The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, April 23, 2021

Should a Prisoner be allowed to be a victim of crime while in prison? 04 23 2021

Should a Prisoner be allowed to be a victim of crime while in prison?  04 23 2021

I would say no.

So what does it mean?  Does it mean that we have different levels off prison for different offenses in an effort to prevent that?  No!

It means that first and foremost that is a prisoner that will not be reformed!  The initial loss of freedom should have put them on the right path.

But what does it really mean?  It means those prisoners who victimize other prisoners should have their sentence escalated to the Death Penalty.  And if we can determine that a certain sect of prisoners is always going to victimize other prisoners their initial sentence should be the Death Penalty.

If we can't eliminate crime from our prisons then what good are we?

To send someone to a correction center that really fosters a hierarchy of criminality?  No.

And if in the process we find we are starting to eliminate a criminal genome from the human race; then how can it not be said that God is on our side.  No matter what God you believe in?

You now want to play the devils advocate with me and say that the God you believe in is Lord Thief?  I won't put up with that meal mouth argument.

Prisons should be crime free.  You would think it would be a given in this day and age.  You would think that I wouldn't even have to say it.

And I can see that chain smoking flared nostril Catholic Grade school teacher trying to disempower this idea.  No.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Off topic.

I don't like to see my money going in support of Alcoholics or Nicotoniacs.

If I had children I would want them to have ZERO exposure to alcohol culture.  Never would they ever see a drunk singing on television like Dean Martin and be lead to believe how great he is.  Never would they see a business executive ask for a glass of hard liquor because it helps them think.  Never would they ever read the headlines family dies at hands of drunk driver.  Never would they ever have to put up with a criminal created in the womb from alcohol.  Never would they ever see alcohol promoted at any religious institution.  Never would they ever hear of the health benefits of alcohol.  Never would my future family lineage ever hear voices in their heads.

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