The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The Leader is God 04 03 2024

 So in the previous article today I started to bring something out with regard to the true purpose of freedom of religion.  And I got to one aspect of it pretty good.

But as to the purpose of freedom of religion.

What does fascism or dictatorship, or emperors or Kings amount to?  It amounts to The Leader is God!

Now I could say that you would have to be a very weak minded person to praise someone to that level.  Because what does it say about in you in comparison.

But the purpose of freedom of religion isn't so that you ...

Freedom of Religion is there so that you have the right to contest the leader being a god.  So that you don't end up being a subject.  So that you don't end up being ostracized and poor because you didn't believe the leader is God.  So that you can say the leader isn't god without the fear of going to jail because the leader didn't like that you said that or anything else true about him or her.  So that you are not subject to the idea that only God talks to Kings and Priests and hence they are the ministers of God and Government.  So that you don't have a mean person in power who wants to see that no one educated and responsible can contest their fickleness.  I could just say Divine Right is what the Founding Fathers hated.

You should not be forced to believe in God over yourself.  Because once they have gotten you to believe in something over your own rights and right to be they have opened the doorway to you being a subject and managed like one.  And if you are a lantern jawed freak you probably think that is the greatest thing in the world.  So there is an element of excluding that occurrence in our Constitution?

If you believe that the leader is God what rights do you or anyone else have?  What rights do you need if you believe the leader is God?  It is an idea that men abhor but Republicans and top tier Democrats love?  The idea that the individual American is no longer a responsible man?

And here is a second aspect of this.  That has creeped into religion.  Just consider Jesus Christ your savior and not think to much about whether you are being a criminal or thinking and acting like one?

Sure that is part of it.  But it is more like this.  What rights do you as an individual need if you believe Jesus Christ is your savior?

So someone like me goes to Catholic School and it fosters individuality.  Someone like a Republican goes to Christian or perhaps Catholic School and they come out of there believing they don't have to be a man, an individual, someone who thinks for themselve, someone who asks questions because they have a sense of self, they believe that believing in a leader as God is all they need to get them through life.  That and a bottle of whiskey.  The alcohol to suppress the horror of the truth they live in?  To bring their life down to the level of intoxication and brain deprivation of oxygen.  And do you want to know the truth?  Their is no other way that they can please the demons that fostered and created them to be that way.

That freedom of religion is there to foster individuality; I would assert it is their to foster a nation of men!  They don't want you to look at that King or President and say "Oh boy is he handsome.  He sure is the genus of the species.  He sure talks tough.  He'll be the one to take care of me."

They wanted you to believe in yourself.  They didn't want you to persecute those who believe in themself.  

And all of this writing in this article and I know that I still haven't been able to get to the main point of it.  It is something that would have only taken three sentences.  But I can't remember what they were.

I will try it with this.

Your belief in religion is meant to foster your individuality and responsibility.  That is what they believed was worth fighting for; it is a definition of freedom, to be.  To be, means to be an individual.  For if you are part of a group you are not a true one, not a true individual deserving of rights?

Jesus was one man who spoke out against tyranny.   Hence a brave individual.  Now do you just say to yourself he is my savior?  Or do you say to yourself, that is the way to be?  Do you say to yourself I don't like to be like anything, because somebody already is or was that something?  How depressing is someone like you to be around?  No belief in yourself.  And if you don't believe in yourself do you really believe in people?  No.

And perhaps there have been people birthed that are so flawed that they can never believe in themselves!  Bingo.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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