The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, April 28, 2024

I believe that a propagandized falsehood is that desire determines sexuality 04 28 2024

 So is it part of a series of falsehoods that are of the same vein?  The belief that your personal desire determines what you are?

Okay lets say that it is part of a series of falsehoods.  Then ask ourselves where it originated from?  It originated by the desire of rich people preventing those who should and could be rich from becoming rich?  The desire of rich people to limit upward mobility? 

What am I getting at?  If a rich person can have the power to determine that someone with ability be denied the use and prosperity of that ability then that rich person is also going to be of the delusion that whatever personal desire they have concerning themselves is what they are?

If a male desires to have sex with a heterosexual male does that determine that he is a homosexual?  I don't believe that is a fair statement to the public, I think it is more along the lines of part of a propagandized falsehood?  I think it is something worse than an either apparent black and white issue.  That homosexuals desire to have sex with a heterosexual male in my legalese talk is a criminal desire.  Does having a criminal desire make one a criminal?  No.  But perhaps the way that this is all framed as textbook stuff is not legitimate?  It is more or less contrived?

So I read in either Scientific American or Smithsonian that the troupe that came up from the South during the Civil War and had a seance with Lincoln, that they had an electric device that could make it sound like there were sounds coming remotely from the room?  To spook the President and discredit him so that they could continue to drink like fish, act in the theater and profit handsomely by having slaves they beat?  What does this have to do with this article?  Bear with me here.  So back to the idea that some of the stuff in the textbooks isn't legitimate.  You had medical Doctors.  Then came along academic Doctors.  But what fell in between there?  Doctors of the human mind?  Psychiatrists?  Those who treat those who have been spooked out?  In other words if you had like a British think tank working to destroy our Democracy based on freedom you would have to expand the idea of Doctors and legitimize it?  So that you could give mind altering drugs to people?  Because you had the desire that they not be what they should and could be in life!  Really mean spirited!  But the slave owner by all accounts was mean spirited.

A little bit more here.

So I was President of a College Finance Club called the Financiers of UWM.  We had an investment speaker talk.  And I believe I talked to him afterwards and he told me that in the investment business, Perception is reality.

Okay,  I don't want to get into the context or intent of what he meant by it.  Perhaps he meant if you can sell you can sell.

But I just thought of it this way,  perception is reality, if you can get people to perceive that you are not stealing their money when you are stealing their money that is reality to everyone?  The reality of money is that if you don't have any you don't eat and die of exposure from being homeless?

I suppose one moral I could make here is that only physical medical Doctors should have the label of Doctor?

And perhaps children should not be being told, whatever they desire their sexuality is is what their sexuality is?

I don't find the idea forward?  I don't find the idea progressive?  We learned in school that perhaps in our evolution we came from asexual genetics?  But there was differentiation of the sexes and that lead to us being as great as we are today?  Okay, I like these last two sentences and they are part of my belief system.  I find to the contrary of them to be backward thinking?  And don't get me wrong, I like most people.  But I am getting at the idea that you have the right to determine that someone not be what they were meant to be?  That you have the right to steal a soul of someone because it is part of your reward system which is consistent with your desire determining what you are?

If you desire that you are smarter than everyone else does that make you smarter than everyone else?  Perhaps if you are manipulative enough that perception becomes a sticking lie taken as reality?  Didn't we have a President like that?  And I am getting at the spoiled will.

If you desire to be a Professional Athlete and don't make it, does your desire still mean you are one?  What would you say in your defense?  That Professional Sports is only entertainment?  It is seen in the modern in home theater called, the television?

If I desire to be funny and I am not, I can get on television and crack jokes for one hour.  And I can hit an electronic button that generates false laughter after I tell a bad joke?  And what is that?  Propagandizes I am a better comedian or entertainer than I really am? 

Someone that creates negative expectations in you is also propagandizing a falsehood with regard to their own desire?  Not a bad element of logic to have as a construct. 

So lets say that a child has a criminal desire.  Let's say that their parent supports that criminal desire?  What commentary can be made of it?   A projection of self pity by the parent?  And is how far a parent is willing to go in order to lie for their child a sign of how much they love them?  No, I would say that is more along the lines of parental incompetence! "Oh but that parent is a great executor at a Corporation?"  And here is a lie about right of pass-hood to adulthood in modern capitalism?  That in order to become successful you abandoned parenting your own children?  Some thought along the lines of, if you can't do both, and the first one should be the easy one for you to do, it means  you illegitimacy leapfrogged some of us?

 I bet you never read thoughts like this before!

Copyright 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

If an Imperialists Devil were alive today it would say, "Don't let them have any money because it will allow them to believe that they are what they should be!"

And hence we get into control of the Money supply?  And any United States President who attempted to dismantle the Federal Reserve System was assassinated?  Lincoln, Kennedy...

What does having money allow you to believe about yourself that isn't true?  If it is all just entertainment...what is entertaining to a bad person?

I'll leave this diatribe at that.

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