The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, September 12, 2022

Wait a minute, dichotomy 09 12 2022

 Wait a minute, dichotomy 09 12 2022

So someone can be released into the general population after being convicted of a felony, but they are then not allowed to have a gun.  Presumably because they are potentially dangerous? 

"But wait a minute!  Where is the dichotomy?  I don't see any dichotomy?"

So someone that is legally deemed to be unfit to own a firearm is free to have all the children in the world that they want to?

Someone convicted of a felony can't own a firearm but they are free to go ahead and spawn all the children they want to?

Okay?  You want me to explain something like that?  You want me to articulate that?  I can't right now because I am laughing at the dichotomy!

As if they are a good enough man to sire children but not a good enough man to have their right to own a gun?

Do you see how those Constitutional violations shape our country to be something it wasn't meat to be? 

I would say that if you are legitimately deemed unfit to own a firearm then you should not be having children and you should not be among the general population.

Again the way it is now it detracts from our country!  It is like a band-aide fix on a broken crane arm?  It is contriving a will and a way that is not to the level of our Constitution!

© 2022 Thomas Murphy 

In fact Republicans are getting their way that we have to keep and praise all of those children from what could be the above scenario?  The felon or equivalent going on a wild oats willy nilly sire spree?

I am not that much of a g/d hillbilly to be a Republican!

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