The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, July 26, 2019

Amoral Knuckleheaded Retards 07 26 2019

Amoral Knuckleheaded Retards 07 26 2019

Is it wrong to abort a baby? When you and your wife responsibly conceive a normal child it is you amoral knuckleheaded retard!

Where do those surplus children that the pro life movement say we must have end up? How many Orphanages (type settings foster care included) sell orphans for sex (Statutory Rape based Prostitution?) How come your local newsprint PAPER doesn't use accurate and meaningful terminology like that? You would think the tree huggers would be all over the issue?

Are there wardens that sell prisoners for sex?

You would think there would be a better and more damning name for it than Pimp? How come Webster couldn't create one? How come English Academia wasn't up to the task?

Sexual Enslavement?

You amoral knuckelheaded retard!

How many United States lives were lost in the War that outlawed it?
You amoral knuckelheaded retard; how come you can never figure that out?

Now here is a racist comment.

You know the worst thing about it? The black people we saved from slavery by bravely going to war and dying for them in the Civil War are the ones most likely to not want to believe sexual slavery is slavery?

Can't get more irony than that!

Shameful! Shameful! Shameful!

The Italians Americans we saved from Mussolini same exact shameful ones!

Do I get the respect and credit this Patriarchal writing deserves? No! Instead I get shifty eyed retard queers glaring at me in a nervous castration anxiety tiff where ever I go!

They're pathetic, and over time they did not grow and morally develop to not be that way like everyone said that they would, like everyone who is in charge of propaganda say's that everyone always will.

When the very people you freed from Slavery are Pro Slavery?

Ask yourself what the next Government Policy should be regarding someone like that?

Seriously, ask yourself that.

Do me a favor, the next time you start sipping your Tennessee Whiskey I want you to completely forget that I exist. You know nothing about me. Nothing about what I believe in. Nothing about where I write it. Nothing about where I am going to be.

Just go on about your day and life about walking into walls and banging your head.

DT would say that this is antisemitic? And you know what's worse about that, they (all of the above) are probably on a six figure plus government tab.

How many times has he contradicted himself? How many times has he gleefully scorned Americans after they have acted like him in one way? What an odd bird hypocrite he is! Sickening!
His fickle schizemed (sp?)brain is the exact thing that isn't GREAT about the United States.

Do you know why there are not proper spellings for that word about? Because they never want you to use the word in proper context!

His internal reward system for speaking frankly is to then condemn everyone who follows his example.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

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