The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, April 19, 2021

Hate Speech essentially means it is illegal to swear at someone? 04 19 2021

 Hate Speech essentially means it is illegal to swear at someone? 04 19 2021

I have to wonder if there would be less gun violence if there were not hate speech laws?

Gun violence has increased since Republican George Bush put through hate speech laws?

Putting the frame of reference thinking of the American people to that of idiocy. 

So essentially you are not allowed to blow your top and swear at someone?  Because it is hate speech?  What kind of sissy makes unconstitutional laws like that?

Sometimes the best thing you can do for a person is swear at them?

And here is the crux of it.  We are dealing with the mentally retarded aren't we.  Where it doesn't make any difference what you say or swear at them, because they can't comprehend they did anything wrong at that moment or later.  So in effect you create a...negative emotional cascade in these people?  

And so you rationally explain time and again and it does no good either.  Because they can't learn the value of listening because they can't think and learn.

Can I assert that no normal human being would have the patience for this?  That no normal human being would value the progress of this?

It would be like the normal person standing around and their arms couldn't work?

Off topic:

Analyze the persons basic level of intelligence and then when they act unconstitutionally ask yourself who is it that is influencing them?  What are the emotional expressions they use when angry?  When exuberant?  Whose behaviors do they imitate when successful?

Back on topic:

And so what do they become when older?  Ones that mock the lives of normal human beings in envy?  That is all they become.

Off topic.

So you often hear the druggy say that they take the drugs to tap into a higher consciousness?  What if I were to tell you that was really the consciousness of a man?  And after these druggies tap into it long enough they make a schizophrenic out of that person?  What if I told you that the mentally retarded are taught to tap into that conscious to?  And hence the druggy has that commonality with the mentally retarded?

What if I told you that the more they tap into that conscious the less they are able to enjoy life for themselves?

What if I told you that the more alcohol and drugs that they use the less they are able to think for themselves and learn?

What if I told you again that the reason they use the drugs is because they want to displace their own mind in favor of the joining with a mind of man?

What if I told you that is the definition of a voyeur?  What if I said that means the same as the N word?

Okay look at all of the above.  Do you see how it screws up this country?

One final point.  Do I resent an ill grammar-ed professional athlete that makes more in one day than I do in an entire year?  That is right someone that couldn't even learn to speak their own native tongue English language makes more in one day than most of us do in a year.  For playing a game that amounts to Ring Around the Rosy?

But for me to swear at that person would be a very serious crime of hate speech!  Very serious!

And I do ask.  Why, why, why was George Bush ever elected.  And there is only one reason.  Those who elected him can't learn normally.  And George Bush recently wanted people to tone down on immigration?  Because he brought over all the wealthy from those foreign countries?  To use the minds of American men and women as Rosetta Stones.  The victims of all those odd voices labeled schizophrenics? George like Trump made lot's of friends worldwide.  Take the most normal minds of our country and destroy them.  Whatever that person is good at try and convince them it is really their weakness.  Attempt to turn all of their human strengths into weaknesses?  

How does that benefit the United States of America?

What a twisted and sick mind George Bush has.  He essentially made it illegal to swear at people because it is emotionally devastating to the Forest GunK's of the world and yet he justified torturing human beings.

In effect George Bush could be torturing you and you be in the wrong for swearing at him while doing so?  You can't legislate that way without having a severe mental defect.


So in the odd event that you find yourself being tortured by a CIA operative of George Bush or the ilk do not swear at them because that is hate speech, instead you should say, "Ouch, ouch that hurts me."


So you can't swear at anyone because it is hate speech?  What about when a dog barks at you and shows its teeth like it wants to bite you?  Can that be construed as hate speech towards you?  In some instances a dog is considered to be a person?  Because they do such great "work?"

In the land of complete fairness.  Is the owner of what I would term an "Assault Dog" guilty of hate speech against you if that dog barks at you, charges you, bares its teeth at you with what amounts to the intent to bite you?

But you have no recourse as to what you could say or call the owner of that dog because it would be hate speech?

So you would have to say something like this, "Your assault dog does not belong in my neighborhood."

And if you then yell at that dog you are guilty of hate speech?

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