The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, January 20, 2024

What if the 13th Amendment 1 20 2024

What if the 13th Amendment prevented a woman from receiving money for the sale of her baby?

Women would have to make better choices in life?

It would help solidify a woman's right to have an abortion.

The legal crux being, selling a person for money (consideration) is selling a person, which amounts to slavery?  You can't sell people.  Because it implies a form of ownership and trade.

So why do I write this?  I don't like how Republicans are pro life but then don't really give a hoot what happens to that person throughout their life.  In fact they work against it.

It is more of an expression of fear they have with regard to their own worthiness?  As in "it could have happened with pro choice that I might not be around.". And it stops right there.  They don't think to say how can we make the lives of the adopted better?  How can we hold families together?  How can we ensure a child has a mother and a father?  How can we ensure families can feed their children?  How can we ensure girls are not sex trafficked to an island?  How can we ensure fathers and mothers are not abusive alcoholics?  Etc.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

How can we ensure that Corporate America represents legitimacy?

Instead of saying how can we make life easier for those wanting to start a family they think, how can I configure a family into being from this and that?  Like hiring an interior decorator?  Send those nums to Ireland to steal babies?  Then when you find there is a market for them take their potato's give them fungus ones and boat them all in to the U.S.?

Doesn't matter what is wrong we with that babies brain if you steal soul for them, then label the victim of it a schizophrenic.  Live er very day of your life in a maniacal thieving state of"hee,hee,hee."

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