The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, September 26, 2022

About Guns in 9 26 2022

 Let's say that opiates were legal.  And you had opiate dens everywhere.

Could you have the legal right to own a gun in that scenario?  I don't think it could work without gun control.

See where I am going with this?

There would be conflicts with the opiate users.  Because they represented something different.  And those conflicts could result in violence.

And in a situation like that the scales of justice can't be thought to be applied equally.  The benefit of the doubt with a conflict should go to the non opiate users.

And here is our problem. Some neighborhoods are the equivalent of the above already.  And again the legal benefit of the doubt is not going to the "clean."

And I will also assert both alcohol, drugs and tobacco are a threat to our Democracy for the same reason.

You have people in altared states of consciousness, self induced, that can and should be labeled delusional states of conscience.

The drunk yelling at the kids soccer ref.  Should you be able to hear the drunk yelling at the pitcher on televised baseball.  The only way you can really prevent that is to sell less alcohol at the events but that isn't how the business works and profits is it.


The education problem.  People growing up in bad neighborhoods and believing in the power of education and having the ability to teach that belief to younger generations?  Does it truthfully happen.


So you attempt to balance out the value of education versus the value of developed athletic talent...

And then you read a Superbowl winning QB is implicated in a scheme to use a states pooled Social Security money for personal business purpose.

And the hope nobody knows.  And they hope nobody knows what it means.  And they hope they can graft that lie onto the court.  And they hope that delay and giving the issue a very long time before facing justice makes the severity of it down to nothing.

"If I didn't believe the crime was a big deal neither should the justice system.". And those of that belief system are winning.

And you hear them say that a woman should be forced to keep a pregnancy from rape or incest and you ask yourself, "Who in the h3ll is he trying to make friends with?"

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

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