say enough bad things about a team you are betting against THAT ARE COMPLETELY BASELESS AND UNTRUE, tell it from the mountain of television, and they end up losing!

Oh, there is a pattern in our Democracy that has no place here.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Internet Garbage Heads 04 14 2024

 "Don't show me the product that I want while an algorithm then relists the product that I want at a higher price."

Are these really honest people that make money in business?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Is it even humor? 04 14 2024

 "What the odds that the pharmacist with the nose piercing and the tattooed face is also 'dipping' their hands in the stores pill bottles?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Humor: 04 13 2024

 "I suppose if it were 10,000 years BC we would keep all babies?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, April 12, 2024

Humor is an Adult 04 12 2024

 Humor is an adult who asks themselves, "What would Nanny say about that?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Philosophy 04 12 2024

 And you might ask yourself, "Does this person act like they are behaving freely and off their own accord?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

If a person adopts a child from a Foreign Country 04 12 2024

 If a person adopts a child from a Foreign Country is that child here in the United States freely and of their own accord?

What does it mean if they become an adult in the United States and are completely unhappy here?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

What evidence do we have that Native Americans FREELY crossed the Bearing Straight 04 12 2024

 In other words is there proof or can it be proven that they crossed the Bearing Straight freely and of their own accord; not under any duress, force, cajoling, edict???

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

You have to break the law in order to reset your EVAP Monitor on you Car? 04 12 2024

 So if you need a new battery in your car or you need to have the battery in your car charged and disconnect the battery in there, the EVAP Emission monitor will go into a non tested mode that will fail the emissions test.  But if you then put that car through a "drive cycle" or more than one that EVAP Sesnor system is likely going to reset itself.

But more required drive cycles say something like this.  Warm the car up for two and one half minutes with many electronics on, like ac and rear defroster.  Then increase speed to 55 mph and hold it for 3 minutes then take your foot off the peddle and decrease to 20mph (and do not put your foot on the brake when doing this)  , then increase the speed again to perhaps 55mph and drive for five to eight miles.  But right there when you slowed to 20mph that speed was likely lower than the low limit on the highway you were on?  Slow down unnecessarily and didn't see the driver behind you?

Now my official car repair manual states it is impossible to understand the EVAP system unless you have the right tools, perhaps a $10,000.00 red diagnostic machine the size of two refrigerators welded together and the proper specific training?  Ask yourself what that really means?

So why can't you just go into a $15 obd2 tool and "ask" it to run an EVAP monitor test?

Because the EVAP test has either a pressure pump or vacuum pressure pump on your car that is uses to pressurize or decrease the pressure in your "gas tank system?"  And in doing so you might have, under specific circumstances, created and detonated a bomb out of your car in doing so? And this is all speculation.

If you were able to do that test yourself, you might create a bigger leak in a tank?  And then you would have a problem?  Whereby a trained mechanic would have looked at a checklist that is included on first before clearing it to be in ready monitor?  All pure speculation.

To me it reads like an issue whereby a mechanic at the dealer can tell you that you need a new car or expensive repairs that you really don't need?  Do dealer mechanics get a slice of the pie if they say you need a new car in subjective cases?

Some of the drive cycle criteria for the cars computer running the test might be that the temperature outside is between 40 and 90 degrees?  All well and good but in WI for half the year it won't be? 

I understand that this test is needed.  I agree with the importance of it.  But why not make it so that you haven't put the United States Citizen between a rock and a hard place?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy


Thursday, April 11, 2024

Fast Food 4 11 2024

 You eat it and you feel like you just ate a cup of bacon grease.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Broccoli Cheese Soup w ~Recipe 4 11 2024

1 slice smoked cheddar cheese. 1/2 Squares.

1 can cheese soup

1 can milk

1 big crown broccoli. Chop and slice till vittle size? :)

1 half clove garlic two middle slices of that

Perhaps it is 3/4 diameter of spaghetti noodles cracked to 2"

Pinch coriander

Pinch cumin

Pinch cilantro

Pinch of black pepper

Probably 1 or 2 cans of water measured with same soup can.

1 level T of Tomato Soup Bullion. Found a 15.9oz jar at a Mexican store on Sunset Rd. Waukesha 

Heat until noodles soft.

I like to add crackers to my soup too. 

Add all that to the pot bring to near boil then reduce to lowest setting until noodles soft.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

So what did Einstein think of the feeble? 04 11 2024

 Can't really find search results on it.

But he had a son who had schizophrenia.  And is it true he didn't want much to do with him?  ( I think this is true.  But forgive me if I am wrong.)

You might not understand this next part but...

You would have thought Einstein would have been a lot smarter than to be of that attitude or belief?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Perhaps the answer is that the spectrum of diagnosis is inclusive of something it should not be inclusive of?

The Republican Let the States Decide Motto 04 11 2024

That is diametrically opposed to what one of the first Republicans had to say.  Letting the states decide general issues breaks the Union of the States.  Breaking the Union of the States is what lead to the Civil War!  Abraham Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union of the States.  He didn't want disparate beliefs or false ideas that are unconstitutional popping up here and there and states being allowed to thereby violate an individual's rights.

I have to ask what Republicans learned in History Class?  Are we to believe that they didn't want to sock the History teacher in the face like they actually did...was it the music teacher?

Disrespect for academic curriculum?  But to be fair I do believe in the "nuclear family."


So Republicans hate abortion?  It was a founder of abortion (clinics???), Sanger who also believed in Eugenics?  Crude paraphrasing?  So if you don't believe in abortion how can you believe in preventing people from entering the country?  Do you see the dichotomy of belief?  Will it teeter one way?

So if it can't be a manufacturing country because people can't safely follow directions how long before it can't be a service economy because those same people can't even fake respecting a customer?

So is an element of fascism really like this, "I am a king, you are a king.  We are all rich kings.  And that is our King leader.  And everyone else is meat."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

I like what Joseph Biden has done for the interest rate on Savings 04 11 2024

 Which brings me to a point I am going to attempt to make cryptically.

So lets say that you own a bank.  How are you going to do when the interest rates increase?

When you have to pay more to United States Citizens in order to compete with Treasury Bills?

All pure speculation?

Perhaps you run for Senator in an effort to reverse the high interest rates consumers are receiving?

Or I don't know, perhaps you love it.


I mean it was decades on end.  "How much does that savings account pay?  Is that 2%?  No something is wrong with that decimal.  Is that 2 tenths of a percent?  No that ain't it either.  You mean it is only a measly two one hundreds of a percent?"

The Treasury Bill rate is around 5.2 percent when I looked the other day.

The rich don't like it when the middle class start to do better.  I talked to a secretary of the President of and Investment Firm.  She said, "He views people like pieces of meat."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, April 8, 2024

Taco's 4 8 2024

I added the bean mix from last night to the taco meat preparation tonight.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

If I only had more time 04 08 2024

"If I only had more time..."

"If you only had more time; you would be drunk again."

You often here people say that, to the effect of, if they only had more time they could equal or best you at something?  That is the implication?

The truth is really, "If they only had more time they would be drunk again."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Dinner 4 7 2024 updated to include bean recipe.


Have to mention the beans.  I large can of beans that didn't have sugar added.  I large white sweet onion sliced.  I can black olives chopped.  How to?  1 T Avocado oil in pan.  Add sliced onion. Should be a little better than med heat.  Chop black olive add that.  Stir it around to even heat.  Add beans.  Add about T or 2T of a barbecue sauce that said sweet and spicy on label.  These beans are unbeatable.

Notes: rinse olives first.
© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

I'll tell you what Private School is 4 7 2024

 "Private School is teachers favorite rich kid."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Electronic Car Key Fobs 04 07 2024

 So you put your keys in your pocket and then you bend down to pick up a mess that you made and either the horn goes off on the car and wont stop honking or the trunk lid opens and runs down the expensive car battery.

I had about enough of it.

So I suppose that I could create a circuit within the key fob for a pure momentary switch to the key fob battery.  Whereby the keyfob is only a ready to be energized circuit when the pure momentary switch is depressed?  But that would likely end up a handful of junk.

A slim little hard box the key fob goes in?

You know?  For all the successful people who are paid and put into those management positions in our Democracy, not a single one of them could put the pure momentary switch intergral to the key fob perhaps mounted in an orientation whereby it wouldn't likely be pressed in the same direction as the others?

Even a simple slide on and off switch would be helpful.

Fed up.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

I think 3"x 5" cards are getting thinner

 © 2024 Thomas Murphy

A Russian Leader 4 7 2024

 And when he speaks it is as if he really doesn't have a commonality with people?

And I hear there's military equipment on the move in Europe.

And Trump will get in office just in the nick of time so we support Russia in WW3?

And are Republicans attempting to pre-rig the election?  Voting maps?  Who can be sanctioned to control the ballots, perhaps amounts to only them?  That's how I see it.  What am I supposed to think?  Just because they have been convicted on such activities in the past means we have nothing to fear today?

© 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Phone camera footage of what Israel is doing to Gaza?

How come none of it trickles it's the way into any public media?

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Google thinks it owns your right to take pictures 4 7 2024

I do not in any way want my camera phone to be obstructed from taking photos.

I have a backup storage card on my phone.

It is as if you think you have the right to control someone's ability to take photos?

Is it part of a larger "big brother" plan whereby poor people will no longer be able to easily record when there loved ones are brutally beaten by xxxxxx?

Our country isn't yours to mold into something like that to oppress, persecute and make money off the lives of real people.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Saturday, April 6, 2024

About Mass Shooters 04 06 2024

 "There may be something wrong with them that isn't in the text books."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Phone Error US01LV Solution

My phone Internet worked and it was able to receive calls but not make any.  I called the carrier and they thought it was due to recent storms.  So this is the protocol they had me go through on my phone.  If it doesn't work for you or if you erase stuff you didn't want to don't blame it on me.  It worked for me and didn't erase any of my data.  I only tell you bc I did an Internet search B4 I called the carrier and found a lot of people had the same problem and had no solution.

Go to and sequence=>



Reset options:

Wifi mobile bluetooth:

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps. I didn't have to reenter any wifi network passwords either.

USB Cable ID Mem Pneumonic 4 4 2024

 The Mini on left, has protrusions like ears.  Hence Mini M0u53.

The Micro on the right is smaller than the mini, hence as if you need a microscope to see it.

The C, not pictured, is the perimeter shape of the zero on the keyboard.

Why they didn't have the tech advancement in the first place to make the C?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

When a Lesbian 04 04 2024

 When a lesbian see's another lesbian competing in sports against a heterosexual woman does the lesbian have a propensity to want the lesbian to win?

I would say that if it were true it would have profound implications.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

An Element of Dislexia

 How much of dyslexia is not wanting to believe that words really mean what they do?

Whereby whatever they read is going to make them feel stupid?

"I don't want to learn how to read because everything that I read is going to make me feel stupid?

It is like, ever see a cat look at itself in the mirror and it doesn't want to believe that is what it is?

Whereby whatever they read breaks a delusion that they have about themselves and it is therefore mortally depressing for them?  Hence is illiteracy a threat to your Constitutional Rights?  You better believe it!

Whereby no matter what they read they can no longer believe in themselves as being King of the World if they do?  "If I learn how to read I can no longer believe in myself as being King of the World?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Leader is God 04 03 2024

 So in the previous article today I started to bring something out with regard to the true purpose of freedom of religion.  And I got to one aspect of it pretty good.

But as to the purpose of freedom of religion.

What does fascism or dictatorship, or emperors or Kings amount to?  It amounts to The Leader is God!

Now I could say that you would have to be a very weak minded person to praise someone to that level.  Because what does it say about in you in comparison.

But the purpose of freedom of religion isn't so that you ...

Freedom of Religion is there so that you have the right to contest the leader being a god.  So that you don't end up being a subject.  So that you don't end up being ostracized and poor because you didn't believe the leader is God.  So that you can say the leader isn't god without the fear of going to jail because the leader didn't like that you said that or anything else true about him or her.  So that you are not subject to the idea that only God talks to Kings and Priests and hence they are the ministers of God and Government.  So that you don't have a mean person in power who wants to see that no one educated and responsible can contest their fickleness.  I could just say Divine Right is what the Founding Fathers hated.

You should not be forced to believe in God over yourself.  Because once they have gotten you to believe in something over your own rights and right to be they have opened the doorway to you being a subject and managed like one.  And if you are a lantern jawed freak you probably think that is the greatest thing in the world.  So there is an element of excluding that occurrence in our Constitution?

If you believe that the leader is God what rights do you or anyone else have?  What rights do you need if you believe the leader is God?  It is an idea that men abhor but Republicans and top tier Democrats love?  The idea that the individual American is no longer a responsible man?

And here is a second aspect of this.  That has creeped into religion.  Just consider Jesus Christ your savior and not think to much about whether you are being a criminal or thinking and acting like one?

Sure that is part of it.  But it is more like this.  What rights do you as an individual need if you believe Jesus Christ is your savior?

So someone like me goes to Catholic School and it fosters individuality.  Someone like a Republican goes to Christian or perhaps Catholic School and they come out of there believing they don't have to be a man, an individual, someone who thinks for themselve, someone who asks questions because they have a sense of self, they believe that believing in a leader as God is all they need to get them through life.  That and a bottle of whiskey.  The alcohol to suppress the horror of the truth they live in?  To bring their life down to the level of intoxication and brain deprivation of oxygen.  And do you want to know the truth?  Their is no other way that they can please the demons that fostered and created them to be that way.

That freedom of religion is there to foster individuality; I would assert it is their to foster a nation of men!  They don't want you to look at that King or President and say "Oh boy is he handsome.  He sure is the genus of the species.  He sure talks tough.  He'll be the one to take care of me."

They wanted you to believe in yourself.  They didn't want you to persecute those who believe in themself.  

And all of this writing in this article and I know that I still haven't been able to get to the main point of it.  It is something that would have only taken three sentences.  But I can't remember what they were.

I will try it with this.

Your belief in religion is meant to foster your individuality and responsibility.  That is what they believed was worth fighting for; it is a definition of freedom, to be.  To be, means to be an individual.  For if you are part of a group you are not a true one, not a true individual deserving of rights?

Jesus was one man who spoke out against tyranny.   Hence a brave individual.  Now do you just say to yourself he is my savior?  Or do you say to yourself, that is the way to be?  Do you say to yourself I don't like to be like anything, because somebody already is or was that something?  How depressing is someone like you to be around?  No belief in yourself.  And if you don't believe in yourself do you really believe in people?  No.

And perhaps there have been people birthed that are so flawed that they can never believe in themselves!  Bingo.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Funding Ukraine 04 03 2024

 So lets say that we didn't fund foreign nations?  The reason we do so is to prevent one big power from forming that doesn't have individual rights?  To prevent one giant forced labor country expansing (so what if it isn't an official word) whole continents from coming to power?

Do top Republicans have a reason to like Russia better than Ukraine? Or do you just believe the money should stay here. To prevent the spread of Communism? I doubt you could ever have China and Russia ruled by the same gov? So the idea of funding Ukraine is to prevent one big power?

The reason we fund foreign countries is because we like the idea of freedom.

But perhaps they are just stated to believe in freedom and have a democracy when they don't really have the rights of freedom like the United States does?

So we could talk about 3 rights.

The right to freedom of speech.

The right to freedom of religion.

The right to own a firearm.

I would declare that we shouldn't be funding any countries that are not on par with our Constitutional rights! Why? It is like throwing money down the drain and it erodes our foundation of freedom!

What we should care about us. Freedom should be spread by example. They should be saying, "Look at those rights that have worked in the United States for so long, look at how happy they are there, we should be doing the same thing." Now, just think about that? It is almost like you can hear those of a malcontent nation fuming in disgust. And then you have those of our own nation who believe we are undeserving of those rights.

Do I feel a kinship with those of European Countries or Asia?  Not really.  I think of them as being old money ruled with zero upward mobility.

Should we fund a nation that is predominantly of one religion?  Something about that rings untrue doesn't it?  A violation of our freedom of religion to come right out and pull out the wallet and give the money our nations citizens worked for to them?  It is fostering one religion over others.  Religion really being a belief system.  And should Religion be something that fosters a belief in oneself?  Yes.  And here is why and it is something a lot of people would never understand.  When you believe in yourself you know sum certain that you should have rights!

Now the flipside.

So what happens when you have a mega power of sycophant's answering to a fascist?  They realize that the way they become successful and feed their family is by joining the military!  That what drives them.  That's what makes them happy.  A use has been found for them.  An idea of being better for being part of a conquering group. And hence it gets bigger and bigger until it is at our borders.  And why would they hate us at that point?  Because we are a nation of individuals and they are a nation of "groupies."  Because we think like men.  And when you come to our nation we expect you to be able to live by the standards of our Constitution.  We don't want to change that.  Why not?  Because it makes us like something that is conquered already or something that can more easily be conquered.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

I would say that Russia has gotten very nasty with Ukraine.  If Ukraine got very nasty with Russia should I cry foul like the media might want us to or should I just look the other way and say they had it coming?  I think Russia has had it coming for a long time.  Other foreign nations who have threatened freedom have had it coming?

You would think that educated foreign nations would have citizens that believed in themselves?  Is a foreign nation "educated" if they have citizens who don't believe in themselves?  No if you answer no.  Ask yourself, should that be the future of the entire human race?  To be nominally educated and yet not believe in yourself.  Something is missing in that education.  As if you educated people to live without a human soul?

Milwaukee Is Like 04 03 2024

 "Fill your shoe up with beer and drink it."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Archetype 04 02 2024

 "A person who speaks in cockeyed emotional outbursts."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, April 1, 2024

And who is responsible for Global Warming? 04 01 2024

It wouldn't be the Greed Folks would it?

You know what its like?  It's like they want to say this to you, "Get out of here College Graduate, you're bothering me."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Duck 3 31 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Murphy

Happy Easter 03 31 2024

Jesus Christ ruined the Roman Empire!

If it wasn't for his legacy we would all be worshiping punch drunk Italians and those of their English Colony.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, March 30, 2024

What Is Russia Fighting For? 3 30 2024

 A failed sense of superiority?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Dialog Humor 3 30 2024

"What did the French bring us?"

"The French brought us the wine."

"I thought Cisco brought the wine ?"

"No.  Cisco drank it."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Political Concept 3 30 2024

"It is like who is successful is determining how things are in this country; and sometimes who it is that is successful isn't educated."

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Salmon Bisque 3 30 2024 recipe Included right now

Finally found a way to use up broiled salmon leftover from one night.

Salmon Bisque 3 30 2024

What is it? It's a soup.

Group 1

1 can of chicken w rice soup
1 can water
1 cup buttermilk
3 cloves garlic pressed
4 stalk celery chopped
1 white onion chopped
1/3 T seafood seasoning
2 t tomato bullion powder
4 boiled red potatoes leftover

Add all that to a pot as you go and bring it to a boil then back off to low.

Group 2

About a cup of carrots chopped
1 T Some avocado oil to broil carrots in

Broil this perhaps 7 minutes in toaster oven broiler function. Add to group 1 and dip your high quality immersion blender and go to work without splattering all over.

Group 3

About 5" by 5" broiled salmon, seasoned, and leftover. Make sure you cut the skin off and the brown fat layer and toss it in the garbage.

 Cut this into 1/2 Squares haphazardly bring to finished stage of group 2 and 3 and turn heat up to get it all hot.

Your done. Get the ladle. Found one small dish bone.


ly good!

Didn't know it was possible!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Free Throws in Basketball 03 30 2024

It's kind of like in Football where if you had a kicker who made that field goal you would have had those three points and you would have won?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Catholic Humor 03 30 2024

 "I went to Catholic School, I know when someone is planning something sh1tty."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

A Saw Tooth Tiki Man E Font 3 30 2024

 The second one.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Workshop Diagram: Tool Caddy 3 30 2024


© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Friday, March 29, 2024

Receivership 3 29 24 024

 It is almost straight pirate nomenclature?

Receiver Ship?

Place all the items we stole on a ship and that will be called the "Receiver Ship"

It makes one question legacy laws and legacy legal influence.


As long as I am talking legal.  Since when did the Supreme Court decide it was their job to take up the to legality of elements in the Constitution?

They are supposed to determine consistency with it and not dupe us with the legality of it.

An authority figure claiming they can't read it, hence you the layperson can't either, hence interpretation resides with the authority figure?  Stooging about?


Another off topic, I wonder if anyone has a gold plated metal hull boat?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Western Humor 3 29 2024

"Do we bury his horse with him too?"

"No.  I might like to ride his horse."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

What is this 3 28 2024


I would call it Black Olive Guacamole Dip.

Took a can of black olives, drained it and rinsed them.  Put them in the impeller grinder with a name related to those dreadful firearms :).  Added a pinch of spice from a gauc spice packet and ground it.  Eating it with the whole grain chips and it is pretty good.



"Where's the cook?"

"He went out back to have a smoke."


Who knows maybe it is already classified as a pesto or something.

© Copyright 2024 Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Bridge in Maryland 3 26 2024

 Did that ship have an anchor?  Could it have dropped it?  Rather than take out the bridge and kill people there?

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

So they say that the rich can do anything 03 26 2024

 So how do you change that?  You change how the money supply is controlled and who may control it.

And isn't it about true that every United States President that was assassinated wanted to do exactly that?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, March 25, 2024

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Home-made Pizza 3 23 2024


© 2024 Thomas Murphy

SUV Design for Groceries 3 23 2024

Do you have a seat in the back of your SUV that folds forward and down?  Creating a nice high platform shelf to place a bag of groceries on?

But what is the problem?  You open the back door when you get home and either a soda or a bottle of marinara sauce rolls to the side as it was the held in place by the  closed door, falls out and explodes onto the concrete?

An engineering solution would be that you create the back perimeter edge of that seat that folds flat forward to have a crowned edge.  Perhaps 3/4' or 1".

Thereby nothing is rolling freely off!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Snowblower Wheel Hub Design 3 23 2024


The problem with snowblower wheel hubs is that they rust solid to the axle they are on, making them very hard to remove.

The reason to remove them is that it might make for a cleaner oil change.  Plus you might have to remove them to change parts.

If they were made where y that center hub is shaped exactly like a hexagonal nut then you could get a large socket snuggly on it.  With a 10 foot breaker bar on each would make the job possible and a lot easier to do.

By the way a ~1/4" pin with anti backout loop pegs that wheel it place on the axle.

In youtube videos you often see people welding a nut to something in order to free it with a wrench.  I would assert the engineering opportunity was missed and whatever part that is should have had the hex configuration?  And sure you have a lot of people who wouldn't figure it out.

I think a strong reputation is built by making products that last forever.  Increases product satisfaction but customer.  Then the product is recommended by word of mouth.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Dinner: Pot Pie,Boiled Beets, Onion Beet Soup 3 22 2024


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Breakfast 3 24 2024


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, March 22, 2024

The Sea of Galilee, Spawning Fish and Lent 03 22 2024

 I have to wonder if at the start of Lent some type of fish was spawning in the Sea of Galilee and very easy to catch at that time?

Hence, require it to be eaten and catch it really easy when it comes into shore and collect those shekels and don't have to work for the rest of the year?

It would take some research as to what type of fish are in that lake and when that individual species spawns.

Perhaps this is a place to start that research: What kind of fish did the Risen Christ feed the apostles? (

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Warning Graphic Content: Urban decay versus the nobility of flight 3 21 2024

 Photographed this today.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Upcycling: Plastic Fabrication: Socket Holders 3 21 2024


Instructions in diagram.  I could type them out fully, if you want me to.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Quote 3 21 2024

 "Hyper vigilant about a bad state of living."

I am not talking about me or my family.

It has something to do with a political force.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Real LIfe Dialog Humor: Naming an Energy Drink

 "They ought to call that 'Acid of Orange.'"

Compare that to:

"Acid of Nut"

That would be another good one.

Could you imagine if that were the actual name of a soft drink?

"What will you have," the bartender asked the woman at the casino bar.

"Acid of Nut"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Well it started off being real life dialog.

Doing away with Absentee Ballots is consistent with doing away with Social Security 03 21 2024

The disabled who can't walk to the voting booth?  The disabled are also on Social Security that they paid for!

Those who would do away with Social Security are likely insanely jealous that the worker who was disabled had working skills in the first place?  Yes, I will assert that as true.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Quote or Humor 3 24 2024

 "I'm just not the same since the last time you scared me."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Freedom of Speech is one of the greatest defenses of our nation 03 21 2024

 For example when a news media website will not allow your comment because they flag it for nebulous reasons aren't they really in some way preventing you from defending your nation; and doing so peacefully!

Perhaps you don't get it.  Perhaps you never will.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Machinations are revealed by the timing of events? 03 21 2024

 Machinations are revealed by the timing of events? 03 21 2024

For example a President moves and embassy in a country or something like that and then a little while later that country starts a military campaign akin to genocide?

We get a President from Texas and then all of a sudden we are at War in the Middle East?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Dinner "Chinese" Cabbage & a Pot Pie: includes recipe 3 20 2024

Leftover Cabbage
~4 oz pineapple juice
~1.5 T granulated sugar
~ 1/8 cup or so flour, a little less.  Maybe 2 or 3 T.
Sprinkle Star Anise
A spice punch from General Tso's spice packet.

Burner on near high.  Add pineapple juice, sugar and flour.  Take a drink as pinner/mixer tool, smaller sized one and spin that together while it heats.  It will form a gravy quickly.  Turn burner down perhaps half or not. Add spices and stir.  Then add leftover cabbage.  Stir till good and hot.

Served with commercial pot pie, cooked per its directions.

If you want to know the truth, I just wing (fling?) the ingredients in there w/o measure

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Monday, March 18, 2024

Quote 03 18 2024

 "After a hyena stops laughing it is still a hyena."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor: Hello my name is Tom 03 18 2024

 "Hello, my name is Tom.  And I ate all the peanut butter Girl Scout Cookies for breakfast."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Corned Beef and Cabbage 3 17 2024 simple recipe included

1. Washed and cut a red cabbage in 1" thick slices.  Threw in large pot.
2. "Peeled" 6 carrots, cut to size in photo.  Added to pot.
3.  Sliced up 3/4 onion. To pot.
4.  P as typically peeled 6 red potatoes, cut in 3rds added to pot.
5.  Cut up one slice of corned beef added that to pot for flavor.  Filled pot with filtered water, got the burner going.  Various temps, depending upon what else I had to get done right then.

The big box grocery store was out of corned beef brisket Friday at 4pm.  So I went to the deli and I'm ad them slice thick to almost 1/4" slices.  Got about 12 or more.

Just broiled those a little to heat up.  No spice packets this time.  But the meal was good and fit the bill.

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Didn't know about this one. Updated.

 Fragile X Syndrome

Large ears and forehead.

A little more research, it is the female chromosome that is the Fragile X.  Because the Y is male.  No per the following the bad X could also come from the Male,?

All hypothetical on my part.  Probably a lot more in depth research on it.

"Is The X male or female?

In most cases, the female is XX and the male is XY. Every individual must have at least one X chromosome. Since the female is XX, each of her eggs has a single X chromosome. The male, being XY, can generate two types of sperm: half bear the X chromosome, half the Y. › NB...

Chromosomal Sex Determination in Mammals - 


So let me try and think this one through.

If the offspring with fragile x is male that x chromosome had to have come from the woman!

If the offspring with fragile x is female that x chromosome that is fragile could have come from either the female or the male?  But if the mother didn't first have fragile x it likely came from the male?  If the male had fragile X it came from him? 

Does the female egg have base traits per the x chromosome?  Whereby differentiation is upon the male?  Don't believe that to be true.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

And Dan was the fifth son of Jacob

 And the sons of Jacob where the twelves tribes of Israel.

The name Dan means hidden one?

Incidentally the name of God is not to be mentioned by the Jews, hence it is to be hidden.

So some Irish say that they can trace their lineage directedly to Biblical Kings.

If you do some research their is some question as to if the Irish are the Fifth Tribe of Israel, a lost tribe?

So they would have also been Celtics?

And the Celtics summarily defeated the Romans in their first War with them.  "Ust Barbarians" defeating one of the most horrific empires in world history?  Who knew.  The Celtics believed in a Meritocracy.  The more salt you mined the richer you got.

England was a Colony of Rome.

And this is just some rambling.

But there was a British Israelite group that believed that a monument in Ireland held the Arc of the Covenant.  And they went so far as to start to excavate that place in Ireland.

So the Bible tells us that an upper portion of Israel belongs to the Tribe of Dan.

Can't wait to claim it?  :)

Happy Saint Patrick's Day.

So is there some downplaying of the importance of the Tribe of Dan?  Something to do with the female lineage being from Bilhah?  And from my reading the tribe of Dan adhered more to what were considered to be pagan beliefs.  That would be consistent with Celtics.

Read something about the Gaelec language being similar to a form of a Hebrew language?  But I am not sure what I was reading and can't confirm what it means.  Incidentally Galel is a boy name of hebrew origin meaning "Wave of God."  galel - Search (

But interesting stuff.

The tribe of Dan would have a different genetic haplotype (write word?) as being from Bilhah?

And this is all just speculation?

I wonder what Bilhah looked like?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Who was Bilhah? 03 16 2024

 Woman mentioned in the Book of Genesis

Bilhah (בִּלְהָה ‎ "unworried", Standard Hebrew: Bilha, Tiberian Hebrew: Bīlhā) is a woman mentioned in the Book of Genesis. Genesis 29:29 describes her as Laban 's handmaiden (שִׁפְחָה), who was given to Rachel to be her handmaid on Rachel's marriage to Jacob.

Bilhah was the female servant of Rachel. When Rachel married Jacob, Bilhah was given as a wedding gift to Rachel by her father Laban (Genesis 29:28–29). Bilhah became the mother of two of Jacob’s twelve sons.