The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

A Two Word Story 1 31 2024

 "Plastic tumbleweeds."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Humor 1 31 2024

"What are your goals in joining our health club?"

"None of your G/d business."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Children's Reward System 01 31 2024

Meaning, what types of lifetime motivations will be instilled in a child?

Has grand academia ever made a study of this concerning how a parents behavior and choices affect the lifetime reward system of their children? 

Okay, some good comparisons might be able to be made between the following types of parental units?

1.  One more more parent a user of addictive substances?

2.  Single parent status, male or female separate categories.

3.  Parents of non heterosexual identities.

4. Parents with low education level or knowledge attainment.

5. Parents engaged in and profiting in any way from criminal activity.

6.  Traditional family, father is honest and works hard, mother does her best taking care of family.

7. etc

So it is important.  And there would be some differences.

And the results of the study would help us shape our society into being a more responsible one with realistic goals for certain individuals.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

A Topic for Discussion is 01 31 2024

 "If your child isn't happy it also means that you do terrible work."

With perhaps, "What can we do as a society to make you a more productive worker?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, January 29, 2024

Can Tommy Cook Italian 1 29 2024

 Yeah Tommy can cook Italian.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Word Disambiguation: Decibel, Disciple

Decibel: being a unit of measure of sound.

Disciple: someone who spreads and protects the word of some they are an adherent to.

They sound very similar.


And back in that day how did someone know they were possessed by Demons?  How would you know that to o be the cause of sickness?  A demons generic body representing flaws and sickness whereby upon possession mof a normal human being it made them sick?  You really couldn't make that diagnosis unless you heard them?  And what would a demon say to someone in order to make them sick?  Absolutely everything a Schizophrenic says that a voice said to them.  Hatefully jealous insults.


And the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ was able to cast the demons out of someone.  And here is the crux the Bible also tells us, that he knew the demons.

That's all I have time to go into this now.


"And then let's travel to the next town to see who will pay us to cast demons out.". Sayeth the rich men?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Wisconsin Wake Boat 1 29 3024

So they want to create a law restricting the use of Wake boats.  In particular with regard to ballast water.

But please don't make it so that you can't add a hydrofoil to the lower unit of to our outboard motor.  Adding a hydrofoil is the easiest way to make an aluminum Fishing boat more stable and safe.  These boats are not used for waterskiing or drunken reckless acts.

And I have seen boat ramps that classify a hydrofoil as a wake device and prohibit it.  The truth is when you put a hydrofoil on an aluminum boat and go full throttle there is virtually no wake created!!!  It lessens the wake because the boat is planing.  At slow speeds there is no wake either.

So already we have seen this misapplied.

Now this 600 gallon ballasts a true wake boat fills with water to make it displace more water as it plows forward are a different story.  Please learn how to differentiate.

I would not be alive today if it were not for that hydrofoil.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

A real good baked potato seasoning tonight 1 28 2024

Sprinkle of onion powder

Pinch caraway powder

Pinch of cumin powder

Pinch Salt

 Pinch Black pepper 

Put those spices in sour cream and mix it up.  Sprinkle some mixed cheese from a bag on it too.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Humor 1 28 2024

 "That woman that is making you cry a lot; she ain't the one for you."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Quote 1 28 2024

 "The more we try and go forward; the more they try and take us backward."

© 2024 Thomas Murphy 

The Carpenter Influence in Jesus Christ 6 28 2024

 It is a phrase inspired by the father who raised him that was a carpenter.  "A house divided against itself can not stand." Abraham Lincoln also quoted this.

Was Jesus a Carpenter

So he followed in his father's footsteps until he was "tempted" by demons in the desert?  There aren't really people out in the desert are there.  So what does it mean then? 

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Ungodly Republicans want to divide our nation.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

"I think that boy should be made into a girl." 01 27 2024

 "I think that boy should be made into a girl.  And that is my professional opinion as a licensed medical Doctor.  And it shall not be challenged."

When you were in history class and you heard that the Roman/Italians castrated boys so that their voices sounded higher and they made better singers, did not the idea of that make you sick?  That somebody thought they had the right to do that to people?

I really don't see any difference between those two above items.  And I think it is sick!

And when you look at the gestalt of it, on a macroeconomic scale how do you not come to the conclusion that is where all our countries money has gone and why we have so much national debt today?

Did the academic industry create those medical professionals, or did they get reach the age of maturity and transform the medical health care industry to conform to their abnormal will?  I believe the latter is true.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, January 26, 2024

And Right Now!

I thought I would share with you a cool duck photo.

 © 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Flash Fiction? 01 26 2024

 "A race whose lifetime plans can't be achieved without cannibalizing the rest of us."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

On Role Models 1 26 2024

 "It's not that they don't have role models.  It's that they have negative role models who don't want them to have legitimate role models."

 © 2024 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Executive Leadership 01 24 2024

 Did you ever ask yourself this question?

"Someone that dumb as leader, would naturally want to degrade our country to become like what?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Legislative Maps and Disrupters 01 24 2024

 So Republicans admitted to hiring Disrupters?  And there were some convictions in Republican Scott Walkers admin as it relates to election fraud.

So what does changing legislative maps have in conjunction with hiring disrupters?

Have we heard all the stories?

And how come prior wrong doings of Republicans, convictions of them, seem to be relevant in terms who fairly win elections and who doesn't?

As if Journalists don't have the mental wherewithal?

And do the media companies know sum certain that if they hire an individual of a certain stereotype that the hard hitting questions will not be asked and the status quo will be maintained?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And Jesus said in his defense, "They are like sheep to me, I talk to them."

The X Ray Review Team 01 24 2024

 What if every X Ray or other imaging taken of a "patient" in the United States was published with anonymity as to whose it was, so that Doctors who were not working at the time could look at it and see if there was anything in that X Ray related to the patients' health that was not related to taking the Xray?

And the Doctors could comment on it in a Comments section?

Can you start to hear an invalid protest to that idea?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Invalid isn't spelled differently from "invalid?"

"Invalid protest?"

Humor: You don't understand 01 24 2024

 "You don't understand!  Nothing was Trumps fault!  It was the project managers' fault!"

©2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor: I will be interviewing Candidates for Head Coach 01 24 2024

"And what I will be looking for is a candidate that uses the modern term "physicality" quite often in the interview."

The wind belongs in the sail the wind belongs in.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Basketball 01 24 2024

There are some losing dynamics when you have a focal point player.

Does that focal point player also contribute to good defense? 

Are they the first one back down the court on defense?  Or are they the first person whining that they need a new coach?

With a focal player you have all the other players trying to get them the ball.  Does that mentality also warrant them to be the first players back down the court on defense.

Okay so you have a focal point player that can do both?  But can they do it for the entire game?  And what happens on the score board when they need to be taken out for wind?

Let's say we are talking about paid players.  How is that focal point player viewed when you pay more for them in salary in relation to the coach?  Do you see where I am going?  What does the coach really represent on a focal point player team?  You need a coach that can manage all the players on the team with regard to your expectations from them.  But then ask yourself what expectations can you have of the other 4 players?  So indeed, there might be a crux.  What expectations can you establish and quantify with regard to the other four players on the court when you have a focal point player?

Now, how do you hire a coach?  Do you hire a fresh coach?  How could you evaluate what they would be in this arena?  Or do you hold some notion that maturity might prevail?  But how do you know a seasoned coach will not be stale and noninnovative at overcoming and winning?

Do you spend your out of pocket money chasing some notion of ideation that may or may not hold true?  Do you base your decision on some type of patterned emotional path you think it fits?  How will it be done?  Interesting.

And then immediately you wonder if the full story with regard to a coaches firing has been told?

All very generic terminology here.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

If Trump thinks Elon Musk is so great 01 24 2024

 If Trump thinks Elon Musk is so great then why doesn't he go up in one of his rockets?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

A Man's Right to Abortion 01 24 2024

 I believe that a man should always have the right to abort a birth of his wife that has something wrong with it.

I can't understand what type of man would ever think differently than that?

I can't understand what type of man would put the woman he loved through a lifetime of hardship because Republicans had her keep an abnormal child?

Can somebody in the United States explain this to me?  Not even one person here can!

Instead, you want to point that sissy finger at me and yell "Bad!"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps. Who wants Donald Trump to point his sissy finger at us for another four years?

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Success of a Business 1 23 2024

Sometimes the success of a business is highly dependent upon customers having a standard of intelligence.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy 

To Willfully and Openly Commit Crimes 01 23 2024

 To willfully and openly commit crimes while at the same time propagandizing that the public should be afraid to say your "name."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Lead Poisoning Pipes

 Would a mother that is lead poisoned even know that her children were lead poisoned?

And how much did lead poisoning contribute to gun violence?  It is a threat to our Constitution.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday January 23rd 2024 It looks like the weatherman gave up

 The forecast is fairly close to 38 degrees Fahrenheit every day for the next 7 days.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Republicans are Funny 01 23 2024

 They know that if they say anything bad about Trump they won't be allowed in the doors to the drinking party?

But it was good to see Christie go after Trump; although it seemed to lack sincerity and conviction because it was coming out of his mouth?

Nikki is testing the waters a little bit.  But she doesn't have the bite that Trump has to do it.  He doesn't care what he say's to or about someone when he offends them.  

That tells you of the general weakness of the Republican Party.  None of them even know what they can truthfully say about Trump that is bad.  It is like he spooked up the whole country.

They are afraid to go after him with teeth like he does everyone else?  Because they know if they do, they won't be allowed in the doors of the Republican drinking party?  And what do I mean by that?  They have chosen one side in life.  And it is based on their own merit.  Positions of employment in this country are based on networking.  And they want to live at that standard that is above them.  Right?  See it?  If you had the standard of self you would not be afraid to knock Trumps block off with something you said to him.  If you had the true confidence in yourself and what your life represents as potential work you would lay into him (with words) and put him down and out of politics for good.  But that isn't the Republican Party, false righteousness at best.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The idea being

 If only men were allowed to be hired in Government eventually only good men and their families would prevail in our country.

I like that idea!  Only good men and their families prevailing in our country.

I like it.

Including good men and what their potential families would or could be.

Women would have very few problems if good men prevailed in our country.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Communism Is Like 01 24 2024

 "Any renditions or accounts of what Donald Trump said without his express written consent are strictly prohibited."

Seriously, that is exactly how someone like that wants our country to be.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Football Humor 01 23 2024

 "What good is a field goal kicker if his leg is pointed off to the side like a cabaret dancer?"

And I suppose the leg naturally follows through that way in a proper field goal kick, as part of the power stroke.  But you get the point; its funny.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, January 22, 2024

BLT 1 22 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Every Location of that Hardware Store that I have ever been to 01 22 2024

 Every location of that hardware store that I have ever been to has the same idiot working in it.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

A Dictator Wields Power

 A dictator wields power not as a matter of justice but as a matter of deriving pleasure from persecution.

If he had the ability to know what justice was he would not be a dictator.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Joe Blow and Epstein 01 22 2024

 I have no doubt that American Prostitutes were likely sent to countries like Russia, China and North Korea?

And now that they have a "taste" for our women they want to go to War with us and conquer our entire nation?

Sound like a flight of fantasy?  Sound like odd delusional imagination?

Then you don't know how women were treated in World Wars and you also don't know how women were taken in Biblical Wars.

And it is national shame that you are that lamed brain!  That you would immediately accuse me like you did two lines above!  A national shame.

And when I see a United States woman posing with an AR-15 I don't think, "That is a no no!  She should no better than that!  Encouraging young people with guns.  Highly irresponsible."

Here is what I think.  There is a young woman who is so happy to be alive.  So confident in herself.  THAT SHE WANTS TO PROTECT HER VIRTUE.

Do you really believe I like having to cast you out of idiocy in this manner of writing?

You full blooming coward!  You can't wait to get on that news channel or on that news radio and spew vehemence directly to the contrary of this.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Oh, By Golly, I Created Employment 01 22 2024

 I created so many millions of employment.  You often hear Politicians say this.


1.  By writing a blank check?

2.  By writing a blank check by not having a corporation pay as much in, we will call it "annual fee?"

3. Because of your actions as bad leader we had to hire more people to protect the capitol?  Oh by Golly, you created more employment right there didn't you!

4.  By promoting alcoholism among women?  And thereby them giving birth to special needs children?  Oh By Golly you created plenty of employment right there.

5.  By failing to maintain our infrastructure?  Oh by golly we have to build an entirely new one.  Oh by golly you created employment right there.

6.  Oh look a penthouse apartment just went up!  Oh by golly!

7.  You prevented good people from becoming Doctors?  Oh By Golly you created plenty of employment by low level workers having to take care of the sick.

8. I prevented environment and pollution standards from being enforced hence creating a lot of genetic based sickness!  Oh by golly I created employment!

9. I recognized a liability created by a prior administration and I proudly attended to it.  Creating employment in the process.  By Golly I created employment.

10.  Munitions and Defense factories had to work over time and hire new employees because of the Wars I supported.  By Golly I created employment!  More steel and chemicals needed to be produced as part of that supply chain!  By Golly created employment!!

11.  Political Action committees sprang up left and right because of my Candidacy.  And they spread that donated money around like it was horse shit.  By Golly I created employment!

12.  Oh, by Golly what did you do?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Working Hands Transcend Time 01 22 2024

 Did you ever compare two people doing the exact same work element?  But they are not doing it right together in the same place at the same time; in other words you are making a comparison of them based on memory of what you saw and how long it took.

Watch their hands.  The hand movements and articulates will be exactly the same for the same task.  The gestures exactly the same.

But it takes one considerably longer to complete the task.  Even though the hand movements are exactly the same!!!!

One wants to come to a conclusion, even though it seems to be against reality, that the working hands transcend time?

The physics of love; are something that really can never be scientifically studied.  Perhaps there is a "God wall" there that would prevent it.  Much like how what is being observed is not independent on the observer.

Movements are measured in distance and time.  And the movements and forms of moment are exactly the same.  Again, but it takes one a lot longer.

And what is it that causes a sense of impatience in you when you see this happen?  When you have to wait?

For example with regard to employees what do you think of the slower one?  Do you think that they are doing something wrong?  Do you think that they really don't like working?  Just the opposite of that last point though, somehow... you find the opposite of that last point to be true?

And perhaps it has to do with brainwave research that Governments are keeping a secret; only in order to protect the non working wealth class?

For example is an employee working with a relaxed brainwave or an uptight one?  The uptight one might do the work faster; but is that right?

To only allow an employee to work in a relaxed work environment but at the same time controlling their brainwave to be uptight so that it works faster?

And then you have the person who has done the same work their entire life.  And their hands are quick and also like an artist.  Did they start out with the uptight brain wave and transition to the relaxed brainwave over the years?  I believe the relaxed brainwave is delta?

But when a father teaches his son how to do something.  There is a mental bonding that goes on there.  It is called imprinting.  It is a scientific term and validated scientifically.  Their brainwaves become the same out of love for the father for the son and the son for the father whom he trusts and loves.  The good son loves the father who teaches him something.


Now let's do a scientific experiment.  We put a working in a both or cubicle and observe them work.  There is a speaker in that room and it is connected to a microphone in an observation room that has a one way mirror on the wall that can be seen through from the observation room.

Now measure the workers efficiency, time, quality and productivity under the following control circumstances.

1. You have someone with a brain defect constantly haranguing them via that speaker.

2.  You have someone that loves them talking to them or speaking constantly.  Perhaps in a disguised voice.

3.  You have it absolutely as quiet as can be and the worker confirms this.

4.  Perhaps you have someone with one eye.

5.  Perhaps you have a quadriplegic talking to them.

6.  Perhaps you have someone with a lisp talking to them.

7. An alcoholic.

8.  An alcoholic who is drunk.

9.  Someone whose fingers can't even type.

10. etc.  Whatever you can think of.

Now compare the results.  And can you somehow attribute any mistakes or differences found to their being different people serving as a distraction or otherwise.

Now are you asking yourself this question?  What is the validity of a certain manager?  And it does have a lot to do with where we have gone as a country.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wisconsin needs to make its own Cars! 01 22 2024

 Who wants to buy an SUV with 4 cylinders?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Degrading the Russian Military 01 22 2024

 So lets say that we manage to degrade the Russian Military "Arsenal".  I mean it doesn't look likely, it looks more like Putin has about won his war with Ukraine?

But lets say we manage to degrade all that.  And then we thought it was over as a threat?  When what we didn't bargain for was Russia being supplied "military eqp" by manufacturing superpower China?

Not that that sea saw would ever teeter right for Russia's longevity.

But it is something we didn't think about?

How the aspirations of China might be that Russia has all that it needs so then China can come through all of Eurasia with a broom after Russia bomb pocks the whole thing?

Whereby a joint Chinese/North Korean type regime then rules Eurasia?

Anyhow, the first country that declares Schizophrenia is medical fraud is the one to back; for the sake of the human race.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Nationalize the Oil Companies 01 22 2024

 Perhaps if we had nationalized the oil companies we would not have gotten into Wars in the Middle East, the World Trade Center would not have been bombed and we would have been a clean energy country by today?  Perhaps if we had done so President Kennedy would not have been assassinated?

And perhaps we would not have the drug and alcohol problem that we do today?

I am equating easy profits of pumping money out of a hole to easy profits of selling drugs to children?  It is the same easy non working mindset isn't it?

And we did indeed start the Civil War in the United States because slavery and the profits it created for an evil few were an economic insurrection to our Democracy.

I think that Big Oil has proven itself to be the same.  And it was spawned out of that same hick pregnant 12 year old Lewellin South.  I mean was Clinton a good President or was he just as much representational of that as Donald Trump is?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

I've Got News For Donald Trump 01 22 2024

Climate change is real just like how New York is filthy.

Climate change is real just like how rivers and lakes are polluted.

Climate change is real just like how Chernobyl is radioactive.

Climate change is real just like how there plastic particles in our bodies now.

And the reason Republicans say climate change isn't real is because of oil profits.  Owning the right to pump money out of a hole and spend your days as an alcoholic.  That is the quintessential Republican.

They make that statement to defeat pollution controls and clean energy.

If you were a fisherman you would know that you can't eat fish because they are polluted.

Any person with half a brain knows they are not going swimming in brown stinking water that is industrially polluted, when it should not be.

We want it cleaned up!  Cleanliness is next to Godliness.  Probably never handled a broom in his life.

We are just looking out for the human race!  Get out of the running if you don't understand that.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Immigration 1 21 2024

 What if somebody promised all of these immigrants that they would own and control this country if War were to break out?

It already happened at least once in U.S. history.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Humor 01 21 2024

"My daddy's a lawyer and he says that I have the true covenant with God." 

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

To Make a Covenant With God 1 21 2024

Why does God need to make Covenant with you?

As in if you only had to promise God you would be good, only had to make that promise, but didn't keep it you would still go to heaven.

Perhaps it is better phrased this way, "Who do you think you are that you can bargain with God?"

If God were to bargain with you he would no longer be of the standard of what a God is?

Does God care if you made the willful choice to live a criminal life leading straight to hell?  Do you believe at the last moment he would say we want the souls of those who chose to go to hell in heaven with us?

What do you have to give to God in a bargain?  Do you believe God needs or wants what you stole?  As if what you stole somehow has value to him?

I think God is more about free will.  Is it a choice for you whether to be good or not?  Perhaps for some it isn't.  If you see are good and have no problem being good because it is you, have you really made a choice?  Do you believe God rejects people like that?  Who lives better in the image of God than that?

Who is it that would attempt to fool the rest of us that they are the ones who hold the true contract with God?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Ps. Does the Devil, know by comparison, that it is the Devil?

And I would assert that a true human being doesn't make the choice to be good, they are good.

The 300 Pound Man Test 01 21 2024

 So let's say you wanted to test the structural strength of a home design.

And you recruited a 300 pound man to go to the upstairs floor of your two story home and jump up and down.

How long would it take for cracks to form in your walls?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Idea that all charity isn't chairty

Some is income and wealth shielding, favoritism, family gifting, influence money, prevention of money going to the real stated cause of the charity.

In other words it prevents problems from being fixed.  And is a false address to problems.

And in the case of religious charities some may be proven to be pagan based.

Thomas Murphy 

Drug Testing in order to Vote 01 21 2024

 Voting is very important in a Democracy of the Free.

If you have to be drug tested in order to be an employee why would you not also have to be drug tested in order to vote?

If you can't be addicted to a drug in order to have your Second Amendment Right to own a Gun why in the world would you be allowed to Vote?  Why should someone like you ever be allowed to influence our Constitutional based Democracy?

The best thing that we could do to for our Democracy is give every alcoholic only a half vote instead of a full vote in our Elections; if even you believe an alcoholic should be allowed a half vote.

Let the clearer heads prevail.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Two Half Brains don't equal a whole 01 21 2024

Two half brains don't equal a whole just as ten tenth brains don't equal a whole.

So Republicans want to change voting maps.  They want to ask Governors to fabricate votes for them.  They want all babies to be kept even those with Down's Syndrome?

What if an adult with the disease of alcoholism who either inseminated a baby born with mental retardation or gave birth to a baby with mental retardation only got to vote one half of a vote in the election for President of the United States or other election?

Honestly, I believe that would be one of the most fairest things that could happen.  And it would have the greatest benefit to our Democracy of the Free.

I honestly believe that.  And I do believe it would decrease the voting power of wealthy and irresponsible Republicans more than anyone.

And we could use DNA testing to see just where those fatherless babies came from.

It is like this, they wanted to make a big deal out of it, okay, now we're making a big deal out of it.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, January 20, 2024

What if the 13th Amendment 1 20 2024

What if the 13th Amendment prevented a woman from receiving money for the sale of her baby?

Women would have to make better choices in life?

It would help solidify a woman's right to have an abortion.

The legal crux being, selling a person for money (consideration) is selling a person, which amounts to slavery?  You can't sell people.  Because it implies a form of ownership and trade.

So why do I write this?  I don't like how Republicans are pro life but then don't really give a hoot what happens to that person throughout their life.  In fact they work against it.

It is more of an expression of fear they have with regard to their own worthiness?  As in "it could have happened with pro choice that I might not be around.". And it stops right there.  They don't think to say how can we make the lives of the adopted better?  How can we hold families together?  How can we ensure a child has a mother and a father?  How can we ensure families can feed their children?  How can we ensure girls are not sex trafficked to an island?  How can we ensure fathers and mothers are not abusive alcoholics?  Etc.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

How can we ensure that Corporate America represents legitimacy?

Instead of saying how can we make life easier for those wanting to start a family they think, how can I configure a family into being from this and that?  Like hiring an interior decorator?  Send those nums to Ireland to steal babies?  Then when you find there is a market for them take their potato's give them fungus ones and boat them all in to the U.S.?

Doesn't matter what is wrong we with that babies brain if you steal soul for them, then label the victim of it a schizophrenic.  Live er very day of your life in a maniacal thieving state of"hee,hee,hee."

The Greatest season of football I have watched.

What if I were to say 1 20 24

 That any increase in gun violence highly correlates with allowing alcohol to be advertised on tv again?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor is the phrase 01 20 2024

 Humor is the phrase:

"Mention money and boy do her ears perk up and listen."

I don't know who first said it to attribute the quote to.

Thomas Paul Murphy

Non Boxing Type Televised Fight Match Humor 01 20 2024

 "A person with cauliflower ears is someone who couldn't learn how to box?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, January 19, 2024

I don't believe an Alcoholic 01 19 2024

 I don't believe an alcoholic should be allowed to own United States stocks or be allowed to serve in Corporate management.

Justification for this belief?  The why not?

I don't believe that the rest of us should be subjected to your disease.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  Interesting term, "Disease Subjugation"

Humor 01 19 2024

 You mean, what the Constitution means in writing or what you want it to mean?

It's really not as subjective as the latter implies.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

An Interesting term is Conditional Legality 01 19 2024

 So to separate out what makes the legality conditional?

Whereby if two people did the same one would be legal whereas the other not?

Most circumstances being the same?

The Constitution doesn't want that form of legality in our country because it breaks up the Union of States.

And the Union of States is where the power of good of our nation came from?

Something is only supposed to be a different law for a state if that state had particular circumstances that warranted it.  Something unique with regard to geographic feature...

The point being, the act itself can be deemed legal, if the conditions relating to it don't really relate to it?

And I am not trying to legalize prostitution in every state.

Whereby instead of turning on the television and the sports broadcaster is telling you what moneyline to bet on; you don't win the broadcasters money, instead you win a session with a prostitute advertised in the contest?  What am I getting at?  Where it is going that I don't want it to go?  It already went where I didn't want it to go?  Hence it will likely keep going in the direction I don't want it to go?  Being win a session with a prostitute?

Now I know some of you want to read this and say it means something other than what it means.  It means exactly what it says.  It doesn't mean something whereby you could construe the meaning of it to be conditionally illegal.

Do you see how Conditional Illegality is really Divine Rights ugly head in our Democracy?

Okay, I am going to hit the orange publish key on this.

It is Conditionally Illegal for you to express yourself in writing or speech because Cornelius from the shrewdness, who has hair all over, forbids it?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Cheeseburger, Homemade Applesauce & Green Pepper 1 18 2024

 Really good.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

The Pawn Archetype 1 28 2024

 "A person that doesn't know when they are lying because they have been conditioned not to ask questions."

And Pawns are sacrificial.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

You ask yourself why Department Stores go out of Business and Neighborhoods go Bad? 01 17 2024

It's people like Warren Buffet shoplifting from them as a boy and robbing them blind.

It is people who rape the department store clerk in the dressing room.  Is Donald Trump guilty of that?

Do I see a benefit to our Country of either of them making a lot of money?  No.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Phonetics 1 17 2024

 Tram a doll.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Humor 1 17 2024

 In sports if they can use the new word they created "physicality" then how come in music they don't use the term "musicality?"

Kind of a reversion to 10,000 years bc type of word?  Decadently classless?

© 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Donald Trump doesn't do a real good 1 17 2024

"Donald Trump doesn't do a real good job at faking maturity."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Humor 1 26 2024

 "I am going to take Guacamoles recipe and make their dip."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Car Engine in Winter 01 16 2024

 Would a car engine last longer, if the first few cranks from the starter were slow so as to get the parts moving and lubricated?

Then the starter speeds up, the engine injects the gas and fires the plugs?

It seems that the first few cranks of the engine in really cold weather happen too fast, too jarring, too jarring apart cold parts rather than a low gear movement of a new innovative starter?

Could even be a second "starter mechanism type" motor that is geared differently to turn it slowly?

It would likely start easier?

Not that modern engines flood a lot, but this type of protocol might lessen that?

And it could be thermostatically controlled?  Whereby it never kicks in in hot weather.

But when it is 9 degrees below zero it does?

Sure, I know, we have engine heaters and accessories...

If an engine had an auxiliary hand crank, and not one that would break off in your hand or bend the aluminum and separate engine seals, that would be neat?

Just thinking out loud.

Which is easiest on a serpentine "fan" belt, a slow roll in frozen weather or a quick start?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Barley, Biscuit, Bacon w Mustard 1 16 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Monday, January 15, 2024

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Saturday, January 13, 2024

What if all new immigrants to the United States had to come in through Ellis Island? 01 13 2024

 What if all new immigrants to the United States had to come in through Ellis Island? 01 13 2024

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, January 12, 2024

Alright this one is gonna hurt 1 12 2024

 An alcohol id card.  Whereby a family member can have it given an invalid mark.  So that person can't use it to buy or drink alcohol.  What justification?

1. A violent father or husband.  A family member can invalidate it.

2. A binge drinker who almost dies? Family member can invalidate it.

3.  Any family with a history of mysteriously caused mental illness. Ditto.

4. Father not spending time with son.  Can't teach the don anything.

5.  Wife stepping out.

6. Ex con.

7. Can't hold a job bc of alcohol.

8. Born with mental retardation

9. Health condition that are known to make worse or more deadly.

10. Dwi.

11. Group members found guilty of hazing.  Done and hopefully gone for good out of our nation.

12. Disallow the promotion of mental retardation causing substances by organized religion.  Clean up the church.  The Pope doesn't know how to, none of the former ones did either.

13. Flunked out of school.  Parents barred.

14. Father or mother left the family, then they are done with alc

I mean let's pretend all of our nations problems are caused by chosen saviors?

Leadership that doesn't know how to do the right thing because they can't even begin to think in those terms.

This isn't bad, you would thiñk it would be completely covered by first amendment freedom speech.  Not if the souless have their way we with us.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

The Slave Trade 1 12 2024 draft article

 Interesting article.

So who made all the money?

12.5 million from Africa were enslaved.  A significant percentage died on their way here.

British Parliament created 100 laws to foster it.

It started in the US before we had declared our Independence.  British brought them here in 1619.

1776 Declared Independence

1842-1855 the Irish Famine, 1.5 million Irish came to the U.S. ("Heck yeah we will fight to defeat that God forsaken British enterprise," they said when they got here?  The Irish got here and straightened out this country!  Also built the infrastructure.

1861-1865 Civil War

1861 Lincoln Freed the slaves.,and%20armies%20of%20British%20workers.

So was part of Our Declaration of Independence also related to slavery?

The Quakers in Britain were the first to object to slavery.  I knew there was some reason I always had respect for them.  Learned that in grade school history?

You know one of my childhood friends, I won't tell his religion, he believed in Parliament as a form of government over ours?  I was shocked to hear that.  But later in life it puts a lot in perspective about that groups behavior.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Off topics.

1. And so you have to get past a large section of Yemen to get into the Suez Canal.  We just bombed the hell out of them.

2. An article about a new book by Warren Buffett says he shop lifted a lot from Sears when a boy.  A whole bag of golf clubs and the bag!

3. So if the Northern half of Ireland is now called the UK does it mean that if England goes to war Northern Irish get conscripted to fight and die in it?  Look at the timing of it.  You know if Trump can tinker with Israel how come the United States can't do something with regard to Irish Independence? All of these other countries we empty our wallets for and die for and we do nothing for Ireland?  Joe Biden is about as Irish As a dork from a stork.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Salmon & Noodles 1 12 2024


© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Humor 01 12 2024

 "Honest and honey start with the same four letters."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Interesting 01 12 2024

 The Seven US Presidents Who Valiantly Served Their Country During World War II (

"Johnson was close with then-US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who'd entered the United States into WWII on December 8, and FDR assigned him to survey the conditions in the Southwest Pacific."

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Trumps defense is that he doesn't need a defense.

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

We need a phone number data base that the Government publishes 01 10 2024

 All phone numbers should be considered to be government issued.

Hence it should be able to be accomplished with one keystroke of a computer.

This would help eliminate fraud and the raiding of the estates of widows and orphans.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Not one Gym I want to be member of

- around here.

Odd, emotionally introverted clingy personalities? 


I need the weights, the clean bench and no physical education degree type personalities around?

I need to be able to sit on that locker room bench without getting an odd itchy butt that won't go away.

I need to be able to put my clothes in that locker without them getting flea but and nested.

I need to get in that hot water without there being a layer of "bigger person" dead skin flakes accumulated at the edge of it.

I need to be able to change in that locker room without someone staring at me with a boner.

I need to use the weight room without a clown pushing a wheelchair with a quadriplegic in it and kicking a red kick ball high around the whole god damned place.

I need hot water in the god damned single person shower stall.

Bottom line,

Why in the hell should any American ever have to pay for that?

I don't want to hear a jar heads advice or hear the jarheads giving any advice to anyone.

And that is just the start of the complaint list.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

A service industry economy?  Are you kidding me?  You ought to be working in a factory.

But we all know you couldn't do that without picking up a common tool after an hour and using it as a weapon against a hard working coworker.

A Work Environment need to Focus 01 10 2024

So indeed the more professional careers require a greater need to focus.

But is the cubicle hall, with diverse often immature and uneducated personalities, really an atmosphere to focus in?


It is more of an atmosphere to split and divide up that Degreed Human American Mind in and then waddle around with semi hinged looking hips like you own the country.

Oh I know exactly what I just said.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Hands of a Black Belt 01 10 2024

If the hands of a Black Belt in martial arts are considered to be a deadly weapon, why should a black belt be allowed to have use of that deadly weapon in prison?

A prisoner is not allowed to have a deadly weapon like a gun in prison, why should they have that which can be registered as a deadly weapon in prison; their hands?

I only mention it because we have increased gun control measures in our nation that might favor some types of gangs that might have black belts martial arts status as their enforcers?

So if you allow a black belt to have use of their hands in prison perhaps you need to teach everyone in prison martial arts?  But I don't believe that would really help the issue.

I think the reason people end up in prison is because of the mental retardation aspect of alcohol.  Not only are people born with the irreversible form because of it but also people can get it from drinking.  What?  

So what might we include in a broader definition of mental retardation?  How much time a person spends passed out on the couch every day from drinking, say vodka?  How many hours of a productive day do they spend in an altered lesser state whereby the decisions they make will be negatively influenced...compromised might be the right word?

Are they not temporarily mentally retarded while drunk?  What goes on in that mental state if not that which could be considered the manipulative, contriving dark product of a criminal mind?  And are not those just the rotten skills that make the most successful the most successful?  Now look at the macrodynamic effect of that and ask yourself if the Corporate legal framework has really benefited our Democracy?  I think it is more line a goon attack on us.

And I am serious.  If you can put a mask on someone for the courtroom....

So perhaps what I am getting at is, who rules that prison is the person who has the skills from Shanghai.  Somehow you know that isn't right, don't you?  That the person with the trained killing skills from Shanghai should not rule United States prison systems?

PURE GOLD is what these writings are.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Perhaps if you have black belt skills that originated in Shanghai then upon conviction we send you back to Shanghai.

To believe in the prison system as a business model would seem to me to be a primary conflict to a free Democracy.

And we are going to run into a lot of issues like this with drug legalization and influx of immigrants.

So the people here don't want to do the jobs that are open?  Do the immigrants want to do them?
And should you fear a taxi driver in NYC or elsewhere?  Are their those of foreign nationalities who come to the United States and look at traditional white people as if they are basted and cooked browned turkeys?  I have seen such people.  Very disturbing.

Oh and how we cordoned those of an ethnicity we were at War with?  I don't have a problem with it.  Because one immigrant told me concerning their ethnicity, they ALL know each other here!  It implies something not on the level...when they do not speak the language of your nation while in your presence.
And we should have never allowed a dual language country to even start here.

Languages are not the same or equivalent.  And when you don't have any desire to learn ours it detracts from our nation long term.  And we have been forced to accept a lot of this.  And those people who don't meet that standard are often granted better jobs than the rest of us.  It's wrong.

And lets say that you have a great presence of a foreign nation in your country that are involved in organized crime.  Lets say that you end up at war with that nation.  I mean good God, look at that.  Look at that statement.  You would have to be pretty sick to attempt to convince me....

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Cooking Lasagna Secret 1 9 2024

I bought a 5lb tin of Lasagna in a cardboard box for 15 dollars.

Can I eat 5 pounds in one meal? Unfortunately.  But that can kill a person. Just like being in a hot dog eating contest can give you a heart attack.

So here is what I do.  I cut a third of that lasagna and put in in a bread pan.  You don't need to put a baking sheet under it in the oven because it doesn't come that high up the sides of the pan.

But it helps if you have a strong serrated knife you can trust to cut it.  I press the knife down into it in a cross section line. Then same thing the underside of the cut.  It helps if you run the knife under the hot faucet while doing so.  Then you may have to break it in half by placing that cutting line you made on the edge of a cutting board a using your palms to create downward pressure.

But you are not done yet.  Take a can of chopped pineapple, drain it, and rinse drain if you want a few times.  Then put that on the sides of the lasagna in the bread pan and on top.  Bake per directions.  Make a center test cut and use your laser thermometer (they cost~15 bucks?) And make sure your internal temperature anywhere in and around that test cut is 168 degrees f.  And it doesn't seem to matter if you get too much hotter than that.  I have taken them out at 30 plus degrees to that.

The pineapple has digestive enzymes in it that help you digest it.  Lasagna is filling.

It is unbelievably good.  You will never have had better lasagna.  You might not recognize it has pineapple on it, it will look like the rest of it.

Unbelievably good.

So that third of the ~5 lbs is a big meal for two.

I had three platefuls and someone else had one helping.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Ps.  That is that spatula I showed you on YouTube.


And be carefull, knives break. Causing cut hands or broken blades springing towards the eyes.  Wear eye protection.  Perhaps oven gloves each hand.  And know your limitations.  If you are clutzy-like, forget about it.

Parent Teacher Conference 01 09 2024

 "Who taught your son all that dumb ass stuff if not you his father?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

I hate "Captive Parking Lots" 1 9 24 Eom

 © 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Quote 01 09 2024

 "A bull in a China shop is going to have problems all throughout life."

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

What is Political Correctness 01 09 2024

 It is when you have been conditioned to say weak things because you were hated when you said the blunt truth.

Now contrast that to this, the complete brain dead idiot who says everything he wants to, none of it is true, just to offend everyone that they are latently envious of?

And as a whole we err on the side of Political Correctness, when we should not.

Say it and you won't be an elected Politician, even if it is true?  Because the demographics of this country transitioned to odd, weak, evil, ugly and sissified?  OWEUS.  Owe us, for short.

Owe Us is here.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  Or here is another one, "I haven't shaved my beard for months on end because the sight of the razor blade gives me great unbearable anxiety."

So if you go to a website that sells guns it asks you if you are 18 years old 01 09 2024

 And if you answer no, then you can't enter that website?

But you can see people shooting each other on television and in the movies any minute you turn on the television.

So what kind of a generation are they attempting to create?

Lets say I am at the library and using their computer to look at firearms, and someone under 18 sees it over my shoulder, am I supposed to feel like I have done something wrong?

If I am eating at a steak at a restaurant should I have a tizzy fit and say to the waiter, "I need to eat this meal with a dull butter knife because their are minors present?  Please, please, what are you doing,  Bring me a butter knife instead."

So just stand back and look at the gestalt of it.  There is something very important in this equation that a group of people that is lying to themselves doesn't want the public to realize?  Just look at that canvas that has been painted and ask yourself who paints a canvas like that?  Someone that has the intent that you are not to be responsible?  Which is a projection of their own self pity?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Yahoo, it's movie time! Yahoo, it's movie time! Movie time! Yahoo, it's movie time. Movie time! 01 09 2024

 Copyright 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Humor 01 07 2024

 "Vinegar is vinegar."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Why should criminals be allowed

 Why should criminals be allowed to buy nice things?

Deemed members of organized crime should not be allowed to buy or have any nice things.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy


Pork Humor 1 7 2024

 What is the first thing yoú think when you take a bite of a pork product?

"Is this (explicative) meat cooked thoroughly."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Barred for Life from having Servants 01 06 2024

 So when I read about Epstein having 70 staff working at his island and think about organized crime convictions I ask myself,

"What if you could bar someone for life from having servants if they are convicted of organized crime activity?"

That means no one could ever:

Ever mow their lawn or lawns for them.

No one could ever wait on them at a restaurant.

No one could ever tidy up their house or any property for them.

No one could ever do their shopping for them.

No one could ever do any paid or unpaid servant type of work for them?

You know what, I think its fair.

And even at that we do not start to rebalance this nation and the world to what it should be.

People like that don't tend to stay in jail for long.

But this is something that could be made to stick with them.

How long could they last if they had to do things for themselves like a man does?  It wouldn't take long would it.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Epstein had a staff of 70 people on his Little Saint James Island 01 06 2024

 So the island is privately owned but it is part of the United States VIRGIN Islands.,_U.S._Virgin_Islands

So I read today that someone stated that three 12 year old girls were brought to Epstein to have sex at once with.

But I remember the Morton Downey Junior show a long time ago.  He stated that when Castro landed in his helicopter or plane he had three children wearing leather hoods with zippers over their mouths.

And I also read once that the mob was attempting to establish their organized criminal activity in Texas, including prostitution, when Kennedy was killed.  And Kennedy hated the mob.

Something about Trumps great or great great Grandfather owning an inn in the Gold Rush Area.  And that Germany came after him for tax evasion.

Then you have Trump pulling up in the limo to the Miss Universe Contest and him telling Billy Bush he could do anything he wanted to those women.

At first I thought that I was going to find that Epstein Island (Little Saint James Island) was a British Domicile.  And that I was somehow going to make that as a connection to Prince Andrew.  But no.

So have those staff of 70 all been interviewed?

So the criminal mind watches a show like Fantasy Island and then creates something like this?

And I do wonder if American girls were prostituted to someone like Kim Jun Ill?  I have no doubt they have been to Putin? 

What does a bad mother say about her daughter when this is going on?  "She was going to get it anyway?"

The average American believes in hard work.  That if they work hard they will live the American dream.  Not when something like this siphons the money out of our Country.

Organized crime right there in front of everyone's eyes.

And one of the girls lured to work for Epstein was working at Trumps Mara Lago Estate.

It is just sick.  They are just sick.  They are making a mockery of our Democracy!  A mockery out of man.

I had to write it.  It just bothers me.  It is like a cancer that has woven its way through our Democracy.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

So with all of this sex, how many young girls did Epstein impregnate?  Will we ever know?  That bothers me too.  You want to know why?  I think those are people who will never have to work for a living.

And lets put two and two together with that sick Republican Agenda.  They hate abortion.  But look at what they are up to!  How many times a day do they have sex with different women?  They won't be a father to any of them.  There is something wrong with them.

I can readily see why people like this want to topple our Democracy!  Take as many tries as they can at doing so and then hope that one sticks so that they can just assume control?  You can't tell me that Trump wasn't looking for something like that to happen on January 6th.  And he brags about how he would act like a dictator if elected.  Bad to the bone!


With that staff of 70 going on, that is quite an operation or hub center.  I doubt we will ever know the connections made and the handshake deals made and the money laundered.  Talk about finance reform?  I mean, wealth redistribution is what would be fair. 


According to this link, the British Virgin Islands are 25.5 miles from the United States Virgin Islands.,-65.9321332,8z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x8c051065f2daacb9:0xf91d891d1bc51c05!2m2!1d-64.896335!2d18.335765!1m5!1m1!1s0x8c05739c2b6453cd:0x6da070eeb1ec3b3d!2m2!1d-64.639968!2d18.420695?entry=ttu

And I look at this map and ask, "What the h3ll is going on there.",-66.2946821,7z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x8c051065f2daacb9:0xf91d891d1bc51c05!2m2!1d-64.896335!2d18.335765!1m5!1m1!1s0x8c05739c2b6453cd:0x6da070eeb1ec3b3d!2m2!1d-64.639968!2d18.420695?entry=ttu

And misread the caption on the left there, "This route includes a ferry."

By Trump Condoning Jan 6th Rioters

 ..and saying they did nothing wrong, he is inciting more people to act that way.

They had no reason to go in there and obstruct Government and cause death.

All evidence I have heard is proof that it was him who rigged the election, and he still lost.

It works that he isn't really lying that the election was rigged, because he rigged it!  And he still lost.

And don't tell me that if he is on the 2024 ballot that he hasn't ironed out how to rig it better.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Taco Salad01 06 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Friday, January 5, 2024

On Immigration 01 05 2024

 I believe that the people who are behind them coming here like it that they are coming here because they do not speak our language.

Historical evidence suggests that when a country speaks multiple languages it fails.

And did you ever ask yourself how or why the land of the free became a threat to them?  It has to do with an action we started to take here a long time ago with regard to those who could not learn.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

On Constitutional Rights 01 05 2024

When the real reason you believe people in the United States should have less rights is because "you're" here?

And the complete lack of introspection in:

And what is true of you is not true of the rest of us.

And what is true of you should not be true of the rest of us.

And what is true of "you're" people will bring every one of us down.

And then gleefully labeling people as being mentally ill to make money, when you are the hidden cause of it.

Did you ever look at someone's actions, their manipulative behavior, their pathological lying and say to yourself, "In comparison to me that person was raised to be mean."

You should not have to be raised to be mean in order to be successful in the United States.  You should not have to attain that lesser standard of living in order to more successful.  Raised to be mean and then emotionally disturbed and touchy about everything.

And so indeed it sheds light on a troubled personality profile that walks among us.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Idea that you can come to the Land of the Free 01 05 2024

 And then at some point here tell us how things are going to be; which is contrary to our Constitution.

We are free here because of that Constitution.

The idea that you can come to this country and put everything about that Constitution to the test!

We allowed you into the land of the free.  And sure enough you then put our Constitution to the test.

The end result being to make our Country like the one that you came from; that you couldn't wait to get away from!  

The idea that there is something engrained in a person like that; whereby they are not compatible with living in human freedom.

Just some random thoughts about the problems we face today.  To blame them on the Constitution rather than the people who caused a problem which then will require action per our Constitution.

Then that infantile mind gets the idea that our Constitution (by our Government) does not require action; it instead requires to be changed.  Then the conclusion that somehow failed leadership assumed or was purchased into political office.  (Money in Politics)  Leadership that doesn't understand what leadership means.  That thinks it is the Divine Right of someone who by all accounts should not have graduated from High School.

Then to keep propagandizing the emotions of a position.  And again not justice regarding the person or persons who contradicted that Constitution and put it to the test.

Do you see what I see?

The comment that sums it might be, you need to have more of a soul than that to live here.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

A Republican Mantra Is 01 05 2024

 "It doesn't seem right that my work goes to benefit Americans as a whole."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Who Stole Their Brooms 01 05 2024

Who stole their brooms and what are they using them for?

So you can sometimes see how to videos from is it India or Pakistan?  And they are sitting bare footed in dirt with their legs crossed manufacturing "modern" items.

I think if Republicans had their way they would defeat all of our environmental, health and safety standards in the United States and make manufacturing operations degrade to that. I mean as politicians they get up there and say things like, we are going to drill drill drill for oil in this country and they feel really good when they say it!

And perhaps we should not be allowing immigrants into the United States who do not speak English.

I was looking at a map of WW1 and it stated the countries that went to war with one another didn't speak the same languages.  There is a nuance of meaning in it.

And awhile back there was like the largest petrochemical fire and explosion in one of those countries.  Through modern video sharing is it any wonder why it happened there.  How come not a single one of those third eyes had the conscience to prevent that from happening?

And I also believe that the Republican pro-life movement contributes to widespread illegitimacy.

So what did we do?  We made products and sold them to other countries.  We sold agricultural products to other countries until their populations dwarfed us and our rivers and stream filled up with agricultural runoff.

And then globalists had those products made in foreign countries in order to save money.  And what happened?  Those barefoot dirt factory floor foreign countries "CAPTURED" those industries.

And today in the United States we have worship the Downs Syndrome child of the mega wealthy alcoholics as our new politically correct standard.

Got to wrap it up, I see more "natives" circling against me.

"Sorry", say's the decadent spoiled drunken wife, "I was riding your broom today."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy


You look at that new Russian made Car 01 05 2023

 And you think to yourself, to me, it looks like they had to have copied everything that we do over here in the United States; and to the extent that we didn't get a detail right neither did they.

You look at that car and say, they haven't been able to improve on anything.

Which brings me to my next point, how can they have gone into space without stealing our space related scientific research?  I come to the conclusion that they had to have absolutely everything that we do on their desks in paper form, like the day that we did it.

So were their spies in NASA that gave them our space technology?  I haven't done the research, but I believe it has to be true.  I think it has to be true.


I talked with a black owner of a restaurant once, and he defined Communism as one mind for all.  Said he hated that.

I would assert that schizophrenia, schizo means split and phrenic means mind, is indeed one split mind for all.

So are there any NASA scientists who were diagnosed with Schizophrenia?  Where those who benefited from that split scientific mind Russian spies?

We know that one of the greatest mathematicians in history, John Nash, had the affliction that was truly labeled to mean "split mind."

What am I saying?  I am saying if even one NASA scientist had that affliction, then those secrets were taken directly from that United States mind.  And could it happen without the person having symptoms of the affliction?  Perhaps.


So it looks like you have had those foreign powers talking to each other, China, Russia and North Korea, etc.  And how are they acting?  They are acting like there is absolutely no way that they can lose a War with the United States.  What they never imagined is that the United States is not about to let the human race be ruled by that; no matter what.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Unfair Competition 1 4 2024

What does it really mean when you are competing unfairly?

It means you know you are not the best.

And when your customers learn of it they then know you are not the best.

Why should I give my money to that which isn't the best?

Shouldn't I at least get a reputable and legitimately made product for my money?

Will unfair competitors be around in the future concerning my product?

If they didn't compete fairly with my pier group how do they really view me as being a customer of theirs?  Someone to cheat that is also being cheated.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Why Militarily Support Countries

Why should the United States militarily support countries that have strict gun control?

They get in trouble and all of a sudden they need war aid?  And Americans should foot that billion dollar bill with our wallets?

That is their error in leadership not ours.  They trusted leaders that had no trust in them.

And only allow immigrants in that we know we can trust.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Religious Humor 01 02 2024

 "Saint Peter I have no more teeth; all I have is these stubs."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Reaganomics 1 02 2024

"Where does the actor find happiness in life if not in deceit?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, January 1, 2024

Chocolate Covered Peanuts 1 1 2024


I felt a little sad as I took this photo.  There are probably some minors out there who would see it and look to their father and say, "All we got is this beer sh1t."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Dinner 1 1 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Murphy