The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, April 30, 2021

Chills 4 30 2021

 If you find that you have chills during the night I have realized that if you keep a loose fitting knit or fleece type hat by you bed and put it on...that it helps quite a bit!

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Enforcing Regulations with the Death Penalty 04 30 2021

 Enforcing Regulations with the Death Penalty 04 30 2021

So per my research before John F. Kennedy was assassinated four oil company executives came to speak with him and threatened him.

He also wanted to eliminate the Federal Reserve as did assassinated Abraham Lincoln.  And you can consider Lincoln being commander in chief in regulating the South circa the Civil War?

So what am I getting at?  It appears that Presidential assassinations happen when this country attempts to regulate highly profitable industries?  And that should never be the case in the home of the brave and the land of the free USA.

So the FDA wants to eliminate tobacco products that use certain ingredients that are deemed in effect poisons.

What am I getting at?  If you don't use the force of justice warranted in the defense of the President and the Citizens of this country to do so it could end up being another disaster.

What am I getting at?  I would view anything like that were a President was assassinated because of...

that you have to use the Death Penalty to enforce that Regulation if there is any noncompliance, so that the President isn't assassinated?

And I can hear everyone crying foul about it already?  "The death penalty for what?"

Well don't think about it that way.  Think about it this way.  A Police Officer is considered an Officer of the Court.  As such they do have the right to use deadly force when viewed as being warranted.  And read the news headlines and turn on the boob and it is happening all the time.

So I don't understand why our Justice System cannot be as firm as that when we want to take poisons away from consumers?

We should never be saying the words, "If they try and regulate that monopoly I fear for the Presidents life."  Do you get it?  We should not have that fear in the land of the free.

Want to get rid of something bad.  We make it a done deal.

Now I don't know how you legally set that up and when the instances of it are warranted as a sentence upon conviction.

But you would have to have a New Class of Criminal Offense.  The title of it would relate to good things that Presidents of the United States have done or wanted to do that they were killed for!  And when you have someone from a monopoly....

And I don't know how you would get to the ring leaders who would give the orders for the hit and convict them?  Dam slippery evil organized crime.

So indeed this article can be thought of as a template, framework or draft of how things should be per my humble opinion?

Bottom line:

And a lot of highly profitable things need to have the kibosh put on them.  And we as a nation of the free should have no fear of reprisals from doing the responsible adult human things.

This is what I believe.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

And I am not talking about regulating firearms.  I believe in the rock solid basis of the Second Amendment.  I am not talking about the firearm industry.  Only a nut would blame them.  Somebody takes a baseball bat and bashes someone's head in with it, do you blame the baseball bat manufacturer and advocate sewing them?  We don't live in a world of a child's mind like that.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

It doesn't matter how much you paid for it if you end up owning EVERYTHING 04 29 2021

 What am I talking about?

What if a foreign bank only lent to nationals from that country living in the United States?  You and I apple pie American would never get a loan to buy the things that foreign national did because the foreign bank lent money to him.

In effect if you end up owning everything in the United States in this manner it doesn't matter how much you paid for it because you own it all and therefore CONTROL IT ALL!

I think that has gone on quite a bit with key industries in the United States.  I think we are paying far more than we should be for certain things because of it.  And worst of all it is starting to hack away at our Constitution!

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Instead of a British soldier stationing themselves in every Colonists home before the Revolutionary War we have Foreign National Tranny's talking to us in our heads?  Attempting to alienate us from our rights?

I never in my life thought I would see a Democratic Party so evil as that.  And I have voted Democrat my whole life.

Food Humor 4 29 2021

 "You have to love a pancake mix where all you have to do is add water!"

This one was toasted coconut protein the box was black, Kroger brand.

Fyi, that is a piece of sage sausage on the upper right.

Really good!

Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Why is Joe Biden for Gun Control? 4 28 2021

 Is it because back when he stuttered he tried to buy one and was denied?  

"How can I help you sir."

"I woo woo woo."

"Sir yes..."

"I wo would like."


"I woood like to buy a gahh ahh."

"You would like to buy a gun?"




The point here is imposing a delusion of sound authority upon the rest of us?

I can see why someone might not want to sell someone like that a gun.  I can also see why someone might not want to sell a gun to someone slurring their words as Joe does?

Because we don't want to sell one to something new slurring their words and stuttering mean we believe that person to not be equal?  Okay Joe honestly answer that.  You can't b cause it is like a steel trap.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

If you don't want someone to have a gun do you want them to be President?  And what happens when you get someone you wouldn't want to own a gun become President?  He is going to impose all those lower standards of equality on everyone.

If all men are equal Joe why don't you want some to own a gun?

Can we figure it out correctly?  It is very important for our nation and therefore humanity that we do.

Beginning of this post is pure satire.

Look Joe Biden 4 28 2021

 You don't want certain people to have guns but you want everyone to vote?

If you don't want someone to have a gun why would you want them to vote?

You want everyone to be able to come into the country but not all you would let in you would want to own guns?  If you wouldn't want that person to own a gun why would you let them in?

And why misrepresent the law?  That Second Amendment isn't for hunters it is for homeland security. 

You don't have the strength of mind to get the issue right.


Off topic.

So "they" want pot legal? I am going to assert a pot smoker is a professional at nothing.  A pot smoker gets no reward from work they get it from pot.  Same goes for the alcoholic.  Screwed up from birth.

You obviously have never had a conflict with someone in n drugs.  And that is the way the country is supposed to be.

Simple question.  If we are all created equal why do some people need drugs?

That statement of equality was made by a normal middle class being abused by an abnormal upper class.  It wasn't made by that upper class to take away the rights of the roadblocked upwardly mobile; as how you are using it.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

And I do feel sorry for Joe.  Never drank in his life but yet is as dehydrated and resultant bombastic as if he were an alcoholic.

And I do believe he passed the neural tube defect, as evidenced by stuttering, to his son who died of what could be considered a gene defect to the brain.

And I have to ask, who did Joe know that got him the job in politics?  I am going to research that.


Other than that I really liked a lot of things he just said.

Woe to the woman 04 28 2021

 Woe to the woman 04 28 2021

Woe to the woman who buys her boyfriend a new watch; only to see him use it to two time her.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Observation 04 27 2021

 "To imply that nobody can independently come to the same conclusions that you do?"


© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Gun Control Comparison to Foreign Countries 04 27 2021

 Gun Control Comparison to Foreign Countries  04 27 2021

Forget everything the media is trying to fickle lip into your head!

I will only trust those foreign countries when they have a gun in every house!

Why?  Because only then do I know that those people are truly free and living in freedom.

And I am so tired of a different kind of argument being used with regard to this, the comparison rates of whatever.

Forget about that.  Think like a man.

I would only trust those foreign countries if they had virtually a gun in every home like we do in the U.S.

As an American living in freedom I would never want to live in a country whereby they had gun control.

Why?  Again because it means that the people are not truly free and living in freedom.

Negligently misleading to make any other conclusions based on comparison of country to country on the issue.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Fringe Humor 04 24 2021

 Fringe Humor 04 24 2021

"If a poor black boy reaches behind his back maybe he is doing so to keep his pants up?"

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Searching for a new shop stool because mine is rusted 04 24 2021

Searching for a new shop stool because mine is rusted 04 24 2021

So I was searching for a new shop stool because mine is rusted and about ready to fall to the ground when sat on.  And the search results pulled up a common brand 13 ounce can of puppy stew that sells for $2,19.

For those of you who are so blessed in life as never needing to know the price of anything.  That is twice the price of a can of soup you and I could buy.

The dogs soup costs twice the human soup.

Yeah I got a problem with that.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

A Master of men versus a master of business 04 24 2021 Draft Article

 A Master of men versus a master of business 04 24 2021  Draft Article

Some people believe that being successful in business is being a master of men?

Or better yet how much United States capital has been squandered because the prevailing viewpoint of management is that in order to be successful in business really means being a master of men?

There is only so much they can eke out of men?  The ideas and skills they never possessed but should have in order to be in the high paying jobs...that ends up sinking business after business?

Being a master of men so that men are motivated to improve your business for you?  When in reality you are a genetically defective person?

Those who truly had the ideas should have risen to the top in a free democracy but that didn't happen.  

Draft article.....

I mean you could create a master of men out of the lowliest genetic freak that there is.  And tell me how, once greatly empowered, that 'person' isn't going to have general animosity towards the normal human race?  It is part of the thinking of being a "master of men" isn't it!  It is like algebra.

Does he really love his wife or does he like queerly being a master of men all day?  Is the reason he really likes to spend so much time at work it because to him it is like spending time as a queer master of men?  If you asked an alcohol poisoned spine like that to do a work requiring the use of their hands and body could they even do that?  A right of passage to manhood is missing?  Or better yet, what does it mean when someone because so successful that they no longer possess the skills that could be considered a right of passage to manhood?  Does it really mean that they didn't like being a man all along?  They really liked being a queer master of men?  They greatly resented being a man?  Couldn't wait until they no longer had to do the things in life that men do?  Couldn't wait until they could spend all day as a drunk and pay to have someone else raise their children for them?

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

I will also assert that the false idealism of being a master of men as a matter of success fostered and promoted rampant homosexuality.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Cookies 04 23 2021

 © 2021 Thomas Murphy

Should a Prisoner be allowed to be a victim of crime while in prison? 04 23 2021

Should a Prisoner be allowed to be a victim of crime while in prison?  04 23 2021

I would say no.

So what does it mean?  Does it mean that we have different levels off prison for different offenses in an effort to prevent that?  No!

It means that first and foremost that is a prisoner that will not be reformed!  The initial loss of freedom should have put them on the right path.

But what does it really mean?  It means those prisoners who victimize other prisoners should have their sentence escalated to the Death Penalty.  And if we can determine that a certain sect of prisoners is always going to victimize other prisoners their initial sentence should be the Death Penalty.

If we can't eliminate crime from our prisons then what good are we?

To send someone to a correction center that really fosters a hierarchy of criminality?  No.

And if in the process we find we are starting to eliminate a criminal genome from the human race; then how can it not be said that God is on our side.  No matter what God you believe in?

You now want to play the devils advocate with me and say that the God you believe in is Lord Thief?  I won't put up with that meal mouth argument.

Prisons should be crime free.  You would think it would be a given in this day and age.  You would think that I wouldn't even have to say it.

And I can see that chain smoking flared nostril Catholic Grade school teacher trying to disempower this idea.  No.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Off topic.

I don't like to see my money going in support of Alcoholics or Nicotoniacs.

If I had children I would want them to have ZERO exposure to alcohol culture.  Never would they ever see a drunk singing on television like Dean Martin and be lead to believe how great he is.  Never would they see a business executive ask for a glass of hard liquor because it helps them think.  Never would they ever read the headlines family dies at hands of drunk driver.  Never would they ever have to put up with a criminal created in the womb from alcohol.  Never would they ever see alcohol promoted at any religious institution.  Never would they ever hear of the health benefits of alcohol.  Never would my future family lineage ever hear voices in their heads.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Scalloped Potato Macho Talk Humor 4 22 2021


"The recipe called for 1 1/2 cups of shredded cheddar;  I gave it three slices of Gouda instead."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Are Black People Lobbying for Lesser Rights 04 22 2021

 What are the demographics of victims of gun violence?

You go to the .gov site and look it up and black people are the predominant victims of gun violence.  It doesn't say who is shooting them, but I would presume they are shooting each other.

Who is Lobbying for gun control?  Is it black people?

Who is Lobbying for gun control?  I think part of the issue is a person not having the skills or responsibility of having a gun and projecting that weakness on those who can?  Like a delusion of power, "If I can't do that neither can you."

But what is Lobbying for gun control?  It is really lobbying for lesser rights!  If you want equality you don't lobby for lesser rights.

And lesser rights might have been the answer that prevented your problem.

But you don't have the right to project lesser rights onto the rest of us.

Think of all the marching done is asserting equal rights?  And now back the clock up ~200 years and lobby for lesser rights?

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Catholic Humor 4 21 2021

 I can't remember what to say to receive Communion after the Priest say's, "Body of Christ."

The correct response is either,



" You're wearing a dress."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Humorous Song Lyrics Would Be 04 21 2021

 Humorous Song Lyrics Would Be 04 21 2021

"Potato Chips, good for the soul."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

The Inability to Identify Directly and Foremost with the Human Race 04 21 2021

 The Inability to Identify Directly and Foremost with the Human Race 04 21 2021

But instead to identify with some esoteric grouping of the race. 

And then wave that banner like the girl announcing what ring it is in a boxing match.

So how are people really supposed to view you when first and foremost you do not identify directly with the human race?

It is an issue that hasn't been discussed. 

It means that you think that you are more important than the human race? And you defined yourself this way; not other people?  Who defined you to be that way?  You.  And hence what do you see to do?  Define other people as less than that?

How come you didn't develop in the same educational framework as the rest of us?  Because you didn't.  Would you say that is was of no benefit to you?  Even though the people you are dependent upon greatly benefited from it; you would state it was of no benefit to you.  (Not meant to be about education, but ask yourself why the Republicans feel that way?)

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

God's Justice 04 21 2021

 God's Justice 04 21 2021

"So you vouge for the legitimacy of this person?  Alright have it your way.  When they are 18 years old they will solely make every decision for you and you will be in their custody."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy


The Revolutionary War 04 21 2021

 The Revolutionary War 04 21 2021

Did the American Colonies fight the Revolutionary War against a nation that had a legitimate belief system?  No.

So how come we are not analyzing foriegn Governments today as to their belief system?

Better yet why is one single red Lincoln Copper Penny leaving this nation in support of a foreign nation that hasn't cloned our exact Constitutional belief system?

It should have never happened.

Nor should the United States have ever militarily defended a nation that did not have our belief system. 

You say that if we hadn't we would be living in tyranny?

When one percent of our population is disabled by demonic voices not originating from themselves the tyranny of illegitimacy is here already!

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Why the Pro Life Initiative Is Wrong 04 21 2021


Why the Pro Life Initiative Is Wrong 04 21 2021

When you have to pay money that you otherwise would not have to pay it means that you have done something wrong. Otherwise known as a fine?

A lot of people don't think of what it really means! But a young person should!

Marry a woman and divorce her you end up paying money to her (known as alimony). Again you are paying money you would otherwise not have to pay; that means you did something wrong!

And the divorce might not even have been your fault it doesn't matter you are the responsible party; again you are paying money as if you did something wrong!

The divorce might not even have been your fault whatsoever. That bird might have had hair instead of feathers!

So if you are paying child support what does that mean? It means that is money you would not otherwise had to have paid if you didn't do a certain action! Again money you would not otherwise had to pay if you had not taken a certain action (marriage, insemination) means you did something wrong; like a fine or fee.

Let me put it this way if you hadn't done anything wrong you would not be paying that money!

So you married a woman you didn't love? You married a woman that didn't love you? You convinced that woman she was something she wasn't to you in order to marry her? You got her pregnant when you really just wanted to have sex without a rubber? Perhaps those are all the things you did wrong.

Now your average Republican who is one scotch away from believing one hundred percent that he is James Bond won't be able to comprehend any of this!

It means that child is the result of you doing something wrong! That child is the result of someone doing something wrong!

But why can't they see it that way? It is like attempting to educate someone that isn't able to learn. When you get angry with them all they can do is cry because they are stupid. But as a Republican ages that response is violence against anyone who tries to tell them anything. It means their thinking is set in stone because that is all they are comfortable with. And what does that mean when your thinking is set in stone? It means you can't properly solve any problems because you are not intelligent.

So you and I the taxpayer end up paying for all those problems even though we were not the drunks that did something wrong.

Disclaimer. I am not saying anything bad about those children who are kept. They are likely no better or worse than any others.

So a man adopts children and gets a benefit because of it. You and I, the general payers, are paying for it when we would not otherwise have to be. Essentially means that we did something wrong when we didn't.

So there is an item of education that is lacking from the Pro Life idealism?

© 2021 Thomas Murphy


Let me put it this way.  A McCoy keeps it in his pants.  Whereas a drunken Hatfield goes around everyday inseminating everything with a pulse.  The McCoy's end up paying for it as if it was their mistake.  And the population of Hatfield's grows to dwarf that of McCoy's.  The McCoy's are done and gone because they did the right thing.   The McCoy's are done for being legitimate.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Really Good 4 20 2021

 Vanilla Ice Cream, Chocolate Syrup, Banana and Corn Flakes!

© 2021 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, April 19, 2021

Electric Car Humor 04 19 2021

 Electric Car Humor 04 19 2021

"If only I had had an extension cord forty miles long I would have made it."

"As long as I am on a roll tonight in the club.  The typical Wisconsin small town today is three churches, a chicken coup and a used car dealer."

© 2021 Thomas Paul Murphy

A Person that has a Fixation on someone else cannot "Self Define" 04 19 2021

 A Person that has a Fixation on someone else cannot "Self Define" 04 19 2021

That is why in the movies they are often portrayed with a lot of dialog banter in their character that is of the, "me and you" variety. 

Perhaps the best example comes from the Character Vernon Wells played in the Movie "Commando"

People like this bring up some little petty issue from ancient history!  Some false comparison. Etc.

What is the why of it?  Because a bad person cannot self define?  Why not?  Because a bad person can never fairly compare themselves to other people they can't self define!  Hence it is always and unfair comparison, the dialog being of the "me and you" variety?

A bad person cannot self define themselves because a rotten self never has any basis for self definition!  (Let's all be part of Socialism rather than Independence.)  Okay do you see why that individual is a threat to the Independence of our nation? Because they can't be of Independent self definition!  Because a rotten person has no basis for independent self definition!

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Hate Speech essentially means it is illegal to swear at someone? 04 19 2021

 Hate Speech essentially means it is illegal to swear at someone? 04 19 2021

I have to wonder if there would be less gun violence if there were not hate speech laws?

Gun violence has increased since Republican George Bush put through hate speech laws?

Putting the frame of reference thinking of the American people to that of idiocy. 

So essentially you are not allowed to blow your top and swear at someone?  Because it is hate speech?  What kind of sissy makes unconstitutional laws like that?

Sometimes the best thing you can do for a person is swear at them?

And here is the crux of it.  We are dealing with the mentally retarded aren't we.  Where it doesn't make any difference what you say or swear at them, because they can't comprehend they did anything wrong at that moment or later.  So in effect you create a...negative emotional cascade in these people?  

And so you rationally explain time and again and it does no good either.  Because they can't learn the value of listening because they can't think and learn.

Can I assert that no normal human being would have the patience for this?  That no normal human being would value the progress of this?

It would be like the normal person standing around and their arms couldn't work?

Off topic:

Analyze the persons basic level of intelligence and then when they act unconstitutionally ask yourself who is it that is influencing them?  What are the emotional expressions they use when angry?  When exuberant?  Whose behaviors do they imitate when successful?

Back on topic:

And so what do they become when older?  Ones that mock the lives of normal human beings in envy?  That is all they become.

Off topic.

So you often hear the druggy say that they take the drugs to tap into a higher consciousness?  What if I were to tell you that was really the consciousness of a man?  And after these druggies tap into it long enough they make a schizophrenic out of that person?  What if I told you that the mentally retarded are taught to tap into that conscious to?  And hence the druggy has that commonality with the mentally retarded?

What if I told you that the more they tap into that conscious the less they are able to enjoy life for themselves?

What if I told you that the more alcohol and drugs that they use the less they are able to think for themselves and learn?

What if I told you again that the reason they use the drugs is because they want to displace their own mind in favor of the joining with a mind of man?

What if I told you that is the definition of a voyeur?  What if I said that means the same as the N word?

Okay look at all of the above.  Do you see how it screws up this country?

One final point.  Do I resent an ill grammar-ed professional athlete that makes more in one day than I do in an entire year?  That is right someone that couldn't even learn to speak their own native tongue English language makes more in one day than most of us do in a year.  For playing a game that amounts to Ring Around the Rosy?

But for me to swear at that person would be a very serious crime of hate speech!  Very serious!

And I do ask.  Why, why, why was George Bush ever elected.  And there is only one reason.  Those who elected him can't learn normally.  And George Bush recently wanted people to tone down on immigration?  Because he brought over all the wealthy from those foreign countries?  To use the minds of American men and women as Rosetta Stones.  The victims of all those odd voices labeled schizophrenics? George like Trump made lot's of friends worldwide.  Take the most normal minds of our country and destroy them.  Whatever that person is good at try and convince them it is really their weakness.  Attempt to turn all of their human strengths into weaknesses?  

How does that benefit the United States of America?

What a twisted and sick mind George Bush has.  He essentially made it illegal to swear at people because it is emotionally devastating to the Forest GunK's of the world and yet he justified torturing human beings.

In effect George Bush could be torturing you and you be in the wrong for swearing at him while doing so?  You can't legislate that way without having a severe mental defect.


So in the odd event that you find yourself being tortured by a CIA operative of George Bush or the ilk do not swear at them because that is hate speech, instead you should say, "Ouch, ouch that hurts me."


So you can't swear at anyone because it is hate speech?  What about when a dog barks at you and shows its teeth like it wants to bite you?  Can that be construed as hate speech towards you?  In some instances a dog is considered to be a person?  Because they do such great "work?"

In the land of complete fairness.  Is the owner of what I would term an "Assault Dog" guilty of hate speech against you if that dog barks at you, charges you, bares its teeth at you with what amounts to the intent to bite you?

But you have no recourse as to what you could say or call the owner of that dog because it would be hate speech?

So you would have to say something like this, "Your assault dog does not belong in my neighborhood."

And if you then yell at that dog you are guilty of hate speech?

Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Water the Carrots were boiled in 4 17 2021

 This is really good.  Has a vanilla flavor.  But I didn't add vanilla, only a punch of salt and a small slice of butter.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Ex Post Facto Laws and Bloomberg 04 17 2021

  Ex Post Facto Laws and Bloomberg  04 17 2021

Ex Post Facto Laws are Unconstitutional.  It means you can't make something illegal that is legal.

All Gun Control laws are blatantly Unconstitutional.  But Bloomberg had no problem with the most egregious ex post facto laws regarding them.

But when it came to pot legalization?  What did he state?  He stated that the cat is out of the bag on that one.  Meaning that an ex post facto law can't be created because it was legalized on the state level?  I am not sure that is true.  Not if it was always illegal at the Federal level.

Federal Law versus Constitutional Law?  One would think that when Federal Laws are created someone with a bookkeeper mentality would be looking at the Constitution in order to see if they are compliant with it?  And you can't have someone who is subjectively willful doing that like K. Harris.  Otherwise it is less than meaningless.

But don't worry Life Guard Joe Biden will be there to save you when you are walking alone on that dark street late at night on your way home from a job that won't even pay the rent.  Least of all your American family.

Great concept isn't it?  Does this pairing intend to create an American family?  What are we led to believe an American family is today?  Any pairing of drunks, soon to be a single parent drunk with one or more emotionally disturbed problem children?  Somehow I don't think that qualifies?

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Friday, April 16, 2021

What is it about the Character Vernon Wells Played in the Movie Commando 04 16 2021

Let's see, how do I say this?

How did they cast him so well for this part?

What character flaws of authority were represented in the script of this character?

Where their tones of fixation, homosexuality...confused satan versus man?

Now I want to switch to and include the thinking of the above with how you might want to exclude a character (traits) like that from "enforcement" positions in our Democracy?

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Oh I can hear you all crying foul at me again.  I can hear your feeble minded woman pointing the finger at me in condemnation.

And I want to say something like, Nanny Cuckoo and son.

Where in the Constitution does it say 04 16 2021

 Where in the Constitution does it say 04 16 2021

Where in the Constitution does it say that I have to obey the order of a homosexual, or a woman for that matter?

I understand equal rights.

But what about the right to tell someone else what to do?  Would the Founding Fathers want it that way?  I think not.

Does equal rights mean that I have to obey the order of someone with Down's Syndrome?

I don't think it does.  I don't believe the concept extends that far.  I think it means more of the right to receive.  The right to do something other people are doing.  Not the right to give other people orders?  I think that is on a different level.

And I know that you don't understand this or why it is important.

It has to do with comparison and the validity of authority.  It has to do with a great many people attaining wealth and power not because of what they know but who they know.  So you get people who could never climb the ladder themselves getting a free ride to the top?

And I am not saying that people in authority cannot demonstrate fairness.  I am more saying the composition of the person, what makes them, might contradict that position of authority.  Might lead to a lot of conflicts?

The Founding Fathers talked about inalienable rights.  God Given rights.  I believe it means that you have the right not to be demeaned by someone that can't even think for themselves.  

And now perhaps you get a sense for the meaning of this?

A man can look at our Country and say it should not be this way in many different categories.  That this does not comply with the standards we were founded on.  That there is no current valid justification for it other than the will of those who want it that way in contradiction to how it should be?  A non educated person or someone that can't think for themselves isn't going to be able to understand why it shouldn't be the way that benefits them.  Offer solutions that create long term problems and further destabilization of our Democracy.

If you ever took History in High School your teacher might have told you, "The Pendulum always swings the other way?"

I don't know if we have to view it as one side versus the other.  I view it more as the interests of humanity over the interest of what amounts to todays nonworking class?

So many things are adding up that are not in the best interest of our country or of the future of this country or the planet.

There are major problems when you can't shut down polluting entities.  When you can't wield the authority to stop Constitutional abuses.  When you have people ruling out of spite for those who should be ruling and are excluded from it?  When you have a class of people who are smarter than the rest in problem solving ability who are represented in a negative manner?

It just doesn't go in the right direction does it?  But the monkey riding your back couldn't care about any of that.  What alienates the monkey riding your back is not being able to ride your back.  They are not here for the country they are here for the free ride through life.  To experience life like a man without actually having to be one or think like one.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Thursday, April 15, 2021

On Financial Markets 04 15 2021

 On Financial Markets 04 15 2021

They have an endless supply of money to go after your money with; through the short sale.

And that needs to change!

If it can be proven that short sellers illegally obtained the holding information of members of the public then they can be prosecuted for racketeering, imprisoned and forced to do manual labor.


What is gun control?  A way to force people who are above the level of doing manual labor to do manual labor?  Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with doing physical type work for a living; but there is when you are forced to do it and profit one individual or one nonworking "group."

I also greatly resent those who would never be coordinated enough to do the slightest tasks required manual dexterity having non working class jobs and careers.  To me it violates the right of passage to manhood?

"How did you get to be a man?"

"I whined, insulted, ridiculed, harangued, every person I could.  I did not let them express themselves.  I did not even let them have the feeling that they had valid self expressions.  I made people believe that their goals were not obtainable because they didn't respond well to my insults.  I lied, cheated and greatly misrepresented myself."

"I took their money to invest for them.  I sold it right away.  Then when the price went down I kept the difference between the amount they gave me and the amount I lowered the price to!  I called it trading desk profits or back office profits."

The every town for these people doing manual labor.

Reminds me off something pointy eared.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Mandate a living wage in this country and all the bad people who rise to success in management go on their way to other pastures!  With a living wage you can work any job.  Hence the good worker becomes the asset, not the money changers and bamboozlers.  It happens in some trades already.  But it should be universal?  Can it be done with keeping inflation in check?  To keep inflation in check you need to keep the cost of living in check.   Food and rent and energy?

I don't believe in the validity of renting to live in the United States.  Why should a renter live off of your education; and education level they could not likely attain? I also do not believe people should be living in noisy apartments.  I don't believe it promotes a healthy learning brain wave?  And what it costs to live there.  It is like extortion!  Get a job in a big city and all your money goes to who owns the rental properties there.  Nationalization of that?  Perhaps the money you pay in rent just goes in to an account.  You get it when your retire?  Then you get in the issue of who can live where?  I am not for the class system that K. Harris family lineage came from.  Because I view class systems as a barrier that protects the nonworking class from better competition.  But how do we keep neighborhoods clean and safe without determining who may live their and who may not live there?

And I have never believed that money equates to class!  Class first implies intelligence.  Someone smart enough not to drink while pregnant and then opt for more of your money going in to programs to benefit that person born without the potential for ability. 

Energy?  We could have gone full solar 40 years ago.

Food?  Learn about the basics.  And perhaps those farm subsidies were meant to keep food inflation down?

Foreign ownership of United States rental properties?  Are you kidding me?  Being evicted from your United States home by a Chinese person living in China?  A good Gov would not let that happen!

Or how about paying 15% interest on your credit card balance to a foreign owned bank while you can only earn a tiny fraction of a percent interest on any cash balance?  And what is a foreign owned bank?  When they all operate that way then they all seem like they are foreign owned to me.  Reregulate or nationalize them until they are cleaned up and ready to go straight again?

That is a new concept nationalized until you are cleaned up and ready to go straight again.

If they can community cup a human mind then there is not one business in the United States that cannot be nationalized.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

When I see a littered plastic soda bottle in front of my house 04 14 2021

 When I see a littered plastic soda bottle in front of my house 04 14 2021

I go and pick it up and throw it in the recycling container so that my neighborhood doesn't become like, "where black people are forced to live."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Disbursements 04 14 2021

 Disbursements 04 14 2021

So when I look at all the money going out in disbursements, the more dependents the more money... 

I have to ask the question, what if all the benefits/breaks paid out to parents who adopted children had gone instead to the biological parents of the children?

Would it have been a better outcome for the children?

Can it be said that alcohol played a major role in the child being put up for adoption?  And how many times is that just a transfer from one alcoholic parent to another?

Had you had given that biological mother the money all along wouldn't it have been better?

So why did I write this?

I just don't like seeing people being made into something they were not supposed to be.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

A Phrase 4 13 2021

 "Get the guy down off the cross he'll help you."

Or this way has stooge implications;

"Get the guy down off the cross he'll help us."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Have you decided to choose your Gender yet? 04 11 2021

 Have you decided to choose your Gender yet? 04 11 2021

You would think that that would be a joke question wouldn't you?

But I can see how the current trend in taking away your rights and legalizing drugs could lead to that question being asked.

Instead of whether you will be a confirmed believer in Christ or not in grade school you will be counseled on what gender you should choose as an adult?

You would swear it was part of a Science Fiction novel wouldn't you?

Money money money.  And you will have the rise of all kinds of counselors and teachers and educators helping your children make the important decision of what gender they are choosing to be and identifying with?

Touchy subject?

And what was the rate of autism supposed to soar to?  1 in 30 births?

Very touchy subject!

And ever hear of creating negative expectations for a child?

That same Nanny Cuckoo who is creating negative expectations in children that she resents, what false gender choice expectations will she attempt and successfully implement in your children?

She laughs inwardly?

© 2021 Thomas Murphy


The Invalidity of Physical Education in the School System 04 11 2021

 The Invalidity of Physical Education in the School System 04 11 2021

Subtitled "What can we unlearn you of today?"

What you end up with is someone with a monotone cretin voice judging you for not having a body like Andre the Giant, calling your a limp wristed sissy on the Tennis Court and giving you a grade of C.

That doesn't belong here.

So why is it here?  It is meant to give hope to those who were born with a brain defect whereby more calories are naturally diverted to the body?

Then we end up paying them to go to college.  End up with Supreme Court Justices who declare that those playing basketball, etc are the hardest working people on campus?

Basically inverted and defeated the American education system!

Revenue, revenue, revenue.  Some money we just don't need!  Money from pot sales?  We don't need it.  Hire mercenaries to run slave based diamond mines in Africa?  We don't need it.  The town Don forking over prostitution and extortion money to the contribution basket or the national chest?  We don't need it.  Nothing to be proud of.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

And it doesn't teach you anything about fair competition!  You already knew about fair competition.  What it does teach is that person with Down's Syndrome without any outward visible signs how to not compete fairly.  It legitimized that concept!  You already knew what fair competition was.  You didn't need to learn that because you already knew it; and you didn't need to unlearn it!

"What can we unlearn you of today?"


That or he see's that your son can catch a football better than anyone.  Then he throws a pass further than anyone can run and then tells your son, "Your no James Lofton."

These are not the hardest people working on campus!  They have been freeriding our Democracy their whole lives!

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Humor is B 4 10 2021

 Humor is the car ornament that looks like a fat man sitting on a fire hydrant.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

What is Gun Control 04 10 2021

 What is Gun Control 04 10 2021

"It is a veiled way of saying who you think shouldn't be around." 

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Humor Is 04 10 2021

 Humor Is 04 10 2021

"Medusa Masseusery"

 © 2021 Thomas Murphy

Friday, April 9, 2021

Intelligence Can Be Defined As 04 09 2021

 Intelligence Can Be Defined As  04 09 2021

The ability to turn a mistake into a success.

 No contrast that to what could be considered the opposite of that?

© 2021 Thomas Murphy 

And can you follow the provision of not making more mistakes when you attempt to turn a mistake into a success?

For example you created a success out of a mistake but you created 99 more mistakes in doing so?  Can you really be defined as having been successful?  No.  It is about not creating more mistakes when you turn a mistake into a success!  That is the provision.

What a mistake Brett Kavanaugh was for Our United States Supreme Court 04 09 2021

 What a mistake Brett Kavanaugh was for Our United States Supreme Court 04 09 2021

So in a recent decision about whether College Athletes should be paid or not Kavanaugh stated something to the effect that they are the hardest working people on campus?

What does that mean?  That means if you happen to drive by an inner city basketball hoop you should know that those young men are going to be the hardest working people on College Campus?

So we got drug dealing there.  We got violence there.  We got drug use there.  We got elbows and knees and fingers going to the eyeballs there.  We got swearing there. We got lets play defense right up next to the back of the shorts that are likely hanging down off the ass of the player with the ball there.

 You know I used to believe all Irish were good.  I also used to believe all Germans are good.  Now I think some Irish are not Irish at all.  Probably have a British, Polish or African gene where the Irish is supposed to be.

Bring me the Irish that would bring down the Roman Empire in one attack!  Bring me the Irish that would storm the monasteries and get that oddity out of there.  Bring me the Irish who would rid Ireland of snakes.  You did know that snakes are a metaphor for bad people?  You had to have known that about St. Patrick.  You could send Kavanaugh to a penal colony!

And we got this Supreme Court Justice pick from a President who was institutionalized by his father at the end of the Seventh grade? 

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Thursday, April 8, 2021

On Learning 04 08 2021

 On Learning 04 08 2021

Whatever you have to think in order to learn something, you think it, so that you don't have to ask someone how to do it again.

Whatever question you have to ask you ask it so that you learn it and don't have to ask someone how to do it again.

Learning is the individuals responsibility.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

And you have to want to learn.  You have to be made to realize the importance of learning for your personal development.

In other words you have to want to be able to form "learning memories."

You might consider personal development like this you making your way to a passage to adulthood.

I mean come on, you don't expect to be something that is spoon fed their entire life?


And you want to be able to make decisions that you are going to be able to live with.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Humor 04 06 2021

 Humor 04 06 2021

"If you do the work that she tells you to do before you do the work that you want to do then somehow the work that you want to do might go faster?"

 © 2021 Thomas Murphy

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Humor 4 3 2021 B

 "Wouldn't it be funny if there were a realtor named Pumpkin."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Humor 4 3 2021

 "I bet I could make a potato soup out of corn starch and fool you for a little while."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Friday, April 2, 2021

Robotic Voice with Poor Grammar Phone Scam 04 02 2021

 Robotic Voice with Poor Grammar Phone Scam 04 02 2021

"...please do not access your A______ account until your account will not get fixed.."

They go to all the sophistication of using a generated voice and they can't even get the grammar right!

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

I am going to have to learn something bad 04 02 2021

 I am going to have to learn something bad 04 02 2021

I am going to have to learn how to say, in the creepiest and most dangerous sounding way possible;

"Why don't you go ahead and put me on your do not call list."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Disabled Americans ought to be able to own Casinos just like Native Americans! 04 02 2021

 Disabled Americans ought to be able to own Casinos just like Native Americans! 04 02 2021

Also I don't believe that a Disabled Americans should ever have to pay for a fishing or hunting license!

You worked for Corporate America, believed in Corporate America, and were disabled by it.  Hence you should have any extra rights that Native Americans do!

Disabled Americans could be considered to be their own TRIBE!  And there are 61 million of them!

So let me ask you this.  If you have the disabled.  What is on the other side of that equation?  The Disabling?

Wrench as much money out of our U.S. Democracy as you possibly could?  Some of those Billionaires are even Knighted by the Queen of England!

When I see a Professional Athlete making $30 million a year do I say that is the hardest working American that is or do I say that is one of the Disabling?  I say it is a Disabling!  Same goes for a money center bank President making Billions who bankrupts that bank!  I view that person as a Disabling.

Money and the United States?  You are supposed to reinvest it in our nation to create jobs and prosperity?  Should there be a Billionaire tax on cash?  And perhaps a Billionaire via legislation should not be allowed to earn interest on their cash?  Or at least less than the guy making fast food worker wages can't save anything in the bank because he has to pay gouge your eyes out rent and food.  That guy ought to be the one earning a higher interest rate on his money.

A nuclear family ought to be earning a higher interest rate than a non binary one.

Create Bills that support the people and the revenue comes in as adequate.  Government policy determines who becomes rich.  So lets get it right.  None of this arrogance of ogre, "I am really as good as a $30 mil baseball player!"  Enough of those SAT failure prima donna's walking around like big h's.  Can our nation determine what should be supported and what should not?  Over a certain amount is (I have to be careful here) a return of capital to gov at year end.

Do you know why it won't happen that way?  Because you would be taking away the hopes and dreams of the biggest sore losers in the history of our nation!

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

The Morning Headline 04 02 2021


"No action taken on Guard sex assaults."

So I have to ask the question,

"If you put someone in a prison controlled by criminals; what are you?"

© 2021 Thomas Murphy